Sunny set the milk jug on the top of the back steps and sat down to pull off her green boots. That was when she heard the conversation between Fiona and Nicodemus Fury. She heard something in Fury's tone that gave her pause as he spoke.
"My connections?" Fury questioned. His voice was incredulous.
"Then your influence," Fiona flung back. "She is ill-prepared to resist your influence."
"My influence, my connections!" He scoffed. "I will have no impact on the girl," Fury said. "And before you can bring it up – my tainted past!"
"It is your past that concerns me most!" Fiona said sharply. "I can see the growing connection between you and Sunny. That concerns me greatly!"
"There is no connection!" Fury declared.
"Don't try to deny what is very obvious!" Fiona said. "I know how drawn you are."
"I will not deny it!" Fury growled. "But my presence will keep her safe from the others, Fiona. You know that is the truth! And you know I will not cross the line!"
"Yes!" Fiona declared. "I know!"
"Then leave your suspicions and fear of me alone," Fury said.
"I have no choice," Fiona said. She sounded despondent.
Sunny felt odd listening to a heated discussion about her safety and who was best to defend her. It appeared that Aunt Fiona, Tully, and others were suspicious of Nicodemus Fury. Although she should be on high alert, there was something about him she trusted.
She was about to put her boots on the porch when Tully stopped her. He looked up at the kitchen window just above where Sunny sat and guessed she had been eavesdropping. He took her boots and dropped them on the porch.
"Do not be asking to take in one of those kittens!" he announced a bit louder than necessary, "Besides, they are too young to leave their mum!"
"But they are adorable!" Sunny said.
She rose and picked up the milk jug. Fury walked out onto the porch. His gaze on her was fierce then he glanced out over the forest. There was a raspy caw from a raven. Tully took the jug from Sunny, "Come on girl, looks like Nico has some business to attend to."
"Right behind you," Sunny said. Tully dropped his boots and walked in. He called out for Fiona.
Fury caught Sunny's wrist as she passed him. "Siobhan,"
She stopped in her tracks and looked up at him. "You won't be gone long will you?"
His stern look softened, and a whisper of a smile pulled at his mouth. "No, not long."
"Okay." She replied, "See you in a bit."
Nicodemus let go of her wrist and the painful loneliness that was with him pulsed through his veins. He stepped off the porch and quickly disappeared into the forest. Sunny watched the forest for a moment then went inside.
Inside, Fiona busied herself making sandwiches and lemonade. Sunny went to the sink, washed her hands, and started helping Fiona.
"I've broken every promise I made to your mother and, Colleen," Fiona whispered.
"Those were promises that they should have never asked of you!" Sunny declared as gently as she could. "It was wrong of them to bind you to those promises."
Fiona nodded sadly but she dried her eyes with the tea towel at her elbow and put on a strong face. "What is done is done," she replied. "Now we need to find out how to keep you safe."
"Exactly," Sunny said. "With Tully and Nicodemus with us, we try to get a grip on things until the festival is over and the Arch closes then everything gets straight."
Tully unloaded the bundles and set them in the hall. The muslin bags they carried into the apothecary and returned to the kitchen. Fiona went into the pantry and the icebox and set out whatever she had to eat. Sunny was hungry and she replenished and sated her appetite while the others nibbled. Tully watched as Sunny polished off the last bit of chicken and roast beef with a bemused smile. He cut up an apple and served it to her on the blade of his knife.
Nicodemus returned. He came in the kitchen door and Tully waved him over to the table. "You had better hurry and fill up your plate, Sunny may still have a powerful hunger!"
Fury strolled over to the table and sat down next to Sunny. Fiona's eyes were on both of them. Sunny continued to accept the apple slices. She munched on the tart crispness with relish.
Tully opened the discussion of how they were going to set about discovering her connections to Gaddis. "I think the bloodlines are somehow tied together," Tully announced.
"What a terrible theory!" Nicodemus declared. "How in the hell did you come to that conclusion?"
"Gaddis and Eyru were both of ancient bloodlines," Tully said a frown of concern crossing his features, as he gave voice to what he had begun to suspect. "I cannot imagine how, but somehow, some way they were connected."
They were all quiet for a moment, then Sunny sighed heavily and looked at each one before speaking, "We have to start somewhere," she said. "Where would be the best place to start?"
"At the point where Sunny and I saw Gaddis and Eyru together," Tully suggested.
"No," Fiona replied. "It would need to be further back than that."
"We do not know that what we saw is factual," Tully told Fiona, then looked over at Nicodemus to corroborate his statement.
Fury shrugged his shoulders. "What I saw of my past was correct enough."
"I think we should go back as far as we can to get at the truth," Sunny said. "Maybe we can go further back?"
"There's nothing written down about that time, only legends, an oral history that can't be based on any information. To travel into legend is dangerous." Fiona told her.
"Perhaps once we get there, we let the scene reveal itself?" Sunny suggested. "It seems things are a bit clearer that way with no preconceived notions."
Nicodemus nodded over to Tully, "You have a better knowledge of ancient history than I do."
"Aye, you were not a very studious lad, were you?" Tully remarked and winked over at Sunny.
"What about the dook book!" Sunny declared and Fiona chuckled softly and nodded, "Perhaps that might be as good a place to start as any." She rose from the kitchen table, "I'll go fetch it."
Sunny nodded and began to clear away the dishes while Tully and Nicodemus discussed various texts to consult.
Fiona returned with the leather-bound book and set it on the table. She pushed it toward Tully. He ran his hands over the book and the leather buckles, admiring the tooling and the construction. Then he unbuckled the closures and flipped open to the beginning of the Book of Ages. He read silently to himself then looked up at the others, "I found the passage of where Eyru goes to each chieftain to try to parlay a peace treaty."
"I remember," Sunny said. "We saw that moment when Eyru was on the battlefield, but we need to go back before that moment, to see where the connection to Gaddis comes from."
"To travel that far back will be hard on all of us," Nicodemus said, "Especially on you, Siobhan."
"Maybe it won't," Sunny replied. "Maybe with your energy helping me, it won't be so much of a drain."
"Spread the pain around, eh?" Tully suggested winking at Sunny.
"This is serious!" Fiona admonished, "To attempt this kind of work is dangerous – not to mention verging on the Da'ark!"
Tully glanced up at Nicodemus to see his reaction. Fiona had once again given voice to what they had both been troubled by for a long time.
Fury said nothing.
Sunny felt the tension in the air and sat forward, bringing everyone's attention to her. "Each time, I learn a little more of the mechanics of traveling," she moved her hands in a way to mimic two cogs moving back and forth. "I think it's going to be fine – especially if we have a little cooperation."
Tully set the book on the table and scooted his chair closer to the table. "I think we should try it."
Sunny was seated with Tully to her right, she looked over at Fiona. "I think we should face each other Aunt Fiona."
Fiona rose and shifted her chair, so it faced Sunny. Nicodemus moved further to the left, so he faced Tully. Once the seating arrangement was settled, Tully looked first at Fiona and then at Sunny, "Let's join hands and I'll begin reading."
Sunny held her hands out across the table and took Tully's calloused hand then laid her hand in Fury's hand. Tully took Fiona's hand in his and Fiona reached over and took Fury's hand in hers, closing the link. As they joined hands, Sunny nodded her head for Tully to begin the narrative.
"From the first people comes a woman called Eyru and she is the first Dannan. When Eyru appears, there is a war over possession of the land. There is a great battle between the tribes of the Fir Bolg and Partholan against the Ne'Medians. The Fir Bolg tribe is all but decimated. Many of the Partholan are killed as well. Eyru goes to each chieftain and tries to parlay for peace, but nothing will move the warring chieftains and they continue to war on one another."
"For peace to come, Eyru strikes a deal with the ancient one. The cost of peace is a heavy one. It is called the 'geis' or the bond of destiny. The ancient one accepts Eyru's price. Eyru makes the geis that from now until the end of time, she and all her first daughters will be wedded to the land ensuring everlasting peace. As long as there is a first daughter promised to the land there will be peace."
"So, the ancient one having accepted the price, opened the great eye and the Ne'Medians were cast back to the lands whence they came; barred forever never to enter into this world again."
Tully finished and looked over at Sunny. Her eyes were closed, and her head was lowered. Nicodemus was looking curiously at Sunny; it was the sudden chill that descended in the kitchen that alerted them all to the shifting scene. "Stand up, we are about to start traveling," Fury instructed, "But do not let go of one another."
Sunny opened her eyes and smiled across at Fiona, "Here we go."
Fiona was not at all excited at the prospect of traveling; she was terrified! "Where are we?" she asked, but her voice was torn away from her lips by a swirling wind that wrapped them in a cyclonic cocoon.
"Standing outside of time itself!" Nicodemus called. "Hold tight to my hand and Tully's! Whatever else happens, we do not let go of Siobhan!"
Fiona nodded; her hair had come loose from the pins that held it in a neat coil around her head. The silvery stands flowed around her head and shoulders like cool white flames. Then it was quiet, and they stood in the courtyard of a large stone castle. Fiona looked around and recognized where she was, "This is the old Thornefield castle!"
"Why here?" Tully wondered aloud.
"I think this is only a resting spot," Sunny murmured, "I feel something coming."
Nicodemus nodded and lifted his chin toward Tully, "It looks like we're heading into a storm!"
Tully glanced over his shoulder then faced forward and closed his eyes. Sunny felt herself begin to move into that swirling mist again. Then she looked and slowly at the center of the circle they formed a figure appeared. It was of a woman that looked very familiar to Sunny. "Eyru?"
Nicodemus looked over at Sunny in alarm, he did not see anyone. "Fiona, what do you see?"
Fiona shook her head, "No! No one!"
Sunny frowned at the woman, "Why can't the others see you?"
"Do you want them to accompany you? They do not need to go."
"No, they all need to see – it's important! No more secrets!" Sunny declared.
Eyru inclined her head, "Very well then, let their eyes behold!" she intoned, and Fiona gasped as the woman turned to face her. Eyru looked sadly at Fiona, "What a burden you have taken upon your shoulders, daughter."
Eyru turned back to Sunny, "What have you come to learn child?"
"What is the connection I have to Gaddis?" Sunny asked, "He has been in my dreams, and I've been in his, why?"
Eyru looked pained, then placed a hand to her heart and turned away, "Come then and know the truth."
"Wait!" Sunny said and Eyru paused and faced Sunny once more. "We all go together, or we all return together."
Eyru smiled mildly at Sunny, "You control this path, if you will it that they go with you, they will be anchored to your will."
Sunny examined what she felt and realized that she had summoned Eyru and that she held them safely with the strength of her thoughts. She released Tully's hand. Nicodemus did not let Sunny go, he laced his fingers in hers and nodded to Tully to hold on to Fiona.
Sunny tightened her hold on Fury's hand. "Show me the connection I have with the king of the Ne'Medians."
Eyru turned and a dense mist rose to obscure everything. Then like a veil being drawn away from a window, they were in the reception room of a great hall. Fiona clung to Tully's hand as they found themselves in a place and time from a legend! Sunny followed Eyru, "What is this place?"
"This is my father's castle," Eyru said indicating the young maiden sitting with older women. "We are waiting to receive a royal visit. It is a diplomatic party from Ne'Media."
From the great hall, there is a sound. The doors open and the Ne'Medians enter the great room. Eyru's father waved for the maiden Eyru to join him. The Ne'Median party had three warriors precede the royal party. Then behind him, a tall young man came up to Eyru and her father and bowed. "Lord Uillioc Dannan, I bring greetings from my father Drake Anu, the emperor of Ne'Media, I am Prince Gaddis Anu."
"Welcome to Gaellyon," said Eyru's father, "My daughter, Eyru."
Gaddis turned to Eyru their eyes locking and holding for several heartbeats. Then he bowed, and she dipped a curtsey and stepped out to rejoin the matrons.
The image swirled and reformed to reveal a garden in the twilight. Eyru strolled through the garden alone, she was sad. Then from the shadows, Gaddis appears and Eyru is not sad anymore. She smiled and took his hand in hers and pressed it to her cheek. They stood quietly together under the sweet-smelling white jasmine and pink roses.
Sunny watched this small innocent moment unfold then looked over at Eyru the guide. "You were in love with him."
"Yes, and he is with me," Eyru said sadly. "But it was not to be. That very night one of my father's guards killed one of the royal Ne'Median guardsmen in a drunken brawl. All of the Ne'Medians left and took Gaddis away."
Nicodemus looked for a moment at the scene of the two young people strolling quietly through the shadows then glanced at Sunny. Eyru watched the young people together for a moment longer then she turned to face Sunny, and the scene dissolved away into the mists of time. "We go no further."
Sunny stepped closer to Eyru and caught her wrist to keep her from leaving. "This only leaves more questions. Why are Gaddis and I connected? Why do we invade each other's dreams?"
"I will reveal only to your eyes," Eyru whispered, "send the others away."
Sunny looked at Fiona, who was still afraid and now torn from being with her and very conflicted by the fear she had now for her great-niece who had powers that did not come from the Dannan sept. Nicodemus pulled Sunny away from Eyru, "No,"
Sunny nodded, "It will be okay," She turned to Eyru, "Done!"
With that word Tully, Nicodemus, and Fiona found themselves sitting at the kitchen table with Bracken shrieking in alarm from the empty chair where Sunny had been seated. Fiona started to rise from her seat, but she was held firmly in place by both Tully and Nicodemus who both held her hands. "Stay where you are!" Nicodemus ordered. "She still needs our energy!"
Tully reached out and grabbed Bracken's arm, "Shut yer gob and help us!"
Nicodemus held out his hand to Bracken and the watcher hesitated only for an instant and laid his dirty hand in Fury's outstretched fingers. As the link was reformed the four joined and provided their combined energy to wherever Sunny was in the river of time.
Eyru smiled as she felt the surge. "They continue to help you."
Sunny nodded, feeling the power flow to her, this time with an odd new twist. As she recognized Bracken, she laughed. Eyru nodded as she too felt the additional power flow, "You have enlisted even the doer Nemed to this quest. Come," Eyru said reaching out for Sunny's hand, "I have much to show you and very little time to do so."
They moved swiftly and Sunny had the impression they were moving upward though she hadn't moved an inch from where she stood with Eyru at her side. Then they were standing on the edge of a forest. It was summer and the sun that filtered through the leaves of the oak trees was golden and filled with sparkling dust motes that swirled and danced in the warm light. There was the sound of hoof beats of many horses.
"Eyru they are coming!"
Sunny turned to the sound of the voice and saw a young Gaddis, pulling his tunic over his head and stuffing his feet into his boots. A young Eyru emerged from the underbrush, her face was flushed, and she was smoothing her gown down and brushing the leaves from the folds of material. It was clear to Sunny they had only just been intimate. Gaddis pulled Eyru into his arms and he kissed her deeply and she clung to him.
"I must go," he whispered.
"When will I see you again?" Eyru asked gazing up into his eyes. There were already tears springing into her green eyes.
"No, no, my heart!" Gaddis murmured and kissed her eyes gently, "No tears, I will come to you I promise!"
Eight mounted soldiers stopped just at the edge of the forested area they stood silently in the meadow, waiting. From the back of the group of soldiers, a riderless horse moved past the men and walked into the forest. The animal was magnificent! Brilliant glowing white stallion, its hide, mane, and tail all but glowed like an opal. Sunny gasped, "Orion!"
The horse paused and looked from Gaddis directly at Sunny then the moment was over, and the horse moved and dipped its head and leaned into Gaddis' shoulder. He stroked the cheek and neck of the stallion and looked over at Eyru. "When I send word to you, will you come?"
Eyru nodded. "I will come."
Gaddis mounted and was off, the soldiers turning and following.
Sunny turned to her guide who watched the scene dispassionately. "You and Gaddis were lovers."
"Yes," the older Eyru guide replied. "We loved one another and were going to be joined."
"But what happened?" Sunny asked.
The Eyru guide pointed. They were moving again upward into darkness and murky smoke that made Sunny feel nauseous.
"But father, I love another!"
"Our sept must survive!" Uillioc told his distraught daughter, "Without the Partholan we will lose everything!
"You mean you will lose everything!" the young woman turned and fled the great room with her father's calls following her. She clamped her hands over her ears and ran. Sunny and the Eyru guide followed. She ran until she was in the forest and blindly stumbled into the brush to collapse in a heap where she wept bitter tears into the thick bed of leaves.
"What happened?"
"I was promised to the throne of Nu'Ada. The Ari Ri sitting on the throne was an old man and soon a new king would be chosen. I would be promised to him." The Eyru guide said.
"Tiernan," Sunny said. "But did you see Gaddis again?"
The Eyru guide turned and faced Sunny, and their eyes met. The sudden passage of time nearly knocked Sunny off her feet, but she remained standing. Then they were standing in a palace room and Eyru was dressed in a deep russet gown embroidered with copper threads. "My father signs the contract this evening and I am betrothed to the Ard Ri. It is here I meet Tiernan."
Sunny followed Eyru from her apartment and down the hallway to stand briefly at the top of the sweeping staircase. Eyru turned to Sunny and looked at her with tearful sad eyes. "You stand outside of time, only I can see you. Stay close to me and follow me this night."
Sunny nodded and followed the sad figure of Eyru. At the foot of the staircase, Uillioc Dannan waited with several of his guardsmen. He smiled and Eyru lowered her head and curtsied. Uillioc took his daughters' hand and they walked into the large stateroom. Sunny walked with them, always staying within a few feet of Eyru. They paused at the top of the steps and then walked down to stand a few feet from the raised dais. There sitting on a massive throne was an old man. He waved Uillioc and Eyru closer and he leaned forward. "Uillioc Dannan of Gaellyon; do you and your kith and kin from this day forward do swear fealty to the crown of Nu'Ada?"
"We do!" Uillioc declared.
The king sat back wearily resting his head against the padded headrest of the throne and fluttered a hand at a cleric that stood nearby with a parchment scroll. "We will hear the terms."
The cleric nodded and unrolled the scroll and drawing a deep breath began to read the terms of the alliance between the Partholan and Gaellyon. Sunny tried to hear but she was attached to Eyru, and she was not hearing anything. She already knew that they read her end to happiness. Once her father scribed his name to the document, she was the property of the throne. Sunny watched the scene play out and then Uillioc signed his name and then pressed his signet ring into the wax next to his signature. The old king hardly had the strength to press his ring into the wax.
Then without warning the silence was shattered by a massive pounding sound, then of cracking wood followed by the shouts of men. For the span of a heartbeat, everyone was frozen in place. There were cries and shouts and the ring of sword against sword. Sunny spun around as did Eyru. Then the rush of guards toward the hall and other men swarmed to protect the king. "Give way!" came an impassioned cry from outside the great hall. There was the clatter of hooves, screams of serving women, yells of distress and surprise. A great clamoring of metal against metal then the guards barring the door with their bodies flew back as the door crashed in on them, splintering and tumbling from the heavy iron hinges. A snarling white stallion leaped over the mound of wood and floundering men and skidded into the room. There was young Gaddis, his broadsword raised high over his head and stained red with blood. He urged his horse into the guardsmen who rushed toward him. Others were leaping through the breached great room. Daemons! Great snarling and slathering beasts with glistening fangs and quicksilver eyes swarmed in around Gaddis. With sweeps of their heavily muscled arms, they swung into the guardsmen, some grabbing their arms and legs and snapping them like twigs. Howls of pain and agony replaced the shouts of fighting. A mounted Gaddis put away his broadsword and wrenched a lance from the body that lay beneath the debris of wood and armor. He moved toward the throne and launched it toward the throne. It found its mark, lodging and pinning the Ard Ri to the throne.
Gaddis had killed the king of Nu'Ada! Uillioc screamed and tried to pull Eyru to safety, but a daemon swung at him and batted him away. He flew across the floor and lay still. Eyru screamed as the daemon advanced on her. Gaddis called one word and the daemons cowered away as if in pain. He urged his mount to Eyru and pulled her up into his arms. The other mounted men following Gaddis followed suit, grabbing up women and anything of value.
One of the guardsmen who was still alive struggled to his feet clutching his wounded shoulder and glared up at Gaddis, "Why!"
"You started this! You invade my home, murder my mother and sisters!" Gaddis roared at Tiernan, "Now you will suffer!"
Uillioc sat up dazed then saw Eyru in Gaddis' arms and he screamed, "Not my child!"
Gaddis turned a baleful eye on Uillioc, and the daemons bellowed moving toward Uillioc. "It was your men!"
"No!" Eyru cried, "It is not true!" She looked over at her father, "It is not true! Say it is not true!"
When Uillioc turned his head to the dead king and began to weep, Eyru felt her world begin to crumble around her.
Sunny was spellbound! She had no idea what would happen next! Gaddis took firm hold of Eyru, turned his mount around, and shouted to his men and the daemons. They all left the way they had come, leaving in their path mangled, dead and dying guardsmen and servant men and women.
From the carnage, one warrior stumbled into the middle of the great hall and stood surveying the damage. "Tiernan Orba."
Sunny turned and Eyru the guide stood once again at her side.
"He will be your husband and the new Ard Ri," Sunny whispered.
"Yes," Eyru answered.
Sunny felt suddenly tired and Eyru touched her cheek, "Your energy source is growing weaker you should return to your time."
Sunny stepped back from Eyru, "No – show me the rest. I need to know!"
Eyru smiled fondly at Sunny. "You are so much like my first daughter, Sa'Squia. Come then, our time together grows short."
The scene blurred and shifted, and they stood in a familiar place. Sunny turned in a slow circle, "I know this place and I've seen it before in a dream."
"This is Ne'Media," Eyru said looking around the room they stood in. "We are in the palace of Anu."
The doors burst open, and Gaddis carried the young Eyru to the bed and gently deposited her. Several handmaidens scurried in behind them and prepared a bath and laid out clothing and other articles. Gaddis soothed a gentle hand over Eyru's tear-stained face. "The maidens will help you refresh yourself,"
Eyru sat up and buried her face in his tunic, clinging to him. He encircled her in his arms and held her close for a long moment then gently eased her back and looked deeply into her eyes. "You are in no danger here, Eyru. I promise you will come to no harm. But you must not leave this room, do you understand?"
She nodded silently and watched him leave, closing the doors behind him. She looked to the waiting handmaids and then rose to bathe. Sunny moved to the balcony and looked out. "Gaddis and I spoke here of an illness that was killing his people."
Eyru joined her, "The one you speak of is not the one we see."
"Then what is the thing that connects us?" Sunny asked turning away from the city of Ne'Media to look at Eyru the guide.
"I was soon released and returned to my father," Eyru said. "I did not want to leave this place, but once Tiernan took the throne in Nu'Ada he began attacking the Ne'Median villages, killing every man, woman, and child in the villages and quarters. I did not want more of Gaddis' people to die because of me and the other women that were taken prisoner."
"You returned to Nu'Ada and married Tiernan."
"I returned to Gaellyon," Eyru told Sunny, "I was held there, a prisoner in my own home. My father feared I would be taken by the daemons. They were given the liberty to do as they wanted by Drake Anu, he was a madman after his wife and three daughters were murdered. He unleashed every daemon he could summon from the darkness."
The palace of Ne'Media faded away and they now stood in Gaellyon. Once again Sunny recognized the castle. She touched the dark stone wall and frowned, "This is the Thornegate ruins."
Sunny walked over to the large window, pulled the curtain away, and looked out, she could just make out the Ballencoo forest, and it appeared to be larger. "This was the Dannan home? This was Gaellyon?"
"Yes, our sept was here. My father was the chieftain and lord."
"There was no division between Nu'Ada, Ne'Media, and here," Sunny replied, "You could all pass from one place to the other freely."
"Yes," Eyru said, "Gaddis and I continued to communicate with one another even as the war was waged between our people. My father tried to prevent it but there were ways even the wise women did not know of. Then one day a message came, and Gaddis was thought to have fallen in battle. There was no word from him and for months I waited and mourned."
Tiernan Orba was the Ard Ri, and I was claimed as my father had agreed, upon my eighteenth birthday I was sent to Nu'Ada to be installed as consort." Eyru said. "I continued to mourn for Gaddis – I couldn't believe he was dead. I felt that I would surely know if my soulmate was dead."
"Where was he?" Sunny asked.
"He had been wounded severely in battle, but not dead. He lay for many months, too sick to even communicate, alive but in the spirit world between the living and the dead." Eyru said. "I wanted to die too, if Gaddis was no more, then I did not want to be alive without him."
Sunny felt sorry for the woman who had lived and endured so much for the sake of political alliances. Sunny wanted to comfort Eyru, but she also knew this woman would become the most powerful healer in all the known lands. She was the first Dannan!
The swirling spiral engulfed them once again and when the mist cleared away, Sunny and Eyru were standing in the great hall of the Partholan. Tiernan Orba, already crowned Ard Ri was both handsome and fierce. He rose from the throne and came down to greet Eyru cordially. Eyru was still subdued and mourning the loss of Gaddis. Tiernan was captivated by her quiet beauty. He remembered that fateful day when she had been kidnapped by Gaddis and looked to Uillioc.
Uillioc handed over the scrolls from the physicians who gave the assurances that his daughter had been unharmed and unmolested while in captivity. He had provided several healers' statements about the fact that Eyru was a virgin. Tiernan took the scrolls and handed them to his mother who stood to his immediate right. She took the scrolls and handed a sealed document to her son. He cracked the seal and opened the letter. He looked down at the words, looked over at Eyru, and smiled gently. "Welcome to Nu'Ada my consort."
"Thank you, my liege," Eyru said.
Tiernan held out his hand to Eyru and she placed her fingers in his and was drawn up to stand next to him.
Sunny looked hard at Uillioc. She was angry with him. Eyru the guide placed a hand on Sunny's shoulder, "Life was different in my time. You see him without understanding."
Sunny sighed. "I do not like him."
Eyru smiled. "Nor I, for many years."
There was a swirling mist that rose around them both and Sunny was unsure of where she was or if she was standing on solid ground or floating in space. Then she was standing in the wedding chambers. The handmaidens had come and prepared Eyru to receive the Ard Ri.
Tiernan entered and the handmaidens scurried from the chambers and the door was sealed. He moved quietly to the marriage bed where a pale and uncertain Eyru lay. He removed his tunic. He had battle scars on his chest and a healing wound across his back. Eyru sat up, "Your healers have not done their job."
He smiled faintly, "Yes, I forgot you are a healer. I fear you will be asked to put your talents to use often, my lady wife."
Eyru reached out and laid a cool hand on his upper arm where the scar ended. It was the claw mark of a daemon. She shuddered as she thought of the darkness that Drake Anu had unleashed. Tiernan drew her to him and tenderly held her against the wall of his chest. The scene dropped away and Eyru the guide turned to Sunny, "The marriage was consummated."
Sunny nodded silently then the scene she saw was horrible! Guards were bursting into the wedding chamber.
Tiernan drew the blankets over his exposed wife and rose nude from the bed, "What is it!"
The guards averted their eyes as Tiernan pulled his robe around his body. "Your majesty, the Ne'Median strike force has breached the southern wall!"
"The armory—is it safe?" Tiernan asked.
"Unknown, we have a unit of guards dispatched." It was the captain who answered.
Tiernan turned to Eyru where she sat clutching the blankets up around her chin. "I must go,"
"I will dress, there will be wounded," Eyru said then made to rise from the bed but stopped and looked sharply at the men who still stood in the royal bed chambers, "I will join the other healers and be ready."
Tiernan smiled proudly down at his wife and consort. "Very well, Eyru."
"Be careful, my lord," Eyru whispered as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
He grabbed up his clothing and boots and followed his guard out the doors. Eyru sat there in bed for a moment. She could hear muffled shouts and the sounds of horses and the clang of armor as the warriors moved in the courtyard. She reached for her robe and froze as a shadow fell across the bed.
Sunny gasped almost the same instant Eyru did. "Gaddis!"
He came to her silently and pulled her up to him. "I do not have long my beloved! You will be rightfully wedded to me this night!"
"But Gaddis--," her words were silenced as his mouth captured her lips. Sunny's hands flew to her mouth. Gaddis and Eyru fell together in the marriage bed Tiernan had only just left!
Their passionate union faded from view. Sunny turned away, feeling her heart pounding!
Eyru the guide thankfully revealed another scene. "The battles were vicious, and many men, women, and children were killed by the daemons Drake Anu sent. I begged the chieftains to find a way to make peace with the Ne'Medians. I begged Tiernan, but he would not be moved." She pointed to the young Eyru tending tirelessly to the wounded guards, "I was more healer than a consort. There was no reason for so many to die!"
"You went to the ancient one," Sunny said. "Who or what was that?"
Eyru the guide lifted her hand and made a sweeping movement and there they stood before a cave opening. "What is this place?" Sunny asked.
"At the dwelling of the last known ancient one. She sits deep within the cave near the beating heart of the universe." Eyru told her. "Come with me."
Sunny hesitated, she wasn't certain she wanted to encounter such an entity. Eyru took her hand in hers and they stepped into the gloom of the cave. Once inside there was a light that drew them deeper into the cave. A smooth-walled opening led them downward in a spiral. They walked side by side continuing on a downward path. Then it opened into a massive underground canyon. It was filled with a swirling beautiful sea of midnight and stars. Sunny saw in the fathomless depths millions upon millions of stars, planets, galaxies, and a multitude of universes! It was both beautiful and terrifying to behold. It seemed to shrink on itself until it was contained in a small round pool. Sitting serenely beside it was an old woman. She looked up at them, "Come my children."
Sunny gasped, "She can see me?"
The old woman chuckled, "Of course, I can see you; I see and know all my children!"
Eyru and Sunny came to stand before the old woman. She looked up at the two women. Her face was tattooed on the forehead, temples, and chin. There were circular tattoos on her arms and hands. Her eyes were clear icy blue that pierced into the heart and knew the darkest secrets. To Eyru she indicated that she should come and sit in front of her. To Sunny, she pointed to Eyru's right. "The sacrifice you come to forge will weigh heavily on all first daughters of your sept."
"There have been too many to die," Eyru said, "Tell me Annwn Mor how can I stop the war between those I love?"
Annwn Mor sighed heavily and looked closely at Eyru, "I can only send them back to whence they came. Close the door to those spirits that Drake Anu has given breath to. Send the daemons and all their kind back to their origins and bar them forever from Arwyn." Annwn Mor said then lowered her head for a moment in thought, "But those from your sept, they may come during the gathering times."
Eyru bowed her head, "No more deaths, and those I love would be safe."
"Arwyn will be protected from those who would harm." Annwn Mor told her. "The price is high Eyru Dannan for if you will it, the first daughters shall be forevermore wedded to the land, shall be the keepers of the peace, shall nurture the sick and heal the wounded. Your burden will be great Eyru, but I will do this for you and all first daughters; I have it in my power to gift with the powers of the ancients. Every first daughter, upon accepting the geis, will know the ages to draw upon."
Sunny watched as Eyru accepted and Annwn Mor cast into motion the geis of the Dannan first daughters. Then the swirling mist rose and Eyru and Sunny once again stood on a hilltop. Eyru turned to Sunny then something caught her attention. Sunny turned and focused on a figure that approached.
Gaddis stepped up and stood next to Sunny. He bowed, "It is an honor to meet the first Dannan."
"You invade the world of dreams and visions," Eyru replied. "Tied as you are together do you still not understand what connects you?"
Sunny shook her head and Gaddis shrugged his shoulders. "I admit that while here in the land of visions, I begin to understand, but upon awakening – the truth of it all continues to elude me."
Eyru looked at them with great sadness in her eyes. She held out her hands to them, "All has been revealed while you stand here in the mists of time. Once you return to your wakened state, you may retain the knowledge, or you may not. It is time to return. Be safe my children."
Sunny opened her mouth to reply but a lightning bolt shot through the top of her head and her whole mind shattered into a million pieces of light! The answers to all her questions swarmed around her speaking their truth all at once. She heard it all and understood; then she fell!
This is the first of many truths. Do you see how Sunny and the Ne'Median Emperor are connected? Soon Sunny will know as well! Thank you for continuing to read my tale. I appreciate the opportunity to tell my story. :-)
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