As the EM pulsed through the prison transport corvette, the electromagnetic cuffs and restraints that clamped down the prisoners fell apart. They clattered to the floor uselessly, which sent a wave of alarm. Both through the prisoners, and the guards themselves.
Half a dozen of the prisoners immediately leapt up and attacked the guards nearest to them, even as the ‘vette began to pitch down. The whole ship shuddered and shook violently as it buffeted against the wind as it fell from the sky.
The handful of prisoners who remained in their seats were utterly terrified by it all - the last thing they wanted was to get beaten to death as the transport crashed.
And onto a desolate prison planet, no less.
Eva was not one of the timid. She quickly hopped out of her seat the moment she had the freedom to - the pain of being in a single position for far too long simply got to her. She rubbed the ache of her wrists as a couple of guards charged towards her.
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