Webnovel Author: Lord_Damocles - Novel Collection



LV 13
2017-11-10 Joint United States

Badges 17

Moments 2800

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Yes, he does. And it's heavily tied to his Aura/ Physique.

"Only you would think so, Master," said Tasha softly. And she would be right. Were it not for Altair's Almighty Resistance cupped with the Essence of The Vale, alongside his lineage and Authority, most would feel a sense of primordial fear. To her knowledge, most who saw devils, true bodies, usually killed themselves in a state of panic.

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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No, he is a new character, lol.

[Divine Sin, Archoeon, demands to know who Divine Sin's daddy is]

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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spoilers 👀

Below, Tasha watched, unaware that one of her scarlet eyes had turned gold. She shuddered, feeling his domain begin to expand nearly a hundred meters. Her heart jumped when she felt the aspect of his blade beginning to trace the edge of his domain. 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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no, but... it is code for booty... but they are all soul exhausted. so meditation or simply chilling should help them naturally recover.

"Looks like your kind caught a break," Zariel said, standing to his feet. "I'm going to sleep for the first time in a very long time. I've used too much Astral Qi. I'll see you… whenever." 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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one of three in a specific religion.

[Supreme Being, First Trinity, is set to leave the Principalities]

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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I've no idea how to answer that without spoiling a major event. But I'll say both for now.

"Fucked up?" Tene finished. "I don't really understand what Mephisto wants with the Snow family, but he's quite fixated on that entire lineage. And for some reason, no one is exempt." 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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it was a collaboration between the Monarch/high humans/ soloman.

"As are all High Imperials," Tasha revealed. "Of all Palantine Blood, they are one of the strongest, rivaling the High Humans. All High Imperials are artificially made, causing them to be infertile." 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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Zariel. they are trapped together.

'My Lady, I don't understand. Shouldn't you hate this boy?" Iliana said. "Isn't it better we just kill him? Shadow Proclamation be damned. Thanks to Arsene, I've already seen the path to Archaeon appear. I will break through in a few days, reaching a higher state of being. The Shadow Proclamation will have no dominion over my head then." 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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Abyssal isn't as rare as it used to be. But I'll say Tasha knows it but can't speak it or write it. But she can read it.

To Tasha's surprise, it wasn't a language she spoke, a fact that stunned her as all Devils were born with an understanding of all languages known to the Myriad Heavens. The only language they had not been privy to was Primordial. But she'd seen the intricate mannerism of Primordial before, and what Altair was drawing wasn't that.

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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