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60% Reincarnation is Overrated / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chapitre 6: Chapter 6

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the oc. Animes, video games, movies and books referenced in this fic are owned by their respective creators and companies.

AN: This is an alternative Universe. For Star Wars it is a mix of Disney Cannon and Legends Cannon. There will be things that may have been sped up, slowed down, removed completely in the timeline. I'll try to keep it as close as I can.



Chapter 6

After a few days of catching up on the goings on in the galaxy and eating to his heart's content William got the time to reflect. William had just stepped out of the fresher and stared at his reflection. After almost a year and a half of nonstop torture he was sure he had a boatload of PTSD but with his new found love for Force meditation he was able to mitigate most of it's effects. He stopped thinking about his mental issues and focused on his appearance. In his previous clone body he had grown from looking like Jonah from the Jormungand anime to a very buff Taika Watiti but with all the alterations to his clone bodies he now looked like a gaunt Miguel, he was an R&B singer from home . He let out an uncharacteristic giggle. He went from a 40 year old Pacific Islander to a 20 year old mixed race R&B singer. It really wasnt that funny but the manic energy he felt from finally being free from the torture was finally bleeding off and making him laugh hysterically at the fact that he looked like a different celebrity from home. He still had white hair and now had wine colored eyes.

He hadn't really noticed the difference in appearance all that much when he was in Wayland, he just noticed he looked younger than before. He was sort of glad to have a sense of familiarity after so long of feeling bereft. Back on Earth, he was of mixed race, he was half Black and half Latino. His new appearance gave him a small sense of home. It still wasn't HIS face staring back at him but it was closer. He dressed himself and walked into the area that had been designated as the Force Library. It was a room that he had designated to have his droids unload the Sith and Jedi relics that he had stolen from Sidious. He was glad that JW had thought ahead and had acquired enough maintenance and labor droids to help in their base. They had done a wonderful job of organizing everything. JW was really a wonderful droid.

William's immediate priorities were to learn as much as he could of the Force and to acquire some items he would need. He had JW use Hydra to register himself as a bounty hunter droid and had used one of the pirate's more intact ships to go about the galaxy to complete his missions. He had turned in all of the pirate's corpses in order to get their bounties. JW was currently on some very important missions, Hydra had bought Cortosis from the black market to be used to not only upgrade himself but to also use the material for William's new armor. William liked the Mandalorian type of armor but he would tweak it because it could still be improved. He had also been given a standing order to hunt down any members of Death Watch and collect their armor.

It was not the only task that JW had been given though. He was also tasked to go to Tatooine to establish contacts in Jabba's palace to get any information on Krayt dragon locations and to also make contact with the Jawas. The little desert rats were an untapped resource when it came to obtaining rare materials especially if they originated in tatooine. JW would inquire about Krayt dragon locations and to leave a standing order for any and all kyber crystals they could obtain.

William was looking for the rarest kyber crystal in all of Star Wars. He was looking for Ghost Fire crystals. If the crystals were used in a lightsaber it would not only silence the blade but also make it translucent. He was also wanting the locations of Krayt Dragons because he would use a Krayt dragon pearl as one of his lightsaber crystals. He didn't have much hope for the Ghost fire crystals but it didn't hurt to ask. He would offer large amounts of scrap and 100 gallons of fresh water.

He shook himself out of his thoughts and proceeded to ask the droid in charge of the library the status of his current task, which was identifying and cataloging the items. He was very glad he had learned to understand binary droid language because the beeps and whistles would have just been annoying and he had no patience for protocol droids. He had been told that they had been able to identify and catalogue almost everything he had obtained. William was very glad he had Hydra infiltrate the Jedi temple library. It was a treasure trove of information. He was currently having Hydra assist a small team of droids compile the Jedi library's introduction and beginner's lesson plans into a format that could be put into the flash learning devices.

He didn't understand why the Jedi hadn't ever thought to do that. He knew first hand how effective flash learning devices could be. The Jedi initiates wouldn't be masters after undergoing flash learning but they would have a proper foundation for their instructors to build on. He was also having them include any Sith training that his droids had scanned to the database. He had prioritized the Sith alchemy texts he had pilfered because he needed a way to hide from Palpatine. 

He decided to leave the droids to their tasks and decided to go to the new training area so he could work out. His new body was weak. It had been engineered to be stronger than his previous bodies but just because it had been engineered that way didn't mean that his captors allowed the bodies to be at their peak during their testing. They had kept the bodies weak so he wouldn't have a chance to escape. He looked like a very skinny body builder. His muscles were well defined but the body was nowhere near its peak. William would remedy that by working out and supplementing that by a strict diet meant to promote healthy muscle growth.


William had been at his base for 2 months, he would be lying if he said he was comfortable during his stay. He was extremely paranoid that Sidious would be able to track him through the Force. Especially since he knew that his midichlorian count was as high as Palpatine. 

He had lucked out for the previous 2 months but his flash learning project had recently been completed after days of making sure it would be safe and that the program he would be using was as complete as it could be. William stripped down to his underwear and with the assistance of the medical droids he was helped into a bacta tank. He figured if he screwed up, being in a bacta tank would make it easier for the medical droid to save his life. He was taking a big risk with putting so much complex information directly into his head but he didn't feel like continuing to chance it with Palpatine. 

He hooked the headgear on and entered the tank. He decided to undergo a meditative trance as he had the memory device download the information into his head. He entered the tank and took up a lotus position and had the droids start the device. William would never know that he had narrowly missed turning himself into a vegetable. 

His meditative trance had turned into a healing trance that mitigated the adverse effects of having so much information downloaded into his brain at one time. He didn't know how long he had been in the tank but when the device was finished he came out of his trance and exited the tank. He was notified by the medical droid that he had been in the tank for 36 hours. William was surprised by that. The longest he had ever had flash lessons had been 2 hours.


William had changed his routine after his flash learning session. He would wake up, work out for a few hours until breakfast then he would study Sith alchemy until dinner then would meditate. His routine went on for another month before He finally felt confident enough to be able to use Sith alchemy. He had been practicing for the specific reason of being able to use the skill to create an artifact that would hide him from force users. JW had provided him with specific metal from an asteroid system that according to the Sith alchemy texts was used by Sith metalsmiths to create Force artifacts.

William had his droids verify that it was the metal he was looking for. He had the droids help him craft a ring and etched it with the ancient Sith hieroglyphs and used his rage and fear to fuel the enchantment. He had been successful and had become the proud owner of a force concealing ring.

With that part of his objectives met, William felt a little safer. He decided to put Sith alchemy on hold and decided to start training from square one to get back into fighting shape and also to start his lightsaber training. He decided that once he felt comfortable with the basics he would move on to more advanced training. He was hoping to be able to access the holocrons in a few months. 

William wanted to be able to be free of worrying about the aftermath of the war but he had noticed that unless something drastic happened the war was actually going to last longer than it had in the movies. In the movies it lasted roughly 3 years but with the butterflies he had set off it seemed that Palpitine was having a harder time turning things to his favor.

Hydra created a fake identity and had used it to send the Jedi Council some tips about the war. The backstory to his newest identity was that of a Force user who had visions and wished to stay hidden out of fear. The tone and word choice of his messages made it seem like the Council was speaking to a woman who was afraid of her visions and decided to help the Jedi because she didn't want Darth Sidious to kill her. She had let them know that The Sith lord had somehow infiltrated the temple and that it was just another reason for her to stay hidden. She had warned them about many battles and events that had expedited the fall of the Jedi. 

At first the council had been reluctant and after William had gained their trust he had warned them that the Sith Lord would attack the temple and kill everyone including the younglings. He had advised having the children and Jocasta Nu discretely move the library and the children to another location. They hadn't believed him until he predicted many events in the war. 

William felt that he had done his due diligence and warned the council of some very big events. He had also contacted Padme and gave her tips on what to look out for on dark side users. JW had been traveling the galaxy running his errands but he had also been making a name for himself in the bounty hunter's guild. He had also brought two full sets of Beskar armors for William to melt and repurpose. JW had obtained a few kyber crystals on his errands and brought actionable intel on Krayt Dragon locations. 

The knowledge had caused William to stop his training and to work on his new armor. He had the droids use the armor manufacturing units he had bought and had at first had the droids experiment with durasteel to craft armors as practice so they could work the bugs out. 

Once the droids had been able to craft his armor in duraplate, he had them experiment with working with Beskar. He was upset that during their experiments they had ruined a boot from one of the sets of armors but their failure had taught them how to actually work Beskar. He was in the possession of the only droids that he knew of that could work Beskar or mandalorian Iron.

He had the droids manufacture him the armor it had ended up looking like the experimental Jedi armor from The Force Unleashed video game. He had tweaked it, it was not white but a dark shade of matte grey. There were some differences of course, his gauntlets had retractable claws. His boots had a thin layer of insulating material on the soles so it would not only help him in case of a Force lightning attack it would also muffle his heavy footprints. He had also had a body glove made that had a cortosis inner layer. He wasn't gonna take any chances of a lucky shot missing the Beskar plates on his armor. He had customized his armor to be sealed so that in case he was in space or underwater we would be able to survive for at least a half hour.

William had then moved on to his armaments. His other sidearm was actually a Striker Projectile Pistol. William was amused to have found it. It reminded him of a futuristic Colt 1911 handgun from back home. It also fired bullets or as the locals called them, slugs. He knew he would run into Jedi and Sith eventually and even if they block a slug with their lightsabers, they wouldn't be able to stop the molten metals. 

He was somewhat in awe at the black market's capability to obtain everything. He was actually able to get a complete DC-17M blaster rifle system and  DC-17S heavy blaster pistols. He knew for a fact that those weapons were specifically made for the clone Commandos and Commanders. He also had thermal detonators, assorted grenades and ammo pouches.

William had planned to just hide in his secret base while having Hydra monitor the war and having JW go out and explore the galaxy. That was of course prior to Palpatine kidnapping him and dissecting him. Ol' vagina neck had made it personal, and William was not gonna leave that score unsettled so with his meta knowledge he decided to kill one bird with stones. He would get someone from under the machinations of Palpatine and his minions and hurt Palpatine where it would hurt him the most. That operation would take some planning and research. He also had to advance in his force studies. If he were to run into either a Jedi or Sith he would be screwed, so he had to do a few things.

The first order of business was to decide his objectives. First and foremost was to become more than proficient in the Force. If he were to be brutally honest and categorize himself he would say he is more Sith than Jedi. After almost a decade of nothing but warrior training, months of combat followed by months of torture of the cruelest kind he would say that his mentality wasnt exactly light side but he also wasn't a bloodthirsty animal. He would say he is either a dark Jedi or a Light Sith. 

Second objective was to find a way back home. He knew it was a slim chance but he also knew that Mortis had a way to get to a place between worlds. If that was possible then obviously he could piggyback off of that idea and get himself home. To meet those objectives he needed knowledge but he didn't have the time to gain it the traditional way. 

He had found an answer to that particular problem, flash learning. He had already done it multiple times and he had just accomplished a great deal with his Force modules. He just had to get more information and have his droid team to compile and then they could cobble together a new Force module for him to download. He had also had his team compiling modules on all levels of mathematics and physics. 

With his droid team compiling his next modules he could move on to his next objectives which was getting lightsaber parts, holocrons and lastly a trip to Tatooine to participate in the Jawa's annual bazaar in the desert where he would trade for all the crystals they had as well as going Krayt Dragon hunting. First stop would have to be somewhere he really didn't want to go for a number of reasons but it was time to jack a slug.


JW had arrived with his recent shipment of supplies, JW's ship was being unloaded and refueled William and JW discussed their plans. 

"You know JW, I'm surprised you haven't chosen a name yet? I can tell your personality matrix has evolved even further than when you were first created and I'm quite pleased by it but other than our planning sessions and your reports we don't really interact. I know that it is mostly due to me either being kidnapped or busy with training but we are partners now, so you don't have to hide your personality. I'm not going to get rid of you or anything."

JW's eyes flashed in what William interpreted as surprise. JW had developed his own personality but for some reason he had always hidden it when he was with his master. He didn't understand the reason for it and was surprised his master had caught on. 

"Master, it seems you are more perceptive than most of the other organics I have encountered in the galaxy thus far. We have had little time to interact and yet you were able to notice that I had developed my personality matrix further than when you first created me." JW answered.

"JW, you are a very unique droid, you were created with the capabilities to learn and adapt at an astronomical rate. It would have been more surprising if you had not developed further. I can confidently say that you are currently the most advanced drone in the universe. As for how you address me, You can call me Will in private otherwise you may call me Jonah. That will be my identity for the rest of the galaxy. You still avoided the question though. Have you chosen a name yet?" William replied

"Not as of yet, mas...Will. In my research I have found that names have greater importance to organics than initially calculated. It is proving more difficult to choose one than initially estimated. I do have a query, Will. Why was my designation JW-1000?"

William nodded in understanding then smiled, "You were originally designated as BX experimental  commando droid. I thought it was a rather unimaginative designation so after I had upgraded your schematics and programming I decided to name you after two of the greatest warriors in the stories of my people. One was named John Wick. He was an assassin whose prowess was so feared by the criminal underworld that scores of men would run in fright at the mention of his name. 

The other was actually not a man, but a droid. It was one of the most effective droids ever created. It was relentless in the pursuits of its targets. Thus I gave you the designation JW-1000, a homage to the two most lethal, professional and effective warriors of our stories. They were not real beings but characters in what you can refer to as holo dramas but those stories both awed and frightened my people. Ironically, the two were both quiet professionals at the top of their fields."

JW's eyes flashed in what William assumed was appreciation.

"It seems my designation is more than adequate, I will continue to use the JW-1000 designation, but you may continue to call me JW."

William's smile widened, "Well it is a pleasure to officially meet you, JW. You do your namesakes proud. Now before we go on our next mission we must give you some upgrades. I have been playing around with the cloaking system of The Rogue Shadow and have figured out how it works. I was able to create a personal cloaking device using a small Stygium crystal. It is impossible for an organic to use but it is viable for a droid."

William led JW to the droid lab and with the other mechanical droids was able to install a personal cloaking device on JW with a potent powercell strong enough to power the device for two hours. No organic would be able to use it due to the unique radiation the device put out but his droid partner would. He also added rubber-like materials to the bottom of his feet and the tips of his fingers for both better grip and to muffle sound. After a few hours the upgrades were complete and they gathered in the docking bay once more.

"Now, let's make sure that all of our supplies have been loaded on your ship. We will use it to travel to our next mission. We are going to Nar Shada and we will infiltrate the palace of Grakkus the Hutt, and rob him blind."

The two did some last minute supply checks and boarded JW's ship. It was a HWK-290. It was a fast and mean ship before JW upgraded it and after it was just lethal. JW walked to the cockpit to start the preflight checks and William went to the workbench to put some finishing touches on his new helmet and vibro sword. He had crafted a vibro sword in the shape of a Spartan Sword. His helmet was something he was really excited about; he had used Beskar and he had crafted it to look like the Cerberus Phantom troopers helmet. It had the iconic "4 eyes" design. As William put the finishing touches on his helmet, JW had notified him they were ready for take off.

William secured his sword with the rest of his gear and carried his helmet with him to the cockpit. He strapped into the copilot's chair and watched as JW expertly piloted them out of the docking area of their base and flew into the inky darkness. The Rogue Shadow piloted by the astromech droids following closely behind. They didn't fly for very long before the tell tale tug of hyperdrives activating was felt. They jumped into hyperspace and made their way to Nar Shaddaa for what was soon to be the most infamous theft in Hutt history.

silentpassenger90 silentpassenger90

Thank for the comments, and powerstones. Have a great day everyone!

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