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15.38% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Getting soul fragments....

Chapitre 10: Chapter 10 Getting soul fragments....

Issei woke up and saw that he was all alone in his bed. He immediately smelled a delicious breakfast being cooked in the kitchen by Ingvild.

"Morning Ddraig" Said Issei as he got out of bed and started to dress up in his casual clothing.

"Good morning partner" Replied Ddraig with a big yawn.

"So do we have any plans for today partner?" Asked Issei.

"I think you should tell Tannin that you officially got the lands for the faction" Said Ddraig.

"Yeah, you are right..... Ddraig I have a serious question" Said Issei.

"Hm? What is it partner?" Asked Ddraig.

"Remember when I absorbed Albion's soul fragment?" Said Issei.

"Yeah that was the first battle between you and Valerica, you absorbed the gem of her balance breaker, what about it?" Said Ddraig.

"I can use his powers to some extent, right? So what if I awaken his soul fragment to get better accessibility and more of his powers?" Explained Issei.

Ddraig thought for a moment.

"I think if you awaken his soul fragment you definitely get more powerful, but what are you planning?" Asked Ddraig.

" I need to get stronger so I could kill Trihexa" Said Issei.

Ddraig's eyes widened from the shock. Was Issei planning to do something unimaginable like that?

"What do you mean partner?" Asked Ddraig.

"We believe chaos brigade is planning to release the beast of the apocalypse..... so I think we should just kill it. I kept thinking for the past week.

What if I were to absorb all the dragon king's soul fragments to get their powers and abilities like with Albion's soul fragment" Said Issei.

"I think that might be possible but it's dangerous, we don't know what will happen to your body, will it handle the power? or will you die? If you absorb more souls your life force might decrease even lower than it is now....." Said Ddraig.

"Yeah... well, I guess one way to find out. But how do I awaken Albion's soul fragment?" Asked Issei.

"You need to be exposed to his aura for long enough " Said Ddraig.

"Alright then we will visit Valerica and dragon mountains today" Said Issei

"Can I come with you?" Asked Ingvild as she opened the door to the bedroom with issei's breakfast in her hands.

"Sure you can, by the way, that smells really good" Said Issei.

"I made you breakfast. I thought that I'll make you today because you're working hard lately, so I didn't want to be a burden" Said Ingvild.

"You'll never be a burden hime. I love you and I always will" Said Issei. Ingvild blushed a bit.

She then sat beside Issei with a plate in her hands. She had made him pancakes for breakfast.

" S-say Aaah" Said Ingvild shyly while trying to feed Issei. He chuckled as opened his mouth and did as instructed.

Ten minutes later...

"That was delicious hime! you are a great cook. I'm lucky to have you and Valerica with me" Said Issei as he kissed her on the lips after eating her delicious pancakes.

After kisses and hugs, they decided it was time to go to the dragon mountains and check their new territory.

Issei decided that it's better to teleport than fly to save some time this time.

Upon arriving at the dragon mountains Issei felt danger and immediately entered his balance breaker and covered Ingvild while he took a powerful fire blast to his back.

"Damn it old man! don't you see we have a guest here!!" Shouted Issei as he deactivated his balance breaker.

Ingvild was too shocked to even move.

"Oh! I'm so sorry miss, I didn't see you" Apologized Tannin as he landed in front of them.

"I-its ok" Said Ingvild a bit shaking because in front of her stood a powerful purple dragon.

"No need to fret young one, I won't do anything to hurt you, I wouldn't dare to hurt one of the leader's mates" Said Tannin with a smirk.

"Leader? of who?" Asked Ingvild stunned.

"Dragon faction of course" Said Tannin with pride.

Ingvild's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"You are a leader of the Dragon faction!?" Shouted Ingvild.

"Well yes but actually no, first we need to prepare everything to create a faction. Tannin said I should be a leader of it and every dragon here agreed with Tannin, so yeah cool right?" Said Issei nervously because he was still not sure if he should be a leader, he didn't lead even a small group of people but now out of nowhere he will become the leader of a whole faction.

"Don't worry you'll do fine as a leader" Said Tannin seeing how nervous Issei was.

"Y-yeah. Anyway, I got the lands for our faction" Said Issei.

"That's great just show me where and I'll transfer dragon mountains to you" Said Tannin.

"Well..... I got everything here around the dragon mountains so we could fit here at least thirty thousand dragons" Said Issei. Tannin and Ingvild were so shocked, that even their brains fried.

Even tho Ingvild heard that Sirzechs gave Issei some of the underworld lands she didn't expect it to be that much.

"H-how did you get this much land Issei?" Asked stunned Tannin as even he didn't receive this much after becoming a devil dragon hybrid.

"Well I got a favour from Zechs, and I asked as much land as he could give me, and he gave all this as an apology token. But when I said as much as possible I didn't expect this much...." Said Issei.

"Well that will help us greatly I'll organise the farms, living places and training army of dragons" Said excited Tannin.

"Dragon army?" Asked Ingvild.

"Yes hime, what faction doesn't have their armies? we need to protect our faction too" Said Issei smirking.

"Well, that's all for now so we will go visit Valerica now" Said Issei. Right as he was about to leave he remembered his plan with the would fragments.

"Hime, wait for me over here for a moment I need to talk to Tannin about something really serious" Said Issei. Getting a nod from Ingvild he walked back to Tannin.

"Hey old man. Could I borrow your soul fragment?" Asked Issei.

Tannin rose an eyebrow at his interesting question.

"What for exactly?" Asked Tannin.

Issei then explained his plan. Tannin understood and gave a small purple orb to Issei. Issei took the orb and placed it against his chest

The orb glowed brightly before it merged into his chest.

When he was done he could feel a bit stronger and a new presence within his body.

"Thank you Tannin, and by the way could you send someone to get Vritra's strongest gear for me? it holds Vritra's soul, and all of its powers" Asked Issei.

"Sure! do you know where it is?" Asked Tannin.

Issei then gave Tannin a map with its presumed location that Ddraig told about. Issei returned to Ingvild and teleported to Valerica's mansion.

They teleported to the front door and knocked on it.

Soon it was opened by Elaine.

"Hey, Elaine" Greeted her Issei.

"Oh! hello, Issei please come in" Said Elaine happily.

"And you must be lady Ingvild?" Said Elaine with a slight bow.

"Yes, lady Elaine" Replied Ingvild with a bow of her own.

"I think there's no need for the formalities. We are practically family" Said Issei as he chuckled at the girl's interaction.

When they entered they met Le Fay cooking lunch and Bikou sleeping on the couch in the living room.

"Arthur is training right now and Valerica I think she is in your previous room" Said Elaine as she walked towards the kitchen to help Le Fay with the cooking.

Issei and Ingvild went to issei's old room to meet Valerica.

Issei opened the door and saw Valerica taking a nap on his bed.

Issei and Ingvild chuckled a bit. He then kissed Valerica on her forehead. She immediately smiled while sleeping. She looked too cute for Issei his heart started to melt.

"Hey Albion" Greeted him Issei.

"Hello Issei, you need something?" Replied Albion.

"Actually yea... I need you to awaken your soul fragment by exposing me to your aura" Said Issei.

Albion was confused about why he wanted his soul to be awakened.

"Alright but first explain what you are planning" Said Albion.

"I'm borrowing soul fragments of dragon kings and two heavenly dragons to get stronger for the Trihexa battle. So far I have Ddraig with me Tannin's soul fragment and yours but yours need to be awakened" Explained Issei.

Albion understood what the boy was planning. But Ingvild got worried. Was Issei planning to fight the beast of the apocalypse?!

"What are you saying Issei?" Asked worried Ingvild with a whisper.

Issei flinched as he forgot for a moment that Ingvild heard everything they just talked about and cursed himself for his stupidity and careless actions.

"It's fine hime, no need to worry" Said Issei.

"What do you mean no need to worry?!? You are planning to fight the beast of the apocalypse" Said panicking Ingvild.

"Yea I know it sounds really dangerous, but I have a plan that should work" Said Issei nervously.

"It better work. Will you tell Valerica about it?" Asked Ingvild.

"I don't think so..... she already has a lot on her plate, she already has a lot of work to do and this stuff will just do more harm to her than good" Answered Issei.

Ingvild wasn't sure about this.

"You already know the risks right?" Asked Albion.

"Yea I do" Replied Issei.

Albion then flared his aura and issei's aura raised too.

The room started to shake a little and Valerica almost woke up but they lowered their auras in time.

Now issei's aura was reddish white and purple.

"Did it work?" Asked Issei.

"Yes, it did my new partner" Replied Albion's soul fragment.

"We'll call you Al because it will be confusing calling you Albion too" Said Issei.

"I'm fine with it" Replied Al.

"Alright cool, when she wakes up tell her that if she wants to she can visit us at any time" Said Issei.

"Sure I'll do it once, but remember I'm not a messenger" Said Albion.

"Alright thank you, Albion" Said Issei as he and Ingvild went downstairs to say their goodbyes.

They returned home and the rest of the day went peacefully for them. They just relaxed and Issei mostly slept.

The next day Issei decided to visit another dragon king.

The one Ddraig told him that was really mad at him.

And that dragon was located in the familiar forest.

Issei didn't have access to that forest because he was a dragon and not a devil, not anymore. So he decided to ask Ingvild if she could teleport them there because she's a high-class devil.

"Hey hime, do you have access to the familiar forest?" Asked Issei.

"Yes I do, what do you want to do there tho?" Asked Ingvild.

"I know there is a dragon king that lives there I need her help with something" Said Issei.

"Alright, but I'll come with you" Said Ingvild.

"Sure you can come with me" Said Issei as he kissed her on her cheek as a thank you.

They arrived in the familiar forest and barely saw any familiars probably because it was not a full moon yet.

They just walked in a random direction until they saw a man standing on a tree branch looking afar.

Issei immediately recognised him as the familiar master.

"Hey, Ash Ketchum on drugs! can you tell us where the dragon king Tiamat lives?" Asked Issei.

The familiar master turned around and saw Ingvild and Issei staring at him.

He didn't recognize Issei because his appearance was a bit different nor did he ever see Ingvild.

"Why do you want to find her? do you want to die?" Said the familiar master.

"Just stop wasting our time and tell us already" Said Issei annoyed.

"Just head north to that mountain you'll see a cave she lives there" Said the familiar master.

"Alright thank you, Ash, on drugs" Said Issei as he and Ingvild went in the said direction.

After one hour they finally reached the cave.

"Alright hime stay here and don't get out of here under any circumstances is that understood?" Said Issei with a serious facial expression.

"But why? I thought dragons won't attack their faction leaders" Said a confused Ingvild.

"Well just the dragons that live in the dragon mountains know about a faction we're about to build, and this dragon hates Ddraig so much she just by feeling his aura starts hunting him down and killing his hosts" Explained Issei.

Ingvild now was very worried.

"But don't worry everything will be fine" Said Issei as he started walking towards the cave flaring a bit of his dominating aura.

Walking towards the cave he immediately noticed ice blue eyes staring at him with killing intent.

"DDRAIG!!!!!!" Roared Tiamat as she walked out of the cave.

When she walked out of the cave Issei saw a celestial blue dragon staring down at him.

She flared her aura to frighten Issei.

But Issei flared his and easily surpassed her aura. She was shocked for a second before deciding to ask a question.

"Tell me why you came here Ddraig" Snarled Tiamat with venom as she glared at issei with her cold eyes.

Just her glare made issei feel the chill running down his spine

"I'm not Ddraig. I'm his host, my name is Issei Hyoudou and I'm a leader of a faction I'm building" Said Issei.

"Oh? and what faction is iti?" Asked Tiamat.

"Dragon Faction" Replied Issei simply.

Tiamat's eyes widened from slight shock but composed herself immediately.

"Oh? and you are here to bring me to your territory dear leader? to make me do as you order?" Asked Tiamat.

"No you can live wherever you want I came here to borrow your soul fragment" Said Issei.

"And why do you need it?" Asked Tiamat as curiosity sparked within her eyes.

"Chaos brigade will release Trihexa and I'm planning to kill it using all the dragon kings and two heavenly dragon soul fragments for power" Said Issei.

"Are you crazy? you know you can die just from using all the powers at once?" Asked Tiamat.

"I know" Replied Issei.

"Alright I'll give you my soul fragment but you have to do two things for it" Said Tiamat with a smirk.

"Okay" Replied Issei.

"First you will have to fight me to prove that you are worthy of my soul fragment and second..... you'll have to kiss me and make me yours," Said Tiamat seductively.

Ddraig's and issei's jaws hit the ground from the shock and Ingvild's eyes widened.

That was the biggest plot twist for Ddraig and issei ever.

"I don't know about the second one" Said Issei nervously.

"What? am I not good enough?" Asked Tiamat feeling a little hurt from his words.

"N-no that's obviously not the reason. It's just I already have two mates and I don't know if they approve of this" Said Issei.

"Well it's normal to have more than two mates for a dragon" Said Tiamat.

"Plus we can ask at least one of your mates that is hiding behind that tree" Said Tiamat as she pointed towards Ingvild.

Ingvild knew it was useless to hide, so she came out and walked towards Issei.

"Well, what do you say?" Asked Tiamat.

"I-I-I don't mind" Stuttered out Ingvild.

Issei looked at her in pure shock and disbelief.

"Well, we have permission" Said Tiamat smirking.

Tiamat then transformed into her human form as a bright blue light blinded the duo.

As the light dimmed out they saw her beautiful figure.

She had beautiful blue icy eyes and silky pale blue long hair that reached her lower back.

She was dressed in a regular shirt that beautifully hugged her big breasts and tight jeans that hugged her big butt and thick thighs.

Issei wasn't a pervert anymore but he still couldn't stop staring at her, she was extremely hot. Seeing this Tiamat decided to tease him a bit.

"Like what you see?" Asked Tiamat with a huge smirk.

"Of course I do, what man would I be if I didn't" Said Issei.

"Then wanna see more?" Asked Tiamat with a seductive voice.

Issei blushed like never before from the scene in front of him.

"Well? do you agree with being my mate?" Asked Tiamat.

"I-I don't kn-" Issei couldn't finish because Ingvild interrupted him.

"Just agree already I know you want to" Said Ingvild as she crossed her arms.

"A-alright then I agree" Said Issei.

Tiamat got really excited and kissed Issei with an intense kiss. Much to her joy, he reciprocated the kiss just intensely if not more.

After fifteen minutes they parted for air. Dragons can hold their breath longer than other beings.

Then issei's instincts kicked in and bit Tiamat on her shoulder.

She was caught off guard and let out a moan.

When Issei moved away, on her shoulder appeared a red dragon symbol.

"Why did you bite her Issei?" Asked Ingvild confused.

"He did that to mark me as his mate" Replied Tiamat.

"Then why didn't you mark me Issei?" Asked annoyed Ingvild.

"Because I thought that you might not like me after some time because I mean we barely knew each other so I thought..." Said Issei.

"You thought I might leave you? Well, guess what? I'm not leaving you and I'll never will, so either you mark me now or I won't talk to you for a month" Said Ingvild as she crossed her arms under her cleavage, she had a cute pout.

Issei sighed before walking up to her.

He gently lifted her head by her chin and kissed her.

They made out with her for a couple of minutes before parting and biting her shoulder. She just like Tiamat let out a moan and a red dragon symbol appeared on her shoulder. Ingvild smiled happily and hugged Issei from the excitement she felt.

"Well, now we're gonna fight so I could prove to you?" Asked Issei.

"No need I know that you are already way stronger than me, plus I think you'll be a great leader of the dragon faction" Said Tiamat.

"What makes you think that?" Asked Issei curiously.

"I don't know just a feeling" Replied Tiamat as she gave Issei a small blue orb.

Issei took the orb and absorbed it by putting it on his chest. like with Tannin.

"Alright, Tia see you later" Said Issei as he was about to teleport back home.

Tiamat blushed at her new nickname.

But before Issei could leave Ddraig spoke.

"Issei wait" Said Ddraig.

Issei stopped and turned towards Tiamat knowing what Ddraig was doing.

When Tiamat heard his voice she had a look of hatred.

"Tiamat, I'm sorry for not giving you your treasure back. It got destroyed and I couldn't pay you anything for it because I got sealed..... So I'm sorry" Apologized Ddraig sincerely.

"It's ok Ddraig... I'll let you off the hook this time" Said Tiamat.

After that they said their goodbyes to Tiamat they went back home to relax

Ingvild started making dinner while humming happily.

"What made you this happy today hime?" Asked Issei.

"You, of course, you marked me as your mate and I'm really happy about it for some reason" Replied Ingvild.

"By the way tomorrow after school I'll bring Valerica to a date so the next day after the date with Valerica I would like to go with you on a date too, is that alright with you?" Said Issei.

"Of course! You just made me even happier" Said Ingvild as she kissed Issei.

Issei felt really happy and proud that he can make his girls feel happy. Suddenly Issei remember what Valerica said when Issei saved Ingvild.

..... FLASHBACK.....

"But no harems I'm fine with love triangle tho" Said Valerica.


Issei shivered at the thought of what she will do to him for this.

"Ingvild, what should I tell Valerica about Tiamat?" Asked nervous Issei.

"Just tell her the truth, she may be a bit angry but she will calm down eventually. Plus it's not like you planned that... Right?" Said Ingvild.

"Of course, I didn't plan that" Said Issei with one thought in his mind.

'Women are scary' Said Issei mentally.

'That they are partner' even Ddraig agreed.

After dinner, they went to sleep together and relax for tomorrow...

next chapter
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