one I honestly find the lack of any form of romance disappointing from my perspective cuz I always like at least some in stories I read and two you should definitely put a gender-bent swap in your tags cuz that threw me for a loop when that happened
"Hey pervert, Angel Bluebell here! You, yes you, the viewer that is reading this story! Sorry to break the fourth wall on you out of the blue like this. But I know what you're most likely thinking, and no, stop fantasizing about me, it is quite weird, you pervert! What...?! Oh, you didn't think I could break the fourth wall did you? Let me just tell you that several other magical girls have the ability to do this. And with regards to the magical girls who can? Well, I can think of three right off the bat, and they are all very well known I might add. And also, just to spoil you viewers with a little foreshadowing, all three of them just so happen to be in this fanfic. *giggles* And one of them literally broke the fourth wall in almost every episode. So might see a lot of fourth wall breaking in this fanfic, and I do mean a lot. So if you are going to go and say that it is immersion breaking to the story. Just remember that one of the magical girls that is featured in this fanfic, did this in almost every intro of the episodes she was in. She was the main character after all. And I am very much looking forward to working with her later on in this fanfic. So don't even think for a second that this is immersion breaking, because it's not. And with regards to what some of you may think, that one of them is a ripoff of another, I am going to tell you right now that that simply isn't true. Everything being done from this fourth wall break onward, is to help prove a point. That no matter what similarities one anime character has to another, they are still very much different. And that is something that I have noticed has been going on since both of these two female characters have existed. This story, should hopefully, and finally, put that all to bed once and for all. Also, I have no interest for a love interest for those perverts who are still fantasizing about me, and I am not planning on having one anytime soon. It is far better this way. *smiles* Anyway, back to the story."
Anime & Comics · zachycards
both of them walked? only one of them walked the other one wield himself in LOL
"Well I'm sure the Shadow will keep that in mind" Gwen responded with amusement, as the two of them walked back into the mansion, done with the rather short meeting.
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
idea for said Robot Butler make it look like a T800 Terminator full skeleton mode with it by the way wears a suit and a bowler hat sounds like Batman the Animated Series Alfred and have it have the same name and even the same general personality sophisticated good at his job but it comes time to kick some ass he does so
"Why the fuck not!? I have a whole fuck ton of Eridian engineering knowledge crammed in my head and a power core that is typically made for Eridian seraphs, it's like fate itself WANTS me to make a badass robotic butler!" I preach excitedly.
Video Games · loskro
"Yeah… there's a lot of dark aura, alright. But I don't see anything suspicious yet."
Fantasy · Sanjay_K_L
"they" exactly "they" made a choice their son did not their son is being blackmailed into doing this he is a victim
'You got off quite lightly in the original story, let's see if you do in this one as well after you lose your usefulness!'
Anime & Comics · Sokk3
Asura from the Asura's Wrath game
The cracking seems to originate from the pit as the dust begins to settle slowly but a humanoid outline is seen. The cracking continues as 4 squelching noises are heard and 4 'tendrils' shoot out from the figure's body. The tendrils form into a set of 2 arms not including the original set of arms that the figure had. One set is just behind the original, as if a continuation of the shoulders with the 2nd set being closer to the ribs yet still merging into the first set and original. It creates a symmetrical but also slightly cluttered image of arms.
Anime & Comics · Xanok_Malakai
At his current level, he had no chance of winning against Larry. So he left. But as he walked away, a strange thrill lingered beneath his shaken expression. His pale face, still recovering from the shock, was now slightly flushed. His pulse quickened—not from fear this time, but from something else entirely. Anticipation. Excitement. Hisoka's body trembled again. Not out of terror, but out of eagerness. No matter how far ahead Larry was right now, Hisoka would catch up one day. He would train, he would grow, and one day, he would fight Larry properly. That thought alone sent a rush through his veins.
Anime & Comics · InevitableWriter
Among the crowd, he spotted a woman wearing sunglasses despite being in a dimly lit underground tunnel, a martial artist in his fifties still chasing his dream, and a strange-looking man with needles sticking out of his head. The last one caught his attention—Illumi Zoldyck. His entire presence was unsettling. His face was void of emotion, and the eerie clicking sounds from his movements made him seem like a wind-up doll straight out of a horror story.
Anime & Comics · InevitableWriter
I thought it would have been cool if he got the hisuyan variant I honestly like it better than the original
Species: Arcanine
Anime & Comics · InevitableWriter
I don't mind 4th wall breaks but they're popping up almost every other paragraph I'm starting to go cross-eyed
"Great, so we both overslept...wait...why do I feel like she isn't the only one who has done something like this?…And why do I get the feeling that it has to do with someone else that I know a bit about...and a well known magical girl at that?...Well…she does have quite the sterling reputation...okay...I need to think about this at a later date, because I have to try and see if we can salvage being an hour late to school...oh who am I kidding...I'm not Casey Jones!…Or The Wreck Of Old 97!...Or The Wreck Of The Midnight Flyer!...Or The Naperville Train Collision!...Or The Wreck Of The Red Arrow!...Or The Wreck Of The Broker!...Or The Federal Express Runaway Incident!...Or The Wreck Of The Sunset Limited!...Or The 1943 Frankford Junction Wreck!...Or The Lac-Mégantic Train Disaster!...Or The 1990 Back Bay Train Collision!...But viewers, I think that that is enough about all of and Momoko still have to at least try and salvage this...Oh and by the way viewers, those were all real rail accidents that I just mentioned," I thought to myself, as my expression showed one of slight displeasure, as I then thought of and slowly remembered eleven of the most notorious old railroad accidents of bygone days. While I briefly turned my eyesight the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.
Going In Completely Blind
Anime & Comics · zachycards