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96.07% Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man. / Chapter 49: The Divine General!

Chapitre 49: The Divine General!

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Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

It's Finally time…

Please play "HUNTING FOR YOUR DREAM" by GALNERYUS when the Subjugation starts, it's part of the HxH OST.

That or you can play your choice of "WITH THIS TREASURE I SUMMON" edit audios. Either works in this case…

700 Power Stones = Extra Chapter


A Few Days Later, 10 PM.

Tokyo Jujutsu Tech Forest.

"There's no way.. This is actually happening?" Satoru asked, he was looking utterly gobsmacked and speechless.

"Well duh, I just said so didn't I? It's time, I'm more than strong enough to handle this." Megumi answered, stretching his body in every way possible.

He currently wore a white kimono, secured by a black obi at his waist. A white hakama spread out in soft folds around him, perfectly aligned. He had chosen this attire specifically because it would be completely unrestrictive for the upcoming battle, he couldn't afford to be hampered in any way.

"Yeah it's just… It's been so many years since you started training for this moment, I thought it would never come! They grow up so fast!" The white haired man reminisced, reaching a finger up to his Cursed Eyes and wiping away a tear that had been built up.

"Oi…" Megumi growled, Cursed Energy building in his body as he raised his hands into the position for the Mahoraga Ritual.

"Calm down Megumi, it's just a joke. No need to summon an untamed Death God against him for it!" Yuji placated. Trying to calm him down as from everything he's heard so far, this last Shikigami was one of Legends.

Throughout all of the History of Jujutsu, no User of the Ten Shadows has ever been able to Subjugate this one. Not a One.

In fact, he was once summoned against a user of the Six Eyes and the Limitless Cursed Technique like Satoru Gojo. And when he was, he had Slaughtered both the Six Eyes and Limitless User as well as the User of the Ten Shadows.

He is Truly the Strongest Shikigami known to Mankind.

"Well I wouldn't call him a 'Death God' but it's certainly an over reaction, don't use my forest if the two of you are going to fight with that thing around. I'm only letting you do this here because you've already destroyed this area." Yaga commented from afar.

He was currently sitting inside a viewing platform built into the side of a nearby cliff face, the viewing platform was fortified to hell and back with as much steel reinforcements as physically possible. Some others were also sitting there to watch, including some of his students and a few others.

"Yuji don't mind the blind folded idiot, just come up here so he can start. The idiot will be fine since he's strong and the shikigami will be focused on Megumi, but you might get in the way." Maki called out from the stands.

She was wearing her old specialised glasses that allow her to see Jujutsu because she didn't want to miss this fight. Similarly, she had a high fidelity camera by her side which was implanted with the same lens, letting it capture any Sorcery occurring before it.

She wasn't going to waste an opportunity to capture Megumi getting his ass beat after all.

"Just let him be there, I'd pay good money to watch him get his shit rocked. He's been too damn happy nowadays for my taste, he could use a good thrashing." Nobara said, she had her arms crossed in annoyance while leaning back on a couch.

"Oh really~? How much?" Mei Mei asked, not wasting an opportunity to get some money when possible. She was called here by Gojo in order to use her crows to allow them all to follow the battle from a safe distance.

"Hmmm…" The orange haired girl made a sound of consideration as she turned to the silver haired woman, thinking about how much she would be willing to pay for such a thing.

"Calm yourself Kugisaki, you can't Hate on my Brother because he is winning in life! He should enjoy a quiet, happy life as he deserves!" Todo declared with all his heart, interrupting her train of thought with his prideful declaration.

"Careful shit for brains, you might still be half a grade higher than me but I can still kick your ass…" Nobara growled, reaching for her naginata. 

"How feisty this young generation is~!" The silver haired sorcerer chuckled, covering her mouth with her right hand.

She along with her classmates had all been recently promoted. She and Inumaki were classified as Semi-Grade 1, while Yuji and Maki were both classified as Grade 1 Sorcerers. 

The latter was a matter of great annoyance from the Zen'in clan but things were moved too far and too fast within the system for them to be able to stop it. 

It seems like Megumi's influence within the inner workings of Jujutsu HQ go further than could be expected, especially since he now has Principal Gakuganji in his pocket as well.

"Just let it go Nobara, he's not worth the trouble." Maki laughed, she watched as Megumi said something to Gojo which caused the white haired man to flinch back in fear and back off.

The white haired man walked over to Yuji and grabbed him by the shoulder before teleporting the two of them into the viewing platform. 

"What'd he say to you for you to back off and look like he put your balls in a vice?" Nobara questioned, now very curious about what could have affected their teacher, her previous grievances against Todo being all but forgotten.

"Heh, Megumi said he'd tell Utahime about his Sugar stash and him sneaking sugar in her tea. And he knows his ass is grassed if that happens, since she despises all things sweet." Maki revealed, grinning devilishly as she did since she knew she revealed it to others that would definitely take advantage.

And she was right, that piece of information grabbed the attention of three separate people. Principal Yaga, Mei Mei and Nobara Kugisaki all had expressions of deviousness.

"How the hell did you even hear that!" Gojo shouted indignantly, annoyed at having that revealed in front of everyone else. Knowing that such information was going to be used against him repeatedly now, he could already feel his wallet getting lighter.

"Heavenly Restriction, Bitch. Now shush, he's finally gonna start soon." Maki stated, drawing their attention to the screen to watch the Subjugation of the final Shikigami of the Ten Shadows.

'Hm.. All the preparations are done, that one is already out and getting ready and I just got an infusion of cursed energy through Tai Lung's Incarnation thanks to harvesting some captured curses. It's time.'

Megumi solemnly brought his closed fists up, they were slightly angled upwards and extended forwards. And then, he started Chanting and as he did, Darkness overtook the entire area around him, turning it into an empty Void.

"With this Treasure, I Summon…"

In front of Megumi, Countless Wolves born of Shadow seemed to form out of thin air, followed by sets of Pure White Toads forming at their sides. The wolves all collectively turned to the skies and Howled.

The sounds of wolves howling echoed throughout the world, announcing the descent of the Divine General. 


All the Wolves and Toads immediately Vanished without a trace. 

And in their stead?

A Giant Behemoth was Revealed; he stood at a staggering 10 Feet Tall. Wrapped in countless Talismans that covered every inch of his body, and strings chained around his form to restrict him even further.

"...Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General: Mahoraga."

The Bindings around the Shikigami shattered in an instant, the Talismans faded away into nothingness and the full Glory of the Divine General was Unleashed unto the World for the first time in too long.

The Divine General is a towering, muscular humanoid figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel. Mahoraga wore black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body.

[Image (In Discord)]

For a moment, there was Pure Silence as the Void faded away and allowed light to shine through once again. Megumi and his last Shikigami stood opposite to each other, none moving an inch.

"So we finally meet, Mahoraga..." Megumi whispered under his breath, he was feeling an almost surreal sense of nostalgia. 

More than a Decade now it has been, since he had been Reborn in this World. 

More than a Decade of fighting tooth and nail. 

More than a Decade of training till his body gave out on him.

More than a Decade of Endless Blood, Sweat and Tears all leading up to this Second. This Moment.

In the end, one thing was clear to the Lord of Shadows.

"Now there stands Nothing between me and my Victory…" 

Megumi Fushiguro grinned, a grin like no other. His Crimson eyes Burned with True, Unadulterated Joy. And then He Laughed with Arms spread like a Madman. 


The ground beneath the two of them shattered in an instant, it turned into dust a moment later when a shockwave followed in their wake.

The Divine General and the Lord of Shadows met in the middle, their fist clashed together with a loud crash. The impact reverberated throughout the entire forest, sending cracks throughout its very foundations.

And then they threw their fists again, and again, and again. Their fists blurred together, shockwave after shockwave being birthed from each impact. 

Between the two of them, it seems that for now, their physical strengths remained equal. Or rather, they were equal.


The 8 handled Dharma Wheel above the General's head spun once, and in response the Shikigami's physical strength increased by a wide margin.

Megumi had noticed this happening and immediately jumped backwards, a huge fist crashed down where he once stood and eviscerated the ground into mulch.

'And there it is, the Divine General's Adaptation. The Reason why he is the Strongest and most dangerous Shikigami in all of history…' Megumi thought as he reached to summon one of his Shikigami.

This was the Cursed Technique of Mahoraga: Adaptation. The Divine General can Adapt to Any and All Phenomena.

'Heh.. You could say it's like a late throw in 'Rock, Paper, Scissors.', no matter what you throw at him. If he doesn't die from it, he will Adapt. And he will grow Immune to it, to anything! It only took him 20 seconds to all but double his physical strength through Adaptation.'

Megumi even made his hand signs while summoning the Shikigami, not a single step was skipped. This empowered his shikigami beyond their regular capabilities due to him performing unneeded ritual steps.

Behind the black haired sorcerer formed the Tiger Funeral, the Divine General's Guard. 

The sight of him caused Mahoraga to pause in recognition, despite still wishing to kill the Summoner, he hadn't met his close confidant in too long.

And so Funeral Tiger, now Tai Lung, spoke to his General.

"General Mahoraga. A Pleasure to see you, after all this time…" The Divine Tiger greeted with melancholy, it had truly been an age.

"...But it is time for you to finally meet your Worthy Master, The Shade Lord Awaits. You will Fall today, I Swear Upon My Soul."

"Umbra. Reforge. Amalgam. Phoenix Heart."

With that declaration and his Master's Chanting, the Funeral Tiger began to morph, to change, to grow. He began to evolve into his greatest possible form.

'Both Divine Dogs + Nue + Great Serpent + Max Elephant + Funeral Tiger…'

"Maximum Merged Beast:…" 

The Tiger began to Morph into a Lion. The hair on his face, upper arms and torso turned a dark grey colour, while the long fur on his mane and forearms became a silvery white. He formed silver-coloured plate-mail on his chest and shoulders, with matching sharp-tipped gauntlets covering his five-fingered hands.

The skin on his snout and lips are both coloured black and his face is covered in scars, the most notable ones crossing over his perpetually closed eyes. The largest had cleaved through the left side of his silver crown, before continuing down-right of his forehead and over his right eye before ending at the bottom of his right cheek.

"...Serosh, The Beast Reagent!"

[Image (In Discord)]


The Beast Reagent announced his presence with an earthquaking Roar, the below sent an overwhelming shockwave throughout the forest. It instantly shattered dozens if not hundreds of trees and levelled the entire forest around them.

The Divine General was pushed back by the shockwave, forcing him to step back. He watched as his opponent's crimson eyes gained rings at his irises.

"Incarnation: Tranquil Deer."

Megumi lowered his hands, two greatswords slipping from his sleeves and falling into his hands. Then they both were overcome by their respective elements, Crimson Flames on his left and Brilliant Blue Frost on his right.

"Play time's over Mahoraga, it's time to die!" 

The Lord of Shadows shot forwards, his Beast Reagent stayed at his back and rushed forwards with his master. 

When Megumi swung Kage, flames surged forward with his swing. The Divine General met his swing with his own Blade of Extermination which overflowed with Positive energy.

Their attacks met in the middle with a loud crash, their power seeming equal for a moment but Megumi was not fighting alone. 

A huge armoured claw surged forwards into the Divine General's winged head, grasping upon it before driving it into the ground. A crater formed from the impact as Mahoraga's head was implanted into the ground with a sickening crunch.

The black haired man didn't let this opportunity get past him as he drove his Dark Moon Greatsword into his back, an explosion of frost marred the shikigami's body. Not stopping there, he then spiked Kage through his neck and went to slice it off completely.


The Divine General Erupted from the ground with a growl, reaching to grab the sorcerer who jumped backward with a backflip to avoid the grapple. 

In those mere seconds, all the Injuries inflicted on Mahoraga healed along with his first Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures. Although both of Megumi's Greatswords stayed spiked into his body, not that the general cared.

And so the shikigami kept chasing the black haired sorcerer, all without standing up from the ground. Megumi kept backflipping to avoid each and every grapple, their game of cat and mouse grinding the ground of forest into an almost liquid like state.

"I-Is that thing… SWIMMING THROUGH THE GROUND TO GET TO HIM?!" Nobara screamed in disbelief, it was as if all logic was thrown out of the window within this fight.

She was not alone as everyone present watched on in utter disbelief, whether it was Mei Mei or even Satoru Gojo. They were all in awe at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.

Megumi grew a demonic grin, he felt the Divine General dive through the ground once again to get to him. He then waited for him to emerge before pushing himself off of the ground and into the air, avoiding the Shikigami's next attack and swerving mid air to be right above him with his legs pulled back.

'Incarnation: Gama!'

Countless Shadow Tendrils shot forwards from his palms and wrapped around the General before he pulled himself towards him with blinding speeds. 

Megumi's feet stomped right into the hilts of both his Greatswords, driving them deeper into Mahoraga's body and using that to spike him into the ground. He even went further to insert his cursed energy into both blades, prompting them to explode with their respective elements once more.

Serosh then lunged forwards with maw agape, the Divine Lion wrapped his jaws around the General's neck and bit down to rip it apart. His Armoured Claws then came next and started shredding his body even further.


The Divine General roared in rage as he was pinned down, his cursed energy firing up into an inferno before the Dharma Wheel spun once again.


"IT'S NO USE, YOU FUCKING LOST!" Megumi shouted, bringing his hands together into the hand sign for his Domain Expansion.


The endless Abyss of the Lord of Shadows burst forwards and captured the Divine General, behind Megumi then sprouted the core of his Domain Expansion. The Domain Barrier then closed around them all, leaving no option for retreat or escape for all combatants.

The boundless expanse of Void was anchored by a Colossal Spinal Column from which sprouted countless branches born of Bone and Void, a fruit of which was formed at the end of each branch.

Those fruits all began falling into his sea of shadows, each and every one, causing the Void to shudder and bubble over.

The Divine General exploded outwards, throwing Serosh off of him. He looked around at the new environment he was in, he located his opponent and went to attack.

However, before he could take a step, unimaginable agony shot through his body as his right leg was obliterated in an instant. Mahoraga was brought down to one knee, he turned to look at what could have done so much damage to him in one strike, he found the lone Piercing Ox.

Megumi Fushiguro had the shikigami running infinitely within his shadow in preparation for this one moment, he needed the Divine General crippled for as long as possible so he could land his final Maximum Technique.

"I Command Thee Kneel!" Megumi shouted, as the void responded to his will.

The entire Domain shook before a veritable Avalanche of Merged Beasts erupted from the ocean of shadows beneath the Divine General.

Whether it was Claw, Arm, Leg, Tongue or simply wrapping their bodies around him. Each one of the Merged Abominations grappled the Divine General, they didn't care as they were crushed and torn apart by the General, they threw their lives away happily for one purpose. 

All for one thing, for the will of their Lord.


"It's time for you to finally Meet your Maker, O' Divine General."

Megumi Fushiguro raised his hands ahead of himself and slammed his wrists together to cup them, before pulling them both to his left side. He then activated his Funeral Tiger Incarnation causing his crimson eyes to turn into a Blinding Azure before a small orb of Azure Cursed Energy formed within his hands.

"Maximum Technique:..."

The Black Haired Sorcerer had planned to use this specific Maximum Technique from the start, as he knew that Flames would be too simple for the Divine General to Adapt to.

The Cursed Energy within his hands began to build up further and further, the orb within his hands began to grow as it absorbed more and more energy.


Megumi put everything he had into this attack, every single atom and molecule of Cursed Energy he had ever collected within his life, including all the Energy he had harvested with the help of this Incarnation.

If this Failed, he would be completely Drained Dry. He. Would. Die.



The Divine General roared once again with Rage, slowly but surely starting to throw off the Merged Abominations. He struggled against what seemed like Adamantite Chains that just kept regrowing and reattaching to his body.


Mahoraga exploded outwards with a shockwave that pushed back all the Merged Beasts, he stumbled forwards to try and get to the summoner once more. 


Streams of Cursed Energy were birthed from the very atmosphere of the Domain itself, they all flowed into Megumi's cupped hands. Then the Domain of Shadows around them started to crumble, it fell apart at the seams as Megumi drew Cursed Energy even from his own Domain to power up his Maximum Technique even further.

With the two of them now thrown back into the real world once again, the audience lurched forwards as they witnessed the Domain crumble and reveal Mahoraga reaching for Megumi who had his arms cupped together.

The Divine General reached his right hand towards the Lord of Shadows, a last ditch effort to stop him before he could finish charging up.

However, when Itadori Yuji spotted what Megumi had in his hands, he stood up from his place in awe and screamed with the emotions of a Fanboy.



A Humongous Beam filled with more Cursed Energy than anyone there had ever seen in their entire lives shot forwards from Megumi's hands.

It devoured the Divine General whole, the beam continued even further, shooting into the skies. Turning the dark Moonlit Sky into daytime again for a moment before the beam dissipated into nothingness.

Ash and dust hung in the air, they flowed around for a moment before settling and revealing Megumi Fushiguro to be the last man standing. 

The wielder of the Ten Shadows felt an ethereal weight settle within his Abyss.


The Black Haired Sorcerer, smiled. That smile turned into a Smirk, before it then became a Grin that overtook his whole face from ear to ear.

Megumi raised his arms upwards into the air, relishing the sensation of the aurora of energy still sparking throughout the atmosphere. 

He breathed in, for the first time since he had been Reborn he felt True Freedom.

He felt… Complete. Whole. Perfect.

He then started giggling, then Laughing. 


The Heavens themselves shook in his wake, for the Impossible had been Achieved.

For the First Time in all Jujutsu History, the Ten Shadows Cursed Technique had been Completed.

The Divine General has been Defeated.

And the name of his Conqueror is 'Megumi Fushiguro'.


700 Power Stones = Extra Chapter

Author's Note:

Divine General, Felled.

Shibuya is also reaching its end over in the Patreon…

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Next Chapter Title: I AM NOT ME.

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