some people have nothing better in life to do lmao.
It was pretty insignificant and the money he earned from donations was not that much, he found out the academy entrance fee was 30.000 dollars, and he was 10.000 short.
Fantasy · Lukas142
yes, you sussy baka, forgetting Details:).
cringe lines from author kun
Harlan nodded slowly, his expression grave. "Aye, dangerous. Like a wild beast. You fight with the intent to kill, with the bloodlust that you don't even try to hide. It was there, clear as day, when you disarmed me. You're not just fighting to win—you're fighting to end your opponent. And that's what makes you like a beast, boy."
Fantasy · Darkness_Enjoyer
BWL Justus
Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
War · Zentmeister
where is Author ?
Sry, but i find Arit anoying af. cringe bs
i will give a try on the books you have read so far.
-6132 Hours Total Game Time
Fantasy · WindskyW
we miss you OP
Wieso nicht, lmao, ich kommentiere am Ende, was ich davon halte. Die Beschreibung verspricht viel.
Re: Blood and Iron
War · Zentmeister