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39.2% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 45: Damsel in Distress

Chapitre 45: Damsel in Distress

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Word Count 2500


After dealing with Sona I didn't actually teleport anywhere long distance. I just warped to another part of Kuoh. Asia still needed to get some supplies

I heard someone yell out in distress

Usually, I wouldn't give a damn. But Asia also heard it and was looking at me with her puppy eyes

Damn Meredith for teaching Asia this

"Sigh. Fine. But if it isn't anyone I know I'm not interfering"

Asia nodded" I expected as much"

I pass Asia a dagger "Here just put magic into this and it will take you to the rest"

Asia takes the dagger and smiles "Thank you and good luck"

I nod to Asia and disappear using my speed


Ayuzawa Misaki Pov

"Why the hell am I getting assaulted by these creeps? I mean I took up Kendo just in case something like this happened. But I never thought it would really happen. Kuoh is supposed to be a safe town.

So why there hell are there a dozen thugs dressed in leather attacking me

"Wow. Look at this cutie~" One of them licked his lips. What a creep

"She will definitely fetch a high price. After we have had our fun with her"

Price? Fun?

They are kidnappers. They plan to rape me and sell me afterward

"Like HELL!" I bring out my Shinai (Bamboo Sword). I wish I had a real one.

"Come at me you bastards!" I'll kill as many as I can if they catch me I'll bite my tongue and commit suicide. I will not be a plaything!

"Wow she has some spunk" One of the thugs chuckled as he brought out some rope that glowed purple.

What the?

"Dont forget the magic suppression cuffs. The last bitch turned out to be a newbie magician. She hid the little magic she could do and used it to escape later on."

Magic? Are these guys for real. I get my Shinai ready. Go for the eyes and throat. Get as many as you can


All of us turned to the footsteps coming from the ally.

"A dozen grown men attacking a high-scholl girl. You are a disgrace to men around the world" Out of the shadows came out a handsome young man with blond hair and red eyes.

"Kiba-kun?" What is he doing here

~ Saving Misaki

"Kiba-kun?" I turn to the girl.

Misaki from the Kendo Club?

Right, this just got a little personal. I was planning on taking her out on a date and sleeping with her before I left Kuoh.

"Who the hell are you" One of the thugs pointed his knife at me

"Get lost, pretty boy"

"No wait. We can sell him too."

"Lucky~! Two for one night!"

I stood there looking at the Thugs while they were sprouting bullshit. I could feel some magic coming from their items. Supernatural kidnapers then.

I heard about thugs like these. They mostly sells slaves to the Devils. Not as members of the peerage. But as maids or just sex slaves. And its not exclusive to Devils as well. Other faction buy from them.

They form Guild's. And these morons are wearing their mark on their clothes. A coffin with a creepy smily face and a bone arm.

Laughing Coffin huh.

Well I'm demolishing the Guild later. I'm that petty.

I could see Misaki starting to panic. I wonder what she is thinking about.

Telephaty Magic

I use subtle magic to look into her mind

[What is he doing here. No I can't let him get hurt because of me. Kiba is strong but he doesn't have a sword on him]

"GET HIM!" The leader ordered and all of the thugs rushed me except two that stuck near Misaki. Each thug pointed his weapon at me.

I did nothing and just let them come near me. They won't be able to scratch me anyway.

[KIBA] "NOOO!!!" I heard Misaki screams out.

I sense power erupting from her.

No freaking way..

Her Shinai started to glow in its place was a normal Katana. If i could desire bit. It would be mostly white. Frankly it reminds me of Zoro's Wado Ichimonji except even the blade is white.

Misaki was stunned at the scene. But she quickly focused and cut down the two grunts in front of her who were distracted by her sacred gear awakening. She actualy cut right through them. And I'm sure I sencesd an air blade coming from the sword. Even if it was just an outline of it.

"The bitch has a Sacred Gear!"

"Get the pretty boy as a hostage!"

One of them swung his sword at me. I just raised my hand and caught it with my thumb and index finger.

Making everybody freeze including Misaki

"Well thats enough playing around."


I snap the tip of the blade and threw it. The shard pierced through the heads of two thugs.


"Run awa-" I use my speed to appear behind one of them as he started to turn to run away

"Where do you think you are going"


I stab my hand in his chest and rip his heart out. "Here you go" I raise his hands and give him his heart.

Hmmm. When did i becme so sadistic?

Meh. These scum deserve it. I garb this one's sword as I watched them run away.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

I kept breaking apart the blade into Inch sized pieces.

" You brought this upon yourselves" I threw the pieces and each one hit the thugs in the head. Killing them all.

Misaki looked at me with a pale face

"Kiba.. What are you.."

Well its natural that she is shocked.

"I'll tell you all about it over a drink. Come on you need to calm down. There is a cafe bar not too far from here. And I remember promising you a date. Guess I'll fulfill that promise now" I stood a little further away from her so I don't scare her.

"Date?..Coffee.. Yeah. Coffee sounds good" she mumbled as she pulled herself together. Guess making her recall my previous interactions with her made her calm down

"Ummm" Misaki looked at her sword then at me

"This sword is a part of you now. You can will it to appear and disappear" Misaki closed her eyes and soon enough her Katana disappeared.

But where the fuck did her Shinai go?

"Can we hurry up. I'm losing my mind over here. And I have loads of questions"

~ Cafe Bar

Misaki just got back from a Memory Sword trip.

"That's.. a lot..."

"Mhhmm" I just hum to that.

" Angel's. Devil's. God's. Terrorists who just want chaos. As for humans. Crazy Church members. Stuck up traditional Onmyoji and the Xenophobic Hero Group. AHHRRRR" Misaki scratched her head

"What am I supposed to do? And there are dozens of Devil's in my school. Who would have thought that the Student Council and Occult Research Club are all devils? Though that finally explains Rias and Aekno's ridiculous figure."

"I don't know about Rias. But Akeno gets her figure from her mother who was a human"

"Bulshit! You mean that chest is natural!" Misaki slammed her hand on the table.

She is taking this well. In her own strange way.

Misaki held her head with one hand as she stared at me "You knew all the options when you showed me this. There is a chance this is all just some bullshit you made up but you don't seem like the type. I also don't want to lose my humanity. So tell me. What are my best Options?"

Well it will be interesting to see what she chooses

"Currently your choices are limited. You are in Japan in a city filled with devils. If the sense you have a Sacred Gear they will approach you. Now Sona and Rias might not forcefully invite you to their peerages. But that doesn't stop other devils who will definitely get the news from them. Rias and Sona have trouble with spies entering their territory

The Onmyoji despise anything Christian and hate Sacred Gears so they are out too. The Yokai Factions dislike humans so that option will just get you killed right away.

And just like that, your options in Japan disappeared.

One of your best option to join Grigori as a contractor. They have teams with Humans with Sacred Gears. Well paid but of course, it comes with its own dangers"

"Then you can try and enter one of the Special associations. As far as I have seen you don't have a lot of talent for magic. So Magic associations like Golden Dawn and Grauzauberer aren't for you. But there are groups who train people to fight. So instead of Magic they teach Martial Arts"

Misaki looked like she wanted to bang her head on the table

"And then there is me. I'm gathering a team of Talented Individuals. Now you haven't shown much power or talent. But I do know you, and I like your character so I am willing to give you an invitation"

"What will this team do?"

Ohh so she does trust me somewhat.

"Check for yourself" I give her another Memory Sword. It takes her a minute to come back

"Are you for real? You gathered all those people. Most are from different races. Just so you can tour the world without worry?" She looked shocked at that

"People with power are always targeted. Doesn't matter if you have a little or a lot. If you have any power whatsoever. You are a target to someone. I would rather know that someone has my back when I am out traveling. I want to do whatever the hell I want. "

Misaki looked thoughtful on that

"So what's your choice Misaki? Chose carefully. I will respect your choice and even help you make contact to the group you want. But take your family into consideration"

She smirked. But it was one of those self-desperation smirks

"I have no family. My parents died when I was young. I currently live with relatives who don't exactly like me. I'm working part-time to save enough money so I can leave as soon as I finish school. I picked up Kendo as a way to defend myself. A lot of good that did tonight. If you didn't show up, and if my gear didn't awaken. I doubt I would have survived" She looked down on her coffee cup

"Hey Kib.. Isaiah. Do you have the funds to take care of a group that large? I mean now that I know what the real world is like I realize I desperately need to get stronger. But I would like to go back to school someday and get a degree in something. Can you support that big of a group?" She asked seriously

"Yep~ I got it covered. I got paid a lot for sparing someone's life. And if we ever get low on funds I can just steal some from Kidnapping and Slave organizations like those from tonight. Which reminds me. I need to go and rob the people who attacked us."

Misaki looked at me with a dumbfounded expression "You are going to rob them?"

" Yep~ more funds so me and my team can have fun" I say cheerfully.

Misaki looks at me blankly before she starts to laugh.



She is still laughing


"Ohh. I haven't had a good laugh like that in a long time. I don't think I have ever seen anyone say that they are going to rob an organization with a bright smile on their face.

Sure I'll join you. Just don't expect me to go killing innocent. Scumbags like tonight I will gladly kill. Less garbage in the world and more people would be safe"

I give her my hand " Then welcome aboard Misaki"

She grabs it "Please take care of me from now on"

( A/N This was the phrase right? Like both in romantic and business sense)

Misaki had an unknown Low-Level Sacred Gear.A simple sword that is capable of throwing air slashes. Basically a really really bad Zangetsu knockoff )

~ Back on the Mountian.

We finished Misaka's introductions to the team. Now we are having a party. As we do each time a new member joins

"So what are you going to do with the Vritra Gear?" Meredith asked curiously

"I'm giving it to Dino" I say casually

"HuH!!" Dino suddenly jumped up from the bed

"Why the hell would you do that!" he yelled out

The others were confused why he reacted like this. He was getting the Complete Vritra Gears. It would boost his strenght by a lot

I stare at him blankly "You don't want the gear because that means more training and less time to sleep, right?"

"Of Course!" He says proudly making Meredith smack him on the back of the head making him fall on the ground before turning to me

"Sigh Isaiah. Why did you decide to give it to this lazy bum?" She pointed at Dino who was still on the ground. Apparently, he decided that it was comfy

Vritra is the weakest of the Dragon Kings in terms of strenght. So he made up for it with tactics. His abilities are incredibly annoying to deal with. Dino is similar in that regard. He is a technical fighter. Always preferring to end the fight quickly using any means necessary. He positions his enemies into traps he sets during the fight. The Vritra Gear suits him well."

Meredith and the others nodded accepting my reasoning

"Don't wana~" Dino grumbled

"Too bad. You don't have a choice. Plus if you get used to the gear in a short amount of time. I'll consider getting the thing you wanted" I knew this will catch his interest

"You really mean it?" Dino's eyes started to shine

"Umm. Isaiah? What are you talking about?" Misaka asked shyly. She was still new to all of this

"Dino wants the 'Softest Pillow in the World' It's made from ridiculously expensive materials and enchantments. I heard the pillow is stuffed with the feathers of different mythological races, including Angel Feathers. And that it has been enchanted to be as comfortable as possible by the Greek God of Sleep. Hypnos"

"Oh.." Asia got her answer

"And do tell where is this pillow now?" Kurama opened his eyes

I turned to Dino who scratched his head before answering"In the Underworld. A demon named 'The Sloth King' owns it. Rumor has it that even Falbuim tried to get it only to fail"

They had a deadpan look on their faces as they looked at Dino

"Why would we risk our safety for something like that!?" Meredith glared down at Dino

While Misaki, Asia and Valerie only noded

"But.. The Softest Pillow in the world.." Dino said it like it was supposed to explain and justify everything

Before the arguments started I cut in " Well for that to even happen he has to achieve Balance Breaker. Good luck Dino."

"No Way-" Dino got depressed once he realized how much effort he has to put into this

"Ignore the sloth. Keep the party going! Once again Cheers for our new member!" Veldora yelled out


Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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