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42.85% Everyday Life of A Delinquent / Chapter 12: Ch. 12 - The Future

Chapitre 12: Ch. 12 - The Future

"Mickie, are you really gonna need to report this?" John asked, annoyed that this was even an issue.

"Of course, and it's not like I got a choice, I have to. Your lucky things didn't get worse" he explained to John.

"Why does everyone have respect for this traitor?" John asked. "I know you said it was a long story, but what else am I to do on this boring ass car ride."

"I'm not your damn parent, I'm not about to tell you a bedtime story, but fine, I might as well explain a bit… be sure to remember this" Mickie sighed as he drove them back to the high rise.

'Maybe I'll learn something to fuck with him… regardless his name is everywhere, and I hate it dammit… I'm the running Jack, why aren't they taking me seriously?' He was thinking just for himself. "Mind talking then, tell me about Drake"

"What you want to know is why they respect him right, Let me summarize. We are rich and running this entire city, all because of him, underground fighting, betting and drug dealing, of course it wasnt entirely him alone, but because he alone put an end to other rivals. He would go to jail, work and infiltrate other gangs for us. He's done a lot. He was a child, no older than his sister or just a bit younger when the boss found him and took him in. He was raised with us, the king taught him basic math and english and street smarts. How else was he gonna keep up, counting and talking. The queen was more physical with him. Too physical, but she helped him understand his emotions and learn to care, she also taught him the art of seduction, ways to use his words and manipulate the mind, and also manners. So there's that and even now he remains the only man to be at her side in bed, take that as you will. The previous Ace would help him survive teaching him how to fight and defend himself, he selected the current Ace himself once the previous one died, around the same time Jack did. The previous Jack hated the idea of raising or helping him. Never got along with him, Can you guess how you got the position?" Mickie asked him.

"Was it because of Drake?" He answered with a question.

"Not so dumb after all, yes, the old jack was only recently killed, and by him, he was going to destroy our entire business. He was a traitor to us, so he took care of it before we even realized, and the ace as i mentioned was a casualty. In any case I hope you understand now, that the Cards aren't just there for him, but they see him as family. And they plan to keep their word to him." he explained further now their motivation and history.

"And what was that deal?" John wondered. "And why would he leave us then? If he went through the trouble of keeping us above water?"

"His sister, if I had to guess, he no longer wanted her in danger. He had a target on his back as long as he was with us. So he wanted to leave. That, and I imagine as his sister was getting older, lots of scum were having an eye on her. So she needed more and more protection… he left to make a life she can also be proud of him for. At least that's how I imagine it. And knowing him, for as long as I had. It would only make sense." He stopped the car and parked.

Stepping out, John spoke up. "It still doesn't make sense why we should watch out for him if he's so strong, why not just cut ties with him? It's a waste of resources to watch over him. Not to mention, he isn't with us anymore. He made his choice to leave, even if it was a deal, with them only the head Card's, it's got nothing to do with me. I won't be some street rat's bodyguard" John was still annoyed how he had to protect someone who was inferior, at least in status.

"Do as you please, but anyone smart enough would rather watch you die alone than fight against Joker." Mickie said to him.

"And I will…" he did learn one thing. His sister was everything to him. 'All the attention will shift away if I just kill him and torment her, maybe keep her around or sell her' he was plotting now, behind the backs of all the cards.

"Hmm…" Mickie felt something was still wrong with him. "Don't do anything stupid." Once in the elevator they head to the top floor where the King was seated, smoking and surrounded by women in luxurious revealing dresses. "We're back boss… and I have something to report" Mickie then explains the incident in the mall.

"I see…" a soft yet sinister tone spoke to them. "Did you lay a finger on them? John?" He stared at him.

Mickie didn't answer for him.

John spoke up. "No. The child ran into me."

"Okay, now… how did that make you feel?"  He asked a clear question to get at him. "I know I just made you Jack, so what happened when the girl ran into you?" He made it sound like he was on his side.

"I hated it… my shoes were ruined" John said to him.

Mickie knew what was going to happen.

"And what did you do my friend?" He got up and walked to them.

It was that question, that he realized he was just setting himself up. Still, it was obvious if he was gonna lie, so he told the truth. "I threatened her… and Drake, that she would clean my shoes" a sweat dropped from the end of his chin and side of his head.

King only got closer and pulled out a gun shooting his foot and grabbed his shoulder.

"Fuck!" John got down kneeling and looked up at him.

"Oh no, I got blood on your nice shoes… what to do…" he then stepped on his hurt foot. "Go on… tell me what you said to them… clear as day, say it like you meant it…" his tone changed deeper and darker.

"I can't…" John lowered his head.

"If you don't got the balls to do it again, do not make another threat like that to him and his sister, do you hear me…" king grabbed his chin to make him look up. And saw how distressed he looked. "Well then little soldier… will you stay in line again?"

"Yes sir…"

"Good… thank you for reporting Mickie. You may help the lad up now…" he stepped away. "You're lucky I'm not the queen, you might lose a finger… or your life if she was running the show, you already failed two times and do this… one more and there is no helping you anymore…" he went back to his seat and relaxed, setting his gun on the table.

Mickie picked up John and took him away. "I told you to keep your mouth shut… but, I guess he left you no choice, but that was your damn fault"

"Fuck you Mickie… fine I get it…" he was in pain, but also hated Drake even more. 'God dammit if it wasn't for his damn existence… ill make an exampleof him dammit, i won't be fucked with, im the Jack for gods sake, don't i deserve some respect!' he was helped to another floor where they went and patched his foot.

Back with Drake, Sarah, Alex and Marlene, they were heading home, while Akane already left them going the opposite way to get to his home.

"Marlene, you won't mind if I stay over tonight do you?" Alex asked her.

"No I don't, but let me ask my mother first" Marlene said, grabbing her phone.

"Marlene, if you don't mind, can you take Sarah home. I want to talk to Alex for a sec." He asked her while stopping to turn to them behind him.

"What's wrong big brother?" Sarah asked looking up to him while licking ice cream. It was strawberry flavored because of Akanes' recommendation.

"Can you not talk to me about it too?" Marlene asked concerned. But did take the bags from him and Sarah's hand.

"I'll tell you later okay. I promise. And Sarah. Yes, I'm okay… you help make dinner with Jess okay" he told her, getting down and patting her hair.

"Okay!" She was enjoying her ice cream too much. And trusted her brother deeply to not question him.

"Okay babe, if you say so" Marlen agreed, kissing him as they then left going ahead to get home.

"What did you need sir?" Alex asked him and because of his demand, she was formal like before in the past.

"Don't be formal Alex, we aren't with them anymore. Relax…" he told her, and grabbed her hand while walking to a park together.

"Okay… sorry, you just looked serious, and… you know old habits" she said nervously but did grab back onto his hand. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Mickie… and who I think is the new Jack" he said to her. "They gave me their word that they wouldn't get involved with us anymore, so I wanted to make a call."

"That boy he was with was the same one from school who was trying to hit on us" she told him. And they both had a name now when Drake put it together.

"So his name is John huh, and a kid from our school, just what are they doing there… if I had to guess he isn't following orders" Drake assumed and it was frightening how smart and perceptive he was. "That's just my guess…" he told her, since he wasn't exactly aware if it was true.

"Okay. We have a name, and I'm with you, that was Mickie. So he would be only around one of the other cards… I'd make sense… you wanted to make a call, but to who and why?" She asked, grabbing his arm.

"Well, I wanted to clear up what happened with Ace, but if my guess is on the mark, No one can give a direct answer. I was thinking of calling Mickie for some info…" he explained to her.

"What are we doing Drake…" it suddenly hit her. "We should mind our business… we wanted this remember…" she held onto him more.

"I know… but that little bastard doesn't know his place… and if you heard what he said…" he thought about it and sighed.

"Come on Drake let's go home… don't go back there, that place may have saved us, but we no longer owe a thing" she tried to help him stay on this new path he set.

He let out a heavy breath. "Yeah… yeah your right…" he grabbed her cheek and suddenly kissed her holding her waist.

Alex relaxed into the kiss more and eased away. "Do you need me to accompany you like usual?" She blushed from the request she made and offered to him.

"No… please stop that, you're not some toy I play around with. You're my best friend. And a lover" he hugged her and took the time to reflect and relax his emotions. "That's a bad habit of yours too…"

"Sorry…" she grabbed onto his back, hugging him. "Feeling better?" She asked him softly with a gentle change in her tone.

"Yeah, much better… let's go home…" he told her, and she agreed, holding onto his side again walking together.

"Drake… do you think it was right for us to have left?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I do… if we stayed any longer… there would be no redemption for us… or at least for you. I've spilled a lot of blood for them. I doubt I deserve a happy life" he explained and opened a bit to her.

"I think you do… if no one else thinks that, I do. And I'm sure Marlene does too, even if she doesn't know everything. She wants the best for you… I still can't believe she's so head over heels for you… but she's happy, and I notice how happy you get with her." She softly spoke with him. While on their slow walk around the park to head back.

"Thank goodness I met you Alex… and Marlene. And everyone else who's helped me… I'm sure I would have given up a long time ago…" he told her and stared at the sky and it's orange haze that began to fade to night.

"And I'm glad to have met you my love…" she said leaning onto him more. "Let's not give up this new start okay. Together"

"Okay." He held onto her back.

He had time to reflect on his life. Memories in the back of his mind flashing back and forth. The fighting, beatings he got and the runs with cops and near deaths over and over.

'Your a killer Drake' A voice stood out again like before.

'A monster, a freak and a fool,' it echoed.

"Fuck…" he grabbed his head.

"You okay?" Alex asked concerned.

"Yeah… just got a headache…" he replied to her.

"Once we get you home, how about you lay on my lap? And Marlene can feed you, will that sound good hun?" She was a lot more of a sweetheart, and far more girly with him and her alone together.

"If that's what you think will help, then sure. I'll accept it" he held onto her waist, but didn't hesitate to feel up her ass under her skirt to tease her, but also show he cares for her physically and romantically.

"Hey! Come on…" she was shy about it. But she did like his touch and affection. "Only until we get you home…" It also didn't help how hot she was feeling earlier today.

"Us home, you know you're welcome there by her mother… so come by and see us okay" he kissed her head and kept walking together.

"Okay" she was happy knowing she could really come over. "Hey Drake, I've been wanting to ask you"

"What is it?" He wondered.

"First, please take your hand, it is a bit serious" she requested of him.

"Sure…" he gently took his hand away. And kept it at her waist again.

"Okay, so what I wanted to ask you, was. How would you feel about moving into an apartment… the three of us? And Sarah of course."

"I see…" he understood why it was serious. "Well, I'd like to. I can't burden her mom. And I don't want to live off people. But are you sure?" He asked her. "I'm fine with the idea, and Sarah won't mind as long as we stay together and your around of course. So we just need to ask Marlene"

"Okay, I'll try to talk about it with her." She was hopeful.

"May I ask why the sudden idea then?" He asked her.

"Well, I did want to live with you and Sarah, but then you met Marlene. I don't want to take her away from you, or you from her. And I like the idea of being a housewife, or something like working from home… is it silly for someone like me to ask for something like that?" She asked, shy about it now.

"Not at all, I like the idea of coming home and seeing you first thing at the door… I think it's sweet Alex." He told her and smiled, kissing her head.

"Really? But, I'm a brute… I'm not a damsel" she said and felt nervous but happy about what he said.

"Yes really, and you don't have to be, I rather you stay yourself. I love you as you are Alex." He reassured her. At the same time it helped him feel reassured he was living a new life, one he can feel fulfilled with and share.

"Okay, I'll be a good wife to you" she stopped walking after what she said.

"Oh, will you now?" He loved this about her and decided to mess with her. He suddenly picked her up and held her legs as he pressed her against a fence. "Say it again please…"

She was grabbing onto his shoulders. And her legs wrapped around him on instinct."I'll be… a good wife to you. Sir" she looked down red all through her face.

"I can't wait…" he kissed her slowly and hugged her tightly in one hand. Her other rubbed her thigh and further up her skirt.

She broke the kiss and spoke along his ear gently. "No please… not here sir…" she was formal with him again.

"What did I say about being formal… stop it…" he said to her. And gently kissed her neck.

"I'm sorry s-Drake…" she was blushing and smiling.

"Okay… I'll stop now, my apologies" he slowly set her down, removing his hand. "Good girl…" he smiled and felt her hug.

"Thank you Drake. For spoiling such a selfish girl…" she liked the idea of living together with him.

"Of course my love, let's go home already" he said and walked with her again. Now holding hands on the walk back home.

'An apartment wouldn't be so bad with them, we'd have to split up rent, between the three of us should be easy.' He had forgotten the troubles of the day, and was actually thinking of the idea she came up with. It was a lovely thought really, it got him distracted on what had bothered him, and he no longer heard the echoes and whispers of his haunting past. "I'll try to help you convince Marlene, but let's not rush into this okay, let's take our time figuring out how to do it" he told her. On board with the idea.

"For sure" she knocked on the door to the house and Jess could be heard.

"Coming" she walked over and saw them arm and hand together. "Welcome home" she smiled and let them inside. "Just what have you two been up to?" She was curious.

"We just had a talk" he said as she left his side.

"Talk to her about the plan Drake. I'll talk to Marlene" she left his side, as she went to see the the other girls.

"Oh, we get alone time again? Okay. What did you want to tell me?" She asked him, walking with him into the kitchen. "You did miss out on seeing Sarah help cook, she was so worried and just adorable trying her best, dinner is about done. But you missed eating with all of us" she told him, but did begin reheating some food for him and Alex.

"My bad, I didn't think we had been out long, and what I wanted to talk about was something Alex suggested. She just left me to ask you." He said, and got into the kitchen with her. "The thing is, Alex suggested I move with her and take Sarah into an apartment so we can all live together, of course, this includes your daughter." He told her.

"That is a surprise and a big decision. Are you really gonna go through with this so soon?" She was concerned.

"No no, we're gonna wait a while, I told her I wanted to talk about it more with all of us… it is a big thing, living as individuals. And I don't want to just take your daughter away without your express permission and her consent. I would like to talk with your husband, but I hardly see him around." He showed how thoughtful he was to her, including her in all the news that involved her daughter and all of their plans and future.

"You know, for a boy so young, you're quite responsible and modest. Also what I believe is almost always truthful with me. And you let me in on all your plans. You're so charming" she liked him. "You have my permission to take my daughter away, but you have to promise you'll marry her. I can't have you just taking her away without promising also to have her in marriage. Can you prove to me that?" She asked him. "This is a large request, but a small thing to forever have her. Please think this through okay"

"I do promise." He answered right away. "I will make sure to treat her well, and I will of course ask her for her hand. When we are a bit older. For now, I do know I can at least be engaged with her."

"You will do the same with Alex now?" She asked, since she knew the three of them were together. "She did tell me you three were together, can you do it?"

"I will," he smiled softly at her. "You're awful trusting… thank you for that, I will do everything in my power to uphold that respect" he figured as much, since she hardly seemed surprised about all this.

"you have a way with words… okay son, go sit and eat okay…" she set the dinner plate for him. And pulled a chair for him. "I'm glad my daughter's future is secured, but Drake, please be respectful and mindful of what you're setting out to do. I know you want to make them happy, but you have to be happy too if you want to make this work… but these girls seem to know that too, I just know it'll work out" she supported them. "I do think I owe you an apology, mister…"

"I'm glad to hear it… and no you honestly don't, you've been wonderful why would you need to?" He asked.

"When I first laid eyes on you, I judged you a bit hard, and when my daughter told me the three of you were suddenly a thing. I didnt think it would work… but after how my daughter has been and how you are, It would be wrong to not say that I'm sorry, you've been just wonderful and with you around. Things have been a lot more lively here. So thank you Drake, for coming into our lives, and being such a kind and warm individual, you've proven me wrong" she hugged his head from behind and patted his head. "Keep it up okay, we're here if you need us"

"Your words mean so much to me, so thank you, for allowing me the chance to prove myself to you…" he grabbed her hand that rested on his neck and looked up to her. "If you need any help, please just ask,"

"I'll take your word for it…" she let him go so he could eat.

Marlene and Alex came down together, and looked at Drake. "Welcome home" Marlene said and walked to him while Alex sat beside him.

"How did it go?" He asked them.

Jess came and also set dinner for Alex to eat.

"Oh thank you ma'am" she began to eat.

Jess responded. "I'll go take a bath with Sarah, you three be nice okay" she left going upstairs to meet with Sarah.

"The talk went well, but" Alex said and looked at Marlene.

"My father would be seriously against it. Do you think you could talk with him?" Marlene asked, moving to sit on his lap.

"Ah…" he allowed it, and now held onto her  waist, while she took his fork and began to feed him. "Thank you, and I'm sure I can. I'll be more than happy talking with him about it…"

"Then okay, I'm on board with this" she agreed.

"We don't need to rush it, let's talk it over together okay" Drake said and took another bite.

"Yes sir" Marlene said and kissed his cheek feeding him until dinner was done.

It was at this same time that Jess received a call while walking into the bath. "Excuse me Sarah" she left her alone for just a moment to get to her cell, and saw the caller. "What is it my love?" She went back to the bath, and began showering Sarah's while talking on the phone, getting her into the bath later.

"I know it's late dear, and I'm glad you answered. But, it's about Drake… and his parents. His mother was found dead just in the evening and we have conducted an autopsy already. Would you mind having the boy stay awake tonight, I'm heading home soon to talk with him" he informed her as he was at his desk reading off the issues found on the body.

"Oh… I'll see, okay then dear, be safe" she hung up and looked at Sarah.

She turned her head and asked. "Is everything okay?" She asked innocently.

"Yes. Everything is fine…" she lied to her, unsure of how this would affect both her and Drake. She was a bit worried. "Let's take a bath now…" she said to her and both got in relaxing and watched her play a little.

At the station Tristan had been stressed out. "Just when I was getting a grasp of what the home situation is like, this happened.… Has his father been found yet?" He asked an officer who was his assistant.

"No, and sir what is your relationship with the young man? Please don't act on personal emotions" he said sounding inconsiderate, but he was worried.

"I know, don't worry, and he is my son in law I guess, regardless don't worry I won't let my emotions get to me, the boys father is what I'm worried about, he is a monster, so make sure to patrol around the area, that being said, the boy is also a suspect. Since his relationship isn't the best with them. Damn" he didn't want to make him a suspect, but he had no choice.

"Sorry sir… okay, well set out some more patrols" his assistant said.

"Not too many, we can't alarm the neighborhood, or he won't come out, but..  watch my home and watch the boy, the man will likely come after him and his sister…" he thought. "So only one or two officers and vehicles. We need to keep our other men around for the bigger fish."

"You mean the rising and current gang disputes right?" The officer asked Tristan.

"Yeah, lately there is no trouble. But we can't just let then do as they please, okay i'll be heading out to go talk with the boy, make sure the others get to work put out a notice, if the man can't be found within three days, take this to the news okay" Tristan gave him an order and grabbed his things as he began to leave.

Back home, when Jess was finished with her bath, she was put in a towel when she came down to see Alex and Marlene sitting with Drake. "Hey Drake, I need to tell you something. It's urgent" she came downstairs slightly wet and the towel barely holding and hiding her exposed skin, and steaming slighky from her hot bath.

When they turned and saw the sight Alex was flustered and stopped Drake from looking. While Marlene panicked. "Mom! Get some damn clothes on!" She also went to cover his eyes.

Drake did also see her in practically less before and did still see her for a frame this time. But it didn't stop the girls. "Uh… what did you need ma'am?" He asked.

"Drake if you look I'm knocking you out" Alex told him.

"My hands are on my lap don't worry, I can't see because you two are blocking my eyesight" he told them and made sure to not move.

"Oh come on, what would a boy his age like with a mature woman like myself…" Jess said and walked over, setting her breast on his head teasing them all. "My husband wanted to talk with you… so please stay up tonight okay… it's actually very important."

"Mom, do you have to be so close…" Marlene said, feeling envious for some reason and so was Alex.

"Okay, I'll wait until he gets home… Did he say what it could be?" He asked, feeling her warmth. And did his best to not react when water dropped onto him.

"I'm sorry. He did tell me. But i cant tell you, im sorry hunny. both of you girls get ready for bed okay…" Jess told them and slowly backed away from them leaving back upstairs.

Alex asked him. "Did that turn you on?" She glared at him.

"Nope… seriously have some faith in me you two…" he was holding back a lot.

"Right…" Alex then reached for his crotch grabbing him.

"Woah! Alex, that's… indecent!" Marlen said and grabbed her hand away from his area.

"I just wanted to be sure…" she said red embarrassed from what she did.

"I think that was the first time you dared taking the lead…" Drake teased her. And took both of their hands away to let him see again.

Marlene was curious so she asked Alex. "How was it?"

"I'm right here you know" Drake turned to her.

Alex replied to her. "Still big, but not excited she was shy again, since now she was sharing and comparing her Drake with another girl.

"Oh…! my..." Marlene was flustered and stared at his lap, curious herself.

"And I'm going to take a bath now first…" he got up. And left before anything else happened to him in the spur of the moment.

Both were still quiet. But did lean up on one another taking up his space together. "Awe…" Marlene pouted since she couldn't get the chance like Alex.

"That was a surprise for sure…" he sighed and stretched as was at the top of the stairs. "What does he wanna talk about I wonder… well I can talk to him about our plan sooner than I thought at least" he was fine with the sudden talk, but since Jess mentioned it was serious. He knew to be ready for a talk. While he did take a shower, then into a bath. He relaxed and freshened up for bed later.

It had been just two hours, when Tritan came home. Drake was downstairs on the couch napping. But when he heard movement he woke up, when he sat up the light came on and he saw him. "Welcome home…" he stood up and walked to the table where he followed.

"Thank you for the welcome. Though I hope it was my daughter or wife usually telling me…" he was messing with him. When he sat down he sighed.

"It must be tough being a cop, what did you need to talk about sir?" He asked him and sat looking at him.

"I'll be honest kid, it's about your parent's." He said and looked at him.

"I don't care about them anymore…" Drake told him bluntly. "They are both trash in MY eyes, and dead to me. I don't ever wish to see either of them, not that I've moved here. But I don't want to stay here either" he explained to him, making him look bad based on the info Tristan hadn't yet told him about.

"I get it, your home wasn't a happy one. And no one should go through it… but son, your mother was found dead, and what you're saying. you're a likely suspect. Not to mention your history" He told him being straightforward.

"So you went through the trouble of telling me… I might as well just say it, I'm not involved in her death, in fact I hardly saw her at home, since I came home late. She'd go out right after we got home, so it's natural I never saw her around much. I don't know about home throughout the day, maybe ask my fathers friends. The bunch of rapists and drunk a lot of them" he told him.

"Aside from how you feel, can you just tell me exactly and the truth of what you did when you last went home? We concluded it was about three days and a half ago. The time fits when I think about when you moved in at least. I won't house a killer here drake" he told him, his eyes were sharp.

"And I understand that, but I promise you I didn't kill her, if you want to know what I did. Well, I was injured, remember? I'd be opening my wounds around my head, and my hands were hurt, if I tried attacking anyone id be harming myself. And another thing, I did go back, and saw blood on the ground, before I picked up my clothes to bring here. It likely happened before I moved, but as recent as the same day or just hours before. So it would be a coincidence, not exactly a good alibi, but it is the truth" Drake answered him honestly and didn't divert his eyes or any muscles twitch.

"Right then… that's all I wanted to tell you" he got up. "I'll… trust, that my son in law is telling the truth. At least that's how I feel, I'll need to check your home however" he told him.

"Go ahead sir, but before you go, I do need to talk with you about something, it's not set in stone yet, but it is talked about and I want you involved, I have your wife's permission and I want yours" Drake informed him. Not wanting to waste the chance.

"Alright, what is It, it seems like you have something to talk about too" he sat back down and looked at him.

"First, let me say, thank you, for seeing me as a son in law, that means more than you could ever know… truly. Back too what I wanted to say, well, I'm planning to move, and I'd like to take your daughter with me, this is sudden, and I did already agree to be engaged with her, and this won't happen anytime soon. But, in the event it happens, I want to ask you, will you allow it? That I spend my life with your daughter" he asked him.

Tristan didn't like it one bit. This boy came into their life all of a sudden, and now was asking for something so daring. "No…" he said, but in that pause and silence. He was in thought. "Is what I'd like to say. But son, that isn't for me to decide, if she has already agreed then so be it. I don't like that you just came into our family. But… Your eyes tell me a story. A sad one, when I first saw you, you looked dead, gloomy and sad, but I see you've made up your mind on the future you want for yourself, one opposite of what you had been through. Even if I say what i should naturally as a father, I feel you wouldn't accept unless I give you a clear answer. So how about this, before you graduate, think of something you want to be in the future, become financially stable, and have your own career, so you won't have to live in an apartment, but a home… Do you understand? You have my blessings, only if you can promise me that you'll have a future in something you want to do" he asked him and told him. He even had a small light smile. He did hope to have a talk like this someday as a father, but also he was glad to have a son.

"I can, most definitely promise you that"  Drake agreed. "I mean it, I'll do everything in my power to be a good husband. And son." The night ends with something warm between them.

"Okay, I'll see you all later, go to bed" Tristan got up, and left once again.

"I guess I have two dads now huh. Trey and him" he smiled softly as it filled a missing part of him. He got up himself and headed upstairs. He saw Marlene and Alex cuddling Sarah. So he went to the floor and slept the rest of the night. What stuck with him was the part Tristan said about housing a killer. He was one, but it sounded like he must have looked into his profile. "I'll need to be more careful," he told himself as he fell asleep.

The next morning, his phone was ringing and Sarah had woken up earlier than everyone and went to see who was calling. She saw the name and it was from Maria. She got out of bed and crawled to her brother on the floor and laid with him as she began to wake him. "Drake…. Big bro, wake up…" she was still sleepy and tired.

He heard the ringing, and his sister. "Oh… okay" he grabbed the phone and then tucked in his sister while he got up. And answered as he left the room. "It's way too early to be calling me… what is it?"

"Is that how you greet your mother?" She teased him.

"I guess not, sorry…" he knew she was too. "So what's up?"

"I know it's the weekend, and frankly I shouldn't be bothered with calling you, but I got no one else I can just ask for this. We have a transfer student coming into school, she insisted on being shown around the school and town today rather than a school day, Her parents are damn rich so I need you to take care of this, and I feel like I have no one else who can do this." she told him. "Don't worry, I'll pay you for the trouble… but if your working I'll understand if you decline"

"I need the money, so yeah I'll come over…" he agreed.

"Prepare yourself Drake." She warned him.

"Huh? For what" he wondered.

"This girl is the spitting image of Sarah." She told him.

He was shocked from what he heard. "You're not implying, what I think you are are you?"

"You'll see for yourself… maybe you can figure something out, let's talk more later okay kid, we'll be waiting at the entrance for you okay Draky. Love you dear" she hung up abruptly.

Drake had his mind racing with question. "That a bad joke… it better be one Maria…" part of him was worried what this could mean. The man who had gotten his whore mother pregnant had a family of his own. One that was rich. And what would be the chance they look like Sarah, but also his age if they were going to school. He felt sick. "Hold on. It could just be a coincidence." He got himself together and relaxed. "I'll get my answers…" he told himself and got changed. He manged to wake up both Alex and Marlene who didn't feel Sarah anymore. But saw him getting dressed to go out.

"Where are you going? It's a weekend drake" Marlene said to him. While Alex got up. "Where did Sarah go?"

"Maria asked me to help her with something, and Sarah is asleep on the floor in my place…" he grabbed his sister and lifted her into the bed between them again. "I'll be back soon okay. Or I may end at work…" he said to them kissing them both in there cheeks before laying them back down.

"Okay… just be safe okay. We'll wait here for you" Marlene said to him, and spooned Sarah gently again.

"What she said drake, but are you gonna be alright?" Alex was still concerned.

"You should know me by now. If I say I'll come back, I'll come back. Now get some more sleep in" he reassured her. "If you two need me, I'm just a call away okay. Ill come running if there is trouble"

They both smiled and kissed his cheeks together. Now letting him go. He walked around the bed to leave the room and then the house.

Back at the high rise, a woman began to wake up from a bed, covered with plenty of other woman she devoured in pleasure. She was in her underwear as she looked at the view outside as the sun began to break the horizon. "I wonder how my big man is doing these days… I should pay him a visit some time." She licked her lips and groped her breast. "Oh Drake. Why did you have to go" she had an alluring and deep powerful hypnotic tone in her voice. "I'm sure they should be meeting soon enough… and ill be able to see him soon. You owe me. Ahhh…" she sighed out in pleasure as she then turned away from the view to get to work.

next chapter
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