" So that's your choice. Are you sure? You would need the complete cloud of chaos to make full use of it. "
Athan grinned and nodded, " I'm sure. Anyway, I will get the complete cloud of chaos soon. "
The black genie revealed a surprised expression, " How come? The only way to get the complete cloud of chaos is to...so you also broke that record, huh? "
Athan nodded as the black Genie passed the palm-sized golden ring with colorful aura swirling inside it to him.
" Put a drop of your blood on this ring and then infuse your soul energy into it. "
Athan cut his finger slightly before dropping a bit of blood on the ring. He then infused his soul energy into the ring.
Right after that, The Nimbus Aurora floated and moved towards Athan's forehead before merging inside it.
There will be a second chapter a bit later, Just like yesterday. M schedule is messed up and so the publish timing :P But I'll make it in track in a few days so that two chaps can be published at the same time.
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