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91.81% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 101: Chapter 101 Blindness

Chapitre 101: Chapter 101 Blindness

Naruto flipped through the Necronomicon. While reading a page on a ritual that gave any who preformed it the ability to command a child of Shub-Niggurath at the cost of an unwilling sacrifice. Then he turned to look at the pages for Azathoth, and there were many. specifically he read of the before times, before Azathoth lost his sanity to become the vanguard of the end.

Once Azathoth was sane. That prospect alone made Naruto greatly confused. There was a picture of Azathoth before he became insane. It looked like a clam shell, supported on many pairs of flexible legs. From within the shell came many limbs resembling cylinders with far to many joints each limb was tipped with some polypus appendage. Further within the clam shell was a bestial face with no mouth, deep sunken eyes, and shiny black hair. While the image was still horrible, after seeing how Azathoth is now, it would be a much more welcome sight. Especially considering it changed at complete random to only become more and more horrifying with each passing moment.

Naruto flipped through the Necronomicon, but he could find no information on what Azathoth was like during this time where he was sane. It made Naruto wonder if the universe only became more horrible after Azathoth lost his mind, or if it was always like that. He may never know, nor would he want to know that particular truth, which may have been why he could not find information on the Daemon Sultans history.

And then the sound of a truly massive explosion was heard. Naruto looked out the window to see a massive swirling mass of Dark Chakra. He sighed. It seemed Sasuke took full advantage of the ability to open all eight chakra gates and surviving the process. maybe sealing the only source of Dark Chakra in existence in an emotionally unstable boy who throws himself into training like a lion throws himself at a zebra was not the best idea. Naruto put the Necronomicon away and disappeared in a flash.

Sasuke looked at his hands. His skin glowed hellish red, like fire. As wisps of Dark Chakra bled from his body. The world seemed to move in slow motion. very slow. When he saw Naruto very slowly fade into existence he realized exactly how fast he was running. Naruto seemed to be unable to see him at the speed Sasuke was running, which was impressive considering his eyes. then Naruto entered his Eldritch form.

It was painful to watch the transformation is slow motion, he saw the slightest twitch of skin as it slowly change. His arms split in such a way that small tendrils of flesh connected each arm for a brief moment, his whisker marks literally ripped open while the eye was still growing underneath. His nails extended and painfully spiraled around to grow into the black claws as microscopic frost coated the claws. The bone like whiskers pierced his skin painfully. The brest pain registered on Naruto's face as he shifted horribly.

Sasuke stopped running, realizing Naruto cold find him easily in that form. Naruto did not change back as to Sasuke he spoke very slowly.

"What are you doing", asked Naruto.

"Testing out my new powers. What are you doing", asked Sasuke speaking very quickly.

"Making sure my friend does not kill himself. You know even with the ability to open all eight gates it still isn't a good idea to actually do it", said Naruto.

To Sasuke it took ten minutes for Naruto to say all those words.

"A risk is a risk is a risk", said Sasuke as if that explained everything.

"Speak normally", said Naruto.

"You're ont to talk, speak faster. I swear I could fall asleep at your pace", said Sasuke.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he stared at the glowing Sasuke as if her were some science experiment.

"Interesting, your perception to time passing is quickened to super human levels. You know, there is so little information on what happens when the eighth gate is open, since you die afterwards, most would not risk it for only an examination. Maybe I should study you", said Naruto.

Sasuke paled at that, he saw what happens to those Naruto studied. He sighed at high speed before the glow around him started to dictate and he closed all the gates.

"Alright, you made your point I won't use it to much", said Sasuke speaking at normal speeds.

Naruto gave a sharp nod.

"Good, you should be more cautious until you know more on your abilities. Knowing your limits is the first step to mastering any technique", said Naruto.

Sasuke shrugged.

"Whatever", said Sasuke.

Naruto shook his head as he thought on the situation. He smiled when an idea came to mind.

"Alright, you need to let off some steam. I understand. We could spar, you and me. Why not", said Naruto.

Sasuke smirked.

"You that read to lose", said Sasuke.

"Arrogance will be your downfall Uchiha", said Naruto as he lifted all four arms to form a sphere of mental energy. His tentacles flailing seemingly at random.

Sasuke wasted no time as he activated his curse mark. He removed his glasses carefully putting them in a small case before looking at Naruto. With a flap of his wings he was off, only for several wooden eye covered trees to sprout in front of him. Their branches lashed at him. Only now did he see a few of Naruto's tentacles were buried in the ground.

Sasuke flew upward only for Naruto to follow. He ripped the earth beneath him as he retracted his tentacles from the ground. He flung a void sphere at Sasuke pulling him toward Naruto.

"Gate of Opening, open", said Sasuke.

He flew around the vacuum pull of the sphere to attack Naruto directly with a bone shattering punch. Naruto's tentacles swiped at him forcing him to move out of the way and land on the ground. Sasuke landed on his feet as he closed his eye.

"Gate of Healing, open", said Sasuke.

Sasuke's muscles bulged slightly as he breathed in a fresh breath.

"Gate of Life, open", said Sasuke.

His curse mark forms dark skin turned slightly reddish. He continued to speak.

"Gate of Pain, open", said Sasuke.

Sasuke opened his eyes as he moved quickly. Naruto saw him as a blur as he commanded his tentacles to form a barrier around him. He followed the blur until one of his tentacles shot out. Sasuke spun around the attack and hit Naruto square in the gut. Naruto bent forward slightly before smirking and moving quicker to head-butt Sasuke back to the ground. He regained his breath as bands of psionic energy flowed around him. Sasuke rubbed his head and narrowed his eyes.

"Gate of Limit, open"

Sasuke had barely visible dark chakra flow around his curse mark form.

"Gate of View, open", said Sasuke.

A large vortex of Chakra appeared surrounding Sasuke lifting loose pebbles and stones off the ground.

"Gate of Wonder, Open", said Sasuke.

green sweat poured from every pore on Sasuke's body, but the temperature of his skin evaporated the green liquid into an aura of super heated steam.

"Gate of Death, open", said Sasuke.

Power bursted from Sasuke as Naruto had to shield his eyes, difficult to do due to the amount of eyes he had. Sasuke on the other hand was now glowing like fire. He smirked before literally disappearing from sight. Naruto closed a few of his eyes to concentrate and feel where Sasuke's thoughts were coming from. While he could not read his mind without touching him, he could detect him.

Instantly Naruto's eyes shot open as he formed a shield of Psionic energy behind him, blocking a positively devastating punch from Sasuke that unless Naruto was mistaken, broke the sound barrier several times over.

The Shield held but deformed slightly, which was impressive in and of itself. Then a fist cane from in front Naruto. He realized quickly that Sasuke moved so fast he created an after image where he last was. The shield barely formed in time as Sasuke's fist came in contact. The blow actually pushed Naruto away despite not being physically hit.

Sasuke reappeared by a massive tree that he ripped from the earth with only one hand and threw it at Naruto. The tree froze a few feet from Naruto as he used his mind to throw it back, but Sasuke was long gone. Naruto lifted his hands and held them in several directions. Each glowed with Psionic energy. The Sasuke suddenly appeared in a spot after accedentally stepping into the field of his telekinesis. He was held in place by Naruto's mind.

"Research on the eight gates show that the power lasts for less than a minute before death. You won't die, but it still can run out. And as luck would have it you already used it once today, it won't last long", said Naruto.

After a moment the glow faded, and Sasuke was no longer in his cursed mark form. His eyes like daggers pointed only at Naruto.

"That's cheating", said Sasuke.

"And temporarily surpassing a kage is not", asked Naruto as he let Sasuke down.

Sasuke said nothing. Natuto shifted back to normal and put his hands in his pockets.

"It was impressive Sasuke, but you act on instinct when you fight, while that is useful, it is best to use your head, the mind is anyones most dangerous weapon", said Naruto.

"Whatever", said Sasuke.

"Elegently put, as always Sasuke", said Naruto.

Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"How did you catch me anyway", asked Sasuke.

"A wall of Psionic energy, as soon as you ran into it it wrapped around you, freezing you in place", said Naruto.

"Still sounds like cheating to me", said Sasuke.

"Either way be thankful I decided not to use the more harmful aspects of my Eldritch Form. Irreversible frostbite, unquenchable black fire, Blood Link to share pain, alteration of memories, or ripping you apart using my mind", said Naruto.

"You're a bit sadistic you know that right", said Sasuke.

"Maybe, but you are brutal and easy to anger. We all have our faults", said Naruto.

Sasuke shrugged.

"So, other than warning me, any particular reason you are here", asked Sasuke.

"No not really, my experiments are being watched by Herbert and Dr. Shinno at the moment, I'm just waiting for the Mizukage to give me the information on where the summit will take place. I just thought a massive vortex of Dark Chakra was not exactly subtle. Remember Sasuke, there are a lot of people after us. Not all of them are within any of our power to defeat", said Naruto.

"Can't help it, nothing much to do other than training anyway, besides, if someone is dumb enogh to walk towards the massive swirling vortex of death, then that's their problem", said Sasuke with a shrug.

"Unless that person happens to be a team of S-rank missing nin hunting for the jinchuriki, which you happen to now be. While I am not sure they would be interested in the zero tails, it is better safe than sorry. Besides, with Sasori and Deidara gone, I would much rather no member of the Akatsuki come here at this time, especially Wilbur, if he gets his hands on the necronomicon Cthulhu would be the least of our problems", said Naruto.

Sasuke looked to the sky for a moment as he thought on that.

"Point taken, I suppose I will just have to train something else", said Sasuke.

Naruto smiled.

"Good, now I should get back to work. I am reading more on Outer Gods, useful considering our main adversary", said Naruto.

He disappeared in a flash. He looked down to the floor where the Neronomicon lay and picked it up. He continued to read from where he left off. After speaking with Randolph Carter Naruto was greatly concerned with exactly what would happen should his eyes be damaged. And the book told in excruciating detail why you do not damage a gift from the Outer Gods. He closed the book, not willing to know the major details.

Setting the Necronomicon aside Naruto looked out a window toward the sea. In the distance were many whirlpools. Closer to the shore he saw Isaribi training with Xel. It reminded him of the other 'mermaid' he had in the cells below. So far Amachi had been a treasure trove of information on biological augmentations, and the process of fusing animal D.N.A with humans. The possibilities were endless, unfortunately there were no volunteers for the process, most people seemed reluctant to under go genetic engineering experiments. Not that he didn't understand why, but the fact that the knowledge was a waste was rather disappointing.

Naruto stood up before walking out of his office to head directally for the training fields to further help the others in their training. As he walked one of his clones ran up to him and handed him an envelope.

"What is this", asked Naruto as he examined the envelope.

"That is a message from the Mizukage, she said it contains details on the location of the summit, however there was something else you should see, I don't know what it is. But she said it was urgent", said the clone.

Naruto opened the envelope to pull out several pieces of paper. The first was information on the time, date, and location of the summit, which was to be held in the Land of Iron with the leader of the samurai as a mediator. Naruto went to the next page.

He read it with interest. Apparently every inhabitant in several small villages all over the elemental nations disappeared. None of it took place to close to a major nation, but the information was worrying. Either there ws a group collecting people, or someone with access to very fast transportation. Either way humans were in danger, and the research benefits should it be one or both of those possibilities was to good to pass up. There was no pattern, so figuring out where this group would attack next was impossible at best. Naruto read the next file and it was even stranger than the last. Several graveyards had been robbed, the only thing taken were corpses. Every last one. He handed the clone that file as well.

"Assemble a team of clones, go to each village mentioned, see if any clues could be found. Do so discretely, chances are we are not the only ones investigating. Teams of three can handle the grave yards, teams of ten for the empty villages", said Naruto.

The clone nodded, before he saluted Naruto. As he walked off. Naruto thought more on the graveyards. There were only two reason to steal so many bodies, and since not all were ninja bodies, it wasn't someone looking for secrets. Someone was planning on either experimenting, or reviving the corpses.

Sasori and Deidara watched the six tails Jinchuriki from a high stone mountain hoping that Zetsu would show up at some moment. The Jinchuriki barely did anything at all other than blow bubbles while sitting on a stump. The Hiruko puppet and Kazekage puppet were standing around allowing Sasori to see all around the area. If Zetsu was here he would know.

Deidara swung his sword experimentally as he got his hand used to the strain of the bulky blade. Sasori removed his arm to clean the inner working of his puppet body.

"Ever get the feeling there are a hundred things better we could be doing, un", asked Deidara.

"At the moment, yes. Not that it matters. We have a job to do, might as well get it over with", said Sasori as he reattached his arm.

He flexed his hands experimentally.

"I never liked Zetsu anyway, then again a cannibalistic plant man with multiple personality disorder is not someone I ever wanted to be round", said Deidara.

"At least he isn't Hidan", said Sasori.

Deidara shrugged.

"Good point", said Deidara.

Sasori froze as the Kazekage puppet saw a small shimmer in the grass, like something was pushing it. Zetsu was here. Sasori stood up and nodded to Deiara who nodded back. Sasori pointed to the spot where the grass moved and Deidara opened the hatch on his palms to send out hundreds of clay insects to the spot. He used his mask's special telescopic lenses to move the clay insects as close to the spot as possible. The second the venus fly trap like pod emerge the insects froze. Deidara carefully maneuvered his clay insects behind Zetsu. As long as he was connected with the plant life it would be difficult to sneak on him. So instead of moving right for Zetsu, the insects moved seemingly at random while moving closer slowly so Zetsu would not know what hit him when the explosion went off.

"Remember we only need a sample", said Sasori.

"A corpse is a sample, but fine we do it your way", said Deidara with a smile.

Deidara held up five fingers. Every few moments one finger would fold down, he was counting down to the explosion. Sasori prepared his other puppet bodies. As soon as the countdown was done, the insects exploded.

Sasori, his puppet bodies, and Deidara leapt down. Lucky them the six tails Jinchuriki ran away. Sasori wasted no time as he ran right past the distracted Zetsu with his bladed wings spinning. He cut off one of the venus fly traps teeth while the Kazekage puppet quickly grabed it and put it into a specil hatch on it's back. Zetsu sunk underground but not before Sasori lifted his hands to activate the flamethrowers and burn a circle around where Zetsu was. With no connecting plant life Zetsu was trapped in that one spot. He wasted no time when Zetsu emerged from the fire. His pod taking most of the damage. Hiruko shot several senbon needles at the plant man. One scraped the darker side of the body and continued to fly. Deidara ran in the path of the needles and caught the bloody needle mid air and pocketed it in a small plastic bag. The other senbon missed.

"What are you doing here", asked the black half of Zetsu.

They did not answer as the Kazekage puppet slashed at the white half of Zetsu. Then they ran off. Zetsu melded with the plant life on the ground to escape. Sasori and Deidara simply waited at the top of the stone mountain. Sasori let the blood from the white half drip from the Kazekage bladed arm into a small plastic cup. One he felt the sample had enough in it he snapped a plastic top onto the cup and with a brush, wrote the word 'white' on the side.

Deidara took the plastic bag with the bloody senbon in it and broke the bloody tip off and placed it in another cup. Once the cap was on he wrote the word 'black' on it. Finally the Kazekage puppet put the pod's tooth into another cup. Nothing was written on it. Sasori sealed all the sample cups in a scroll that he hid in the Kazekage's hatch.

"That was easy", said Deidara.

"Of course it was. we went with my plan", said Sasori.

"Whatever, un. Hey should we follow Zetsu, take him out", asked Deidara.

"That will be unessisary, we have what we need. No risk losing it in a fight. Besides, Zetsu moves quickly with the mayfly technique, he was never much of a fighter", said Sasori.

"He could follow us", said Deidara.

"Which is why we take the caves, without plants to move through he would have to venture on foot. I have planed for everything", said Sasori.

"Not quite", spoke a familiar voice.

Deidara and Sasori turned to see Obito and Zetsu standing next to ach other.

"This is unexpected", said Sasori.

Sasori unsealed the Madara puppet instantally, Obito lifted his hands in surrender.

"Now now puppet master, I did not come to fight", said Obito.

Sasori did not lower his hands, but with a twitch of his pinky finger Madara's eyes shifted into the Rinnegan in case of deception.

"You knew we were coming I assume", asked Sasori.

"Of course, I know many things, like a certain traitor in my midst", said Obito.

Space seemed to spin next to Obito and the form of Itachi who had a bloody bandage around his eyes appeared. He ws tied up with liberal amounts of rope. Deidara pointed his sword at Obito.

"Let him go", said Deidara.

"Oh, and why should I do that", asked Obito.

The Kazekage puppet discretely reached behind his back and activated the communicator.

"Because I said so", said Deidara.

"Not until you answer my questions, Itachi gave very little information on what you have been up to. But I know you have joined with the CDA to fight against some myth that could not possibly exist. A god that destroys the world every fifty thousand years, preposterous. Tell me, what is the organizations true plans. And how is it connected to the nine tails Jinchuriki", asked Obito.

Nothing was said. Obito unsealed a large Gunbai fan with six tomoe's on it resembling the tomoe in the Sharingan. A long chain attached to it. He held it to Itachi's head.

"Answer now or he dies", said Obito.

Suddenly a flash of light appeared behind Deidara and now an entire platoon of clone wearing chakra armor and wielding Kunai launchers appeared. Every kunai launcher was pointed directly at Obito and Zetsu. Naruto then took two steps forward and looked Obit in the eye. Even behind his mask Naruto could see the pure hate on the mans face, he had remembered the fight against Yagura it seems.

"Give Itachi Uchiha to me, or die, The choice is yours Obito", said Naruto.

Obito lifted the Gunbai to kill Itachi but suddenly Naruto was at Itachi's side and an inch before the fan hit either of them they were gone. Obito looked to see Naruto smile at him.

"I took the liberty of discreetly putting a flying thunder god seal on Itachi while we spoke in just such an event. I just needed to keep you busy", said Naruto.

Obito all but snarled as he charged at Naruto. His Gunbai fan ready to strike. Naruto lifted his arm to tell the others to not move. The moment the fan would have made contact with Naruto it froze, surrounded by a purple glow. Obito looked at the four armed thing in horror. It's ashen gray skin, multiple eyes, and razor sharp teeth were burned into his memory. After a moment he noted tentacles came to surround him. They passed through him like he was a ghost. Obit leapt back to stare at the thing before him.

"What are you", asked Obito.

"Proof the mind is mankinds greatest weapon", said Naruto.

Obit quickly got over his shock as he stared at the form the nine tails Jinchuriki was now in. This was unexpected.

Naruto found it amusing Obito did not know of his Eldritch form, apparently the members of the Akatsuki who seen it did not tell them of it. Then again the only one who Naruto knew had seen it had was Hidan, who was only a small apart of Akatsuki, focused more in the Great cult than anything else. And Wilbur wasn't going to say anything to anyone about anything if it was not important.

Obito took on last look at Naruto before space itself seemed to collapse on him.

"We will meet again", said Obito as he and Zetsu disappeared.

Naruto waited a moment before looking at Deidara and Sasori.

"You have the samples", asked Naruto.

Sasori nodded.

"Good, Itachi is with Dr. Shinno, he'll be fine. I'll get you back to base", said Naruto.

They all disappeared in a flash.

When Naruto got back to base, the first thing he did was hand the samples of Zetsu to Herbert. After that he went to go check on Itachi. He looked to Dr. Shinno who was standing over him.

"What is his status", asked Naruto.

"He's fine, but his eyes were removed, he lost a lot of blood and will be unconscious for a few days, other than that only some rope burns on his wrist from struggling against his bonds. He seems to have been in a fight, and has two cracked ribs. But I can fix him", said Dr. Shinno.

Naruto nodded.

"Do what you can", said Naruto.

"I always do", said Shinno.

Naruto watched as Itachi's chest rose and fell very slowly in shallow breaths. He cursed himself. It was his fault Itachi had been discovered. His eyes taken away from him. At least with the Danzo tree they could easily get replacements. Either way without their spy on the inside Konoha would be a lot worse off. He turned away to let Dr. Shinno work. Naruto was not looking forward to telling Sasuke about this.

next chapter
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