Then she was standing in the Thornegate ruins. She sank to the ground trying to remember everything. She was dizzy and weak. Sunny lay on her back her palms flat against the earth and felt her heart beating hard against her ribcage and the blood pumping in her ears sounded like hoofbeats. She turned her head and tried to focus on the scenery around her but could not manage to make her eyes stop spinning inside their sockets! She closed her eyes tight and felt sick, a violent wave of nausea forced her up on her hands and knees. She felt her face grow hot and her mouth started to salivate, "Oh, I'm gonna be sick!" she said to herself and began to vomit everything she had consumed earlier.
When nausea passed, she looked around again, staggered to her feet, and looked around. In the field was the firelight and lantern glow from the Thorn clan encampment. She leaned against a jumble of stones and saw a figure approaching. At first, it looked like a tall ghostly figure of a man but realized that it was a white horse. Orion!
She went to him and wrapped her arms around his warm thick neck and leaned against the solid shoulder, "I am sick Orion, and I need to get home!"
"Come, I will take you."
She heard the deep soft voice as clear as she heard her voice! She stepped back, and Orion regarded her calmly. "I will take you home."
She heard the voice in her head, and it made her feel safe. She shook her head, "Nicodemus said –,"
"Come," the voice was firm, and Orion nudged her over to a low stack of stones to use as a mounting block. He stood still and patient as she hiked up her gown, climbed up on the stones, flopped over his back, and struggled to right herself. He took a step and she nearly fell off but then wrapped her hands into his mane and held on with her legs. Orion took another step then a few more. Satisfied she wouldn't slide off he began to walk in the direction of Laurel Cottage. Sunny was thrilled to be riding such a wonderful creature! She still felt weak and was suddenly tired and just wanted to sleep.
"You are home."
Sunny opened her eyes and saw they were outside Laurel Cottage. She slid to the ground and nearly collapsed. She leaned against Orion's solid shoulder until she was able to stand on her own again. "Thank you, Orion," Sunny whispered, stroking the silky whiteness of his neck.
He lowered his head and began to back away. She turned to the door of the cottage, laid her hand on the door handle, and looked back, Orion had vanished! She opened the door and found Fiona and Nicodemus coming from the kitchen into the hall. It was Nicodemus who caught her in his arms as she fainted from exhaustion!
"Take her to her room!" Fiona was wringing her hands, not sure what she could do at this point. There was no remedy she could think of to help Sunny. Tully closed the door but before he did, he looked out in the evening thinking he would see something out of the ordinary. He closed the cottage door and took Fiona in hand, "Come, settle the lass in bed. When she wakes, she's going to need something to drink and food."
Fiona nodded and followed Nicodemus up the stairs. As Nicodemus reached the top of the stairs he looked down at the young woman in his arms and wondered what she had learned. Almost the instant the thought entered his mind Sunny's eyes opened, and she looked up at him and smiled faintly, "Annwn Mor."
"What did she say?" Fiona asked.
Nicodemus held her while Fiona pulled back the coverlet and then laid her gently on the bed. "She said, 'Annwn Mor.'"
Tully went to the window and closed it, then closed the drapes. Nicodemus lit the lamp that was on the dresser and looked at Tully, "That name is familiar,"
"It should be familiar," Tully responded looking down at Sunny as she slept. "That is the All-Mother."
"The Ancient One?" Fiona whispered, "Eyru took her to the Ancient One?"
"She must have seen everything," Nicodemus said.
"I wonder if she'll remember everything," Fiona asked softly.
"With that much power being drawn down," Nicodemus said, "there will be ravens taking a closer look."
Tully looked toward the window, "I saw nothing outside, not even the usual Watchers."
"How could that be?" Fiona wondered, "At this time of the season, there's always activity."
Bracken popped up on the trunk at the end of Sunny's bed. He peered at her, "Seeing much but telling nothing."
"The watchers even?" Fiona questioned.
Bracken turned solemn eyes on Fiona, "Watchers watch but see nothing."
Nicodemus drew in a breath and then released it with a sigh. "I doubt that will last long, that was a deep disturbance we generated this evening."
"She not like mushroom," Bracken observed, "Pink like always."
Nicodemus looked down at Sunny. "He is right, except for being exhausted, she's weathered her ordeal without physical harm."
"But what will her mind be like?" Fiona asked. "Tomorrow morning is the council meeting."
Tully had been standing at the window looking out at the indigo light of the evening. "We will have to wait and see, but I think Sunny will be fine."
Nicodemus nodded in silent agreement.
"I need to stay awake in case Sunny needs me," Fiona said.
"I stay, I watch," Bracken said and climbed onto the bed and rolled himself into the t-shirt Sunny had given him.
Tully smiled at the Watcher. He took up the small lamp and followed Nicodemus and Fiona. He looked back at Sunny one last time and wondered how the girl would be changed. What had she seen? What secrets did she now carry?
He closed the door and went down the hall to Fiona's room, and closed her bedroom door. Nicodemus was waiting for him at the head of the stairs. He signaled for Tully to say nothing and follow him downstairs.
When they stood in the hallway, Fury turned to Tully. "You realize what happened tonight, yes?"
"Aye," Tully murmured then looked sharply at Fury, "What I have been thinking for a long time is true. She is far more powerful than any of us ever dreamed."
"I agree, and she must be protected at all costs," Nicodemus said.
"Protected from whom?" came a quiet voice at the top of the staircase.
Both men turned startled to look at Sunny. She came down to stand on the bottom stairs. "Protected from whom?" She repeated.
"From everyone," Fury told her. "If it is true that you are what prophecies have predicted, then you will be in danger from everyone."
She smiled and sat down. "Fiona is scared; I can feel it." Tully moved toward her, and she looked up at him, "You're scared too."
The blacksmith froze. The presence within Sunny was awake. He glanced over at Nicodemus. Sunny looked at Fury and smiled at him. "But you, yes, you are different. That is good."
"Aye, I am scared for you and for what could happen if you cannot hold this power safely," Tully told her.
"What did you learn?" Nicodemus asked.
Sunny frowned slightly, "Oh there was a lot. She said I might not remember but I would know what to do when the time came."
The men exchanged looks but made no move to try to cajole the information from her. Sunny smiled sadly and got to her feet, "You are all very tired, you need to sleep. I will see you in the morning."
Both Nicodemus and Tully nodded and went into the parlor and went to sleep almost as soon as their heads touched the cushions. Sunny went back upstairs and checked on Fiona. She slept peacefully as did Bracken who was curled up in the t-shirt at the foot of her bed. She removed the gown she had worn that day and slipped into her pajamas then crawled in under the covers and fell asleep and slept soundly.
March 18th
Day One of the Festival – 5:15 am, Two hours before sunrise
Sunny woke, it was very early in the morning and already she could hear activity downstairs in the kitchen and could smell the enticing aroma of brewing coffee. As she stretched, her foot met a lump. She sat up and saw that Bracken was still rolled in a tight ball in the t-shirt she had given him. "Wake up Brat, it's time to go to the council meeting."
Bracken groaned and popped his head up and blinked sleepily at her. "Still pink and no dark spirit eyes!"
Sunny flipped the covers back and reached for her robe that lay on the chair beside her bed. "I'm fully recovered from my traveling."
"You learn stories?" Bracken asked.
She shrugged her shoulders and stood up, shoving her feet into her slippers. "It's kind of all fuzzy now, but I was told that might happen. It will return when I need it."
Bracken sniffed the air, "No eats only drink."
"You'll get plenty to eat at the opening of the festival," Sunny told the Watcher as she examined herself in the dresser mirror, "I'll make sure you get enough to fill that bottomless pit you call a stomach."
Bracken grinned happily and rubbed his belly, "I eat and drink good this day!" He took his t-shirt and rolled it up into a loose ball. He stuffed it under the bed for safekeeping then hopped to the window nearest the tree that grew outside Sunny's window and was gone.
When Sunny returned from the bathroom she saw that the Watcher had disappeared. She leaned out the window and caught sight of Danu in the higher limbs. He dropped down and hopped closer, angling an eye at her, and squinched it half-closed. Sunny took that as a "raven-smile". "Today's the big day, Danu. "
The raven chuckled softly, tilted his head up, and sailed off. Sunny closed the window and watched as several ravens perched in the limbs around her corner of the house. She had several of the doer Nemed watching her.
She went downstairs and padded into the kitchen, where she found Tully and Fiona sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. They looked expectantly at her, and she smiled reassuringly at them, "I'm fine," she told them, "I slept like a log!"
"We all slept well," Tully replied with a smile, "You, I believe, made sure of that."
Sunny winked at the Blacksmith and went to pour herself a cup of coffee. She brought her cup to the table and Fiona pushed the cream and sugar closer, "Do you remember anything from last night?"
"I remember some of what happened," Sunny replied as she thoughtfully stirred her coffee. "But most is gone – until I need it."
Fiona glanced at Tully and laid a hand over Sunny's arm, "I'm worried about you, Sunny. I'm afraid for you."
Sunny took Fiona's hand in hers and squeezed gently, "Don't worry, Aunt Fiona. I'm more worried about the council meeting than anything else. I hope they don't expect much in the way of expert counsel from me."
Tully scoffed and tossed back the last of his coffee and set the cup down, "I would imagine that the council will only be interested in appearances. They do not do much except listen to petitions and settle on the names of those who will accompany relatives back to Nu'Ada until the next solstice."
Sunny finished her coffee and rose, "I think I'm going to look through my new wardrobe and get dressed. Will we be in time for the sunrise breakfast? I'm starving!"
Fiona smiled. "Indeed, Tully has agreed to take us in style in his wagon."
"Good, I'll be down in a little bit," Sunny replied and left the kitchen. Tully looked over at Fiona and winked at her. "She's going to be all right, Fiona. You worry too much – she's a lot stronger than you think she is."
"I know," Fiona said with a sigh. "It's just that I know her mother would be very upset if she knew what was happening to her daughter. To Maire, this would be far more terrible than Sunny's trouble with her fiancé."
"What did the blighter do?" Tully asked.
"He was carrying on with Sunny's girlfriend." Fiona said and shook her head sadly, "Maire sent Sunny to me for healing."
Tully chuckled lightly, "I'd say Sunny's healed."
"And landed up to her chin in something she was never prepared for," Fiona said.
"You know perhaps Sunny would do well spending time in Nu'Ada," Tully said, "She could stay at Fra'mora."
"That may be the best idea you have had in quite some time,"
Fiona turned and scowled at Nicodemus, "I agree with Sunny," she muttered, "that's a bad habit you have of popping in unannounced."
Nicodemus smiled faintly and clapped Tully's shoulder as he came into the kitchen. "Stealth is sometimes required for someone of my position."
Tully laughed and got to his feet. "I'm off to get Cherry hitched up."
When the blacksmith had gone, Nicodemus pointed up to the ceiling, "How is Siobhan this morning?"
Fiona sighed heavily, her eyes drifting upwards. "No worse for the wear, she seems to be the only one to have settled with sleep."
Nicodemus nodded. "I will be interested in knowing what she retained from her travels. Especially this connection she has with those of the Blood."
"That worries me," Fiona told him, "She does not even remember much of anything. Only that it will be there when she needs it. All this -- It's incredibly dangerous and if word gets to --- well, I don't want to think about it!"
"As far as I've been able to tell," Nicodemus said, "there have been no disturbances."
"Could she have that much power?" Fiona whispered. "It's as if the young girl that arrived less than a fortnight ago doesn't even exist."
"Which is why Tully's suggestion is a sound one," Fury replied. "Time in Nu'Ada could settle these seemingly natural powers and allow her to gain full control over them."
"But she is due to return home," Fiona said, "what in the world would I tell her mother and father?"
"She would tell them the truth – that she is going to remain with you for a while longer," Fury said. "Siobhan could live at Fra'mora until the fall and that would give me time to show her how to gain control of her powers."
"I don't trust you!" Fiona declared.
"Let me ask you Fiona who do you think is better suited to the task?" Nicodemus asked her. "I am the only one."
"You would mentor her?"
Fury nodded. "I know you do not think I would make a suitable teacher, but I assure you, I can stabilize her so she can learn control."
She nodded absently then turned as she spotted Sunny standing at the kitchen door. She was dressed in an indigo gown that was highly embroidered with copper paisley designs and sewn in glass beads. She stepped in and did a slow turn, "Well, what do you think?"
Nicodemus noted she wore the Fury bracelet on her right wrist, "You will represent your family with pride this morning at the council."
Fiona took a closer look at Sunny, and her hand went to her bosom as the faint, but unmistakable copper fire sparkled in the eyes of the young woman. Sunny smoothed her hands down her gown and grinned. "This new wardrobe the girls picked out for me is spectacular! I feel like a princess!"
Nicodemus got to his feet, and bowed courtly toward Sunny and then to Fiona, "Ladies, I will see you at the Council, and later at the festivities."
Nicodemus walked out the back door and whistled shrilly, and a blue-black raven floated out of the trees and landed on his raised forearm. Sunny watched for a moment then turned to Fiona, "Let's go, Tully's waiting out front!"
Fiona nodded. "Coming!" She made a final check around the kitchen, then went out the front door. Tully was standing beside the wagon with two maiden wreaths over his arm. "You ladies cannot forget your wreaths!"
Fiona gasped. "In all that's gone on --- I completely forgot! Where did you get them?"
Tully shrugged. "Oh, a man of my position often has connections that come to my aid!" He stepped forward and set the first wreath on his arm on Fiona's head. It had daisies, freesia, and small yellow rosebuds with baby's breath. There were pale yellow and white ribbons woven throughout the circle of flowers. Fiona smiled and tip-toed to plant a kiss on Tully's cheek. Tully then turned to Sunny. Her maiden wreath was fashioned the way she had requested.
There were also yellow daisies mixed in with peppermint, shamrocks, hawthorn, and deep blue flax. Sunny stood still and tall while Tully set the wreath on her head. The scent of peppermint reached her, and she smiled, "It's perfect!"
Tully smiled back then clapped his hands together briskly, "Let's get going!"
Fiona nodded and climbed in the front of the blacksmith's wagon to sit with Tully. Sunny rode in the back where she could sit on the bench looking out the back window. She held her invitation to the council in her hands, she thought she would probably need to present it even though most everyone knew she was coming.
Tully clucked to Cherry Brumble, and they were quickly on their way to the grounds. The sun was just beginning to light the eastern skies with a faint blush of pink. Sunny watched with interest as the low fog swirled away from the passage of the horse and wagon. It was like a live creature, retreating away to reveal the road and then creeping back over it, reluctant to give up its claim on the land. As they got closer to the fairgrounds, they began to see more wagons trundling to the area where the massive white tent was pitched. The sides of the canvas tent were rolled up and the different clans were filing in to sit at the tables where they were breaking their fast as one people. This morning as the sun rose to greet the day, they were one people. As Tully and his wagon rolled up, there were young men from several clans there to take the wagons to a parking area and the horses were all turned out into a large paddock. Tully climbed to the ground and helped Fiona from the wagon. Sunny opened the back of the wagon, and two young men were waiting to help her down.
It was Tully who escorted Fiona and Sunny into the tent and up between the rows of tables and benches towards the front dais where the council members would sit during the day. There were clan shields and crests represented behind the line of chairs. At the end of the table sat one chair that held no crest or shield of the clan. Sunny could tell from the way Fiona's lips here pressed together in a tight line, this was where the Dannan was to sit in council.
Fiona and Tully were greeted warmly and shown seats. Tully angled a look down at the empty chair at the end of the council table, "Unfortunately that is where you will spend most of your time this morning."
Sunny nodded and drew herself up tall and regal, strode to the end of the table, and took her seat. It was not lost on her or any of the others in the tent, how her chair was set slightly away from the others. Sunny was about to sit when the Morrigan made her appearance. Immediately the assembly rose to their feet and waited until the woman was standing at her place at the center of the table. Then several men and women who were designated as heralds came to begin the welcoming of the sunrise.
There were prayers of thanks and words of greetings from a contingent of men and women of authority then food and drink were served. Sunny was starving and tucked into her plate of food eagerly. Everything was delicious! She complimented each person who served her a portion. It was tradition for each member of the clans to prepare a dish from their province or sept. As the empty plates were taken away, she was full of praise for each dish. She noticed Bracken had taken up his post near the folds of her gown and she made sure the Watcher got a sampling of everything she was served. One woman shyly came with a bowl of cereal with nuts, dried currants, and honey. It was a simple but hearty breakfast dish. Among the other elaborate dishes, this one seemed humble, yet the presentation was quite effective as the drizzle of honey was ladled in a spiral and a grate of orange zest was sprinkled on top. Sunny smiled in appreciation as the woman presented the bowl to her with a wooden spoon. She was quite sated by the time the last dish was carried off.
Then there was a flurry of activity, and the tables were whisked away quickly by a small army of young men and boys. The chairs were rearranged to all face the raises dais where the Morrigan and the others were seated, and the next order of business was begun. There were several people from various clans with petitions and as each one was brought forth, Sudhene read them aloud in a language that Sunny had no understanding of. Each council member gave their yea or nay but when they came to Sunny it was Nicodemus Fury who rose from his seat near the back of the assembly and immediately murmurs of concern rose among the audience. Even a few of the council members looked nervous at his approach. "It appears the first daughter is placed at a disadvantage! Not understanding the natural language, clearly is disadvantageous to a fair and equitable hearing."
The Morrigan cocked her head at Fury and after a moment of consideration, she waved to him to attend Sunny. He strode up to Sudhene and took the scroll from him, "Not being helpful as usual I see." Sudhene glared after Fury as he approached Sunny. He inclined his head in a slight bow, "May I approach?"
Sunny nodded her head, and he came over to her and took her hands in his, turned her palms up and he traced an intricate design when he finished, he looked at her, his black gaze was quicksilver and intense. He took her hands and placed them over her ears. Then he came and leaned in close his cheek resting against hers. He softly whispered something that sounded like buzzing in one ear and then the other. She looked up at him as he straightened. He took Sudhene's scroll and read it to her quickly. This time Sunny understood the words clearly and she grinned at him. "Neat!" She whispered to him. Nicodemus was stone-faced as he stepped away and bowed, he looked up at her before walking away, he winked in much the same way Tully did. He walked back to Sudhene and handed the scroll back to him, bowed low to the Morrigan, and returned to his seat.
"How do you say in this matter?" Sudhene asked.
Sunny thought for a moment then nodded her head, "I say yea."
The next petition was brought forth and when the vote came Sunny was prepared with her yea or nay vote.
There was a lull and those gathered in the tent began to talk among themselves. Sunny made eye contact with Fiona and smiled. Then Sudhene banged his staff on the raised dais and the next order of business was brought in. This time a man was marched in bound and gagged. Sunny was stunned and sought Fiona in the audience. Sudhene read the charges, "Ross Flint is so charged with thievery of livestock and land grabbing. Calling all witnesses!"
There was a small group of men who were herded in and stood before the Morrigan. They handed over their statements to Sudhene who read each one aloud. He looked at each one, "Do you before this counsel attest this is a true and factual statement?"
All nodded vigorously and murmured, "Aye."
"Call in Squire Cauley!" the Morrigan said. Two palace guards escorted a man in, and he bowed toward the Morrigan and the council. Sunny listened to the charges and watched the accused closely. He kept his eyes averted but his brow was furrowed, and he held himself stiff in outraged indignation. It seemed he felt Sunny's gaze on him, and he raised his head and looked directly at her. He flinched as Sunny locked and held his gaze. In the passing of a few heartbeats, she saw that he was fiercely protecting someone. She looked in the audience and spotted a young boy at the outer edges, furtively moving closer, toward Squire Cauley who was continuing with his recounting of the violence done to his property.
Sunny spotted the boy stop just behind his father and look desperately over at where Squire Cauley's young daughter stood with Cauley's mother and older sisters. Flint turned to his son briefly and they exchanged words quickly.
Sunny heard the conversation! She looked into the audience and met Nicodemus' dark gaze. Had something more happened when he had helped her to understand the natural language? She also knew exactly what was going on between Flint and Cauley. She felt something in her begin to boil in her gut, it was a physical sensation. This so-called victim was lying – but how would she get him to slip and confess that he was lying to get this man's farmland and keep his daughter away from Flint's son? How could she reveal the truth without revealing her powers?
Fiona watched Sunny closely. She leaned toward Tully and gripped his forearm, "Something's wrong, Tully!"
"Aye, I see it," Tully responded also watching Sunny. He turned slightly and looked back at Fury where he sat watching the proceedings. He acknowledged Tully's look with an imperceptible nod of his head. He rose, stepped out of the tent, walked a few paces off, and scanned the tree line. He spotted the raven high up in the utmost limb of a towering cedar tree. Danu launched from his perch and landed on Fury's raised arm. "Liar!"
"You know this as true?" Fury asked the raven.
"Liar!" Danu pushed off Fury's arm and flew up then made a dive for the tent. Fury reentered the tent and took his seat just as Danu sailed over the heads of the audience to perch on the council table in front of the Morrigan. "Liar! Liar! Liar!"
Immediately there were shouts from the council members, the audience, and Cauley. Sudhene stopped his questioning and began pounding his staff on the dais. Danu skipped up and down in front of the Morrigan, chanting one word, 'liar' and chuckling at the chaos he was causing.
Sudhene continued to pound his staff and shout for order. When none came, the Morrigan stood: "Silence!"
Instantly everyone was quiet. Only Danu continued to chuckle. The Morrigan glared at the raven. Since this was the raven, she sometimes employed she could hardly dismiss his pronouncement. Danu flew to perch on the accused's shoulder, "Clean!" he rasped then he flew up to cross-support of the tent and peered down at the Cauley, "Liar!"
Gales of uproarious laughter filled the tent as Danu squatted and defecated on the victim's shoulder. He chuckled loudly as the man's face turned a terrible shade of purple and he stormed out with his witnesses following quickly after him. The Morrigan signaled to the palace soldiers to unbind the accused. He ripped the gag from his mouth to speak when Sudhene cut him off, "You are cleared of all charges, and you will be compensated fairly for lost wages. Your good name is restored. You are free to go!"
Flint opened his mouth to speak but instead curtly bowed toward the council members and turned to find his son waiting at the edge of the tent opening. He held out his arms to his son and the young man ran to his father. When Sunny thought the matter had been settled, he turned with his son and came over to stand before her, "You believed my innocence though I could not speak; my family is beholding to the Dannan Sept. You have only to call upon Ross Flint and I will be there."
"That is kind of you Mr. Flint," Sunny told him, "All I would ask of you is that you and your family be safe and prosperous."
Ross Flint bowed with his son following suit. They left the tent and were immediately greeted by friends and family. The Morrigan glared down at Sunny but said nothing. No one could say anything – only Danu continued to chuckle and hop from one pole support to another making the men and women below cast wary eyes upward. The Morrigan pointed up at Danu, "Your service is done!"
Danu preened his feathers and shook himself vigorously. "Watch!" he cawed and sailed down from the rafters and came to perch on the back of Sunny's chair. There were murmurs throughout the audience. The Morrigan waved an imperious hand at Sudhene, "Go on to the next order of business!"
Sudhene turned to the tent opening and several palace guards assembled around one prisoner who unlike Flint was not gagged and bound, but was in iron chains at the neck, wrists, and ankles. From the jeers and rude sounds, the audience made sure they knew who this man was. He wore the remnants of a uniform, but it had been stripped of all badges or tabs of his rank.
Then as the accused stood before the Morrigan, Sudhene produced a parchment that had several wax seals and indigo ribbons dangling from it. The Morrigan looked around her and then nodded to Sudhene to read the charges.
Sunny, still under the effects of Nicodemus' spell, was able to understand the language and listened to the charges.
"The accused by name of Hubert Lightrock from the Badger Clan stands with charges of giving aid and assistance to the Ne'Medians, the murders of seven of his fellow house guards, and the murder of the Lilas Winterbourne, ward to Ari Ri Affaron."
There were hisses and jeers and Sudhene rapped his staff on the dais, and all fell quiet.
An older man entered from the side of the tent and approached the council table, "I am Kinnel Finch, the primary counsel of the House Winterbourne."
The Morrigan acknowledged the man with a nod of her head and Finch turned to the assembly, "This man would have us believe that he was bewitched by a daemon."
"It was the Lady Winterbourne that came to me!" cried Hubert, "She asked that I help her!"
Finch leveled an accusing glare on the chained man, "You would have us believe the lady would have approached a servant with a plea for help?"
"I did not know! I swear! I did not know what she was!" Hubert dissolved into sobs and would have fallen to the floor if the guards at his sides had not stepped in to hold him up.
"Lord Winterbourne has lost a daughter," Finch said. "Who is to be accountable?"
"Indeed!" the Morrigan declared, "What is to be done with this man?"
Oran Bishop rose from his seat in the audience, "This is for the clan to decide. I ask the council to turn this man over to the Badger clan."
"What assurances do you give that an appropriate sentence will be carried out?" Finch asked.
Oran Bishop brought himself up to his full towering height and glared at the pompous Kinnel Finch. "Do you also seek to impugn the honor of the Badger clan as well as the Affaron and Dannan Septs?"
Finch sniffed, folded his arms over his chest, and turned to the Morrigan, "By your leave Roma."
The Morrigan shook her head disapprovingly at Finch and looked first to her right then down the table to her left. "The council will decide. You will have our answer the sunrise tomorrow."
Finch opened his mouth to protest, but Sudhene rapped his staff on the dais and the guards took the prisoner away. The counselor moved to the High Council table, sketched a hasty bow, and stormed out of the tent to a waiting coach.
She looked into the audience, caught Fiona's eye, and smiled, the woman looked as drawn and fatigued as Sunny felt.
The Morrigan signaled to Sudhene who banged his staff loudly. When order had been regained the woman leaned forward and looked down the table at the council members. "Let's move on to a more pleasant task. We will now select the names of those who will journey to Nu'Ada."
Sudhene waved to the two guards, and they carried an oak chest between them. Another guard came in with a folding table and the chest was placed before the gathered audience. The Morrigan waved to Sudhene to open the chest. She looked over at Sunny, "The honor is yours, Siobhan O'Neil. Come and make the selections for this season."
Sunny nodded and came down to stand on the other side of the chest. Sudhene took the key and made a show of holding it aloft then bent and put the key into the lock and opened it. He lifted the lid and nodded to Sunny, "Select twenty-and-five tiles,"
"Be sure to stir them well!" Came a shout from somewhere in the audience.
Sunny looked down into the chest at the wooden tiles. They were all approximately the same size and were sanded smooth. On each tile was a name written with red ink. She plunged her hand into the tiles and stirred them around and around with her arm. She looked away from the chest and let her hand grasp a tile. She held it aloft for a second and handed it to Sudhene.
He frowned at her, "Read the name aloud. Fury's spell should still be working."
She looked down at the tile. The name was printed in a strange language, but as she examined it for a few heartbeats, the name swirled on the tile, and she could read it. She read the name aloud, "Gordon Tanner – Badger Clan."
Cheers rose as the young man came to stand at the front. Sunny dipped her hand in and once again stirred the tiles, looking away so she would not be tempted to select a tile that caught her eye. She drew the next tile out, held it up then read the name, "Allana Thistle – Thorne Clan."
Sunny repeated the process twenty-two more times, each time there were cheers, and the individual came up to stand with the others. She reached the last time and stirred the tiles. One tile fell into her hand, and she drew it up. She turned to look at the name and paused for a moment. Sudhene had been writing the names in a ledger book and looked over at her. "Shannon Doyle – Wolf Clan"
There was a deafening silence then cheers erupted in the tent and Shannon ran up with a beaming grin on his face. Sunny smiled at Shannon and handed the tile to Sudhene, who looked rather grim, but the selections had been made and that was that. The Morrigan got to her feet and nodded toward Sunny, "We thank you for performing this ceremony, please return to your seat."
Sunny dipped a curtsey toward the Morrigan and returned to her chair with Danu softly chuckling to himself. Once Sunny was seated, the Morrigan turned once again to the group standing in front of the council dais. "To those who have been selected, you will be expected to be at the appointed place on the morning of the last day of our festival. We expect you to have made your farewells to friends and family and have all your belongings ready for transport."
Another round of cheers and laughter rose from the clans gathered under the tent. The Morrigan raised her hands and silence fell once again.
"On the morrow, we will gather to decide on Lightrock. A herald will bring the announcement of the time and meeting place."
With that pronouncement made, everyone got up and began to leave the tent. Sunny looked up at Danu who was still perched on the back of her chair. "Thank you, Danu, I appreciate what you did for Flint."
Danu angled a black eye down at her, ruffled his feathers, and chuckled under his breath. He launched himself into the air and flew out over the heads of the departing men and women. Bracken patted Sunny's knee, "We watch over the Dannan."
"I'm not the Dannan yet," Sunny muttered as she got to her feet. Bracken scowled at her departing figure but then when he spotted a passing cart of baked goods, he left the tent in pursuit of the sweet treats.
Sunny came over to join Fiona and Tully where they still sat at the tables. The blacksmith poured her a glass of juice and handed her a piece of bread and butter. She accepted both with a smile, "Oh thank you, Tully. I feel like I've run a marathon!"
"How do you feel after the spell Nicodemus gave you?" Fiona asked.
Sunny chewed thoughtfully for a moment then swallowed. "Fine except I feel sort of tired."
"That's good," Fiona replied. "And that's something we want to talk to you about later."
"Oh?" Sunny said. "Is this about me staying on?"
"Do you want to stay?" Fiona asked.
Sunny looked around and smiled, "I don't much care for this council business, but yes, I would like to stay on."
"What about your job?" Fiona wanted to know.
Sunny sighed heavily and glanced up into the rafters of the tent, seeing several shadowy figures moving about. "That was a lifetime ago and a dream for someone I don't even know anymore." She grinned at Tully and then to Fiona, "It seems I have a new purpose."
Tully reached out and squeezed Sunny's hand, "You know what that would mean, eventually."
Sunny nodded, then noticed that men were coming in to break down the sides of the canvas. "Looks like this is soon to be a stage for dancing."
Tully chuckled, "Aye, it will at that!"
Fiona smiled, "You will be expecting that young man, won't you?"
"I wonder if he even remembers I invited him?" Sunny asked.
"Oh, I'm sure he remembered the date," Fiona replied.
They got up and they all moved toward the fields, there would be races, sales, and deals. Not to mention all sorts of sweet and savory treats. Sunny was already feeling a bit hungry.
Together they strolled from the large meeting tent and midway through the field, Tully caught sight of a group of men and lifted a hand in salute. There was an answering shrill whistle. "I'm off to talk business with these blighters, Sunny you meet me in a bit over near the horse pastures."
Fiona smiled, "I'll remind her."
Tully walked off and Fiona and Sunny continued toward the town. As they walked, Sunny glanced over at Fiona. "You okay with me staying on?"
Fiona stopped and took Sunny's hands in her own. "Of course! I am so thrilled that you want to stay, but ---."
"Oh, I know!" Sunny declared, "Mama's gonna have a cow!"
Fiona chuckled, "Perhaps not," she replied thoughtfully. "Not if you focus and concentrate on making her understand."
"You mean 'push' her in the right direction?" Sunny asked, "I have the feeling that Mama's gift is one of persuasion, she always could 'push' people over to her way of thinking."
"But not you," Fiona said as they continued their way.
"Uh-huh," Sunny said, "Now that I think about it, I'd only go her way if I wanted to."
"I believe you'll find that your powers of persuasion will be heightened by being so close to the homeland," Fiona said with a wink toward Sunny.
Sunny chuckled lightly. "Well, when the time comes, I'll state my case and I'll hope for the best."
They stopped at the end of the path and Fiona gently touched Sunny's cheek, "It will all be all right. Now, off you go to Tully!"
Sunny laughed as she felt Fiona's gentle 'push' of feel-good thoughts wash over her. "All right, Aunt Fiona!"
Sunny's journey is about to take a difficult turn! An unwanted visitor is about to arrive ---- Keep reading! :-)
Thank you for your continued support in reading my story.
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