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28.78% Gateway Chronicles: The Ballencoo Arch / Chapter 19: Episode Nineteen: Spirit Walking

Chapitre 19: Episode Nineteen: Spirit Walking

March 17th

One Day before the Festival – 9:30 am

 Sunny slept until late morning. When she opened her eyes, Fiona was sitting in the chair with a bowl of peas in her lap and Bracken was sitting on the footstool munching on shelled pea pods. Sunny stretched languidly and rolled over on her side to look at the two of them. "You two would be perfect sketch subjects."

 Bracken scowled at her, tilting his head critically at her, "Eyes still dark, mushroom face!"

 Sunny stuck her tongue out at the watcher, "Sez you!" she grumbled at him and sat up. Fiona looked at her worriedly, "You are still very pale, dear. How do you feel?"

 "Okay, I guess," Sunny replied. "I'm not as thirsty as I was last night, but I'm still hungry."

 "Well, we can take care of that," Fiona said getting up from the chair. "I'll make breakfast and then we can fix your dress and maiden's wreath. 

 "That's right!" Sunny cheered, "What happens tonight, anything?"

 Fiona paused at the door and thought. "Nothing much tonight, maybe a few get-togethers among the clans, but tomorrow night is the Spring Fling, with the day filled with all sorts of activities, and then the dance that evening!"

 "I wonder if Sean will remember to come," Sunny asked.

"I would expect he'll show up looking for you – and he'll have quite a bit of competition too!" Fiona replied with a wink.

 Sunny got up and padded down to the bathroom. As she washed her face, she studied her reflection in the mirror. She looked the same to herself, but there had been some changes in her. There was a strength in the depths of her eyes that had not been there a few weeks ago. She couldn't see what Bracken kept going on about. Her eyes were not dark; they were still the same bright emerald she had always had. She leaned forward into the mirror and examined her eyes and as she did, she saw a spark of golden copper flare deep in the green fathoms of her eyes. She sprang back in faint alarm, that hadn't been there before. She turned her head one way and then the other, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 

 She sighed heavily, a trick of her imagination! She turned away and returned to her bedroom to dress. She pulled on her jeans and a t-shirt and found that they felt restricting. Fiona always wore long flowing skirts as did most of the women in the camps. She looked in her closet and rooted through the articles hanging there. Finally, she came across a cotton paisley print tiered skirt and a muslin peasant top with embroidered flowers around the neck. She stripped off the t-shirt and kicked off the blue jeans to dress in the skirt and blouse. She liked the way she felt, but the clothes hung on her. She frowned at her reflection in the dressing table mirror. "I look like a scarecrow!"

 She went downstairs calling for Fiona as she bounced down the stairs. Fiona turned from the sink and smiled. "Gone native have ye?"

 Sunny grinned good-naturedly. "I'd like to, but I look a mess!"

 Fiona nodded, "First off, everything is much too big on you, and I think a trip to the swap market is in order!"

 "Swap market? What's that?" Sunny asked. 

 "A huge tent filled with all kinds of things. You hand over the items you don't want and then go and pick out some things you do want." Fiona replied. "I have a few boxes of things we can take, and we add the clothes that are too big for you now, we'll get you a whole new wardrobe!"

 Sunny wondered what she could have that anyone would want, and Fiona angled a look at what she wore. Sunny shrugged, "Okay, I'll go get all the things that are too big and bring them down.

 Fiona clapped her hands together briskly. "Good! This is a good time for me to do the same. Then we'll hitch up Miggs and head over to the fairgrounds."

 Sunny sat down at the kitchen table and quickly ate and then helped Fiona clear away the dishes. When she returned to her bedroom, she found Bracken sitting on the windowsill. When he saw her, he started to giggle. "You like mad chicken all flapping and puffy!"

 Sunny scowled at him and then started to giggle, "I'm getting rid of all my flappy clothes and going to the swap market with Aunt Fiona."

 Bracken hopped down from the window and picked up the t-shirt she had dropped on the floor. "You want?"

 "Why; do you like it?" She asked.

 "I like colors," Bracken said holding up the light blue and lime green t-shirt.

 "Help yourself," Sunny said. She started to pull off her blouse then frowned at Bracken, "Turn around, while I change."

 Bracken showed his teeth in a snarling grin then turned his back to her and pulled the t-shirt over his head to explore the folds.

 Sunny pulled on her jeans and another t-shirt from the drawer. She began sorting through the clothes she had brought with her. Within a few minutes she had determined that most were too big now and with a sense of wonder had discovered it was a good feeling to let go of the past. She tossed all her unwanted items on the bed. "I'm gonna need a bigger box!"

 Fiona knocked on the bedroom door and came in with a large canvas bag. She smiled at Sunny's progress, "That's grand, we'll be able to trade out for exactly what you need."

 "There's a lot here," Sunny said as she began to fold her things to put into the canvas bag. She pointed to Bracken who was on the floor rolled up in her t-shirt, "Even Bracken's found something he likes."

 Fiona nodded at the watcher then she waved for him to come with her. "I need you to run an errand for me, dear, it shouldn't take long."

 Bracken popped his head out from the sleeve of the shirt and angled a curious look at Fiona. "Who I see?"

 "I need you to take a message to Tully." Fiona replied then turned to leave, "Then I need you to fetch some more mistletoe."

 Bracken frowned but didn't remark further. He rolled up his t-shirt and hid it under Sunny's bed. "I get later."

 Sunny nodded and continued folding her clothes. She came across a shirt that she had been so proud of at the time she had been with Jason. When his memory surfaced, she realized she hadn't thought of him at all. She was not even angry anymore, she felt nothing at all! That was progress!

 She pulled on her sneakers and brushed her hair into a tidy ponytail then hoisted the canvas bag over her shoulder and went downstairs. There was a similar canvas bag that Fiona had waiting in the hallway near the door. Fiona came in and smoothed a hand over her silvery hair, "Miggs is set and ready to go."

 Sunny took her bag and Fiona opened the door. Outside in the small courtyard, Miggs and the cart waited. Sunny lifted the canvas bag into the open end of the cart and then went back for the other one and put it next to the first. By that time, Fiona was packed and ready to be on the way. They climbed into the cart and set off to town. 

 The sun was bright, and the dew was quickly burning off the grass. There was a light fog floating over the river, and it was rising from the water to disappear into the morning light. Sunny wished she had brought her sketching materials but given that she was unsure of what to expect when she put pencil to paper, she let the idea go.

 Miggs' hooves clattered over the cobblestones of the Trickle River bridge and both Sunny and Fiona made silent wishes. They took the path to the fairgrounds that skirted Ballencoo. There was already a lot of activity in Ballencoo. Tourists from all parts were beginning to assemble in the streets to look over the wares being offered by Gypsy and craftspeople who had come to the festival. 

 In the fairgrounds, essentially a large meadow was made in a campground. There were two large painted canvas tents and smaller tents covering vendors of all kinds. There was one tent that was pitched to one side, closest to the wooded area. There were quite a few wagons and tethered Vanner ponies at one end of the tent. Fiona directed Miggs toward that tent. Seeing other of her kind, Miggs picked up her feet and sprang into a light trot. The pony tossed her copper and white mane and whickered greetings as she got near. The greetings were returned, and several boys came up to guide the pony and cart into an opening near the tent. Another boy helped Fiona down and shyly came and offered Sunny a hand down. She accepted and won a smile from the somber boy. 


 Fiona turned to the voice and went to greet the woman. "Hazel, how are you?"

 Hazel was a tall woman dressed rather severely in bright golden earrings and lots of gold bangle bracelets on each arm that chimed when she put her arms around Fiona in greeting. "Oh, I am well, Fiona. It hardly seems it has been a year since I saw you."

 Fiona laughed and turned to Sunny, "Hazel, this Siobhan,"

 Hazel held out a hand to Sunny, who immediately took it in her own and smiled warmly. "I am happy to meet you, Siobhan."

 "Thank you," Sunny replied. "Happy to meet you too, Roma."

 Hazel smiled at the honorific and nodded approvingly at Fiona. "You are both here to swap?" Hazel asked. She had spotted the canvas bags in the back of the cart. Fiona nodded. "Aye, Sunny is looking for things to wear and I'm looking for a few winter skirts."

 Hazel smiled and waved the boys to fetch the bags, "Well, you two come in and we'll see about finding you just what you need." She looked critically at Sunny and waved to the girls who were waiting near the entrance of the tent, "Lily, Tessa, come and help Siobhan find some clothes to wear!" 

 Both girls eagerly swarmed around Sunny and quickly drew her deep into the heart of the tent. Sunny found herself awash in all kinds of clothes many of them were solids and prints lavishly embroidered and embellished with beads and tiny shells. Fiona went with Hazel and was soon lost in the process of finding what she wanted.

 Tessa held up a dark paisley printed skirt and Lily was searching for something to match. Sunny drifted away and began looking through the clothes that were in bins along the side of the tent that faced the wooded area. The canvas sides were rolled up as high as possible to let the breeze circulate through the space. As she was examining the bin of dresses, each more elaborate than the one before, she spotted a group of young men lounging on the rope supports of the tent. Some were talking quietly among themselves, and others were engaged in some sort of game with a set of cubes that looked like dice. 

 Further in the protection of the forest was a group of men who were set apart from the others. They were standing watch over a group of horses. She studied the men and then their faces closely for someone familiar. She abandoned her clothing search and walked to the edge of the tent wall and looked out. 

 Nicodemus had seen her and watched as she moved closer to the side of the tent facing the woods. Whether she was just curious, or something was pulling her toward the forest interested him and he decided to follow. The men were oblivious to her, engaged in a game that required concentration, and with a good portion of their wages at stake they were not likely to take much notice of her. These men were enjoying their leisure time, waiting for their women to finish shopping or their visiting. Sunny watched, studying the details, their mannerisms, imprinting in her mind's eye.

 As Sunny studied her subjects, something in the trees caught her eye, there were several ravens perched discreetly high in the canopy of leaves. One raven moved and dropped down to another branch lower to the activity of the gambling men. The raven floated silently down and perched out on a branch. She spotted the missing flight feather and recognized Danu.

 Fury followed the direction she looked and spotted the raven; someone was more than a bit curious about her movements among the tribes. She moved closer to where he was sitting, it took her further back into the tent, and Danu and his brothers adjusted their positions accordingly. They were monitoring her. Having lost visual contact with her, sent Danu even down further in the trees and exposed him. As he realized he was out in the open, he hopped back into the cover of the oak leaves. 

 Sunny stepped out under the tent canvas and Danu cawed loudly, sending his other ravens away. She smiled up at the black glossy winged raven and watched as he flew off into the forest. 

 "Good morning, Siobhan."

 She turned and looked directly at Nicodemus Fury. He sat comfortably in the roll of canvas.

 "Hello." She said, "How is your friend doing?"

 Fury immediately noticed the pretty tinge of pink crept into her cheeks. It made her emerald eyes sparkle like the sunlight on a mountain lake. He got to his feet slowly and came to stand on the other side of the tent support. He rested a forearm above him and peered into the tent at Sunny. He caught his reflection in her eyes and saw his true self! 

 Sunny was struck by how tall and nearly overpowering he seemed to be. She stepped back, and to the side and leaned against the opposite side of the opening.

 "Moon-Bear is recovering. He told me you visited him." He said, his voice low and soft.

 Sunny nodded, trying to gain control of her racing heart, and hoping he would not notice her flushed cheeks. Fury was making her feel off-balance and very aroused. "Well, I had the feeling he might try to run, and the others were all around that area."

 Nicodemus nodded silently and then noticed the two girls were heading toward them. "Your dressers are looking for you." He told her his dark gaze sliding past her to the interior of the swap tent. "They appear to have made quite a few selections."

 Sunny turned and looked over her shoulder, Tessa and Lily were indeed looking around for her and their arms were loaded down with an assortment of clothes. She grinned and then looked back up at him feeling like a nervous little schoolgirl around him. It was ridiculous, but she felt strange, almost giddy and drunk around him. "Will you be attending any of the festivities?"

 Fury shifted back from the tent, preparing to leave. He angled a look down at her, "I might; should I have a reason. Are you asking me to look for you at the dances tomorrow evening?"

 Sunny looked up at him, first annoyed by his demeanor then she grinned mischievously up at him, "I might, and should you find me I might even dance with you!"

 "If I should I ask?" Fury rumbled back.

 Sunny laughed softly, "I think you should. Good day, Rom."

 He smiled faintly and inclined his head toward her, "Good day to you." He murmured. He watched her move off toward Tessa and Lily. 

 "Was that the new Dannan?" 

 Fury turned and recognized the man from the Dannan encampment. He laid a hand on the young man's shoulder, "One day, perhaps Lorcan – but for now someone to steer away from."

 Lorcan frowned at Nicodemus, "Aye? Nemed eh?"

 Fury shrugged lightly, "That is not the issue, and you know it," he gave one last glance into the tent and turned away, steering the curious man away and back to the group of gamblers.

 Lorcan sighed heavily, "Aye, I suppose so."

 Fury chuckled softly and leaned close to Lorcan's ear, "But that is not to say you could not ask for a dance."

 Lorcan grinned, "And that I shall!"

 The group of women and young girls appeared with their wrapped bundles. They were to be escorted back to their homes. The wagon pulled around and the young escort assisted the women and girls into the wagon and rode off. Nicodemus mounted his horse and glanced around one last time before riding off.

 "Isn't he handsome?" Lily cooed as her dark brown eyes fastened on Fury. She looked at Sunny, "And you speaking to him so boldly too!"

 Sunny looked alarmed and both Lily and Tessa began to giggle in delight. "How grand!" Tessa cheered hugging Lily to her side, "Who was he?"

 Sunny glanced back over her shoulder, "You don't know who that is?"

 Both Lily and Tessa shook their heads. "No! He is from the Dannan tribe isn't he?" 

 "That's a Fury," Sunny said. The girls gasped in wonder. Sunny turned away to hide her smile. They both were melodramatic teenage girls, and every encounter was a potential romance. 

 The girls squealed in delight, and they pulled Sunny back into the racks and proceeded to load her up with clothes. When it was over, they were all loaded down with bundles of clothes. Lily and Tessa carried more packages to the cart and tipped them in. "Let's go look around!" Tessa suggested.

 It was Fiona who gave her consent but leveled an eye on the girls, "Stay away from the boys, you hear?"

 "I'll keep them out of trouble," Sunny replied. "It's the least I can do since they've outfitted me with an entirely new wardrobe!"

 Lilly pointed to Sunny's jeans and t-shirt, "You should change now, so you won't look like a – coigreach."

 "A stranger," Tessa replied and shoved Lilly, "That's rude!"

 "No, you're right," Sunny said, "where can I change?"

 Lilly clapped her hands together excitedly, "Come on then, we'll fix you up!"

 Fiona rolled her eyes heavenward and turned to Hazel, "Goodness where do they get their energy?"

 Hazel chuckled. "Oh, it hasn't been that long ago that we were rushing about the same way!"

 Fiona laughed, "Aye and our elders were fussing at us to straighten up."

 "Come, let's find a spot to sit a spell and have some tea," Hazel replied she linked arms with Fiona, and they walked away leaving Sunny and the girls to their devices.

 Tessa won out on her selection of dresses for Sunny. She handed Sunny a tiered gown that was a deep peacock blue with a matching embroidered bodice that laced up the front. As Lilly cinched in the bodice, both girls paused to admire Sunny's curves. "I'm jealous!" Lilly announced. She cupped her bosom, "I hardly have anything at all!"

 Sunny looked down and saw the bodice had indeed accentuated her form. She tried to loosen the lacings, but Tessa batted her hands away, "Nae! You have a fine figure! Let them see!"

 The girls found several other accouterments to complete Sunny's outfit including earrings and a chatelaine that had lots of charms dangling from the chain. It was secured around Sunny's nipped-in waist, and it spilled down the side and into the folds of the gown. The chatelaine and its charms chimed rhythmically as Sunny moved to the mirror to look at herself one last time. She liked the soft bell-like sounds she made! 

 Tessa found a pair of leather sandals that completed the outfit to her satisfaction. "Come on, let's go see what is going on."

 The trio left the swap tent through the side entrance and headed on the cart path toward the fairgrounds just outside town. As they walked along the path where the wagon wheels had worn the grass down Sunny felt suddenly very lighthearted and carefree. She had never felt more content than she did walking along with Tessa and Lilly. Both girls were about sixteen or seventeen and were chatting away about the boys they liked, the clothes they were saving up to buy, the latest music – all the things teenage girls talked about. 

 Sunny found out they were of the Badger clan. They were curious about the boys in the Thorne and Wolf clans and were keenly curious about the Fury men. Whatever the girls knew about Nu'Ada, Sunny did not investigate but decided to just soak up the normalcy of young teen girls and their brand of drama. 

 Sunny also discovered quickly that these two girls knew a lot of the local gossip that ran through the clans. They knew who was in love with which boy, which family was wealthy, and which family was well-connected. Which girl was destined to marry well, and which boy was likely to select a wife?

 Eventually, they reached the line of tents where the tourists would come to buy food, jewelry, craft wares, clothing, saddles, and tack, have their fortunes told, buy art and concessions, including grilled meats, sausages, pies, cookies, and other confections. There were vendors with spinners, ribbons, flutes, and little drums. There were colorful carousels and even a small Ferris wheel that small children could ride without parents in tow. There were lemonade stands, snowball booths, candy apples, popcorn, and fried funnel cakes available. It was a festival on one end of town and in Ballencoo, there were artists with pottery, glassblowers, blacksmiths, and vendors with antique lace and clothing. Men and women were selling all sorts of things – most were from out of town and not all were Gypsies. The outsiders were artisans who traveled the circuits selling their wares and crafts. Some had family connections, but most were freelance artists. Sunny enjoyed wandering through and looking at all the available things. Everyone seemed to be happy – both the people selling and the people buying. 

 As they came up the road leading up to Cluny's Tavern, they spotted a group of older men standing outside the tavern with mugs in their hands and smoking their pipes or cigars. Sunny spotted Shannon with a group of boys, they were having a foot race competition among themselves, seeing who was fastest in their clique. She waved at Shannon as he stopped to ogle. When he recognized her, he trotted over and threw his hands up in the air in surprise, "Wow, I almost didn't recognize you!"

 Sunny dipped a curtsy and patted Shannon's shoulder, "It's okay Shannon, I didn't recognize myself in the mirror."

 Shannon looked at Lilly and Tessa, who tried to be cool and distant but were looking at the young boy and his friends covertly. "They with you, Sunny?"

 "Lilly and Tessa helped me pick out my new wardrobe. They've done a fine job too, don't you think?"

 Shannon scrubbed the back of his head and grinned first at Sunny and then at the girls, "Aye, a right fine job."

 As Shannon and Sunny spoke, some of the older boys began to drift over to talk to Tessa and Lilly. They gushed and flirted over the boys but stayed within Sunny's eyesight. "They're from the Badger clan, aren't they?" Shannon asked.

 "Yes, I believe so," Sunny replied. "They wanted to see the sights so I'm their adult chaperone for the time being."

 Shannon nodded solemnly, "That's a right nice thing to do – being Nemed and all."

 Sunny sighed, "Well, I don't feel that way at all – since I don't have much of a clue of how to behave in this world."

 Shannon smiled, "You'll be fine," He told her and good-naturedly leaned in to nudge her with his shoulder. "Have you seen everything yet?"

 Sunny looked over at the girls and nodded, "Just about. We've been all over creation, taking in the sights. I guess tomorrow is when everything gears up. I'm looking forward to it."

 "Aye, you'll be coming to the sunrise gathering, won't you?" Shannon asked looking around at the tourists that were coming out of Cluny's Tavern. "It's before the outsiders come. It's coming together as one group and getting along with no anger and setting differences aside."

 "I'll be there," Sunny murmured. "I got the invitation the other day."

 "I knew they'd send the invitation!" Shannon cheered. "Didn't I tell you?"

 "Yup," Sunny agreed. "You said the council would send the invitation."

 "What color was the seal?" Shannon wanted to know. "Wait! It was black right?"

 "Right again," She answered.

 Shannon grinned in triumph, "Wait 'til tell the guys! They're gonna be so jealous!" 

 Sunny scoffed lightly as she and Shannon moved back toward where Lilly and Tessa waited. The boys that had been swarming around them nodded respectfully at Sunny and she decided to nudge Shannon with her shoulder in farewell, "I'll see you tomorrow, Shannon."

 He stood a little taller, nodded to the girls, and grinned at Sunny, "See you at the sunrise gathering!"

 The girls were quiet on the walk back to the swap tent. Finally, Tessa angled a curious look at Sunny, "The boys were saying you're going to be the new Dannan."

 Sunny frowned, "Not for a very long time," she replied lightly.

 Lilly hugged herself, "Ooh! Imagine we've been with the Dannan and didn't even know it!"

 "I won't be Dannan for a very very long time, Lilly," Sunny told the girl. "My Aunt Fiona is the Dannan."

 Lilly stamped her foot, "Don't spoil it! All our friends will be green as grass envious when we get back to camp! To hang out with the Dannan!"

 "Dannan in training," Tessa interjected.

 "Still!" Lilly exclaimed. "Sunny is like --- a movie star! Even the old folks talk about her!"

 "What do they say?" Sunny wanted to know.

 "Oh, it's a lot of speculatin'!" Tessa said with authority. "What kind of power you'll have, what you'll vote for or against – lots of stuff."

 "And," Lilly said leaning in close to Sunny conspiratorially, "Who you'll marry up with."

 Tessa made a shushing noise and Lilly cringed as she realized what said. "Sorry," Lilly muttered.

 Sunny let the two girls skip ahead of her. As the Dannan she would not marry or at least not in the traditional way. Maybe that was a good thing, maybe it wasn't. When she reached the fairgrounds again, she saw that there were even more tents and vendor booths set up. In the center of the meadow was where they were assembling a large platform of wide planking. She spotted men and older boys from each of the clans pulling canvas and driving tent stakes into the ground. When the tent was pitched, it would be nearly as large as a circus tent. Much bigger than the swap tent and bigger than the tent where the Morrigan had been just a few nights ago. 

 The girls ran off to join the other girls who were setting up tables for a picnic, no doubt once the tent was up there would be a lot of hungry and thirsty men and boys!


 She turned in the direction she heard her name and saw Hugh. "Hi there!"

 As Hugh drew up closer, he tucked his walking cane tight in against his leg and grinned appreciatively at the image she presented. "You look magnificent! A true Irish maiden if I ever saw one!"

 Sunny giggled happily at the compliment. "Thank you, Hugh. Two teenage girls helped me pick out a whole new wardrobe. I have to say they did a bang-up job!"

 "They could have wrapped you in gunny sacks and you'd still be beautiful!" Hugh told her. "Are you and Fiona here today shopping?"

 "We were," Sunny said, and they continued walking back toward the swap tent. She pointed at the work going on in the middle of the field, "This looks like the circus has come to town."

 Hugh chuckled. "Well in a way I suppose it has. That's the council tent and then later they'll break the sides down and it will be the dance floor."

 "I'm looking forward to it." She replied. "You're coming right?"

 "I wouldn't miss it!" Hugh declared. 

 "Are you out shopping?" Sunny asked.

 Hugh shrugged lightly and pointed out into the wooded area. "Nicodemus is going to introduce me to Orion today."

 "I see. Have you decided how you're going to get Orion out to Thornefield?"

 "Not really," Hugh replied with a heavy sigh, "I was hoping Nicodemus would agree to bring him out, but I haven't heard or seen him to find out if he'll oblige."

 They headed around the side of the swap tent and saw a cluster of men and women near a roped-off area. Hugh pointed to a group of men standing off from the main group, "Those are the Burke brothers, and they don't look too pleased, do they?"

 "No," Sunny murmured, "I wonder what's wrong."

 As they got closer, they spotted several of Fury's men in the roped area, their ponies tethered to one side. Orion was not among the horses in the herd. Where the Burke brothers were standing there was another small herd of ponies tethered. "They're all fine animals." Hugh said, "The brothers have splendid stock."

 "But not as splendid as Orion?" Sunny remarked.

 Hugh chuckled softly, "No, from what I've heard and from the drawings you did – he's legendary!"

 From the wood trail, a group of mounted men came trotting out to the meadow. In the number was Nicodemus Fury. Wherever the man appeared, there was always a flurry of comments and activity. Both men and women admired the man. Sunny watched as Nicodemus dropped to the ground and approached the Burke brothers. They spoke quietly for a moment then the brothers nodded, and the tensions eased. Nicodemus turned away and signaled to his men and they continued with their grooming.

 Fury spotted Hugh and raised a hand in greeting. When he got closer, he paused. Sunny was extraordinary! "Siobhan I approve of your outfit, those other things you hid in, did you no service!"

 Sunny folded her arms over her chest and glared at him. "Well, I think that was a compliment!"

 Fury mirrored her stance with his own then looked over to Hugh, "You ready to meet Orion?"

 "I am!" Hugh all but gushed and Sunny rolled her eyes heavenward. She was no competition to horseflesh!

 "Bring Siobhan along," Nicodemus said as he turned away, "She has a way with Orion."

 "Come on Sunny!" Hugh said following behind Fury. Sunny scoffed and followed behind, catching up with both men quickly. They walked into the woods past the pen of horses to a secluded area. Orion's brilliant white body was radiant in the filtered sunlight that spilled through the trees. Hugh sighed as he caught sight. The instant Orion spotted Sunny he tossed his head in greeting and rushed over, he dipped his head and laid the broad plane of his head and nose against her chest. Sunny smoothed her hands over his cheeks and smiled over at Hugh.

 "Isn't he grand?"

 Hugh was amazed. "I've never seen anything like him!"

 Nicodemus watched Orion and Sunny together for a moment then clasped Hugh's shoulder. "Come and see him up close."

 When Hugh and Nicodemus came closer, Orion raised his head and glared at them both, but didn't move. Nicodemus drew Hugh over to stand to the right of Sunny, "This is Orion Wintermoon." Nicodemus gestured to Hugh, Orion, this is Hugh McDonnell, your patron for the next few months."

 Orion regarded Hugh and then snorted disdainfully at him. Hugh chuckled. "I know I'm no match for Sunny --- but I hope you'll be content with my mares."

 Sunny laughed as Orion continued to study Hugh, "I think he'll be very happy."

 Nicodemus folded his arms over his chest, "How do you propose to get Orion to your pastures?"

 Hugh scrubbed his hand over his face thoughtfully, "Well I was hoping you could suggest the best way to transport him over to Thornefield. I could have one of the men bring over the trailer and we could transport him that way."

 Nicodemus eyed Orion for a long moment then shrugged, "I suppose we could try – if it doesn't work then we'll bring him."

 Hugh nodded, "That'll work for me. So tomorrow after the sale?"

 Nicodemus nodded, and he extended his hand to Hugh, and they shook hands, striking the deal. The only one that did not seem to appreciate the plans was Orion. He curled his neck around Sunny and moved her closer to him. She put her arms around his thick neck and laid her cheek against his hide. "I'll see you again soon!" 

 She stepped away and Hugh reached out to take her arm. Orion charged the rope fence skidding just short of where Hugh and Nicodemus stood. He snarled at Hugh, ears laid flat against his head, dark eyes blazing defiance and shaking his long mane. 

 Hugh stepped back releasing Sunny and stumbled over the stiffness of his injured leg. Nicodemus laid a steadying hand on Hugh's shoulder, "His way of complaining, but do not worry," Fury said softly then glared back at Orion, "He knows this is for the best!"

 Orion snorted at Nicodemus, turned his back on the men, and moved stiff-legged to the far side of the roped pen. Hugh put a nervous hand through his hair. "I see what you mean about his aggressiveness."

 "It will make your next generation proud and majestic!" Nicodemus said then angled another look over at Sunny. "Perhaps Siobhan can talk some sense into Orion's thick skull. This is the best plan – the only plan."

 Sunny looked over where Orion was sulking. The white terror stared off into the woods. She sighed and stepped through the rope fence to rejoin Hugh and Fury. "Maybe he's still feeling hurt by his predicament, betrayal is a hard lesson to digest."

 Hugh frowned at Sunny, "What do you mean? Betrayal?"

 She smiled at him and laid a hand on his forearm. "Oh nothing, I'm just transferring my thoughts to Orion."

 One of Fury's men appeared leading one of Hugh's horses. Silently he handed the reins to Hugh and nodded to Nicodemus. Nicodemus examined the well-muscled shoulder of Payne's Grey and smoothed a hand down the solid foreleg down to the hoof. When he straightened, he nodded approvingly at Hugh, "A fine mount, I see some of the Fury breeding in this animal."

 "The Burke brothers," Hugh replied, casting an odd look at Sunny then over to Orion, "But I gather they were building off stock you supplied them?"

 Fury shrugged lightly, "Perhaps, but it is forgotten. I was out of the trade for quite some time. They saw a need and filled it in my absence. I cannot fault them for that."

 "But now you're back," Hugh said. He slapped Payne's neck affectionately, "I will see you tomorrow after the sale."

 Nicodemus lifted a hand in farewell and walked off to rejoin his men. Sunny watched as Hugh mounted then stepped over to look up at Hugh. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

 Hugh grinned down at her and leaned over, "I will indeed!" 

 Sunny watched Hugh ride off then she prepared to return to the swap tent.


 Sunny turned and found Nicodemus standing beside her. She sighed and looked over at Orion. "What exactly did happen?"

 "It was a betrayal all right," Fury replied. "His brothers turned against him. It was not good, and he refused to battle Winter-Frost for control of the clan. He could have easily defeated him and anyone else who challenged; but he did not want the taste of his brother's blood on his lips."

 "Being here will let tempers and hurts burn down?" Sunny asked.

 "No," Fury replied sadly, "It will only keep Orion apart and safe until I can think of something."

 "Delaying the inevitable," Sunny murmured. "Maybe you should have asked Orion what he wanted to do?"

 "I did," Nicodemus said. "Until he encountered you, he wanted to die."

 Sunny looked sharply at Orion then up at Nicodemus, "What do you mean?"

 "He has a cause now, where before he had nothing," Nicodemus told her. "Many of the Nemed and doer nemed are feeling unified, seeing your arrival as a sign of hopefulness."

 "I'm not the Dannan," Sunny announced rather loudly to the trees and anyone who happened to be within the sound of her voice.

 "No, not yet," Nicodemus said softly, "But when that time does come, they will be strongly behind you Siobhan."

 She wagged a warning finger at Nicodemus, "I'll not be a political tool!"

 Nicodemus chuckled and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "This is much larger than a throne or even a kingdom – much larger."

 He turned and walked down the wooded path toward the waiting group of men. Sunny was confused and frustrated, she had no one she could turn to, and she felt as if she were being forced into something, she was ill-prepared for and completely alien and dangerous to her and her experiences. She just wanted normalcy!

 As she walked back to the swap tent, she realized that was exactly what her grandmother had felt, and she could understand Colleen's turmoil! At eighteen, she was no more prepared for the heavy responsibilities than Sunny was a twenty–three! She felt sympathy for Colleen and began to understand why she had run away. It wasn't cowardice, but a terrible fear! What Eyru had done had thrust the lives of every first daughter after her to an eternity of service to men and women who were hell-bent on destroying each other and those who were different from them. In the centuries that had passed, no one had learned anything! How foolish they all were!

 "Yes, they are all fools!"

 Sunny spun and faced none other than Gaddis!

 She looked around she was no longer on the wooded path in Ballencoo. She wasn't sure where she was. The scene around her kept shifting and swirling around her like an unformed dream. The only things of substance were Gaddis and herself. "Where am I?"

 Gaddis turned and looked around him. "I don't know," He replied lightly. "This is your vision, not mine."

 "Why did Eyru make such a promise?" Sunny wanted to know.

 Gaddis sighed heavily and then looked up into the swirling darkness that moved like smoke around them. "I cannot know the mind of such a woman. She acted when no other man or woman would. I cannot say whether it was a wise decision or a terrible error in judgment. I only know that from that very moment until now, no Dannan has ever failed to uphold their promise."

 "Until my grandmother," Sunny muttered.

 Gaddis folded his arms over his chest and lowered his chin in thought. "But her sister did step into the role – knowing her powers would never be as great as a first daughter's power and never as great as yours will come to be."

 "And what if I should skip out on this promise?"

 Gaddis smiled, "You would run away? If that were true, I would not be here sharing your vision."

 Sunny faced the Ne'Median king, "Why are you in my vision?"

 Gaddis shrugged his shoulders, "There is a connection. I know that much, but I have no answers for why." He came up close and she was forced to look up at him. His golden eyes captured her gaze and he leaned toward her, his face just inches from hers, "Perhaps one day we will meet? I should like that, I think."

 Sunny opened her mouth to speak but found herself back on the wooded path. She had to sit down or fall with sudden dizziness. She found a boulder and lowered herself carefully. Contact with the stone helped steady herself. She was so thirsty and suddenly hungry. She could smell food; it was meat, and her mouth began to water. Fiona found her and quickly rushed over, "What's wrong?"

 "I felt kind of dizzy, and now I'm so hungry and thirsty!"

 Fiona paled, even with the protective locket, Sunny still had no control of her traveling ability! That concerned Fiona but finding nourishment for Sunny was a higher priority. "Can you walk?"

 "I think so, as long as I don't have to go too far," Sunny replied.

 Together they slowly walked back to the clearing Fiona helped Sunny to where there was a group of camp stools. "Wait here, I'll be right back."

 Bracken popped up beside Sunny his soulful eyes blinking in the brightness of the afternoon. "You mushroom face, need chock-o-lots!" 

 Sunny looked down and saw that the Watcher was holding up two foil-wrapped chocolates. She took them and quickly popped them into her mouth. She closed her eyes as they melted quickly. "Hmm, they never tasted this good before!"

 Fiona reappeared with a canteen and a small basket. She sat on the stool next to Sunny, pulled a mug from the basket, and poured water from the canteen. "Here drink some water."

 Sunny drained the mug and handed it back for more, Fiona handed over the canteen. She worriedly watched as Sunny upended the canteen and gulped the water down. Bracken was rooting in the basket and came up with a chicken leg. He offered it up to Sunny who shook her head and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "You go ahead, I'm still thirsty."

 Bracken settled back munching on his piece of chicken, leaning against Sunny's leg, and concealing himself in the folds of her gown.

 Fiona pulled a meat pie from the basket and handed it to Sunny, "You may not want it, but try to eat some. You need something for strength."

 Sunny examined the meat pie then bit into it and chewed slowly, savoring each bite. Within a few minutes, she began to feel better. Fiona watched her closely. "What happened?"

 Sunny sighed, "Oh I don't know, I was thinking about this and that, and the next thing I know I'm standing in some dreamlike place and Gaddis is there --."

 "Gaddis!" Fiona gasped. "How?"

 Sunny licked her fingers and sighed heavily, "I don't know! It just happens and he just pops up --- even he is baffled!"

 Fiona shook her head in dismay. "This is so dangerous – we have to find a way to keep you grounded!"

 "Wake her up!" Bracken grumbled and then belched as he finished gnawing on the chicken leg.

 "No!" Fiona hissed and stamped her foot to emphasize her words.

 Bracken showed his teeth at Fiona and Sunny nudged him and frowned disapprovingly at him. He scowled at her and turned his attention once again to the food basket he lifted the cloth and peered in to help himself to a meat pie. He bit into it, finding it to his liking, and skipped off into the brush and disappeared. Sunny shook the canteen and finished off the rest of the water with a sigh. "I think I may live a while longer."

 "We should be home," Fiona murmured. "Somehow we have to figure out how to keep you in this world!"

 "Is there some kind of training—some meditation I could try?" Sunny asked. "I have to figure out how to control it. It's like being out of control or crazy!"

 "You're not crazy!" Fiona told her.

 "Do you know anyone who can do this kind of thing?" Sunny asked.

 "Not in my memory," Fiona replied, "But Tully thinks he knows what may be happening."

 Sunny pulled the other leg from the roasted chicken and bit into it. "Tully thinks I'm a catalyst, whatever that is."

 "He may be right," Fiona murmured nodding her head. "But trying to save us – me; is only leaving us – you; vulnerable." She looked at Sunny, "Do you think you can make it to the cart?"

 Sunny nodded and got to her feet. "I feel just about normal." She closed the canteen and handed it to Fiona and then picked up the basket, "Let's go home."

 They walked to where Miggs and the cart waited tethered to the roped area with the other waiting horses or wagon teams. There were five or six bundles in the back of the cart along with a few muslin bags stacked neatly along one side of the cart side. Sunny tucked the food basket under the cart seat and climbed in with Fiona following. One of the young boys trotted up and guided Miggs back, steering the pony and the cart past the other wagons. They waved to them as Fiona clucked to Miggs, "On we go, Miggsy!"

 Miggs' ears perked forward, and she moved into a trot back on the path that had been worn in the grass. They rolled onto the road and into town, taking the side roads to reach the path that would take them home. They clattered over the Trickle Bridge and headed to Laurel Cottage.

 The instant they crossed the bridge the sky was filled with ravens. Sunny looked up and saw that Danu was speeding at the head of the group. They were silent as they flew, some dropping into the trees, others wheeling higher into the sky. Sunny felt something nudge her leg. She looked down and Bracken was tucked under the cart seat. 

 "Watchers do not watch - gone," Bracken said.

 Fiona looked down at Bracken, "Gone back to the grove?"

 "Aye," Bracken muttered.

 "What does that mean?" Sunny asked Fiona.

 "Whenever something scares them, or they are called, they return to their home grove," Fiona said glancing up into the skies. The ravens had fallen off to roost in the trees only Danu and a few others still flew ahead. Miggs trotted along the path toward Laurel Cottage, not breaking her steady two-beat trot until the small courtyard appeared then she slowed from a trot to a walk. They passed under the rose arbor, and she stopped before the watering trough outside the stable. 

 Tully stepped out carrying an empty milk bucket. "Well did you two come back with anything for the dance tomorrow evening?"

 Fiona looped the reins on the cart rail, pressed her hand to her face briefly, and looked over at Tully, "Sunny's traveling is uncontrolled and she's seeing Gaddis more and more."

 Tully looked over at Sunny then at Fiona and then looked up into the trees as the caw of the ravens began. They were silent after a moment and Danu ventured down to perch on the eave of the stable. "Ard Ri!"

 Fiona's head shot up to Danu, "Affaron? He is watching?"

 Even Tully looked impressed and glanced up at the Raven. "You are saying he has you reporting on Sunny and Fiona?"

 Danu angled his black eyes first one way and then the other to look at Tully. He only chuckled softly, stretching his wings high over his body. Sunny spotted the gap in his flight feathers. "He might be employed by Affaron, but I don't think he's reporting anything of much use." The raven gave his feathers a shake and settled them down tightly against his body. He angled a bright black eye down at them.

 "Either way, this is not good news," Fiona muttered.

 Bracken wiggled his way from under the cart seat and scurried off carrying half a chicken under his arm. Sunny spotted him scaling the tree nearest her bedroom window and realized he was heading there to eat in peace. She looked to Tully and Fiona, "It doesn't make any difference who finds out, or what they think – this is happening and I'm going to have to figure out a way to bring it under control. I don't think anyone is going to be able to help me."

 "Sunny you do not seem to realize how much danger you are in," Tully told her. "If you travel to some place or somewhere, even some when you may not be able to get back or find your way back to this now."

 Sunny scoffed at the blacksmith's comment, "Of course I do! This is happening to me because I am searching for answers to questions no one else seems to know or be willing to answer!"

 "Then if you need answers, we will have to go with you."

 They all turned toward the sound of the voice. Nicodemus walked out from the shadows. "We are all looking for answers, and it appears that if Siobhan is a true catalyst she will give us all the answers we seek."

 "I can damn well guarantee we will not like the answers we get!" Tully growled.

 "Probably not," Nicodemus answered and looked up at Fiona where she sat next to Sunny. She looked terrified as she gazed first at Tully and then at Nicodemus.

 Sunny drew a deep steadying breath and climbed down from the cart nearest where Fury stood. "Then we'd better do some traveling soon because in the morning we're to be at the sunrise gathering and later; I am sitting in council. I don't want any surprises and I sure as hell don't want to go dropping down any Nu'Adaian or Ne'Median rabbit holes!"

 Tully chuckled but sobered when they all glared at him. "Oh aye, we need a bit of nourishment, a wee dram, and maybe a bit of a rest before we go traveling," he said. He held the milk pail up, "I will see to the milkin' and get Miggs settled. The rest of you go in the house."

 Nicodemus helped Fiona down from the cart and together they went into the cottage. Sunny started to follow them but glanced up where Danu perched and decided to talk to Tully. She went into the stable and found him settling in beside Rosie with the milk pail. He looked up at her and then bent to the task of milking. "You should be inside with the others."

 Sunny sighed heavily and leaned against the rough wood of Rosie's stall. "I know, but I want to ask you something."

 "What is that?"

 "You know what is happening to me don't you?" She asked him.

 Tully paused in the milking for a moment then continued. "I have my ideas."

 "What are they?" Sunny asked frowning over at him. "Because I think you're not saying to protect Aunt Fiona."

 Tully shrugged. "That is probably true."

 "Why do you think I keep connecting with Gaddis?" She asked him.

 Tully looked over at her his brown eyes dark with worry and sadness, "I'm guessing, but I think there is a connection with those of the blood; like Gaddis and your bloodline."

 "If that were true," Sunny said, "Wouldn't all the Dannan women be able to cross back and forth from here to Nu'Ada without being awakened? And if that is true – the geis was for nothing." Sunny murmured.

 "Nae," Tully said, "The geis is keeping the daemons and Ne'Medians from coming back to this world."

 "But they are still battling against the Partholan in Nu'Ada," Sunny said, "That never stopped."

 "That will never change," Tully said sadly, "As long as the Partholan are in power they will continue to wage war against the Ne'Medians and anyone else who stands against them."

 "Then they need to clean house," Sunny said, "If this current king is not trying to find a peaceful end to the battle, then he is part of the problem and he needs to go."

 Tully finished up and got to his feet, patting Rosie's shoulder as he moved away with the full pail. He poured the creamy milk into a larger jug and smiled at Sunny, "That dearie is sedition, and what many have been saying behind the doors of taverns and homes all through Nu'Ada for many years. Those who could make a difference are not ready or willing to step forward and lead – until they are… well, here we are."

 Sunny nodded. "One problem at a time. If we all go on a journey to find the truth, do you think that will settle things in my head?"

 "I am not certain," Tully said, "But until you are awakened, you may not truly have any peace. I know Fiona does not want to place the geis on your shoulders, but that may be the only solution."

 "You may be right," Sunny murmured. She watched as Tully poured the leftover milk in the pail into a shallow dish for the barn cat and her three kittens. He closed the cap of the milk jug and handed it to Sunny. "Take this inside to Fiona. I'll see to Miggs, and I'll be in shortly."

 Sunny nodded silently and turned to go then glanced back at the blacksmith. "I hope we get some answers tonight."

 "As do I, my girl," Tully responded.

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We're about to learn a few truths soon! Stick with me, and Sunny! :-) Thank you for continuing to read my work!

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