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96.15% Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man. / Chapter 50: I AM NOT ME.

Chapitre 50: I AM NOT ME.

There is a discord for this fic. It has Live Updates about chapter progress and when they are completed, pictures for characters, lots of tidbits about the story, among other things. Join at discord.gg/aWZ9qX9mAW

Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

So uhh…. About that JJK ending?

Turned out to be not so bad, the Mahito and Sukuna talking segment really saved it for me.

All in all I'd say it's an 8/10 ending, could have been better but this isn't so bad.

Just wish my guy Gege wasn't cucked as hard as he was by the deadlines but what can he do with how Japanese shit works…

Now if only he gave us Gojo's Funeral Instead of Mei Mei's Feet XDDD

700 Power Stones = Extra Chapter


31st of October, 2018.

Halloween night, 8:30 PM.

"Are you sure?" 

Megumi sat cross legged on the edge of an overpass, he was currently wearing his regular Jujutsu High Sorcerer Suit. With a Sleeveless inner uniform and a white Haori on his back which was emblazoned with the signature of his Shikigami, most prominent among them was a large 8 handled Dharma wheel on his upper back.

"Brah, I told you it's gonna be fine Megumi~! No need to worry, I'll be in and out in 20 minutes tops! Then we can all go back home and enjoy Halloween." Gojo answered dismissively, he seemed to care more about going back home and enjoying the festivities than being here right now.

"Surely you can't be this dense, right? Why don't I come help you? With the two of us together we'd probably be done even sooner." Megumi insisted, trying his best to get through to the white haired sorcerer to no avail.

"There's no need for all that, I'm the Strongest! I work best alone anyways!" The Honoured One declared with unbound confidence, drawing The Black Haired sorcerer's ire.

The Lord of Shadows growled with annoyance as his void opened up slightly, allowing a large Pure White 8-handled Dharma Wheel to float to the top of his head. He then just stared at Gojo Satoru's covered Six Eyes with his own eyes.

No words were said, but what he meant was Clear to all present. 

It was a Challenge to the White Haired Sorcerer's statement, a Denial of his Claim as 'The Strongest.'.

To that, the Honoured One simply removed his Blindfold and looked back into his eyes with a smirk. His Galactic Blue Irises met with Burning Crimson Orbs as each of their Cursed Energy began leaking from their bodies.

Both their bodies tensed as they readied to fight, causing the concentration of Cursed Energy in the atmosphere to soon become thick enough to be felt by any sorcerer within a mile.

Both Special Grade Sorcerers were all too happy to throw away the Mission at hand to prove their point and for a moment it seemed like they were about to do so, but then they heard the screams within the Curtain get louder.


They both turned away from each other with the shared understanding that they would continue this another time.

"Well, whatever! If something does somehow 'seal me away' or hurt me like you said, then I know everyone else is going to be just fine~!" Satoru then said, starting to stretch his body in every possible direction as he did so.

"Oh? And how do you figure that?" The black haired man questioned, not bothering to hide the not insignificant amount of annoyance in his voice as the Dharma Wheel above his head dissolved away into nothingness.

"Because I know they'll have you to look after them in my absence."

Hearing that, Megumi Fushiguro just couldn't find it in himself to continue arguing. So he just sighed in frustration and waved him off while looking away.

"Ugh… Fine, whatever, just go fuck off and get sealed. But I reserve the right for the biggest 'I Told You So' known to mankind." Megumi rested his head on one hand and waved him away with the other. 

He felt the white haired man walk off in the direction of the subway, where the biggest concentration of Cursed Energy was located.

Yet despite not looking in his direction, Megumi could somehow feel the man flip him off as he left. The act of which he then responded to in kind, flipping him off right back.

"How the hell did you know he gave you the middle finger as he walked away? You're not even looking at him…" Yuji commented, utterly perplexed at what he was witnessing. Megumi had personally used his influence as a Special Grade Sorcerer to place him by his side for this 'Incident'.

"Mutated Senses…" He answered, reaching into his shadow and pulling out a small circular earpiece with the face of a robot on it.

Indeed, Megumi Fushiguro has taken another step in his Evolution following the climactic battle with the Divine General. 

He had evolved the 'Funeral Tiger' Mutation which increases all of his base stats along, especially his Dexterity and Senses. Along with that, it has enhanced his Cursed Energy Output greatly.

'Would've expected the Tranquil Deer Mutation from how much I've been spamming it, but I guess they come depending on the complexity and compatibility of each one. Maybe I can only get the Deer Mutation after I've already learned RCT myself?' Megumi considered, he then threw the earpiece to Yuji and reached for another one.

'That's probably it. But man, I can feel how close I am to grasping it, the Reverse Cursed Technique! It's right there but no matter how much I try, I can never replicate it myself. It's like something is blocking it for me…' Megumi thought with a sigh, pulling out another earpiece and wearing it which Yuji copied.

"You know the plan Yuji, the man in the earpiece will guide you where you need to go and tell you what you need to do." He reminded as he put on his one earpiece, although his was more subtle and sophisticated as it was inserted into his ear to stay out of sight so it wasn't destroyed.

"Osu!" Yuji responded, recalling the plan Megumi told him a few minutes prior.

"Oh! What about me, Zen'in-san?" Ino asked, holding onto his shiesty with one hand and pointing at himself with the other. He was brought along with one specific purpose under the promise that if he performed as Megumi wished, he would be promoted to Grade One.

"Sorry, Ino. I only have two of them." 

This was a Lie.

"Puppet Master, start the Evacuation. I will bring down the main Curtain shortly." Megumi ordered as he pressed on his earpiece, he heard a mechanical click before a response came.

"Copy, starting operation as planned Sir. Over."

With that, Megumi stood up from his place on the railing and motioned for the other two to follow him. 

"As you heard, it's our job to bring down the main Curtain that's keeping all the civilians inside." He said, leading them in the direction of the city centre.

"Yuji, if a curtain this big is capable of keeping this many people trapped exists then there must be some kind of Binding Vow in place to maintain the Curtain. Can you tell me where it would be?" Megumi questioned, not wasting a moment to test his friend's knowledge in Jujutsu.

"Uhhh… They most likely used a Binding Vow to increase the durability of the Curtain, so the caster must either be outside the curtain which leaves him open to ambush or the anchors for the Curtain are placed in an obvious spot since increasing the Risk would empower the Curtain!" Yuji answered dutifully, proving himself to be uncharacteristically knowledgeable about Jujutsu.

"Correct, so what would be the most obvious spot for the Anchors to be?" Megumi asked with a proud smile, his shadow was already bubbling over and forming a Shikigami.

To that, the two sorcerers beside him collectively looked up at the city's skyline and locked their eyes on the tallest Skyscraper within the Shibuya District, that being the Cerulean Tower which stood at a height of 184 metres.

"Exactly, now get on. Let's deal with this Curtain so the civilians can be evacuated." The special grade sorcerer commanded, a giant version of Nue being summoned from his shadow as he did.

The two sorcerers followed his orders without any ceremony, the shikigami then took off to the skies with a mighty flap of its wings. Within mere seconds, the trio of sorcerers found themselves at the top of the building where they immediately spotted 3 curse users.

Megumi hopped off the massive shikigami, followed by Yuji and Ino with his summon dissolving into shadows right after. The curse users then noticed their presence, turning to face them with the expression of pure surprise and horror.

"I-It's Z-Zen'in Megu-" An old man with an odd moustache cried out in fear when he saw him.

However he was unable to continue speaking as the special grade sorcerer disappeared from his place faster than he could blink, appearing right beside him and merely backhanding him in the chest. 

The old man coughed blood immediately and was shot off of the skyscraper, sending him falling all the way down 41 stories which would presumably kill him.

Megumi then turned to face the shivering old woman who reached for her prayer beads, her 'grandson' who was by her side grabbing a small vial of blood in preparation to eat it.

He then pointed a finger in their direction, the finger then built up some cursed energy at its tip and fired off in their direction. A flash of Blackish Blue Cursed Energy fired off as a thin beam of energy shot forwards at blinding speeds.

'Death Beam.'

But instead of hitting them, the beam struck an anchor that was implanted on the ground causing them to baulk in surprise that he had both decided to spare them from what would have been a quick death and he had managed to spot one of the three anchors of the Curtain.

"Ino, you're up. If you can take care of the old hag and the clown next to her, I'll make you a Grade One sorcerer." Megumi said with a blank expression that hid what he was truly feeling inside.

'Sorry my guy, you're gonna get crushed. But I wanna meet my 'Father' atleast once so you're gonna have to be the sacrifice for that.' He thought, feeling a sense of apologetic amusement at setting up the shiesty sorcerer for a humiliating defeat.

However he isn't one to get someone killed for his own curiosity so he proceeded to implant Nue into the sorcerer's shadow right after his command, just to be sure that he could get him out should his life be in danger.

"Oh? That's it? I can totally do that, Zen'in-san! Leave it to me!" Ino declared with misplaced confidence, drawing collective sighs from the Curse User duo at hearing that they wouldn't be facing Megumi.

'If it's just this random sorcerer then that's fine, but thankfully that Monster isn't interested in us!' The Old lady thought with relief. 

To her, Megumi Fushiguro was the exact same as Satoru Gojo. As both of their births had caused the world's Balance to be altered, robbing her of her freedom!

"I still wanna know how you do the beam things with Cursed Energy! Gojo-sensei can't explain it or even do it as well as you can!" Yuji complained, thinking back to his 'Death Beams'.

"Eh, it's not that hard. It's just a matter of practice and Cursed Energy Output. I'll teach you more about it later on, for now let's focus on the mission at hand." The Black haired man answered.

"I'll hold you to that!"

"Alright Yuji, the old man is still alive and he took the last two anchors with him. We'll go down and kill him, then destroy the anchors which would free the civilians." Megumi stated, walking away towards the edge of the building with his friend following him.

"Huh? How'd he survive the fall? Isn't this like 200 metres up in the sky?" Yuji questioned, not understanding the logistics behind that.

"He has a Cursed Technique that lets him ignore any damage that isn't above or below a certain threshold." He answered as he reached the edge of the skyscraper.

"Uhhh… How'd ya know that?" The pink haired man asked as he stood by his side.

"Just trust me. When you're as Strong as I am, simple things like this are easy to figure out." Megumi assured, enjoying the feeling of the soft breeze flowing through his hair as he calculated the fall down to the bottom.

'That's Simple to you?!' Yuji thought incredulously before getting closer to him and asking him another question.

"Okay.. So how do we follow him down, you gonna summon Nue again?" 

"Nah, just jump." 



That was all Yuji heard before he felt a hand press against his back and push him off the 184 Metre tall Skyscraper, causing him to scream in terror as he began his sudden descent to the ground.


Megumi smirked slightly and followed him by simply stepping off the building with his hands in his pocket, he fell down faster than the pink haired man before him due his higher weight from his bigger body and the multitude of objects in his inventory.


The black haired sorcerer reached the same elevation where his friend was currently at and decided to give him some 'advice' from the 'kindness of his heart'.

"Calm Down, reinforce your legs with cursed energy."

But it seems that said 'Advice' was lost on the young sorcerer who continued flapping his arms like a baby bird who was forced to learn to fly by its mother. 

Megumi sighed in slight disappointment and simply turned around mid fall while his hands were still in his pockets and faced the ground with his legs which were then reinforced heavily with cursed energy. 

He landed on the ground with a loud crash, the ground beneath him being reduced to a crater from his impact. Removing one of his hands from his pocket he then swiped off some dust from his body and reached it to the side as if expecting something.


And right on cue, Itadori Yuji came falling down to the ground where he would at the very least break multiple bones. Thankfully, Megumi grabbed him with one hand and stopped his descent without breaking a sweat.

The Vessel stopped screaming and just hanged there by his jacket as he greedily took in breath while trying to calm himself after having just fell down what was a lethal fall. 

"You didn't Calm Down." Megumi stated before letting go of him and letting him fall down on his ass with a small "Ow…"

"Well excuse me for panicking a little while falling down from a fucking skyscraper!" Itadori shouted in indignance at the ridiculous expectation unwillingly placed on him.

"Uh-huh… If you say so." The Black haired man replied before raising his hand and pointing a finger at the old curse user who was playing dead in hopes that the special grade sorcerer wouldn't notice and he could escape.

'Death Beam.'

The blackish blue beam of concentrated cursed energy shot towards the Curse User and pierced him straight through the head, granting him an undeserved quick death. He then shot another two beams which disintegrated the last two Curtain Anchors.

Yuji Itadori frowned at the death of the Curse User, despite knowing that he must have done many terrible things and he would have done the same to him in a heartbeat. It was simply his base nature to be unconditionally caring to all those around him, even if they don't deserve it. 

It was an Odd yet Admirable Heroic trait for a Jujutsu Sorcerer to have.

"You shouldn't feel too bad for the old bastard, I recognise him from an old report. He once skinned an innocent civilian while he was still alive, he deserved worse." Megumi informed, looking up to the sky and watched as the biggest Curtain was dissolving.

Yuji felt a weight be removed from his chest upon hearing that his suspicions were confirmed. He looked up at the sky too and watched as 2 more curtains started dissolving a few seconds after the biggest one had.

The two of them then heard a loud clicking sound from their earpieces followed by a report from 'Puppet Master'.

"This is Puppet Master, the operation is a success so far. 2 of the Sub-Curtains have been neutralised and 30% of the Civilians have been evacuated with the help of Jujutsu HQ and many Sorcerers. Over." 

"Good work, proceed with the last 2 Curtains with the help of Mei Mei and Nanami. Be sure to prioritise clearing out 200 metres around the Shibuya Crossing as planned, just in case I need to use it later on." Megumi ordered.

"Copy that. I have another report regarding Special Grade Curses. The Curse known as Mahito has been spotted entering a crowded train leading to Shibuya Station. Over.

Now that news made both Sorcerers grimace with pity, if he was spotted there then the people within that train are probably already dead and violated into becoming Transfigured Humans.

This news especially affected Itadori Yuji, who gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in Rage.

"Yuji, you go off to the subway ahead of me and find Mahito. Kill him and save as many people as possible, I know you can handle it." The special grade sorcerer ordered, knowing that this specific curse was a personal matter to him.

"Got it."

The Vessel of the Strongest sprinted away with a cloud of dust right at his tail, he was a man with a mission. A mission to exorcise a curse that should not be allowed to exist.

Megumi heard another click in his ear as Puppet Master gave him another report, one which he expected but still caused him to sigh in annoyance and frustration.

"Ugh… Looks like Lady Fate had her mind made up, huh? Well whatever, we still have contingency plans for this. Be sure to let everyone know what happened, tell them to keep it on the down low so any Curse Users who aren't in the loop don't know it." He ordered while rubbing his forehead to relieve an incoming headache.

"Copy that sir."

With a soft crackle, Megumi Fushiguro was left alone once again. He sighed again for what seemed like the 20th time today and marched off towards the Shibuya Station, specifically the Inokashira line Avenue Gate.

"I guess it's time to deal with Dagon then Jogo. I need to grab those Sukuna Fingers off of him so I can give them to Yuji over time. It would have been annoying if they were still with HQ but this way I can feed them to him whenever..." The special grade sorcerer muttered under his breath before he started sprinting forwards with incredible speeds.

5 Minutes Prior.

Inner Shibuya Subway.

'I should have taken Megumi's help.' 

That was all Gojo Satoru could think as a train full of Transfigured Humans arrived at their stop, the Mechanical Doors opened up. A human looking Curse with long Blue hair and patchwork scars emerged from them with uncanny happiness and cheer.

"Yo, what's up Jogo, Choso! I'm here!" It called out, animatedly announcing its presence with unnatural movement that should be impossible to do with a Human body.

"You're late, Mahito. He already killed That Man's two Freaks, they were special grade but he killed them effortlessly even without his Cursed Technique. He is truly a Monster." The curse now known as Jogo answered, rubbing his neck as a phantom pain formed there.

'Huh? What does he mean freaks? They were curses just like him, although they looked slightly off from what an average Special Grade Curse looked like. Who's 'That Man'?' Gojo thought, overhearing their conversation.

What looked like a curse user grunted at the sight of Mahito as he raised his arm, it was damaged severely and looked like it was crushed by something. And then to the surprise of Gojo, he saw the arm that he broke start to mend itself.

'That Death Painting can use RCT too? Shit, I can't fight properly with these many people being thrusted around. The patchwork freak also brought those Transfigured Humans here too, they'll kill everyone if I don't do something!' 

Satoru Gojo started grilling his enhanced mind in order to find a solution to save as many lives as possible while making sure to kill as many of the curses as possible.

And so he came up with an idea that most would consider impossible, for all except the Honoured One of course.

What the group of Special Grade curses saw next caused them to gasp in surprise and horror as all their plans were undone by a single move.

"F-For real?!" Mahito questioned with horror.

Satoru Gojo brought his right hand up, twisting one Finger over the other and started Chanting.

"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void!"

A streaming Infinite Cosmos formed around the entire area for a split second before it was immediately dissolved and undone.

This was The Honoured One's plan, his Gambit. A 0.2 Second Domain Expansion.

A feat that was only possible with the Absolute knowledge of Jujutsu Sorcerery he held, the nearly impossible feat of expanding your Domain's Barrier and Applying its Sure-Hit within the same instant.

The effects were instant, every living being, including the Special Grade Curses, inside the Station was completely Unconscious.

The Honoured One blurred ahead with inhuman speeds, wherever he went gore and blood went flying. 

Due to the limited effect of a 0.2 Second Domain Expansion on a Special Grade Curse, his targets were limited to only the approximately 1000 Transfigured Humans which were released into the station.

And in the 299 Seconds following his Domain Expansion, Satoru Gojo had Slaughtered each and every Transfigured Human which was released into the Station. Leaving most of the non-sorcerers still unconscious but safe for now, and the Special Grade curses as the last opponents standing.

The white haired man held the heads of two Transfigured Humans, he was breathing in and out labouredly after accomplishing a feat which would be impossible for any other Sorcerer alive and was readying himself to finish the fight by killing the last 3 Curses.

But it was then that he spotted an odd box on the ground near him, it was covered up completely with Talismans but despite all that, it was brimming with so much Cursed Energy it must have been a Special Grade Cursed Tool.

"Prison Realm, Gate Open."

The cube opened into a mass of flesh stretched out by four corners with the remains of the cube at the edges. It had a giant bleeding eye in the middle with stitches keeping it open, it looked as if the eye was staring into his very Soul.

The Honoured One stepped back, although he wasn't sure what he was looking at, his Six Eyes told him enough for him to know that it was Fatally Dangerous and he needed to get away from it now.

And was about to, if only he didn't then hear a Hauntingly Familiar Voice from behind him. One which Stalked both his Brightest Dreams and his Darkest Nightmares.

"Yo! Satoru!"


What stood there was someone who he thought had died at the hands of his Students, a Death that was put into Question by Megumi himself.

"It's Been a While." 

It was Suguru Geto, the black haired Monk who waved his hand gently at him with a smile, his familiarly Kind voice as Soft and Warm as the day he first met him.

'He's not dead? Megumi was right, Yuta failed to finish him off!' The Honoured One deduced, his Fabled Six Eyes burned with Cursed Energy as they tried to find any indication of him being a Fake.

The Six Eyes could Not find a Single Fault in his Body.

'It's Him!'

And then the 3 years of his Youth came flooding into his Brain. 

The Cursed Object known as the 'Prison Realm' shot forwards towards the distracted sorcerer, latching onto him irreparably as its conditions had been met. 

The conditions for this unbreakable seal are simple: In order for the target to be sealed, they must be kept within a four-metre radius for a minute's worth of time within their mind for the cursed object to take hold.

And although it had only been an instant; for Satoru Gojo, Three Years had Already Passed.

'Wait- SHIT! I can't feel my cursed energy! This is Checkmate…' Satoru thought, feeling all power leave his body as he was left helpless by the Cursed Object. 

"My, my… You shouldn't let your Mind wander during a battle, Satoru~."

He turned to face the man before him, despite being undoubtedly Suguru Geto, his Soul now Rejected that possibility completely.

"...Who the fuck are you? I know this isn't Suguru, despite everything he would never do this. SO WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Gojo demanded.

"Yeeesh~…" 'Suguru Geto' chuckled, reaching a hand to a scar spanning across his face and pulling it open by unwinding a surgical thread.

"How'd you know?"

What Satoru Gojo laid his eyes on was an abomination of Nature, 'Suguru geto' opened up his skull like a Toy and revealed a Cursed Brain inside. It had a Demented Grin that held promises of unnatural and untold horrors beyond Human Comprehension.

[Image (In Discord)]

"My name is Kenjaku, this is the work of my Cursed Technique which allows me to take over any body I desire. And of course I retain its Cursed Technique. I coveted Suguru Geto's 'Curse Manipulation' so I took his Body. Thankfully, your 'Students' did quite a terrible Job at finishing him, it was almost too easy."

Despite himself, Satoru Gojo found himself cursing his student's inability to just finish off their opponent and make sure they died.

"But don't worry, Satoru~. I'll unmake the Seal in about a Thousand Years, you're just too strong for my plans to continue in your presence." Kenjaku monologued, taking great pride in his feat of capturing the Honoured One.


Kenjaku paused at the white haired man's laugh, prompting him to continue on.

"I don't care about any of your classic Super Villain monologues. Your plans will fail, Megumi will be sure to kill you for me like he did before. I Bet you won't even be Breathing by the time it's the Sunrise." Satoru Gojo declared with an assured, smug smile.

"Ah him. He isn't the next you despite what the Mindless Sheep say. Do you Honestly think he could take care of everything this world will throw at him in your absence? He Will Fail." Kenjaku denied with a look of disgust before commanding the cursed object to proceed with Sealing the Honoured One.

"Gate Close."

Satoru Gojo was only able to speak three words before he was Sealed Away, a Declaration of Absolute Faith in who he considered to be his little Brother.

"Nah, He'd Win."


700 Power Stones = Extra Chapter

Author's Note:

Will Kenjaku's Evil plan be stopped?!

Will the Curse of those few words be Broken?!

Find out Next Time of Potential Man Z!!!

Or you can Instantly Find out on the Patreon cuz Shibuya has ended over there…

Please Upvote/Like the story and Comment if you can! It really helps me a lot and I'd Greatly Appreciate it!

Next Chapter Title: The Shepherd of Fire.

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