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2019-02-23 Joint Global

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Moments 475


'takes' not 'took'

“But will he come here? I don’t know. It’d take an awfully long time... he’d be in transit for a full year, plus however long it took him to convince Lady Birch and the others once he arrived.”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Now, Sir Dol sounds dumb with this fact. Why rely on sound when it's slower than light and prob solarium.

He could not see Lady Aurora, and all he noticed were lightning sparks travelling quite fast around him. He only heard the sound, but since sound travelled slower than light, he knew his ears were useless in the battle. 

I Became The Pope, Now What?

I Became The Pope, Now What?

Fantasy · MisterImmortal


The saying is, "I beg your pardon, but..." or just use,"I apologise, but..."

“We estimate it at less than one in fifty, Commander. We stopped getting reactions from the roots at about a kilometer from the shore when we sent down the mana batteries as bait, but we’ll be testing it with a few landers full of marines before we greenlight any researchers or explorers landing. Begging your pardon, you just aren’t as trained as we are when it comes to havoc and mayhem, Ma’am,” Major Kelly O’Shanrahan answered. He was the commanding officer of the Farsight’s marines, and it was his job to ensure the safety of the exploration teams on the ground.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


They for sure covered the situation of being attacked at first contact.

And “hostile root swatting at the explorers’ lander” just so happened to be one of those situations they hadn’t covered in their training missions.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Pretty obvious, it should have been selected between the high-ranking members

Commander Takahasi, Captain Marinakis, and Fleet Admiral Bianchi simultaneously facepalmed, almost loud enough to be heard through the vacuum of space. Thankfully, OC Parker would be the first AND last crew member of any exploration mission to be selected via random draw to first-foot an alien planet.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


In this case(planets), I think there is a theory that ours and the alien life could be too different to even affect each other. Still there should be precautions just in case.

The TEF had already designed a complex operational doctrine for situations like this one, and despite it being the first time it was put into practice in reality, the crews of the exploration ships were operating like clockwork and checking every box. All of them knew the risk of contamination, not only cultural, but biological as well. When the Pinta, Nina, and Santa Maria had landed on the shore of America in 526 BE (1492 by the Gregorian calendar), the explorers from Columbus’ crew—and the colonizers that followed from all over Europe—devastated the indigenous population by introducing new pathogens to them. Smallpox, measles, influenza, typhus, and so on... all of them contributed their part in the collapse of societies and cultures across North America, some of which never recovered.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Doesn't the cat have night vision?

Miraj ran around, trying to find the body in pitch black darkness. It was not a large space, so he reckoned if he ran enough, he'd eventually stumble onto him. But seeing Sylvester was not replying to his shouts, he felt worried. 

I Became The Pope, Now What?

I Became The Pope, Now What?

Fantasy · MisterImmortal

Replied to Chex_Geam

I'm gonna point this out for u from my comment, 'around him'. And yes, I agree with the reasoning, to what u said about the MC even though my point was missed.

“No. I don’t, you don’t, our families don’t... all those closest to me are exempt from brain data monitoring and uploading. It’s too... I dunno. Not invasive invasive, but regular invasive.”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Huh, is this actually smart? 🤔

The two started moving toward the space elevator connecting the surface of Mars with its moon, Phobos, where the reactors that would power the Mars Planetary Defense Shield were housed.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Pretty dumb way to use the dice in this situation for obvious reasons.

The way to select the order was reasonably straightforward. They simply threw dice, and all team leaders were supposed to choose a number. The dice will be thrown four times; whichever number comes, they go first.

I Became The Pope, Now What?

I Became The Pope, Now What?

Fantasy · MisterImmortal


ayo, that chapter sure changed

[A/N Please rewrite chapter 572 as it was replaced after the original one uploaded was an unedited version. Sorry about that]

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


How is he even taking it from her with strangers 🤣

In that instant of pain, rage, humiliation, and loss, he decided that if his mother didn’t want paradise, he would take it from her as his first, and final, act of revenge.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


Ayo, I thought the mc would at least force the blessed to be registered.


“First you took my father, and I could do nothing. I was powerless to stop you! But now you impy dogs stole my mother without my permission!?” he growled, his bloodshot eyes beginning to faintly glow red. His hair also began turning bright red, like the heart of a fire. “This place will BURN!”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


I mean, this is not a good example, since either way, he has to do that to save his wife.

A few minutes later and a whole lot lighter, he opened his eyes and looked at the television screen in the waiting room that was still tuned to the coverage of the incoming disaster. The timer on the bottom corner of the screen still showed six hours to the end. “So this is what they were after...” he muttered to himself, then slumped in the chair he was sitting in and laughed at his own powerlessness.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

Replied to Progress

Well, the author could just say the universe is that old since it's his story, plus it doesn't need to follow all the current likely theories.

Aron swiped the file closed and paused for a moment, updating his plans. “Looks like I’ll need to visit Mars sooner than I’d originally planned,” he said. He would need to personally erect a planetary defense shield there regardless, but the upcoming Carrington event had lit a fire underneath him. Just because the solar system had survived billions of years, if not trillions, it didn’t guarantee that something would happen the very next day that would render the entire area uninhabitable.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


I would expect at least monitoring, with mental abilities being a thing. Stuff can go really wrong around him.

“No. I don’t, you don’t, our families don’t... all those closest to me are exempt from brain data monitoring and uploading. It’s too... I dunno. Not invasive invasive, but regular invasive.”

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


what about the Moon? The moon is a clear indication of where the planet is

Sure, that would have some severe downsides, but when given a choice between bad and worse, bad would win every time. Bending light around the planet to provide optical invisibility would essentially blind everyone on the planet, but it would be better than having humanity wiped out by hostile marauders. And that was just one of the countermeasures he had included in the complex shield.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047


maybe have, like in between retirement ages and then return to the workforce after 10+ yrs

“Now that you mention it, I wonder how the empire is going to deal with retirement. It used to be that people could retire in their early sixties, then spend their twilight years gorging themselves on the fruits of their earlier labors. But now, with the average lifespan skyrocketing to two hundred years, and the time dilation in the simulation doubling that, can you imagine how people will react when they realize they have to work for hundreds of years before retirement age? Ha! People will absolutely revolt when that particular nugget of information hits home.” The comms officer shuddered as his whole body broke out in goosebumps.

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Sci-fi · Agent_047

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