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80.83% Date Her Instead / Chapter 135: Chapter One: Home

Chapitre 135: Chapter One: Home

In the slowly warming spring air, two girls walked out of an inn. The first was Haruna Endo, a tall girl with a slim figure and long, jet-black hair that flowed down her back. The one next to her was Kanako Nakatomi, a girl on the shorter side with her brown hair tied up in a ponytail, as per usual. Hand in hand, and wearing the same sailor-style uniform of their school, they made their way down the path that led to the street.

"Haruna, when we get back, let's have a talk with your parents, okay?" Kanako suggested. "Right…" Haruna said, the dread of her reunion rising inside her. Just what should she say to her mother and father upon her return? Most likely an apology would be due, but beyond that, it was hard to say. Just how much differently would this time go compared to last? "Will anything change?" Haruna wondered. "If I were them, I think I'd be more mad at my kid for running away rather than feeling bad about my own actions…"

Unconsciously, she squeezed Kanako's hand tighter, drawing the girl's attention. She looked up at Haruna, surprised for a moment, but then she relaxed and spoke. "It'll be fine," she said gently. "You're acting like you know what I'm thinking," Haruna said. "Well of course I do," Kanako said proudly. "I am your girlfriend after all. It's my job to know things like that." "It's a little scary that that sounds believable," Haruna commented.

As they talked, they reached the road ahead of them, on which was parked a car familiar to Haruna. "Huh? Your mom came to pick us up?" Kanako nodded. "Mhm. I told her I could just call a taxi or something, b-but she insisted, so here she is." Though that was what Kanako said, inside she was thinking something else. "I'm sure she wants to see if we 'did' anything last night…" Of course, depending on how one looked at it, the two girls did engage in some level of newfound intimacy, but it certainly wasn't to the degree that Kanako's mother was most likely expecting.

Reaching the car, they both got into the back seat. "Good morning girls," Kanako's mom said. "G-Good morning Nakatomi-san," Haruna said nervously. "Thanks for picking us up." "No problem," she said easily. "But, before we go…" Turning around, she stared at Kanako. "You did listen to what I told you, right?"

In other words, "You two didn't do anything dirty. did you?"

Kanako wasn't sure how to answer. All they had done was kiss. It was a long, passionate kiss, but that was all. As soon as Kanako had tried to go further, she realized she had no idea what she was supposed to do nect, so she had stopped. But now, the question was, did that qualify as not listening?

"Y-Yeah, sure did mom," Kanako said, unfortunately sounding unconvincing. "Kanako…" her mother sighed. "I know you'll be an adult soon, but this is too much…" "Whatever you're imagine, stop!" Kanako cried. "W-We just… um… well…" When it came time to explain, Kanako found herself faltering. It was just too embarrassing to tell her own mother that she had had her first kiss with her girlfriend last night.

"Hmmm?" Kanako's mom hummed, her stare growing more intense as it shifted over to Haruna. "Oh Haruna-chan? Would you care to enlighten me on what happened between you two last night?" "Ah…" Haruna let out, finally understanding what was going on. "Uhh… we… slept?"

The mother's eyes jumped from one girl to the other and back again. Both were sweating quite a bit, but it was clear neither wanted to give away the details. "Haah… fine. But you two better not be going too far!" Kanako's mother said, giving up on getting them to talk. Simultaneously, Haruna and Kanako breathed out.

The ride home was relatively uneventful, although Kanako's mother was sure to throw her two cents in on Haruna's decision to run away. "I don't know the details, but running away like that definitely isn't going to make it better," she had said. "Whatever happened between you and your parents, you need to make sure to properly explain. You're almost an adult you know? You have to start thinking stuff like this through now."

Admittedly, a part of Haruna wanted to lash out at her for making such a comment. After all, it wasn't as if she hadn't tried to explain at all. But, between all the yelling and taking sides, it had felt impossible to say anything that wasn't in defense of herself and her choices. "I wonder if I'll get the chance this time to actually explain…" Haruna thought.

When they arrived, everyone got out of the car, but instead of going to her own home, Kanako followed Haruna. "Are you coming with me?" Haruna asked. "Of course I am," Kanako said like it was obvious. "After all, the last time you talked to your parents by yourself, you ran off for over a week and worried your poor girlfriend here." Finishing with a pout, she glanced up at Haruna, making her feel guilty. "S-Sorry…" she said weakly. To prove she wasn't really all that upset anymore, Kanako's expression quickly shifted into a kind one, giving a smile to Haruna. "It's okay. Now that we're together, we can both talk to your parents. I'm sure with both of us there, it'll all work out."

Once again, Haruna was amazed by Kanako's confidence. Could she really be so sure just solely based on the fact that they were together? That was a question that ran through Haruna's mind, but she found that unlike before where it may have bothered her for quite some time, she was able to push it aside more easily. Perhaps she had changed more than she realized, because she found that her own confidence wasn't as lacking as before. Whether that was because of self-reflection, Kanako's words, or a kiss, Haruna wasn't sure, but she did know one thing. "No matter how this turns out, I'm never leaving Kanako's side again," she thought.

With their hands held together, the two girls walked up to Haruna's house. Slowly, the one who lived there opened the door before finally stepping inside. "I'm… I'm home," she called out uncertainly. Upon her greeting, she heard two individuals get up and quickly walk over to the entryway. Of course, the two people that came were her mother and father.

The man was on the taller side, with a stern face and short, black hair. He was currently wearing a typical business suit, with the only real color of the outfit being a dark green tie. Next to him was a woman with a face in a similar stern disposition, also with straight, black hair, but hers came down just past her chin. She wore a simple, deep purple dress, tied in the middle with a thin, dark brown belt. While both parents had similar neutral expressions, the looks on their faces now were filled with many different emotions.

Surprise that their daughter actually came home. Relief that she was safe. Awkwardness, dreading what was to come next. As parents in the wrong, just how exactly should they approach Haruna? That was a question both of them had discussed at length, but neither had really landed on a good answer. Ultimately, it would come down to the flow of conversation and determining how best to respond in kind.

"Haruna…" her mother said, her relief seeping into her speech. "I'm glad… you're back home." "Yeah…" was all Haruna could manage to say back. Although, while her words were lacking, her actions were not. She looked over at her father, waiting to hear him speak.

"...Haruna," he finally said. "We should probably talk." "Right…" Haruna agreed. "Is it fine if Kanako joins us?" "That's fine," her father said. "Honestly, it's better that she's here. We'll be able to get everything out into the open." So, moving from the front door to the dining area, the four people present all took a seat, Haruna's mother and father on one side, and Haruna and Kanako on the other.

An awkward silence fell over the room. Not knowing what else to do, Haruna looked around, but it's not like anything had really changed in the past week or so she had been gone. The walls were still beige, the dining table was still next to the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, and the chair she sat in was its usual brown. In a way, taking in all of those details again helped her to relax a little.

In truth, nothing really was different. Her parents were still her parents and Haruna was still herself. The only change was that instead of being alone, she now had Kanako with her. People getting into relationships is something that's supposed to be normal. If Haruna just approached it like that this time instead of saying she was specifically dating a girl, would that work better? "I guess there's only one way to find out," she thought, but just as she opened her mouth to speak, her mother spoke instead.

"Kana-chan," she said. "Thank you for bringing Haruna home." "Y-You're welcome," Kanako said shyly. "Huh?" Haruna let out, confused by her mother's words. Kanako turned to look at Haruna. "B-Before I came to the inn, I was actually at your house. I was here when the inn called, and after talking with your parents, they sent me to get you." "So you didn't just find me…" Haruna said, disappointed. "I would've found you on my own eventually," Kanako said casually. "And it's not like I found you because they told me to. I would've searched for years if necessary." "I-I wouldn't have been gone for years…" Haruna said, feeling a little embarrassed for doubting Kanako for a moment.

"Anyways," Haruna's father cut in. "Now that the topic has been brought up, I think it's time we discuss your 'running away.'" Haruna was silent. A part of her wanted to apologize, but another part felt she hadn't done anything wrong. Sure, she had worried her parents, but aside from that, what was she responsible for? None of this would've happened in the first place had it not been for her own father's outburst.

Haruna grit her teeth. Just what should she say in this moment? "Sorry" certainly didn't seem right, but sparking another argument seemed like a poor decision as well. "What am I supposed to do here?" she wondered, but as she did, she felt something. Under the table, Kanako's hand slid into Haruna's, Kanako's fingers wrapping around her own. Looking over at her, Haruna saw her give a soft smile. Returning the expression, Haruna took a breath in, then out.

"I shouldn't have run away like that," she said. "I'm sorry for worrying you… but, I won't apologize any further. I meant what I said before. Kanako and I are dating, and there's nothing you can do to change that. No matter what, I won't let you or anyone else take her from me." Silently, Haruna also added one more bit to that declaration. "Including myself. I won't run away anymore, and I'll make sure I keep Kanako by my side."

Haruna's father closed his eyes as if deep in thought. Then, to Haruna's surprise, he bowed. "I actually owe you an apology," he said. "Not only did I speak of things I don't even believe in myself, but I also almost went as far as to strike you. Honestly, knowing I went so far, I don't know if that's something that can ever be forgiven, but I'll do my best to atone for that."

Never in her life had Haruna gotten an apology like that from her father. Of course, it wasn't like he was constantly doing things that warranted apologizing, but to hear him speak so earnestly and with such regret was something unusual for Haruna. Then, before she could manage to say anything in response, her mother bowed as well.

"We shouldn't have reacted the way we did to what you told us. Now that we're all reunited, I hope that we can speak more calmly about this." "This is starting to feel way too formal," Haruna thought, starting to panic a little. Having her own parents bow to her was definitely a surreal experience. "P-Please stop doing that," she finally said. "This is starting to get weird."

When both parents lifted their heads, Haruna stared at them. They certainly looked like they were ready to be more receptive, but Haruna had to be sure. "Listen," she said. "I love Kanako. She's my girlfriend now. And… one day… maybe more…" She gave a shy glance to the girl next to her, and she saw Kanako blushing at the meaning of her words. "I won't give up on this," Haruna continued. "I… need her, so there's no way I'll-"

"Haruna," her father said, cutting her off. Hearing his tone, Haruna began to worry. Were they already headed down the same road that they had gone down before? "Even if we are, this time will be different," she thought strongly.

"I already told this to Kana-chan, but I won't stand in your way." "...eh?" Haruna let out, completely caught off-guard. "W-What do you mean?" "I mean what I said. After speaking with Kana-chan, I was able to realize that what I was doing was skewing outside of my own beliefs. So instead of everything I said before, I will say this to you instead. As long as she makes you happy, that's all that matters."

"Does that mean… you approve now?" Haruna tentatively asked. "No, it does not," her father responded. "Truthfully, it's just something I think provides too difficult a road to see my daughter go down. With that being said, there are a few questions I'd like to ask you." "Okay…" Haruna said, preparing herself.

"Question one: What are your plans for the future?"

Haruna froze. When she had been asked this question before, she hadn't had any real answers. There hadn't been anything that she really wanted to do. At the time of filling out her career survey, the only thing she had been able to think of was being Kanako's wife. However, just as that hadn't been an acceptable answer then, it wouldn't be now either. "What do I want to do…?"

Suddenly, she felt a little tug on her hand. "What about what we talked about last night?" Kanako suggested. Haruna had to think back. "Last night?" she repeated. At first, her face went red remembering the more intimate details, but when she thought back further, she realized what Kanako meant. "Oh, you mean the bed and breakfast idea?" Kanako nodded. "Mhm. Wouldn't it be nice?" "I thought we were just kinda joking around…" Haruna mumbled, but when she really considered it, she began to think that it might not be such a bad idea.

"Um," she said, looking back to her parents. "I can't say I really have much of a plan right now, but… I think maybe doing something in hospitality might be nice… maybe opening my own inn someday…" "An inn?" her father said, surprised. "I have to admit, I never would've expected you to say something like that." "I feel the same," her mother said. "You've never been very hospitable dear." "You don't have to be mean about it!" Haruna huffed. "Hayashi-san said I did just fine as a worker, so there!" "Who is Hayashi-san?" Haruna's father asked. So, Haruna proceeded to tell them all about her time at Hayashi Inn.

"...Interesting," her father said when the story was finished. "I don't know if I appreciate the fact that the owner lied to me about my own daughter being there, but I suppose I understand her reasoning." "I'm just surprised you didn't get mad at the customers," her mother added. "I'm not surprised at all," Kanako said. "After all, Haruna is a very caring person." "I-I wouldn't go that far…" Haruna sputtered.

"So an inn hm?" Haruna's father said. "I suppose that's a workable idea. You'll have to study hard though." "Right," Haruna said with a nod. "Now then," her father said. "Onto my next question."

"Question two: What sort of future do you envision with Kanako?"

This one, Haruna didn't have to think much about. "A happy one," she said confidently. "One where we're always together and smiling. And… one where… I can always hold her hand and tell her how much I love her, just like she has for me."

Haruna's father was taken aback for a moment hearing his daughter's sincere answer. Once he recomposed himself, he closed his eyes. "… I see," he said. "Then allow me to ask one more question." Opening his eyes again, he looked straight ahead at Haruna.

"Question three: Are you happy?"

Haruna beamed. "Yes. More than I ever have been."

"Then I can say nothing more," her father said. "I just hope you're ready for the trouble ahead of you." "I agree," her mother added. "It'll be fine," Haruna said, then looked at Kanako. "After all, I'm not taking it all on alone." "That's right," Kanako said. "We'll do it together."


After that, they all talked about a few other things such as the girls' last year of high school so far and Haruna's ankle. "Should we take you to a hospital?" her mother asked. "The swelling has been going down, so it's probably fine," Haruna said. "Y-You should get it looked at just in case though," Kanako said. "But it's prob...ably… fine… uh, Kanako?" Haruna said that, but as she spoke, she noticed Kanako pouting. "I'd feel better if you got your ankle checked out," she said, still pouting. "What if it got worse? You know you're not supposed to run like that. Who knows, you might wake up tomorrow morning, and it could be all bruised up and-" "Okay, okay, I'll go!" Haruna gave in, making Kanako smile again. "Good," she said, then got serious. "Just promise me you won't do something like that again, okay?" "I promise," Haruna said.

With that settled, it was decided that Haruna would go get checked out at a hospital in the next day or two. "Um, then I guess I'll go home now," Kanako said awkwardly. "Why don't you stay Kana-chan?" Haruna's mother suggested. "It's a little early, but I can make something for lunch." "A-Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you," Kanako said, but she was waved off. "It's fine," Haruna's mother said. "After all, it's really the least we can do to repay you." "W-Well, if you insist…" Kanako said. "We can go wait in my room," Haruna said, standing up and taking Kanako along with her.

Heading up the stairs, they reached the room of the girl who lived there. The most notable thing about it was it was messy, with clothes strewn about and various things cluttering the desk. On the beige walls were posters of various bands, and in a frame sitting on a nightstand next to the unmade bed was a picture of Haruna and Kanako when they were younger. The picture itself had been taken one summer, and it showed Haruna hugging Kanako.

Noticing the photo, Kanako walked over to it and picked up the frame. "I think I remember this," she said, a hint of nostalgia coming into her voice. "We played all day together while our parents talked to a bunch of business people for some event." "Yeah," Haruna said, walking over to join her. "That day was a lot of fun. I used to keep this picture out on display, but when we got in that big fight, I put it away. I decided to get it out again because I missed seeing it, especially since we stopped fighting."

"It would be nice if you had something more current," Kanako said. "I think the printer we have can print photos. Wanna try taking one now?" Haruna suggested. "Do you have a frame?" Kanako asked. Haruna shrugged. "There's probably one somewhere." "Then okay!" Kanako said happily. "Should we do something special for it?" "I think just a normal one is fine," Haruna said.

Taking out her phone, Haruna sat down on the edge of her bed. "Here, sit next to me. That why it'll be easier for our faces to be in the shot." "Right," Kanako said, sitting down. Then she brought her face up close to Haruna's, their cheeks practically touching. "Okay, ready?" Haruna said. Kanako nodded. "One… two…"

And right before Haruna said three, she turned and planted her lips right on Kanako's cheek. "Three," she thought as she pressed the button. "W-W-Wait, H-Haruna!" Kanako panicked, but Haruna just laughed. Bringing the phone closer, she looked at the picture. "It's perfect," she said, pleased. She was kissing Kanako's cheek with her eyes closed, and Kanako had a look of surprise on her face while also just starting to blush as she realized what was happening.

"I-I really wish you'd take another one…" Kanako said, feeling embarrassed. "No way," Haruna said. "I'm gonna look at it every night before going to sleep." "I-It feels even more embarrassing knowing that," Kanako said, but then she got a wry look on her face. "Then again… knowing I'm the last thing you'll be think about before falling asleep is nice in its own way." Haruna blushed a little hearing it put that way. "D-Don't say it like that," she muttered, then abruptly stood up. "Whatever! I'm still putting out on display!" "If that's what you want to do… darling," Kanako said. Even though Haruna was facing away from her, Kanako knew the girl was going red from ear to ear. However, instead of saying something in response, she just quickly walked away. Once she was out of range, Kanako flopped back. "Geez," she said quietly. "My face feels way too hot…"


A few minutes later, Haruna returned with a frame, along with the new picture inside it. Setting it down on her nightstand next to the old one, she took a step back to look at them. "There," she said, satisfied. Looking over, she saw Kanako still sitting on her bed. Unexpectedly, the girl held out her arms. "Come here," Kanako called. Seeing that, Haruna smirked. "Well, if that's what you want!" she yelled as she leapt toward Kanako. "Kya!" the girl cried.

Landing just to the side of Kanako, Haruna wrapped her arms around Kanako's waist and pulled her down so that they were both lying down on the bed. "Gotcha~," Haruna said with a grin. But, before she could do anything else, she suddenly felt Kanako's lips press on her own. She held them there for a second, then pulled away and shyly smiled. "...T-That's payback for earlier," she said so softly it was almost a whisper. "Hey," Haruna said. "Is there any way I can keep getting that payback?" "Maybe if you ask nicely," Kanako cooed, bringing her lips closer again.

They kissed once more, and when they pulled apart again, Haruna brought her right hand up to cup Kanako's cheek. Gently, she moved up, lightly brushing a lock of Kanako's hair back behind her ear. All Kanako did was pleasantly smile back at her as she did that, content with the intimate silence.

"Ahem," a voice suddenly said. Quickly, Haruna whipped her head in the direction of her doorway, where she found her mother standing. "Am I interrupting something?" she asked rhetorically. "N-No, um, we were just-" Haruna sputtered, but she was stopped by the raise of a hand. "Don't even bother, Haruna dear," the woman said. "I was young once too you know? I know how it is in the beginning stages of a relationship, and I certainly remember all the sneaking around your father and I did. Just… if you're going to do stuff like this, then maybe make sure we can't walk in on you, okay? It'll save you trouble, and your father and I from having heart attacks." "S-Sure…" Haruna agreed. "Also, I came up here to tell you lunch is ready," she said.

After her mom walked away, Kanako giggled. "T-That was awkward," she said. "You're the one that got us in trouble," Haruna pointed out. "I-I did not!" Kanako protested. "Oh yeah? And who started kissing who huh?" Haruna said. "W-Well…" Kanako said, averting her gaze for a moment before coming back to Haruna. "Mmm, well, even if was my fault, it was totally worth it." "Geez," Haruna sighed. "Who knew our first kiss would lead to moments like this?" "Hopefully more than this…" Kanako muttered, but because they were still so close, Haruna heard her. "Eh?" she let out. "L-Let's go eat! Your mom's probably waiting for us!" Kanako said, leaping up and dashing for the door.

"More than this…" Haruna repeated to herself. "Does that mean…?" Immediately, Haruna's face went beet-red. "Oh God… Are Kanako and me gonna…?" Having no idea how to even picture such a scenario, Haruna just shook her head. "I-I'll just worry about that when it happens," she thought as she followed after Kanako.

Downstairs, lunch was laid out on the same table they had been sitting at before. It was simple enough, with a small selection of pieces of fried chicken, some rolled eggs and bowls of rice at each spot at the table. Sitting down, the four people all gave their thanks before digging in.

"Mm!" Kanako let out as she bit into the chicken. "This is really good!" "I'm glad you like it," Haruna's mother said. "I'm afraid I'm not much of a cook, but I can do the basics." So the four enjoyed lunch together, and afterwards, Kanako prepared to go home.

Standing at the front door, Haruna and Kanako stared at each other. "I'll… see you at school tomorrow, right?" Kanako asked. A part of her was still afraid that if she took her eyes off of Haruna, the girl would disappear again. "I'll be there," Haruna said, reassuring her. "Besides, if I miss any more days, I'm really gonna be in trouble."

Seeing her off, Haruna watched as Kanako walked down the sidewalk. As she did, she resolved herself as well. "From now on, I need to be the girlfriend that Kanako deserves," she thought. "Now and in the future, I want to always have her at my side."

But, just before Kanako reached the road, she stopped. Haruna was confused for a moment, then became even more confused as Kanako turned around and ran back up to the house. "I-I almost forgot!" she said. Stopping just in front of Haruna, she beamed up at her. "Welcome home, Haruna!"

It was such a simple phrase, but hearing it come from the girl she loved made it feel so special. It went beyond just being welcomed back to the place she lived. More so, it was as if she was being welcomed back to the one she was beginning to call home. In response, Haruna smiled back.

"Yeah. I'm home, Kanako."

End of Chapter One.

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