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1.14% The Disastrous Life of a Gamer / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
The Disastrous Life of a Gamer The Disastrous Life of a Gamer original

The Disastrous Life of a Gamer

Auteur: MeatBunKun

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1

(A/N: Yo guys, Meat bun here. So as some of you guys may notice, I just deleted all of the chapters from this novel.

The reason is fairly simple. This novel was written by my GF and you guys were kind of harsh with some of your comments. So I had to take it myself and rewrite it. Hope you like it now.

Now fuck off and see you later you magnificent bastards)

You know, when you woke up and in front of you is standing a guy in a red costume made from spandex … probably, the first reaction of a normal person would be to scream and get scary. Well, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately I'm not a normal person. Don't get me wrong I'm human but my father was an exorcist while my mother was a nun, or at least that she made everyone believe. She followed dad in every single fight he had while he was alive and even after his death, she continued to purge the heretics and demons from this town till the day she killed the wrong demon. A subordinate of the so-called Heir of the Devil faction, and as revenge for killing his subordinate, the devil killed my mother. I was just twelve when I remained an orphan too for some fucked up reason I was allowed to live alone in my house and every month I got enough money to buy myself food and things I liked. I was a kid, but I wasn't dumb, I knew that someone from the devil's side was taking care of me. Most likely my mother's last request before she was killed or something like that.

Back to the strange man, he was throwing a tantrum about how I could hit his sexy face and that he won't be able to return to his girlfriend if his face was deformed or injured.

"Do you think I care about your face? You barged into my room and looked at me while I was sleeping. Of course, I will hit you."

"But, but look at his sexy body! Doesn't your teenager blood boil when you look at me? How could you harm a sexy and innocent body like this?"

"Using my fists."

"Author! Do you see what you put on my task list? Deal with him yourself. I want to fuck Vanessa or she would fuck me!"

Just as he said that a large hand appeared behind him and smashed him to my floor. Likely seriously, how in the name of God does that make any sense? I heard about idiots and crazy people, but it's my first time seeing a body exploding in a mass of mini bodies in bikini posing like some whores.

After ten minutes of touching itself? The man reform himself back as new.

"What a nice place are you doing in a boy like this? Wait, that's the wrong one. Sorry, but no sorry."

"If you are done with your monologues, can you tell me why did you appear in my room? If you answer me I promise you I will beat you just a little."

"Wait! Wait! Don't hurt me, I'm just a Courier. Let me see … ah here. Got something I'm supposed to deliver- your hands only."

I looked at him, but I didn't drop my guard. He was crazy and funny but his swords on his back told me another story and looking at the letter in his hands, I decided to bite the bullet in the worst case I will see my parents once again.

When I touched the letter, something unexpected happens to me. My vision was switched. Instead of looking at the letter that the crazy spandex man was holding, I was looking at a young man a little older than myself. I was 16 and he was most likely 18 or 19. He had brown eyes and looked somewhat buffed like a swimmer? He was wearing a school uniform which doesn't look familiar, but how cares.

"Hello there, Yoshida Haru. My name is Han Jihan and from what you can see I'm from Korea. I'm something that doesn't exist in your world. I'm from another world."

I couldn't hide my surprise when he said that. Demons, Angels, Gods, and monsters exist in my world but a completely new parallel world or universe? That's something I would like to see with my own eyes.

"Don't get that surprise. You have Gods on your world and a small new world is surprising for you?"

"I mean…"

"Hold up. Let me explain why I brought you here first, ok?"

I nodded at him. He seemed like a good guy so I decided to be a good guy myself. Respect and you'll get respected back.

"I was a normal human, more normal than you before I first got my gift. As for the gift itself, it made my life into an actual game. I got stats, powers, skills, races, quests. Every single thing an RPG game would have and that in real life. I got my first levels from doing quest issued by my own mother then I discovered the dungeons and from there I power leveled myself. I didn't bring you here to brag about my exciting life. I was a proposal for you Haru-kun. Do you want to become the second Gamer? Which will make me your Sempai I think. If my Japanese is correct."

"It's Senpai, Sempai it's the translation and as for your proposal, I will answer you if you answer one question.

"Sure thing, what do you want to know?"

"If I accept, will you send the annoying pervert away?"

"Wade? Yeah if that's what you want. He's strange and funny and somehow a good guy. Do you believe me if I tell you that he's some sort of a hero from another world? And he knows that he's from a movie or a comic book. He even destroyed a multiverse just because he was angry that was made ugly by the Author. Poor guy couldn't even get laid with his crush. Good thing I made a whole Multiverse for you to play. With the countless world and people. Just enjoy your peace while it lasts Haru. See you later and sorry for waking you up ."

"No problem. I'm not mad at you, but I think I will visit you someday when I will get stronger and get revenge on that pervert."

"Good luck with that. Even I can't beat him and I'm a cheater."

"We shall see. See you later."

"Wait, before you left, let me give you a piece of advice from someone that has already experienced the game. For your first class, you should pick something related to magic. You are stronger than any normal humans and you could beat a weak supernatural if you fight just with your weapon. Your Naginata served the warrior-monk Benkei in feudal Japan. Your weapon is a special weapon and you will learn that tomorrow. As for your secondary job or support class, you should choose something that could earn you money like cooking, baking or drink making. You see that it will get easier to have a stable income to justify where you get your money. Until next time Haru-kun."

After he said that I was standing back in my room. This time without the perverted hero to piss me off.

[Congratulations! You are the Second Gamer]

[Would you like to see your status?]

Of course, I want to see it.

[Status ]

Name: Yoshida Haru

Race: Blessed Human

Faction: None


EXP: 0/100

HP: 400

HP= (VIT+STR) x2

MP: 500

Money: 0(You have 2 million Yen in your bank account) – Money got from quests and dungeon will be transferred directly in your bank account if you turn this option ON

STR: 100

VIT: 100

DEX: 50

INT: 100

WIS: 100

LUK: 40

§ (Strength: Increases physical strength, increases HP regeneration rate as well.

§ Agility: Increases overall speed.

§ Intelligence: Increases MP, learning speed, and memory.

§ Wisdom: Increases MP regeneration. Possibly increases actual wisdom.

§ Luck: Likely increases the chance of rare drops, possibly increases real-life luck.

§ Points: Can be spent to increase stats. The gamer gets 5 every level.)

Points to spend: 0

Power Ranks: 10 – normal people, animals

50-500- weak magical beings, exorcists

500-1500 – the average low-class supernatural

1500-3000 – the average medium-tier supernatural

3000-10000 – the high rank of the supernatural

OVER 10000 are the powers houses of every faction.

The stats may differ but that's the average stats they have in one category.

Skills: (Gamer's Mind- Passive)

One of the two basic and overpowered skills a Gamer will get

Effects: Allow the user to calmly and logically think in any situation (Can be turned off in some situations)

Allow a state of peace for your mind

Blocks and resist all of the mental attacks (Disorders and Magic)-Immunity if you want to sort about the mentioned attacks or inflictions

(Gamer's Body-Passive)

One of the two basic and overpowered skills a Gamer will get

Effects: Allows the user/player to live his life like a game (He receives no damage on his body, though he will still feel the pain and the loss of HP)

Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP, and all mass effects.

(Blessed Human-Passive)

You have been blessed by a God or a being close to the title of God

Effects: Immunity against all-natural or man-made disses

Increase all Stats gained by training by two times

Every level + 100 HP and +100 MP

Bonus affection with the Light and humans factions

Some factions may hate you

(Naginata Mastery –Passive) Lv: 25/50

Your skill in handling and using a Naginata

Effect: Increase the attack of the user using a Naginata

Negate 25 % of the armor of the enemy- MAX 50 %

(Hand to Hand/Unarmed/CQC Mastery-Passive) Lv: 15/50

Your skill when fighting with your fists in close quarters

Effect: Effect: Increase the attack of the user using its fists

Bonus Damage when using Magic on its attack (Require Lv>35)

(Born Warrior-Passive)

Your ancestors were legendary warriors and their blood runs through your body

Effect: You won't feel fear. You won't be intimated and you will inspire your allies.

Every level will increase STR, VIT, and DEX by 5

Grants the Class Warrior-Monk

Increase the affection with fellow Warriors-Monk/Priests

Increase the speed the user will level his combat-related skills

Looking at my status, I didn't know to react, to be honest. Being compared to a normal human, I was basically a monster. I could probably beat the shit out of any low-class devils and fallen angels maybe even angels though I don't have any reason to attack an angel.

As for my ancestors, I have an Idea about them or at least one of them.

My great great grandfather was a monk and I' pretty sure one of my ancestors was Benkei, the famous Warrior-Monk that fought against Yoshitsune on the Gojo Bridge.

Looking at the clock on my desk, I saw that it was almost 6 AM and that worked for me. Even if Wade didn't wake me up, I would still have been up at this time for training for an hour before I will take a shower and a quick breakfast. Today was my first day at Kuoh High-School the new coed school. Yeah by some pure devilish luck I was sent where the sisters of two devils learn. I really hate my life and it seems that Jihan will enjoy my life I think if I would switch it with him.

[He will hate it, I think. He has a harem in his world and he's basically a god. I don't think he will switch places with you. Maybe for more girls?]

Fuck him then. Lucky bastard.

[+10 Affection with the Game for insulting the first Gamer 10/100]

For real?

[He's a dick with my main body frame. And I like you a lot more than him. At least for now]

I didn't even know how to respond so I decided to start my training.

After one hour and a half, I was ready to leave for my first day in the paradise known as High-School…

As I was walking towards the school I used one of my skills that I gained this morning on some people that I passed by.

Most of them weren't anything special, but one of them scared me.

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Lv: 1

Job: None

Highest stat: Luk: 100

Thoughts of you: You are his crush and he will love to be pinned by a strong man like you. He also wants to build a harem of good looking men and traps

Affection: 50/100

Obedience:?? /100

[For having 50 Affection with Issei Hyoudou you earned a Perk]

[The forbidden love]

[Effect: Increase the affection with all Gay men and easily will you get affection with them]

Yeah, fuck this shit. I love girls and having the affection of this guy scares me. Also what in the name of God Game. Can I refuse the perk?

[No. But it won't matter to you as I took the liberty of blocking any thoughts of going for the same gender as yourself and rework the perk a little]

[The forbidden respect]

[Effect: Increase the respect with all Gay men and how easily will you get respect with them]

I love you Game.

[Love you too]

After the short and scary interaction with that guy I speed up and after five minutes, I found myself standing in front of the school gate.

And it seemed that I was scary, at least for the students as they keep avoiding me. Even though I was handsome, tall, and good-looking with muscle that could be seen underneath the uniform. The way I looked inspired fear somehow and I'm pretty sure I didn't have any skill for that.

The only student that didn't look scared by my appearance was a girl with glasses that was standing near the gate. Yep, one hundred percent she's either a devil or strong-willed student president.

Using a quick [Observe] on her my thoughts were confirmed

[Name :Souna Shitori(Sona Sitri)

Job: None

Race: Devil

Thought about you: She's interested in you and why does everyone fears you. Expect an invitation from her]

That's perfect. One of the devils is interested in me. At least she's a girl and a cute one.

As I was entering through the opened gate, I felt a hand on my arm. It didn't grab, but it just stopped on it.

I turned my head towards the source of that and Sona was looking at me.

"Excuse me, are you Haru Yoshida?"

"That's my name. Did I got in any trouble?"

"No, no. I just was checking. I need to know the students that will study in this school. It's my duty as the council president."

Interesting, she wants to lure me into her peerage most likely. Mother was right, devils are cunning but not all of them will force you.

[Quest: Don't get in any trouble on your first day

Reward: Increase Affection with Sona Sitri

Increase Affection with her Peerage

Cooper box –random loot box

Bonus Reward: ????]

I will gladly accept these rewards. Why would you ask? It ain't that hard to be a good student.

"Ok then. Then miss president, I'll see you later."

"Souna Shitori that's my name. Nice to meet you Yoshida-san"

"Nice to meet you too Shitori-san. As much as I would like to talk to you some more, I have to get myself to my class or I would get scolded by the teacher. See you later."

[+1 Affection with Sona Sitri for being a decent person and not a pervert]

As if she could tell that already.

After we said goodbye, I walked to my class, and unsurprisingly, I was in the same class as my stalker.

I didn't even dare to look at him in case he will get excited or something like that. You don't mess with a crazy stalker that has a crush on you.

The first thing that I should do is find a way to get rid of him.

The second thing that I should do is looking through the classes.

And finally, use my money to start a small business.

[I suggest making a coffee shop. It's fairly easy to learn how to brew coffee and you don't really need a big space to open one]

Nice one. I like this one. Also in the RPG you usually get a perk after passing a certain amount of stat points ain't that right?

[Congratulation on discovering a secret function of the Game]

[For passing the 50 Mark on some of your attributes you gained:

(Inhumane physique –Passive)

Effects: You will gain a 10% boost on your STR

Your body is more resistant against physical attacks

(Inhumane reflexes-Passive)

Your physical senses are extremely developed.

Effect: +20% Physical speed

Effect: +10% learning speed on Physical skills

(Mana Regeneration-Passive)

Your mana will regenerate 50% faster

(Small Mana Capacity Boost-Passive)

Increases your Mana Capacity by 10 %

(Eidetic Memory-Passive)

You will be able to remember even the number of leaves that will fall from a tree if you look at it.

A curse in the skin of a blessing. You won't be able to unseen things.

Looking at the rewards for achieving 50 stats points in a category I could only smile. I got stronger and that means more training or at least harder training.

As the classes were slowly killing me, I noticed a person looking at me. Turning my head towards the said person, I was surprised when I saw a girl. She was wearing some spectacles and through the glasses, I saw that her eyes were golden. Her hair messy though that brunette hair was tied into braids on each side.

If I didn't have the [Game], I would miss this wonderful notification.

[+20 Affection with Kyruu Aika for having an excellent dick]

Did she just …

[Yes host. She looked at your lower part and she nails it, Not gonna lie, not even Jihan has this type of girl in his harem.]

I looked back at her and smiled which earned me five affection points with her.

After the classes were over, I decided to head directly home and browse through my options.

Unfortunately for me, my stalker was waiting for me at the entrance.

"Hello, Yoshida-san."

I forced my dark thoughts back inside my head and greet him back. Maybe I could use him somehow.

"Hello, Hyoudou-san. What can I do for you?"

"Ano…would like to go home together?"

"No, goodbye."

I didn't even wait for him to respond back, as I sprinted through the students and five minutes later I was home. Away from any crazy stalkers, I may have.

New plan, Issei will have to die. Preferably burned to death.

MeatBunKun MeatBunKun

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

You can also check my patr3on for advanced chapters.


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