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90.9% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 100: Chapter 100 Secret Meeting

Chapitre 100: Chapter 100 Secret Meeting

Purple ribbons of pure psionic energy flowed around the clawed fingers of the Eldritch form. Naruto floated in the air cross-legged. His lower arms on his knees, is upper arms playing with pure psionic energy that his eyes were focused on. It was relaxing the bands flow through empty space in chaotic, yet beautiful patterns. A relaxing form of meditation to calm him and allow the thoughts of the horrible future fade away. It was one of Naruto's few vices, along with doing inventory in his desk. Though this was far more relaxing, if less productive.

He willed the bands around him to flow slightly differently. The spectacle may have been beautiful to normal eyes. But with the Eyes of Azathoth, Sharingan, Byakugan, and Rinnegan it was truly breathtaking. The bands would flow against the colors of sound in a symphony of awesome power and unimaginable beauty. His star shaped eyes stared intently at the mismatch of colors and light. Then the glow faded as he closed his hands.

Naruto closed his eyes as he went back to his human form. His left hand flew to his back where the implant in his spine tingled, he rubbed the sore spot. This was a common problem, the device would cause him mild pain from time to time. Naruto had gotten used to it long ago and would be happy when the thing could be removed. His thoughts turned through several topics simultaneously. His every sacrifice for the continued existence of humanity played in his head. Everything had to be perfect for humanities sake. Every plan was thought out, and he looked at every possible outcome.

Naruto turned to the door and walked out to meet with Herbert, who was still working on the Danzo tree. Naruto could have simply used the flying thunder god to get there but walking was a good way to collect his thoughts on the way. He made it to the Danzo tree where Herbert was removing samples with several shadow clones. He idly nodded to Naruto as he walked in.

"So, what brings you to the center of the earth", said Herbert.

Naruto rolled his eyes at the attempt of a joke, long used to Herberts antics.

"What progress do we have on the tree", asked Naruto as he looked at the tumor like pods growing on the trees roots.

This did not escape Herberts notice and he decided to start there.

"You were right, the pods are a way to create an army of plant like creatures, though not a single one has an embryo in it, without Zetsu's DNA they are just growths. At your request I harvested a few of the sharingan eyes. There is evedence they may grow back but we are not sure. However, while harvesting the sharringan is a possibility, implanting them into others is not. Not fully anyway. Only those directally linked genetically to either the Uchiha, the Senju, or Danzo would not suffer organ rejection, so it is useless for the mot part. To few Senju still exist to make it viable. Uchiha are nearly extinct, and Danzo has no known living relatives. However, Uzumaki shares Senju, blood. But you are the only known Uzumaki, and you already have a sharringan. That being said, I took the liberty of checking Uzumaki ancestory, I believe there is another, and as luck would have it, we have her", said Herbert.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. Apparentally he had a living relative, he did not know how to feel about that, so he let the thought simmer in his mind. When Herbert said they had her here, his eyes widened.

"Explain", said Naruto.

"The red head in the cells, she is a distant relative of yours", said Herbert.

"Karin, she has shown little resistance to interrogation, and is on the list of possible allies. I'll re-double my attempts to get her as an ally. She can decide if she wants the Sharringan or not", said Naruto.

Herbert smirked behind his mask. He one had all of Naruto's memories from when he was first created as a clone, while he developed into his own person, he knew how to read Naruto better than most. He was on the same boat. You see technically Karin was his relative as well, and he didn't know what to think of it as well.

"Sounds good, other than that, the tree has stopped all growth and is at it's maximum size. It's roots have wrapped around a few underground structures, but the village above is not at risk, we only had to remove a few roots in the end", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded as he watched the tree move slightly as it seemed to breathe. It was unsettling to see, and coupled with the shifting eyes, the tree wasn't not something he wanted to spend more time than necessary around.

"Alright, alert me of any progress. What about the meeting with Itachi Uchiha", asked Naruto.

"Sasori and Deidara have been sent an area to meet with him. If everything goes tits up the seals placed on Deidara's armor will let you get them back here. Anything else, you're going to have to ask the boys down in communications for info", said Herbert.

"Very good, continue with your work", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded as he returned to the tree. The scientists around him talking samples from the creature. Naruto took one last look at the tree before disappearing in a flash.

At the residential tower Hinata smiled when her eyes fell on the vase of the Devine flower Naruto gave her. The small flower still gave off a small glow. She turned back to her small couch where she layed down to relax after the training program. Today most of her friends went through the standard training that Naruto's shadow clones go through, until Kin decided to challenge Shakamaru to a match.

Shikamaru still won, but only barely. Kin's ability to control sound made it difficult for the lazy Nara. But in the end, he outsmarted her, much to Kin's ire. After that each one of them ws given their own sets of Chakra armor, custom made so it would not mess with their techniques. Hinata's was very light weight and allowed her to move without any resistance at the cost of armor to protect her, but it was still impressive what could be done with the armor.

She looked back to the flower nd smiled again. She should get something for Naruto she thought idly. Though she couldn't think of what he would want. Naruto literally ran an entire village, and had technology Hinata never even thought of or imagined. The Whirlpool village was an amazing place, filled with high metal towers and guards. While Naruto's shadow clones were not a problem. The other strange creatures that wandered outside the village walls were not something Hinata wanted to see a lot of. Though every time she activated her Byakugan she would see something horrible.

The faceless demons, the shapeshifting blobs, the four armed creatures, and the fish people patrolled around the village, protecting it from threats. Hinata was hesitant to even go near the walls for fear of coming face to face with those things. Bt Naruto trusted them, and so would she.

In fact she had rather found Xel to be good company. His talking sword was cute in her opinion with how it wandered around it's master to investigate anything new, though when she first saw it sitting next to her she did scream. She felt embarrassed afterwards and apologized more than nessisary.

Neither Xel, nor Samehada seemed to take offence, but reading them was difficult even for a Hyuga. Hinata stood and looked to the window where she watched the drops of rain flow down. Moonlight illuminated the mist as it bended around the trees. A crack of thunder illuminated the area brightly for a brief second. She jumped slightly at the sound.

Then there was a knock at her door. Walking to it, she opened it to reveal Shino and Kiba.

"Hey, Hinata. You got time to talk", asked Kiba.

She gave a small nod and stepped to the side allowing the two to walk in.

"What's this about", asked Hinata.

"Kiba has concerns on the future. Namely he doubts we can do anything to stop Cthulhu", said Shino.

Kiba glared at Shino, but did not refute his argument.

"Look, I just don't know what Naruto expects us to do against something like that. Even if we all become some super ninja, what the hell can we do against something the size of a damn mountain", said Kiba.

"Your argument assumes Naruto has no plan", said Shino.

"What plan could work against that thing, it's almost bigger than the whole village", said Kiba.

Shino turned to Hinata.

"Regardless, we came here to get Hinata's opinion on the subject", said Shino.

Hinata sat on her bed and looked to the floor.

"I trust Naruto. If anyone could stop it, it is him", said Hinata.

"Thats just it, even if we do win. We all know Naruto will still lose when that shadow freak takes him. What if something else comes after that", said Kiba.

"The fact Naruto is going to such lengths to stop Cthulhu shows he believes it is possible. After that we will have access to everything he created, and be ready incase something else comes", said Shino.

"Stop talking like that", said Hinata.

They turned to her to see she was glaring at her.

"Kiba, Naruto is doing the best he can, and you are already talking like you are giving up. And Shino, stop talking like Naruto dying means nothing more than everyone getting everything Naruto worked hard for", said Hinata.

It remained silent for a moment before Hinata smiled and the silence was broken.

"Have a little faith", said Hinata.

"Very well, perhaps we should reevaluate our opinions", said Shino.

"Yeah, Yeah. I still think we don't have much of a shot. But I'll do what I can", said Kiba.

"Good", said Hinata.

Sasori and Deidara waited outside the small village for Itachi to come. It was night, but the sun was beginning to rise. Sasori was getting bored very quickly, while Deidara simply molded his clay into different shapes to pass the time. Every time he made something different he showed Sasori. Which Sasori found to be insulting. It was like he was saying he at least had something to do. Sasori was never a fan of waiting after he lost the sence of touch. Mostly because there was so little for him to do to pass the time. Sasori could have carved a few parts of his puppets out of some nearby wood, but with puppet fingers it made it much less relaxing as it once was.

To not feel the soft vibrations as the wood is slowly carved with each stoke of the knife as it finds the piece of art hidden within the wood. Without that, it lost it's luster. Not that Sasori regretted becoming a puppet. Not by a long shot. But the ability to feel was missed. Needless to say Deidara was becoming an annoyance, and Sasori could swear he was doing it on purpose.

But he waited, trying to seem as patient as humanly possible. It was to bad Deidara knew Sasori to well to know he was faking that mask of patience. Right before Sasori started contemplating ways to hide the body the sound of a cloak blowing in the breeze was heard. Sasori watched as Itachi slowly walked over to him, obviously in no real hurry. Much to Sasori's ire.

"Hurry up you stoic bastard", screamed Deidara.

Itachi rolled his eyes but picked up the pace slightly. Sasori thanked every deity he knew and a few he didn't for that small miracle, and Deidara's inability to filter his words when annoyed. Finally Itachi stood in front of him.

"I am a leaf on the wind", said Itachi, the code phrase to know if they were imposters or not.

"Watch how I soar", said Sasori to complete the phrase.

Itachi nodded, accepting the password.

"I was surprized to hear my old colleagues are in any way affiliated with Konoha, I assumed you would join the CDA that Herbert mentioned, but we are here now. What do you need", asked Itachi.

"We are with the CDA, our missio is simple, we are looking for Zetsu, we need to find him", said Sasori.

Itachi showed no emotion on their strange request.

"Very well, Zetsu has been watching the six tails Jinchuriki, not far from Kiri. That would be your best place to start", said Itachi.

Sasori nodded.

"Anyone with him", asked Deidara.

"At the moment, no. But Madara will meet with him later, for what I do not know", said Itachi.

"Obito, should have guessed he would be in on this. With that tree thing Naruto told us about", said Deidara.

Itachi's eyebrow raised just a bit at that.

"Obito? Naruto? Tree? Has something happened I should be aware of", asked Itachi.

In response Sasori pulled a scroll out and unsealed his Madara puppet.

"The one who calls himself Madara is an Uchiha nameed Obito. I have turned the real Madara into my own puppet", said Sasori.

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he looked at the puppet.

"That. Is very interesting information", said Itachi as memories from the massacre played in his head. After a moment he shook the thoughts from his head.

"And what of Naruto", asked Itachi.

"Believe it or not, he's our boss in a way. Got us some cool new toys", said Deidara as he lifted his sword onto his shoulder.

Itachi nodded.

"I would very much like to speak with Naruto, about my brother", said Itachi.

Sasori looked at Itachi confused for a moment before he pulled out his communicator. A few words later and they waited. Itachi looked at them confused as they simply stood there until there was a flash of light behind Deidara. Itachi looked down to see Naruto staring at him with his arms behind his back.

"Itachi, good to see you again", said Naruto.

Itachi nodded.

"I appologize our first meeting was so hectic. I was surprized when you asked your teammate to release me, I assume you have a way to read minds", said Itachi.

"A useful skill, how has Kisame taken the loss of his sword", asked Naruto.

"Poorly", said Itachi quickly.

Naruto nodded.

"So what do you want to ask"

Itachi looked at Sasori and Deidara.

"I would prefer to talk in private" said Itachi.

Sasori simply walked away while Deidara grumbled a bit before doing so reluctantly. After a moment Itachi looked down at Naruto.

"Did you tell Sasuke", asked Itachi.

"I did, he took it better than I thought. Got drunk, said he wanted to talk with you, cursed you, his family, and the Konoha elders, then talk on how he wants to kick your ass. His words not mine. He got over it, and is better for it. Though he does resent you, I don't think he hates you", said Naruto.

Itachi nodded. He looked to the ground. It did not escape Naruto the sad look in his eyes.

"There is one more thing, how did he get the Mangekyo Sharringan", Itachi asked seriously.

"I created a shadow clone and attempted to attack him. He killed the clone and gained the eyes", said Naruto.

Itachi's eyes widened slightly.

"I-I did not think that was possible", said Itachi.

"He didn't know it was a shadow clone", said Naruto.

Itachi nodded.

" I was hoping Sasuke could stop Madara after defeating me, and take my eyes. It seems as if not everything was as I believed. It is good to know he has you", said Itachi.

Naruto put his hand to his chin for a moment as if something just came to his mind. Then his eyes widened and he smiled.

"You should come help me latter, you really should speak to Sasuke, also with both of you there we can transplant both your eyes into each other, ridding each of you from possible blindness giving you an edge", said Naruto.

"I don't think I can do that yet. I still have to watch the Akatsuki, but one day, maybe I will come. And face my past", said Itachi.

Naruto nodded.

"Be that as it may Zetsu is still a target. I assume you told Sasori and Deidara where he is", asked Naruto.

"I did, he is in Kiri, following the six tails", said Itachi.

"Really, then he is very close to my base, one other thing. It's the Akatsuki's true plans for the tailed beasts, I know it isn't world domination through force, do you know what is is", asked Naruto.

Itachi shook his head.

"Madar...Obito does not trust me with that information,, not since I left Sasuke alive. The lie Pain talks about is some super weapon that would force the world to have peace at the cost of only one village. I highly doubt something like that can be done. Should I find anything, I will let Konoha know, and you as well", said Itachi.

"Thank you Itachi, good luck", said Naruto.

Itachi nodded and turned to walk back. But before he took two steps he turned back around.

"There is one more thing. This organization Herbert mentioned, the CDA. He spoke of a powerful creature, is it true", asked Itachi.

Naruto only nodded. Itachi looked to the ground for moment before walking away.

emptiness. Darkness. Nothing. All around Naruto was nothing. An empty blackness. He could not tell if he was standing or floating in the air. He looked around, the entire area was like a clear night where no stars or clods were visible. No ground, nothing.

Then something made a sound. Like the soft beat of a drum. Naruto followed the sound, but it seemed to come from everywhere. The beat got louder and louder until it was accompanied by the sounds of a flute.

Then pin pricks letting in light seemed to form in the vast distance. It took a moment to realize they were stars. Forming from seemingly nothing. The music became chaotic and Naruto covered his ears in vain, but the sounds only got louder.

When Naruto could not take it any more of the sound it got quiet. The music was sill playing but at a much more manageable level. He opened his eyes only now realizing he closed them when the music got much to loud. He stared at what was before him.

The universe. Stars, planets, nebula, black holes, comets, meteors, everything. It was like all at once he could see the entire universe at the same time. The music while still chaotic seemed to fit everything he was seeing. Then the stars began to move, fast.

Stars passed up Naruto and he realized they were not moving, he was. He felt a shiver as the stars disappeared behind him, only to see other universes all moving around a single point. The center of all the multiverse.

As Naruto neared the music got louder and louder, but it did not hurt his ears, instead it was like it was lulling him to sleep. But when he saw where the music was coming from he could not shut his eyes.

All around him were deformed things playing some strange instruments that could only vaguely be called flutes. Others playing on something not quite a drum. They were terrible to look at. Primal fear rose up in Naruto's chest, and he screamed, but his scream was drownded out by the strangely soothing nosie. Then his eyes itched.

Against his will his eyes began to move slowly to the thing these eldritch things danced around. To call it massive would be an understatement.

It was a hundred times the size of any universe. Covered in Eyes, mouths, tentacles, and things Naruto had no name for. All the eyes were closed, as if the massive thing was sleeping. It's tentacles flowed as mouths spoke blasphemies in it;s sleep.

No matter what Naruto could not turn his eyes from the Daemon Sultan, Azathoth. Then the worst thing happened. The music stopped, and it's eyes opened to reveal an infinite number of the Eyes of Azathoth each larger than a star. For the briefest of moments, Naruto felt like infinity had passed when suddenly the things tendrils exploded forth toward each and every reality. Snuffing them out like candles.

Images ran through Naruto's mind as he watched every bit of existence was absorbed by the tentacles. Feasting on reality itself. The gods that once played music were dragged into it's amorphous mass becoming one with the thing. He watched as some of the tendrils came back holding Great Old Ones and Outer Gods tho were absorbed into it's main mass.

Millions of iridescent spheres were brought to the body and fused with the flesh in a way that reminded it seemed as if they were being melted by unseen fire to the mass of Azathoth. Yog-Sothoth was no more.

A horrible cloud with tendrils and mouths was drawn into the thing followed by hoofed trees that flailed in vain against their fate. Shub-Niggurath and her thousand young were no more.

A pillar of sickly green flames was sucked into some strange orifice as it attempted to burn the flesh with cold flames, only to snuff out with it's kin. Tulzscha was no more.

A massive red-brown planet with a single, gigantic shifting eyes was crushed and eaten by the Nuclear chaos. Ghroth was no more.

A strange flock geometrical figures coated the flesh of Azathoth and disappeared beneath it's mass. Daoloth was no more.

A grew protean mass was dragged through the emptiness as it continued to spawn monsters that were only reabsorbed by either the mass or Azathoth. Abhoth was no more.

One by one the most powerful beings ever to exist were dragged into Azathoth. Naruto recognized every single one. The strange almost human shaped abomination Arwassa, Atlach-Nacha the human faced spider, Byatis the winged toad with a single eye and crab like claws, Cthugha the living fire, Eihort the gelatinous thing with many legs, Cthulhu high priest of the Great Old Ones, and many more.

Every single one more powerful than humanity could possibly understand were dragged into Azathoth. For the first time in many of their lives, they were powerless against an even greater foe. Then Azathoths eye tuned to look directly at Naruto. Naruto tried to moved bt found a hand on the back of his neck.

Against all reason he turned his head to see Nyarlathotep smiling and his tentacle like head lashed in 's fanged psudo-mouth moved in what Naruto could only assume was a smile. Then it turned to look Naruto in the eye.

"I will exist when all else falls", said Nyarlathotep in a million whispers.

The tentacle of Azathoth grabbed Naruto and pulled him toward the main mass. Naruto looked back at Nyarlathotep, who was being dragged by a different tentacle but he seemed to have left something where he one was. it looked like an exact copy of himself, but frozen and glowing with ethereal light as if he was there, but also not there. Naruto felt a tug on the tendril dragging him, and rIght when Naruto looked back at Azathoth he screamed. Then all went dark.

Naruto flew up breathing heavily. He looked around his room. After a moment he let out a sigh of relief.

"It was only a dream", said Naruto.

"Not quite"

Naruto turned toward the voice to see Randolph Carter staring out his window.

"Really you are still dreaming. What concerns me is the contents of your dream", said Carter.

"What are you doing here", asked Naruto.

Carter looked at Naruto before turning his eyes back to the window.

"When someone dreams of Azthoth it might as well be a siren for fellow dreamers. All skilled enough dreamers in the Dreamlands know what you saw, but none seen it themselves, I stopped that from happening. Like I said, it is not quite a dream. You are the first person I know, to dram of Azathoths awakening and not lose your sanity, I want to know why", said Carter.

Naruto stared at Randolph fr a moment before sighing.

"My eyes", said Naruto.

Randolph nodded.

"I see, you possess the Eyes of Azathoth in the waking world. A very powerful and dangerous gift to have, or curse depending on how your perspective", said Carter.

He walked to the foot of Naruto's bed and sat down with his hands in his pockets.

"Those eyes are not toys. You are not the first to have them, the last one who did used them to great effect during his conquest of europe. Until an assassin stabbed him in his eyes. The Outer Gods saw it as him spitting on their gift by allowing them to become damaged. They took them back, painfully. And in the process he lost his mind and soul", said Carter.

Naruto remained silent as Carter turned to watch him.

"Since I was but a small boy, I had the gift of prophecy, it is both a gift and a curse. I say that because while it could be useful, there are risks. I saw Azathoth awaken in one of my dreams, it was during the war, I served in the French Foreign Legion. After a battle where many of my friends died I saw exactly what happens when Azathoth awakens. It's why when I got back I was depressed, and nervous all the time. I was a writer. None of my books were well known, and most likely they still aren't . It wasn't until I discovered the Dreamlands that I began to better myself. I threw myself into the world, where my problems no longer existed. The best day of my life was when I died, and got to spend all my life in this realm. Sad I know, but it is the truth", said Randolph.

"Why are you telling me this", asked Naruto.

"Something big is happening, and you are at the center of it all. I know what that is like, it's not easy, and everything just add to the weight on your shoulders. I've seen to many people in similar situations as yourself ending up dead, or worse. I wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy. The pressure, the stakes. It is overwhelming and the risk of failure is to great. But I just wanted to let you know, if you need to talk, or just need advice from one of the few who got out sanity intact, my door is always open", said Carter.

"Thanks Carter", said Naruto.

Randolph nodded. He was silent for brief second before he took a quick breath.

"Well, now that that's done, you should wake up now. I know you are busy" sid Randolph.

Naruto nodded.

Naruto woke in his room. This time for real. He stood up calmly and stretched. Looking out his window he smiled when he saw the rain had stopped. He took on a breath and headed out.

next chapter
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