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50% Reincarnation is Overrated / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapitre 5: Chapter 5

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the oc. Animes, video games, movies and books referenced in this fic are owned by their respective creators and companies.

AN: This is an alternative Universe. For Star Wars it is a mix of Disney Cannon and Legends Cannon. There will be things that may have been sped up, slowed down, removed completely in the timeline. I'll try to keep it as close as I can.



Chapter 5

William awoke to searing pain, he was so focused on the pain he hadn't even had time to realize he was actually alive. It took all of William's considerable will to gather his wits long enough to realize he was alive but if any of the tubes, machines, droids and shackles were any indication it meant that he would not be enjoying his stay wherever he currently found himself.

"Subject is awake, sending notification to Lord Sidious." a medical droid announced.

William was not soothed by the droid's announcement. He struggled even more in his restraints to get away from the granddaddy of all evil bastards. His efforts were for naught. His restraints tightened and he felt his veins go ice cold and saw that a strange blue liquid was being pumped into them. He was somewhat groggy but his sensations became razor sharp. As William was taking a mental catalogue of his current predicament the room's door opened and in stepped a cloaked figure along with the Dr. Mengele of the Star Wars Universe Nuvo vindi.

"Ahh, I see our patient is awake. Wonderful! I will be able to get first hand feedback from him as we run our experiments." Vindi excitedly announced.

Sidious' smile widened when he felt the fear from his new test subject at the mention of experiments. 

"Oh yes Doctor, we will have to take special care to get accurate information from our volunteer." Sidious then turned his head from the doctor and looked upon the shackled clone. He was really enjoying the sweet fear and misery the man was experiencing. "XC-0187 also known as Kratos. A failed experiment from Kamino but quite an effective killer. You sure did prove those long necked amphibians wrong didn't you, my young friend? Don't worry we will continue to experiment until we get it right this time around. While Doctor Vindi and I will not be able to stay for too long due to our other duties you will certainly be treated with the utmost care, won't we, Doctor?" Sidious cooed.

William was afraid, he had never been so afraid in his entire life, both of them in fact. He was captured not only by the worst two pricks in the universe but also because he knew for a fact that his stay would not be a pleasant one and the only hope to escape the incoming pain was for him to die. William felt afraid, hopeless and regretful. He felt such deep regret to have stood out in Geonosis. He cursed himself and his damn Zabrak temper. As he had all those thoughts race through his mind. He remembered that he had one last and yet infinitesimally small chance of survival. When he had programmed Hydra and Soon after JW-1000 he had left many directives in their codes. Mostly it was contingency plans in case it became more difficult to escape the army but one contingency he had added on a lark had been in case he was reported dead. It was a directive to have Hydra propagate and infect any and all systems in the galaxy for any mention of him either by name or description. If any was found Hydra was to notify JW-1000 and have him plan and mount a rescue operation. That was his last hope, that his droid and his pseudo artificial intelligence would find and rescue him.

Sidious was delighting in the emotional turmoil that the trooper was going through and had almost orgasmed at the new and small emotion that had appeared. Hope, the trooper had a small sliver of hope. He would thoroughly enjoy snuffing the hope out and feasting on his despair. His smile widened at the thought. "No time like the present, wouldn't you agree, Doctor?"

Nuvo Vindi had been flitting around the room in euphoria, he would be studying a rare Zabrak hybrid and was not only given leave to experiment to his heart's content but encouraged. Having heard the question he excitedly answered, "Indeed, My Lord. Indeed"


Sidious and Vindi took great joy in dissecting William slowly. It wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that He had been paralized but was left conscious throughout the procedures. He hadn't been able to move but they took great care in making sure he felt all of it. He had watched them slice into his body to take samples and poke and prod his now visible organs. Vindi had left after a time to look at the samples he had obtained. Sidious on the other hand had set up a Sith alchemical ritual and took great joy in explaining what the ritual was for.

"You see my young friend, these markings and this small sculpture will trap your consciousness so if your body were to die, we can just clone a new body and transfer your consciousness into the new one. It's quite an ingenious little ritual, my old master was quite well read in this aspect of the force. It is quite unfortunate that he died before he completed the ritual but that is what you are here for. You shall help me to complete the ritual and through your continued help you will pave the way for my immortality. You should feel honored really, Is it not a soldier's greatest wish to die for his liege. The only difference is that you will not experience death once but multiple times until we get it just right." Sidious let out an evil cackle after his monologue. Having enjoyed the look of fear and pain in the trooper's eyes as he slowly tore him apart, bit by bit.

William was in so much pain that he truly wished for death. And as he heard the madman explain the ritual his fear was amped up to 11 when he learned that he would not even get the sweet release of death. He watched as the future Emperor set up the ritual and listened as he heard the man utter the spell in a harsh and guttural language. Then as he finished he watched as a smile bloomed on the lips of the hooded man before he was shot with lightning from his fingers. He cried in agony in his mind as his body no longer responded and watched and smelled as his body was burned by the lightning until the darkness took him.


William awoke in a tank which was quickly emptied. He was confused by his new sensations but felt when a few droids carried him onto a medibed and secured him before he was fully cognizant of what was going on. He thought he had died and gone to the Star Wars Universe but that was totally outlandish. He finally came to, when a very slender and pale man came into the room. He recognized the man as Nuvo Vindi. It had not been a nightmare at all and then he started to think more clearly. He had been captured, dissected and tortured and died but due to Sith alchemy he was back but he was whole he saw his arms and legs but something was different. His limbs were disproportionate to his body; they were more slender and longer than before.

"Ahh yes, I see that you have noticed it as well. You see we are currently trying to create force sensitive clones. It is such an interesting avenue of research. As you can see for some reason the clones always end up deformed. You may not remember but this is actually the 10th clone you have inhabited. The first six were too deformed for you to exhibit any intelligence but the next few went into some sort of feral state. 

It is fascinating how your Zabrak physiology works. Alas, the previous nine were either too deformed for your consciousness or your brain couldn't take the stress of your consciousness but all in all our experiments have been failures. None of the previous iterations of clones have had any sort of force sensitivity. This current clone also does not display any of the telltale markers of a force sensitive but we must study this body to see why this one was able to work while the others died." Vindi explained to the tied up man with a maniacal smile.

William now knew that he would be in for some more pain but he wasn't as scared as he had been. His fear had been consumed by another emotion, one that William had never experienced in his previous life or his new one. Unadulterated rage, He felt it course in his veins just as he could feel the cocktail of drugs that would paralyze him and enhance his pain. He knew that soon his name would be listed as KIA in Kamino and that would trigger Hydra to begin the search. He would not lose hope and he would not give vagina neck and this pencil neck the satisfaction any longer. He wouldn't blow up in rage, but instead he would use that rage to fuel him and that hope he still held on to. He would use it to focus him.

William did not have very long to ponder his newfound resolve because the pain started soon after. He stayed as strong as he could for as long as he could but eventually he let the darkness take him yet again.


William woke up strapped up to another meditable. He had lost count of how many times he would awaken only to find himself strapped to the same table and satisfying his morbid curiosity to see what type of grotesque deformation he would have on his body. The one thing that Vindi had done correctly was to continue to tweak the clone bodies' make up. Vindi had discovered that the only times that William would awaken in the new clone bodies was when the brains on the clone bodies had been tweaked to be able to handle increased activity. He had also discovered other little tidbits such as tweaking musculature and bone density. 

This had all been possible due to the continued dissections that William had undergone. What Vindi had not taken into account was that the repeated torture sessions William went through would continue to harden his resolve and also had caused William to enter into pseudo meditative states to disconnect his conscious mind from the physical ailments of his body. If Palpatine had been around for the sessions he would have noticed but he was currently too busy to make in person appearances. He of course would receive reports and recordings of the sessions which he would secretly watch and enjoy during his downtime.

Palpatine had made a few appearances in the base during William's stay and those days had been particularly difficult for him. He was forced to endure more and for longer whenever Palpatine would be there in person. William had lost all track of time but he kept his mind strong. The confusion he felt when he woke up would dissipate faster and faster as time went on. 


William had lost all semblance of keeping time, the only way he knew how much time had passed was by inspecting the changes to the clone bodies he would inhabit. They were becoming stronger and were no longer deformed but sometimes Vindi would create a more grotesque version of his Zabrak physiology because he liked to play around. That had all changed a few iterations ago. Palpatine wasn't showing up in person anymore. Vindi had been reassigned to another base and had actually shown a sense of sadness when he said his goodbyes. The faust bastard was saddened to lose a test subject. 

The current routine of dissection had been taken up by a team of customized lab and medical droids. Their personality matrices were especially vicious and with clear directives would follow through with his dissections and would continue to do so until the clone bodies were able to register as force sensitives. They did this by testing the samples of the bodies and doing midichlorian counts. William didn't know at the time but every iteration of clones had increased counts but never enough to meet Palpatine's benchmark. 

The whole point of the experiments was to create a viable clone with with enough midichlorians that if Palpatine were to die or be killed he would be able to transfer his consciousness to a clone with a high midichlorian count so he would never be weaker than he had been, only stronger. The droids had continued to experiment with the clones until they met the benchmark of 19000 midichlorians. Their most recent clone had a count of 12000, it was nowhere near enough to be considered a success. The routine continued and William became better at meditation. As time progressed he found it easier and easier to fall into his meditative trances. 

William had never had the Force so he hadn't realized that he was experiencing Force trances or that he was able to sense the other living beings in the base because he solely focused on blocking away his pain and trying to survive long enough for Hydra to find him.


Hydra had been performing it's directives as it usually had but one day an alert had been triggered. Kamino had listed XC-0187 as KIA. This triggered it's alert and initiated it's contingency directives. It immediately had sent the alert to JW-1000 and had increased its efforts to infect the galaxy with what it's creator had called spyware. It had spread to unprecedented levels. After 18 months it had infected nearly 2/3rds of the galaxy when it had finally found a file with references to XC-0187. It had redirected most of its efforts to follow that thread for a few months and it had finally found its master. It notified JW-1000 of the results of it's investigation and JW had taken the completed ship from it's hidden asteroid base outside of Kessel and it initiated his rescue operation.

Hydra had been able to obtain the information after it had infiltrated the Separatists' cleaning and maintenance droids and had gained access to the memory core of a navigation droid aboard The Malevolence. The droid had been the navigation droid used during the capture of XC-0187 and had not been wiped of the information. An overlooked droid would become the catalyst for the chaos that would be unleashed on the galaxy in the future.


JW-1000 had left Sienar's shipyard and made its way to Coruscant on a supply ship. It's current mission was to obtain the star charts from the Republic Senate and Jedi Temple. Once arriving in Coruscant it had been almost too easy to gain access to the senate as it pretended to be a protocol droid for the Toydarian senator. It was allowed access to the building and with his spoofed credentials it had gained access to the records repository and left copies of Hydra to pilfer the information.

Gaining access to the Jedi temple had been more difficult but it had eventually been able to infiltrate the Temple and had been able to reprogram a cleaning droid and had left a copy of Hydra for it to download into the Jedi library. It had stayed hidden in the temple until it had received a message from Hydra that the information had been obtained. With his mission completed he had left the temple and had gone about completing his next mission. To find a suitable place to use as a secret base. With Hydra's assistance it had found a pirate operation that was running out of a hidden asteroid base near Kessel.

JW had decided to attack and clear the base out once the ship was completed. It returned to the Sienar shipyard to supervise the completion of his master's ship and to make sure it met or exceeded his master's expectations. That had all changed when Hydra had notified him that Cast Away protocol had been put into effect. His master was either captured or dead. He was to wait on Hydra to verify and if his master was captured he was to liberate him with all due haste. 

The search had been ongoing and after the ship had been completed he had Hydra wire the remainder of the payment and taken the datapad with the ownership info and flown out to the hidden asteroid base to clear it out. He made sure Hydra enacted the Scorched Earth protocol on Sienar as soon as he was in hyperspace. As soon as he had left hyperspace he was notified by Hydra that all schematics and other information had been wiped from the Sienar servers and that bounties had been placed on all of the team that had a hand in creating the ship with the condition that the deaths either looked like accidents or mugging gone wrong. He had the customized R-2 pilot jump into hyperspace as soon as it reached the coordinates for the next leg of the trip to Kessel.

JW had used the intel Hydra had compiled to create a plan of attack for taking the base. As soon as the ship had arrived in the Kessel system the ship went into stealth mode and found one of the pirate ships patrolling the area. JW had decided to commandeer one of the pirate ships and use it to infiltrate the base. He was spaced out of the airlock towards the ship where he was able to break into the pirate ship's airlock and continued on to annihilate the pirates. When all the killing was done he was able to fly back to the base and land. 

JW had made sure that all pirates had been eliminated on the base and had his master's ship shoot any escape pods and other ships attempting to either flee or try to help the base. The pirate operations had been small so there were only a few ships used. Luckily other than the patrol ship all other pirates had been accounted for. He had been able to have his masters ship dock and had then used the pirate ship to go out and get more maintenance and cleaning droids to help with the upkeep of the asteroid base.

Jw spent the rest of his time assisting Hydra with the search for his master. He had been on the base for only two months when he had received notification that his master had been found and that he was being held on a planet called Wayland. He had his master's ship readied and left to go rescue his master.


William found himself in a tank once again but this time he wasn't surrounded by droids. He found that odd but decided that this was his chance he started to find a way out of the tank. He was just getting ready to break out but stopped when he noticed blaster fire nearby. He renewed his efforts to get out of the tank but stopped when a figure appeared in front of him and when he realized who it was he almost broke into tears. Across from the trapped William was JW-1000. The droid could be seen looking at him. The droid released him and after Wiliam had coughed up the liquid in his lungs he heard the droid speak. 

"Identify yourself or prepare for deletion."

William smiled at the droid, "Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things, Identity: William Guerrera" He had identified himself in English and and saw the familiar flashing of the droid's eyes.

"Greetings master, I am here to rescue you." JW stated.

"I am very glad to see you, my friend. Have you neutralized all opposition on the base?" he asked.

"Affirmative master, all hostiles have been neutralized. Communications were jammed as soon as I arrived on site. What are your orders, Master?" Jw asked.

William was happy to be free but first things first, he decided to get something clothing and then would think of his next step. William and JW explored the base and finally found the supply area and were able to find some clothes. He went to a nearby fresher and used it to clean himself and get dressed. JW had gone on to search the base for any booby traps. William stepped out of the shower and took a look at his new body. He looked younger than he originally did. He no longer looked like a 40 year old but like a young man in late teens to mid twenties. He was more gaunt and lacked the muscle definition he once had. The most noticeable difference was his eyes. They were no longer milky blue but wine red. 

His new appearance reminded him of Jonah from the Jormungand anime. The fact that both he and Jonah had been child soldiers did not escape him. He still had his enlarged fangs but his eyes were not a demonic red but more like wine. He got dressed and quickly made his way to the computer terminals to find out what had been done to this clone body. He didn't notice any deformities but that didn't necessarily mean he wasn't in a defective body.

After scouring the computer terminal for a few hours, he had made a few discoveries. The first was that his current body was improved by a large margin compared to his Kaminoan clone body. Every part of this clone body had been improved. His entire body was stronger, faster and more efficient. It had been discovered that a major reason that strong force users could not be cloned was because the cloned bodies were usually not able to handle all the extra power. Vindi had hypothesised that for a greater chance of success that a strong body was the first step. 

The most recent batch of clone bodies had been created with that in mind he had also discovered that the previous clone body had only had a midichlorian count of 18000 and was deemed a failure but that they were close to creating a body that would meet Palpitine's criteria for success upon the next iteration which was his current body. William had with the help of JW gotten his blood tested for midichlorians and he discovered he had 20000. He was almost as strong as Anakin Skywalker. According to the notes Palpitine had set the criteria as 19000. He was the first success. 

He now had a dilemma, he didn't know how long it would take before Palpatine sent a force to investigate why the base had gone dark so he could either stay and do some more research or he could get the hell out of there and blow the base to hell. William decided to take the middle road. He had JW use Hydra and hack in to completely ransack the servers and after a copy of the servers had been made he would wipe it all out. He had also planted a virus into the outgoing broadcast of test results. He had doctored the results to show that the clone had been another failure and also to alter some figures so if Palpitine attempted to use the info he had, it would lead to worthless and deformed clones due to the false info that had been left behind.

He had JW and the reprogrammed sentry droids loaded two Spaarti clone tanks, flash memory device and any and all things listed in the inventory as force relics loaded onto the ship. William had decided to take all of the bleeding edge tech that had been used to create the cloning facility. He had also taken every book, data pad sculpture and relic he could find and added to his ship's hold. He decided to destroy the sculpture that had been used to trap his consciousness. He had been leary to do it but he would rather die than be trapped in that endless loop again. 

Thankfully after destroying the sculpture he didn't die. William and JW had done one last sweep to make sure nothing was missed then had used the explosives that had been found in the booby traps and set them in places that would cause the complete destruction of the base. William had made sure that all of the organic samples were in a place where the ensuing explosion would destroy them completely. He figured Palpatine had his samples or clones stashed all over the galaxy but he would deny him this location just to spite him. It was all set up to look as though William had broken out but the booby traps had cut his escape short.

As William watched the base from the cockpit of his dream ship, he watched as the base went up in smoke. He had his R2 pilot engage the stealth mode and left the atmosphere of Wayland and jumped into hyperspace to his new asteroid base. He had much to catch up on and many plans to put into action before he started to delve into his force studies and his studies of physics because if his latest predicament had shown him anything, it was that he hated his current universe and couldn't wait to go home.

silentpassenger90 silentpassenger90

I wanted to address something. I know some of you are turned off by the idea of William having the Force now. I get it, but be assured that actual force abilities will be rarely used. I didn't want a story where the force becomes the main weapon. I have always wondered how a special operations soldier would be able to utilize the force. This story will try to explore that. Don't expect William to spam force powers and resort to lightsabers for everything. thanks for reading!

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