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16.92% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Date with the empress...

Chapitre 11: Chapter 11 Date with the empress...

The next morning Issei woke up three hours early before school. He thought that it would be a good idea to do some training with soul fragment powers/abilities.

"Where do I even start?" Sighted Issei.

"Partner, start with gaining their signature abilities, then try combining them" Advised Ddraig.

"I think that's a good idea. But don't do crazy stuff and experiments, because we still don't know what will happen to you.

Not only your body might get destroyed but your soul too" Warned Al.

"Alright, so who should I start with?" Asked Issei.

"Start with Tannin, then Tiamat and then Al.

Later on, you'll get Vritra's soul and maybe even Yu long's soul fragment" Said Ddraig.

"Alright then, let's get started" Said Issei as he sat on the ground in an across-legged position and entered his mindscape to train with his dragons.

Two and a half hours passed. Ingvild woke up half an hour ago and coming to the living room she saw Issei mediating.

She let him stay like this for a bit but later decided to call him, otherwise, they would've been late for school.

"Issei we need to go or we'll be late" Said Ingvild as she shook Issei lightly.

Issei opened his eyes and saw Ingvild in front of him with a smile.

Issei kissed her on the lips as a good morning.

"Hello hime, is it time for school already?" Asked Issei.

"Unfortunately yes, so go get ready and let's go" Said Ingvild as she went away. Issei stood up and put on his school uniform.

They went to school holding hands and smiling brightly.

Ingvild was happy because she will go out on a date with Issei the next day.

But Issei was happy for a whole other reason.

He can use Tannin's abilities. He still needs to master those powers but he got the hang of it.

His dragons were shocked just how quickly he learned.

They reached the school gates but to their surprise, Katase and Murayama were waiting for Issei and Ingvild.

"Good morning Issei, Ingvild" Greeted both girls.

"Good morning" Replied Ingvild cheerfully.

"M-mornig Mura, Kate" Replied Issei even less nervous than the last time. The girls noticed that and smiled.

"Well, let's go to class" Said Murayama.

"Okay" Replied Ingvild.

They went to class and sat in their seats.

After the bell, the teacher came to class and announced that some seats will be changed.

When the moving was done Murayama and Katase had huge smiles. That's because they got seated next to issei.

Issei and Ingvild stayed in their original seats while Katase sat to issei's right and Murayama behind Issei.

The lesson was boring for Issei as he just folded his arms on a desk and used them as a pillow for him to sleep. In this case, he was in his mindscape.

When the lunch break started the three girls wanted to go together with Issei on a roof to eat their lunch together.

But then they saw Issei still sleeping. They tried to wake him up but nothing worked.

"Ugh! why aren't you waking up!" Shouted Katase.

"Let's just go without him this time, he must be tired" Said Murayama.They then went up the roof to have their lunch.

"Maybe you and Issei want to go with us today to the arcade or something?" Asked Murayama.

"I can but Issei has a date today" Said Ingvild. And then she remembered that she shouldn't have said anything about the other girls.

"What do you mean? Did you break up?!" shouted both Murayama and Katase.

"N-no we did not" Said Ingvild.

"You mean, you just let him go out with other girls?" Asked Katase in disbelief.

"Well, that girl actually shares him with me..... She was the one that saved Issei from going insane because of his betrayal" Said Ingvild.

"You mean he has a harem again?" Asked Murayama.

"Sort of.... but he didn't plan any of this, he wanted just to close his heart from everyone and forget love..." Said Ingvild saddened.

"How many girls does he have right now?" Asked curious Murayama.

"Three in total me, Valerica, and Tiamat" Replied Ingvild.

"Well that's unexpected" Said Katase.

"Agreed" replied Murayama.

"Do you girls know each other?" Asked Katase.

"Well I know both of them, but Valerica and Tiamat don't know each other because Tiamat is new to the harem... today Issei after his date with Valerica will tell her.... tho I don't know how she will react. She said she doesn't mind a love triangle but no harems and here we are having a harem" Said Ingvild a bit concerned about what Valerica will do to Issei after his confession.

The bell rang indicating that the lunch break was over.

When they came back to class they chuckled a bit because they saw Issei still sleeping. He looked cute in Ingvild's Murayama's and Katase's eyes.

The classes ended and Issei had woken up as he and Ingvild were about to leave Issei was stopped by a certain Redhead.

This just ruined his day.

"What do you want Gremory?" Asked Issei with no emotion while he was holding in so much rage.

"Issei, I want you to come back to me, to us, we love you please just come back, I know that that slut over there is just manipulating you" Said Rias as she pointed at Ingvild.

The students were shocked because of Ria's words, the girls once looked up to Rias and the rest of the ORC, but now they were disgusted by her actions.

Issei on the other hand was so pissed but somehow managed to hold his rage in.

"Listen here Gremory... I don't care what you or what the rest of you want, I don't care what you need, I don't care what you call me, but you DARE to call my precious mate like that after what YOU AND THE REST OF THE GIRLS DID TO ME! YOU CALL HER A SLUT WHILE YOU SLEPT WITH MY BEST FRIENDS!!!" Shouted Issei not able to control his rage anymore.

The whole class was shocked as well as the outside to hear Issei shouting the truth. Rias immediately started to cry.

"I-I just w-want us to be together again" Said Rias while crying.

"I don't care what you want plus don't you have college work or something? It's the second time you come here" Asked Issei as he wanted her to go out of his sight.

Rias turned around and slowly walked out.

Issei just stood there and looked at the ground as his hair shadowed his eyes and had clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but students saw his tears hit the ground.

They felt horrible for him.

Ingvild came and hugged him together with Katase and Murayama.

After the incident, Issei went home, while Ingvild and the two girls went to spend some time together.

As Issei came back to the apartment he called Valerica via magic circle.

"Hello?" Answered Valerica.

"Hey empress, wanna go on a date today?" Asked Issei.

"I would love to, when are we going out?" Asked Valerica.

"How about in an hour?" Asked Issei.

"Sure! that's perfect!" Replied Valerica excited for her date.

"Alright, I'll come to get you in an hour" Said Issei as he went to get changed.

Issei changed into a red shirt blue jeans and a black leather jacket with white and red dragons on its back.

An hour passed so he teleported to Valerica's mansion.

When he got there he saw Le Fay making dinner.

"Hey, Le Fay" Greeted her Issei.

"Oh! Issei hello. Are you here for Valerica?" Asked Le Fay.

"Yep, I guess she told everyone already?" asked amused Issei.

"About the date? Of course, she did, she was so excited, right now I think she's with Elaine upstairs, so just wait here for a bit" Said Le Fay.

"Alright" Said Issei as he sat down on the couch.

After five minutes Valerica came downstairs wearing blue jeans that hugged her thighs and butt, she wore a white shirt and a half leather jacket with a white dragon on her back.

"Wow, you look amazing Val, I like your outfit" Said Issei.

"Thanks, you look good too" Replied Valerica blushing a bit.

"Well, let's go then?" Asked Issei as he stretched his hand towards Valerica.

"Yes let's go" Said Valerica taking his hand and Issei created a magic circle with two heavenly dragons and teleported back to the apartment where Ingvild already was making dinner.

"Hi, Valerica" Greeted her Ingvild with a hug.

"Hey Ingvild, how are you?" Asked Valerica.

"I'm great! it's fun here in Kouh" Said Ingvild with a smile.

"Glad you enjoy it here" Said Valerica.

"Have a nice date" Said Ingvild.

"Alright, bye hime" Said Issei as he and Valerica went outside.

"Well, where are we going first?" Asked curious Valerica.

"Where do you want to go first? amusement park or theatre?" Asked Issei.

"How about we go to an amusement park first, then we'll go watch a movie?" Said Valerica.

"Alright then, let's go to the amusement park" Said issei as he grabbed her hand.

When they got to the amusement park, Issei suggested going on a roller coaster first. Valerica agreed with Issei even tho she didn't know what it was.

She had never gone to an amusement park, it was her first time so she didn't know what to expect.

When the ride started to move Valerica thought it was some sort of joke because it was moving slowly.

But when they reached the top, the roller coaster started riding at insane speeds. Valerica was scared for her life and grabbed issei's hand tightly while screaming.

After the ride Valerica was dizzy and she had to sit down on a bench for a couple of minutes.

"Did you like it" Asked Issei with a smile?

"Like it?? I thought I would die there" Said Valerica.

"C'mon it was fun! look I even have a photo of you screaming" Said Issei as he gave a photo of Valerica screaming for her life and Issei laughing the whole time.

Valerica immediately blushed and hid the photo in her pocket.

"So what's next?" Asked Valerica.

"How about we go to the arcade?" Suggested Issei.

"Sure" Replied Valerica.

They then played in an arcade. Although it was the first time for Valeeica she crushed Issei in every game they played.

"AHH! this sucks" Said Issei as he crossed his arms while Valerica just laughed.

At least Issei won her a red dragon plushie that she loved very much.

"So what now?" Asked Valerica.

"Now we either go eat dinner and then watch a movie or vice versa" Said Issei.

Suddenly Valerica's stomach growled for food. Issei chuckled while Valerica blushed like a rose.

"Okay, that's our answer then" Said amused Issei.

They went to a nearby stall and ordered some waffles. Issei liked those waffles, and because he's a dragon he has an appetite that of a dragon. So he ordered three times more than Valerica.

As they were eating Issei decided to tell her about Tiamat.

"Hey Val, I have to tell you something really important..." Said Issei.

"Alright who is she?" Asked Valerica as she took a bite of her meal.

Issei was caught off guard by her question and almost choked on his meal but understood what she meant somehow.

"T-t-tiamat" Answered Issei scared for his life.

Valerica's eyes widened.

"You mean dragon king Tiamat???" Asked Valerica in shock and disbelief.

"Y-y-yes" Answered Issei still scared.

"ughhhh.... I knew that would happen eventually...." Said Valerica with a sigh.

"It's alright, I'm not mad I'm happy that you decided to tell me about this, but please no more girls without my approval, I have to make sure that you won't get the girls like the previous ones" Said Valerica with concern.

"Plus I know that Tiamat won't even do anything like those whores" Said Valerica with a smirk.

Issei was so shocked, that his brain stopped braining and he went on autopilot. He thought that she would surely kill him.

"By the way how did you meet her?" Asked curious Valerica.

"I wanted to meet her in the familiar forest to say sorry for what Ddraig did to her treasure and make it even somehow and she said she wants to be my mate" Explained Issei telling half true.

"Alright" Said Valerica understanding the situation.

"Well, now that we are full, we'll go to watch a movie?" Asked Valerica.

"Y-yeah" Replied Issei still in a somewhat shocked state.

After a movie, they went on the last ride. And of course, it was a Ferris wheel.

Upon reaching the top Valerica saw the beautiful sunset.

"Thank you, Issei for this wonderful date. I don't remember when last time I had this much fun and the whole chaos brigade stuff just stressed me out, but you helped me to relax today" Said happy Valerica.

Issei kissed her and they made out for a minute.

"Your welcome my empress happy to make you happy" Said Issei.

After they were done with their date, they went back home. it was already dark and Issei decided to take a shortcut through a park.

And suddenly they reached a fountain where Issei was killed. Issei's face immediately lost all emotions which didn't go unnoticed by Valerica.

"What's wrong Issei?" Asked concerned Valerica.

"Well... this is the place where I was killed.... for a moment I forgot that even happened...." Replied Issei.

Valerica immediately understood what he was saying and felt saddened.

"I hate it.... I never asked for this to even happen..... but at the same time, I love it... I'm not a sad useless and hated pervert, somebody actually loves me as much as I love them... I just love you girls too much..." Said Issei.

Valerica then kissed Issei with love and support.

"We will never leave your side Issei, we will always love you and stay by your side no matter what, even if the world turns against you" Said Valerica confidentially.

Issei smiled warmly and kissed her this time.

After they were done they finally made it back home.

"Well then Issei, cya later.... oh and by the way tomorrow you will get my surprise" Said Valerica with a smirk.

"Alright my empress, goodnight" Said Issei as Valerica teleported back to her mansion.

As Issei walked inside, he saw that the lights were off already, so he assumed that Ingvild was already sleeping. Issei took a quick shower and went to bed joining Ingvild.

He kissed her on her forehead as a goodnight and brought her closer to himself she wrapped her arms around issei as he went to sleep.

The next morning started as usual for Issei he went to school with Ingvild and met up with Murayama and Katase.

Then the bell rang and everyone got to their seats.

The teacher came in with an announcement.

"Alright students, today we have a transfer student" said the teacher. Everyone was interested even Issei was a bit interested but Ingvild already knew who it was.

"Please come in" Said the teacher.

The doors opened and issei just froze.

"Hello everyone my name is Valerica Luferda and I'm Issei Hyoudou's second girlfriend" Introduced Velerica with a huge smirk.

"WHAT!!!?????" Shouted the whole class except Issei and Ingvild. Issei just slammed his head on the table in frustration and the table split in half much to everyone's shock...


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