Primo also entered inside the void region and stood on one of the branches of three before speaking haughtily, " Hehehe. This is, of course, not a chaos region. This is known as the void region. It's the specialty of my Master's soul. "
" Oh...It's a strange place. I don't feel my connection with Chaosverse once I am inside here. If I can't connect to Chaosverse, I can't grant the opportunity to Master's friends to get unique physiques. "
Primo snorted and hit the branch with its paw, " Humph, Master doesn't need unique physiques. "
" I didn't say Master needs it. Master can't get more since he already got one unique physique from that place. Anyway, I let Master comprehend the most powerful chaos Phenomenon that I could access, and he managed to acquire the unique body physique from it, so it's good. I am honestly impressed that he managed to get it so fast. "
Efyeed spoke in admiration towards Athan.
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