Webnovel Author: SaturnaliaBr - Novel Collection



LV 1

My name is Saturnalia Blackrose. I'll let your imagination do the rest.

2020-04-22 Joint Global

Badges 3

Moments 17

Replied to Nyu

Thanks. Fixed.

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Date Her Instead

Date Her Instead

LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr

Replied to Nyu

Whoops. Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed.

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Date Her Instead

Date Her Instead

LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr

Replied to Lilium_12

Whoops. That's not intentional. Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed.

Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
Date Her Instead

Date Her Instead

LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr

Replied to Psechi

I think the problem here is that on Webnovel, there's no option for italics. I also post this story on Wattpad, so all of the internal dialogue is italicized, making it easier to tell the difference.

"Free food huh? Maybe I'll go," Haruna said casually. "W-What? You're going to come?" Kanako asked. "What, you don't want me there?" Haruna said gruffly. "N-No, of course not! I'm just surprised you'd want to be there is all..." Kanako said nervously. "Whatever. Besides, if I didn't go, I'm sure Miyashita-kun would end up asking me about it and it would hurt my chances of winning our stupid deal," Haruna explained. Kanako sighed to herself. "I had kind of hoped she was going so she could support me. Well fine. Maybe I can wow Akio-kun with my cooking skills!" "What're you getting so pumped up for over there?" Haruna asked when Kanako got visibly psyched up. "H-Huh? Oh, um nothing! Just thinking about the thrill of competition, ahahaha..." Kanako said, failing to come up with anything better for an excuse. "Right... well, we better get ready for school. I need to leave soon and I won't be late because of you," Haruna said. ���I know, I know..." Kanako said, having to hear that same line almost every time Haruna woke her up.

Date Her Instead

Date Her Instead

LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr

Replied to dogslayya554

Saturnalia Blackrose ;)

ch 59 Chapter Fifteen: Mid-Terms Yet Again

Date Her Instead

Date Her Instead

LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr

Replied to Nyu

Whoops. Thanks for pointing this out. I'll make the correction.

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Date Her Instead

Date Her Instead

LGBT+ · SaturnaliaBr

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