Yussif_Gasir - Profile



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2019-06-05 Joint Global

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Replied to MirukoUsagi

what is wrong with you?

Alex was relieved to know that Jill was fine with him having more than one partner as he didn't want to leave Jill.

Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

Anime & Comics · Immortle_diablo123


So they killed her sister...

"Mikumo has been worth keeping an eye on, although things with Tsunade and the Senju clan are dicey right now, there's still hope for the future with these new seedlings. There's been no indication of Mikumo being a secret spy for the Senju, what is Towa planning? First, she took away all of the remaining Senju forces along with Tsunade, and now she gave me her granddaughter? Maybe this is her way of making amends. If she knew about what happened during the second shinobi war, there's no way she would willingly give way her granddaughter like this."

Naruto: Playful Illusionist

Naruto: Playful Illusionist

Anime & Comics · xancia


I count 13 moves?

Ce livre a été supprimé.

is this silent or did he shout an incantation?

"In the first position we have," he paused before continuing, "the Beauxabatons' champions, FLEUR DELACOUR!" Quinn raised his wand and shot out fireworks in the shape of the Beauxbatons insignia, which turned into Fleur's face before disappearing.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

Replied to ThePrsn

Her grand parents and parents are dead. so they aren't at home.

"Fleur, back me up, would you?" said Lia. "At my home, all have attended Hogwarts. I alone went to Beauxbatons, and whenever I try to say that our school is better, they all shut me down, saying that Hogwarts is better. Don't you think that ours is better?"

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader


the egg?


sp def?


thx for the chapter


hell yeah, he even calculated the chance of finding a flame. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

This is impossible! A dream! An illusion! There's no way he would just stumble into a heavenly flame at the start of his journey to greatness! The chance of stumbling into one is 0.0000023%!!

Douluo Dalu: Legend of Xiao Yan

Douluo Dalu: Legend of Xiao Yan

Book&Literature · FroztDouluo

Replied to okaayyyyyy

he became friends with the spirit. so telling him about Sokka's plan to use his knowledge in the war is the 'right' thing to do.

"I will see them out," The Owl stated in anger probably thanks to me, I had told him about Sokka's plan to use his library, and thanks to that owl was now flying towards the new visitors ready to kick them out, while I debated whether if I should face them or not.

Avatar The Last Airbender: Cold Paths

Avatar The Last Airbender: Cold Paths

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

Replied to Adolfo_Ramos

yeah that's true in a normal pokemon world, but in this one all pokemon hate? humans so I don't know if a ralts would care.

Replied to Adolfo_Ramos

I think a psychic would kill her if she tried to capture one.


so stealing doesn't mess with karma. seems about right.

He replied, " This is what is interesting young man. As I said there will always be Karma on a soul either good or bad. At birth everybody is granted 100 good Karma points. After its their choice to make it better or worse but somehow your karma is zero. It's a rare occurrence even in the rare occurrences. So as per the rules the one who somehow have zero karma will get the same benefits as the someone with the highest karma value got in the past 3 trillion years."

Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

Douluo Dalu: Era of Tang Ming.

Anime & Comics · PrimorDious


i thought only the second hokage could summon water from the air?

Suddenly all of the moisture in the air started to turn into water, twisting violently in front of Fuyōna's body as the amount began to increase more and more.

Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

Anime & Comics · Lavalord115


and the snakes and slugs. or is this before those got famous?

It was there that Fuyōna had also discovered the secret summoning Jutsu of the Yuki clan. Fuyōna knew there were many creatures scattered around the world that shinobi could form a pact with and use them to summon in battle. The most famous being the toads for which Naruto was famous.

Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

Naruto: Of Bone and Ice

Anime & Comics · Lavalord115

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