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2020-06-04 Joint Spain

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Replied to Morg535

I think it's from "god of highschool", one of the protagonists has it, the one in the right, I might be wrong 'cause I watched the anime but never learned the names


Each martial form was composed of a string of movements designed to teach practitioners about the various different aspects of fighting, while training the mind and body. One would start off at a snail's pace paying a painful level of attention to the details of each motion building a strong foundation until the entire form was ingrained into the body and could be performed in one's sleep. Then the practitioner would increase their speed keeping the same level of flawless movement adding power behind the technique. 

MHA Paragon

MHA Paragon

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn



Jiki sent a straight palm strike that caved his pointed nose inwards and arrested the begrudging cry of pain in its cradle. A simultaneous cupped slap to his ears destroyed his eardrums as well as his sense of balance. Leaving the man a confused warbling mess of pain and tears.

Cursed Eyes (Itachi in JJk)

Cursed Eyes (Itachi in JJk)

Anime & Comics · FreddySZN

Replied to DaoOfCookies

This si Tarzan 1999, the best animated movie, for me

"I… have to go change-… Uh, I mean…" Catwoman stuttered for an excuse. "Heist. Yes, heist. Nothing else, less or more. Just something completely normal and completely unrelated to how sticky this costume now is."

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


I think there's a fic call that, or at least very similar

"You say that but you seem to be an even bigger Otaku than I am Takumi-kun. Who knows how much time you spent perfecting your gaming skills for the occasion? Maybe I should call you the Gamer Dragon Emperor?" Rias smirked at me as I snickered and patted her head, making her look away from me. 

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck



While both girls got ready, Dune used a [dragon dance], dancing elegantly. He felt a boost in his attack and speed, like if something primal became strong within himself. 

Pokemon: Radiant Harem

Pokemon: Radiant Harem

Video Games · GhostGirlLover68

Replied to Knight7863


2.All characters have been aged up to 18, but i won't be writing with characters who are explicitly designed as underaged, like Roxanne, i may be a creep but not a weirdo, or maybe i am both? idk, idc

Pokemon: Radiant Harem

Pokemon: Radiant Harem

Video Games · GhostGirlLover68



(Importnant announcement, it seems i've greatly overestimated my capabilities, between my personal life, trying to Nuzlocke Hardcore Pokemon Radical Red, i couldn't write shit, i wanted to make a good balance between [SEX] and actual story, but i don't have time to write both, and since this was originally a personal fic for just myself, i've decided to say fuck it, this is now a 90% smut story, with some events here and there, i deeply apologize, but thats how it is]

Pokemon: Radiant Harem

Pokemon: Radiant Harem

Video Games · GhostGirlLover68


And thus Naruse Mio was born

Of course, the first thing he did when he managed to possess someone was have sex with some woman and somehow, have the stars align and impregnate her.

Beyond Critical (Multi-Cross DxD, Rosario Vampire, Ikki Tousen, More)

Beyond Critical (Multi-Cross DxD, Rosario Vampire, Ikki Tousen, More)

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

Replied to I_am_truck_kun

Lucifer is Helel, he was named Helel but when he betrayed heaven and fell he became Lucifer, I think

Helel, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael. My five Archangels. My eyes trailed beyond them, to the six others standing behind them. Remiel, Sariel, Azazel, Raguel, Azrael, Baraqiel.

Let There Be Light (DxD Biblical God!SI)

Let There Be Light (DxD Biblical God!SI)

Anime & Comics · Kakukami

Replied to Tyler_Henline_7485

Not incurable but a lethal disease nonetheless

Now, outside of my boring life, let's talk about the zombie virus. The virus I made wasn't like the T-Virus, but it got the job done. They were like zombies from World War Z. Epic, right? Yeah, I thought it was cool as well. Now the question is, how did I find myself in a situation where I was bleeding out on the ground?

He, The One

He, The One

Anime & Comics · outsidr


I, personally, think Haikyuu!! has a good ending

"Not like Japanese authors know how to make endings anyway.", Greg said sarcastically.

Level Up in Highschool of the Dead

Level Up in Highschool of the Dead

Anime & Comics · KanmuruZ



"I greet the family of my Armored and wish to offer my salutations."

The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234

Replied to BoNe_of_mY_SwORd

... I didn't need to see that

"Bulshit! You mean that chest is natural!" Misaki slammed her hand on the table.

DxD: ReKiba

DxD: ReKiba

Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda


The people who watched the movie "life"be like: gasp! 😮

They observe Mars through telescopes here and receive data and samples from Mars probes.

Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

Spider-Verse: Another Spider-Man

Anime & Comics · Baph0met


Man. . . you're making me wish memory defrag was still working on and going good, a shame

As if enlightened, the fencer suddenly leaned close to the ground before dashing towards the << Forest Elf Hallowed Knight >>. Her rapier glowed cyan, and Drifter recognized the skill << Folium >>, one which he had rarely seen Asuna use due to its weird starting stance. The skill started as an upwards slashing motion beginning from the lower left hip, then making a loop when it reached its apex, and transitioning to a downwards slash to the right.

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Shattered: A SAO Tale (Sword Art Online)

Anime & Comics · Reis123

Replied to Geo_Ruler


-Then there are the unlucky ones. Those who are born of parents of great power and inherited nothing. A perfect example that would counteract Raze Darkholme's existence would be his half-brother Graydon Creed. You'd think that the guy would have similar powers since Sabertooth isn't that much different from Wolverine, but he received nada.-

DC/Young Justice: Colors

DC/Young Justice: Colors

Anime & Comics · Geo_Ruler

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