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46.42% Everyday Life of A Delinquent / Chapter 13: Ch. 13 - A Hidden Family and Consequence

Chapitre 13: Ch. 13 - A Hidden Family and Consequence

Drake was left questioning this new student's deal. 'I was likely picked because of personal choice by Maria. But what she said. If it's true, I'll have to be careful dealing with them. Or, dealing with anyone who has an eye on them' he would arrive at the school gate and see them. Maria and the new girl.

When he got closer he had a better look at the girl. She wore jeans, with a plain white top but had a sleeveless jacket. She was curvy and looked all alluring and proper like a rich girl. "You must be Drake" she spoke up to him.

He honestly couldn't believe it, she did in fact look like his sister. Different colors, eyes matching hers, only opposite. Blond hair, pale soft skin. "It's nice to meet you"

Maria  spoke up. "This is Anna, well Annabelle, but she wanted to be called Anna. Anyways kid. Here. Be good to her" she walked up to him patting his head and giving him pay for the trouble. "Both of you come right back here if you're done okay, I still have to finish enrolling you" Maria told Anna and walked into her school to work.

Now alone Drake stood with her and she got a better look at him. "You're just as principle Maria described a tough guy, with ugly piercing but good looks, may I feel your arm?" She was curious. Since she heard just the praise around him from Maria.

"I'm not here to be your boyfriend Anna, I'm just here as your guide, we can do the school last since we're coming back anyways, let's go I'll show you around town" he said to her, not meaning to make it sound like he had an attitude.

"Someone is grumpy, fine…" she walked beside him. "You know, this is the part where you get to know the girl you're walking with?" She wanted to talk with him.

"I'm not much of a small talker. Frankly my weekend could be spent better, but here I am doing my mom and favor" he told her.

"She's your mom? You don't strike me as her kid though" she said thinking about how they both look.

"She isn't my blood mother, but I look up to her as one. My real one just recently died, but even then she wasn't much of one" he said bluntly and coldly. He really didn't care.

This startled her a bit. "Still it's your mother…" she wasn't sure what to say. "Sorry to bring it up"

"You didn't, I did by talking too much…" he said and looked at her. "Forget it okay,"

"If you say so… still," she felt awkward trying to talk to him now.

"This is the library," he said suddenly and stopped in front of the entrance. "Across is a Cafe and just down there is a store if you're looking for a quick bite… just down the block over there is a park just further down." He explained a lot of the area quickly.

"Wait! Wait, okay so the store is there, a Cafe there… and a park just a little jog away" she did her best to remember the area. "If you can't tell, I'm not from the area, I'm actually from another state away,"

"That much is obvious, why would a rich girl be all the way out here is what's bothering me, you could go overseas or to a private dorm school, why here?" He was getting his answer sooner than he hoped.

"Because of my idiotic father… look it's personal okay… can you show me where the  mall is, or where there are good spots to eat?" She asked him, having an expression of doubt and stress.

"Right, it's not my business. Let's go" turning away he was then in his emotions. He hated this, she looked like her and yet he was feeling sick hearing her speak. To even look at her. He rejected the idea that Anna was related to Sarah. Even if they looked so alike. He couldn't stand her very presence.

He didn't want to believe it was true. Out of fear she was going to be taken? Or maybe the fear that she was better off taking Sarah to live a rich life? He couldn't make up his mind and it hurt him deeply to the point it made him sick at the thought.

"Hey. Drake, you… haven't been very kind… and frankly, it doesn't seem like you're all interested in escorting me, do you want to stop this?" She asked him. Holding her hands as she looked at the ground.

"I gave Maria my word to guide you, so I'll do that, if you're not from around here, you'll get your money stolen or worse, so keep up with me already" he told her and without meaning to. "I'll keep you safe, got it" he turned to look at her.

She looked at him. Since force once in their talk he was actually nice. "Okay!" She smiled and caught up to him. Together walking again. "About the personal thing… like why I came here… I'm looking for someone"

"Good luck with that, around here… if someone is missing, they are likely dead… or never found, this isn't the best city for a rich girl, you'll have the attention of a lot of unsavory men and women" he warned her.

"Is that your way of showing concern?" She asked, but did like that he was changing his attitude bit by bit.

"Who knows… anyways if you're looking for a place to eat, this diner is a nice spot… let's go inside, just for a sec" he told her and walked inside.

The female waiters noticed Drake. And the girl who looked like an adult Sarah. They couldn't help but look confused. But also decided to not know anything since Drake was with someone for the first time coming here. One of the ladies approached him. "How can we help you today Drake?"

"This is Anna, would you mind if I talk to the boss for a sec?" he asked.

"Of course, he's in the back, I'll take you," she replied.

"Uh, Drake, are you a regular?" Anna asked him.

"I work here… please spare me a moment, okay, take a seat, and wait for me, it'll be quick" he told her, and another lady helped her to an open table.

Drake met up with his boss. "You don't work until later, what's up?" He asked Drake.

"That girl isn't my sister, so spread the word before there is a misunderstanding…" he told him.

"I thought it was strange… I'm not gonna ask knowing you, did you need something little bro?"

Drake smiled. "I may not be able to come in, will that be a problem?" He asked him "I can make up for it, by working full time for you now"

"Woah?! Are you a serious kid?! That'd be great, but… what about home?" He was concerned since he also knew of his problem.

"Oh don't worry, I moved out and Sarah is safe with me. But yeah, I can't do a full eight hours. But I can for sure come after school every other day or every night for you, we can talk about more if you'd like another time." He offered.

"You got a deal man, come by another time enjoy the day okay" he said to Drake. "Feel free to have dessert with her before you go at least, since you went through the trouble" he said and got on the radio to tell everyone what Drake said to him.

"Thank you, big bro" he left and Drake grabbed a cheesecake to bring over to Anna. "Here… eat this for the trouble"

"Oh yum! I love sweets" she said and began to politely eat.

'So does Sarah, God dammit what the hell is happening…' he was frustrated. But he just tried to ignore it. "Eat that. And we can get going"

"This is the best, I hope I'll see you if I come by," she said to him and ate happily. "For real, oh so what did you have to do?"

"I had to ask for the day off, I work only part time here at the moment" he explained to her.

"What? But you're still in school right? Why?" She was curious and cut up the cake again but held this next bite in place for him.

"I need money for myself… nothing more. Uh, what are you doing?" He asked when he saw her raise the fork up to his lips with a piece of cake.

"For you, that's why, go on eat it. Please. I'll think of some way to treat you for today" she said to him.

"No need, I'm getting paid, so this is fine. And that's for you, so please eat it…" he said. But she wasn't giving up. "Fine…" he opened his mouth and was fed.

"Yay! He ate it…" she smiled at him. And then continued to eat. It didn't take long to finish. "I'm done, let's go…"

"Thank you for coming" the staff said, as they left.

Drake walked with her again now to the mall.

"You know, this is kinda like a date don't you think?" She said to him,

"Gross…" he said looking at her disgusted, and she felt so hurt and drained.

"Huh!? What? Why? Am I so ugly to you?" She looked ready to cry.

He sighed. "Relax drama queen, it's just… nothing, sorry… you look fine, don't worry okay" he felt bad, but also didn't want to see someone wearing Sarah's face crying because of him. "I was out of line…"

"Really?" She asked him.

"Yes really, now stop it already" he turned away.

She grabbed onto his hand and then held his arm. "Then act like my boyfriend and pretend this is a date…! To make it up to me"

"Fine…" he gave in. "Just don't over do it…"

"Yay!" She was happy again and kept walking by him, and squeezed his arm. "You are muscular… wow"

"I forgot you wanted to do that… whatever let's go… the mall is a bit away" he told her as he led them around the town showing more of the area and places to go.

"I've been meaning to ask, but Drake, do you have any siblings?" She asked directly to him.

"I do… a kid sister… What about you?" He asked her. Not wanting to answer further and dig some information out of her.

"It's complicated. But, I guess you can say I do" she answered. "My dad cheated on my mom, with some prostitute… he wasn't rich to begin with, he married into my family, things were fine, but a few years ago on a trip here for business he cheated on her. We only found out recently, because it was on his will when he died. My mother doesn't want this child around. And I'm trying to find her… would it be trouble to ask you, if you can show me around orphanages too? Or adoption homes?" She asked, gripping on his arm.

He got exactly what he wanted out of her. And far too easily. "I'm not helping on this quest of yours… and if your mother doesn't want this illegitimate child, why do you want to find them?"

"Because… my dad may have been scum. But I can't deny that this child is my sibling… beside… in the left message there were plans to abandon them and sell them. So I want to find her."

This made Drake sick and more hateful of the type of people his father would meet and befriend. "I guess that man wanted to die with a clear conscience. And you're fine with supporting his irredeemable behavior?" He asked her. "Your mother also doesn't want this child. So what are you hoping to accomplish?"

"I know… my mother won't accept them… and I know my father was evil, the worst, but… this kid.. shouldn't live out here like this… please help me, you're the only one I've been able to talk with about this" she pleaded to him.

Just the idea and possibilities around this made him worry. Not to mention he couldn't trust this girl at face value.

"Is that a no?" She asked from his silence.

"Correct, I'm not gonna help, so please don't ask me to again…" he gently took her away from his arm.

"Sorry" She looked at the ground, slowly walking by him still.

"We're at the mall now…" he told her, and her attention drifted up to the large building.

"Oh wow" she looked around when they entered.

"The third floor has a clothing section, first floor an arcade and various activities, second is typically the day-to-day stuff" he told her.

"Do you come here often? Are you a playboy or something, oh my god, I'm sorry, did you have a girlfriend or something?" She asked him. Only realizing to ask him now after what she said.

"In fact I do, so please don't make me be your fake boyfriend again if you'd be so kind" he said in response to her.

But, it made her hate him. "Then why not say anything?!"

"Because I wasn't going to do anything to you, and you asked me to play along," he said to her.

"Still, you need to be faithful, jerk!" She said to him.

"I am, and don't you question me about that or raise your voice with me. Before I came here I informed them I would leave to do this, I shouldn't have to prove my faithfulness to you." He told her.

"I guess that makes sense… still, you should have said something" she insisted.

"Would you have ended this 'date' if you knew? I would say you did, and then you'd be lost." He pointed out almost silencing her.

"Fine… I get it. My bad Drake" she looked gloomy and sighed. "Just who are you Drake?" She asked him.

"I'm just a delinquent, nothing special… Now let's go already, did you want to do anything then?" He asked her.

"Well… I'm living alone, so how about you help me sort through stuff to buy like clothes and furniture?" She asked him.

"Sure whatever." He agreed. "Wait… I can't be spending all day with you now that I think about it. I have plans with my girls at home" he said to her.

"Your sister and your girlfriend? Kinda weird saying it like that, don't you think?" She said feeling uncomfortable.

"No, I have two girlfriends. I should have cleared that up, before you go on a tangent, I've got blessings from both of them. And it was their idea not mine. So don't go off on me again" he said, having this authority in his voice.

"Fine, fine. At least you cleared it up… but you better not lie to me… I hate cheaters above all else."

"I bet… so what do you wanna do?" He asked her.

"Clothes, it'll be easy and take up the time you have left. Sounds good?" She asked him.

"Sure, but you do realize we're strangers, and you're asking a guy you don't know to see you in clothes" he pointed out.

"Don't be weird about it, besides, I prefer women, if you must know. And I doubt you're the type to assault a lady. Even though you look like you ravage women left and right at night." She said and stuck her tongue out.

"I'm not scum…" he said, pinning her to a wall with a hand beside her head. "Don't assume so much… get to know a person before you hate or dislike them."

She looked up at him, and was a bit stunned. "F-fine. My bad drake sir" she slipped away and kept walking.

He followed behind her to the third floor. Where they went to the same store as he went into last time.

"You can just sit and wait okay" she told him.

"Fine by me… I'll amuse myself somehow" he sat back and got on his phone.

Akane had messaged him. "Dude who the hell are you with right now?" He asked. And Drake gave him a call.

"Are you nearby by any chance?" Drake asked him.

"Yeah, I'm in the same mall on the first floor, you're not cheating on those two are you?" He asked back.

"No, long story, but mind doing me a favor man?" Drake asked him.

"Oh, yeah sure, what did you need?" Akane responded to him.

"Don't take any pictures or be weird, this chick isn't Sarah. I'm glad you figured that out, in any case, just head to Marlene's house and let her know about what's going on. I'll be heading home late it seems, I would tell her myself, but… this is kinda important to me. I have questions about what's going on, just personal things okay" he asked of akane.

"Uh, I don't mind… but I don't know the address, and I hope it works out. But I would like to know what's going on" he said.

"I'll tell you all later, I swear, and ask Marlene, just tell her you got a message, she'll guide you" he then hung up.

"Alright" akane grabbed his bag, and was done at the arcade to then go off and do Drake a solid.

"Was that your girl?" Anna asked him.

"No, just a friend" he turned around and saw her in lingerie. "Why are you out of the stall like that?"

"I wanted to see how you would react, and no good it seemed." She said and soon put her hand on her waist. "I'm tired of this… your attitude towards me has been complete shit Drake."

"So what? I'm not your butler" Drake told her, seeing her own attitude shift.

"Why? What did I do? We just met, did you want to spend the day fucking your sluts or something? I said we can stop this earlier, were you hoping to attack me?" She said looking at him.

"Don't give yourself credit. And I said not to judge me, look bitch, I could care less about your opinions, but I won't be compared to trash, do you wanna know why my attitude has been aggressive and rude. It's because you look like my sister. I don't hate her, she's my pride and joy, but when I look at you I can't stand it… put the pieces together and you'll understand" he told her, being honest with her now.

She paid attention to his words, and she began to reflect on what she told him, but also her reason for being here. "You're not saying…"

"I am…" he glared at her. "The girl searching is my kid sister… and you look like her. Exactly like her. Apart from the eyes" he took out his phone, to show an image of his sister eating ice cream yesterday.

"No way…!" She walked up to him, taking the phone. "You have to show me her… you have to let me take her home…!" She was looking at her and saw her own resemblances.

"Like hell, your mother would resort to killing her, she doesn't want the child around. And you are just looking for her for your self satisfaction and to save your own home. I've been the one raising her all on my damn own, and you want me to hand her over to you and your family." He took his phone back.

"Then let me just see her…" she asked, and grabbed onto his pants looking up at him. "Please… just that at least… and tell me how she has been?"

"You aren't getting near her. Can you imagine the confusion it will cause her? Do you even understand how that would affect her? And it was your own family who abandoned her, and neglected her. Why should I allow you to redeem them. Go back to your own city." He told her looking down at her with merciless eyes.

"Your… to cruel… that's my sister! Why are you against it!" She asked.

"You don't know a thing about me, or what I had to do, endure and sacrifice to keep her safe. You've lived it up, cozy and safe, while I survived day to day to keep her fed and away from harm. You just learned about her, and come at me with this crap" He took away his legs and sighed. "Are we done now?"

She was about to cry, and stared to the floor. "I won't let you keep us apart… you can't have her to yourself… I swear I'll take her back and I'll give her everything she needs" she said, trying to be strong about this. "I'm so close… don't take this from me…"

"Why do you want to find her so much?" He asked her and got down.

"Because… She's family… what else, I'm supposed to help her… but you aren't gonna let me, why are you against it, because you put in hard work… you are nothing like her. You were just adopted or something, screw you" she looked at him in tears.

He grabbed her head and pulled her hair. "I don't care about your sob story… and you frankly didn't answer my question. What it sounds like to me, is how selfish you are. You haven't thought of how she would feel. I've been raising her. Do you want to tell her something like 'I'm taking you home, she's not your family' or something like that?" He then pulled her hair back and it began to hurt her. "I shed blood to keep her safe from the house she lived in. My mother is her mother, you'd be my cousin or half sister. Yet I feel so disgusted looking at you. I don't care. What I do care for is for my sister. My father would beat me endlessly for hours and days at a time. So tell me again, to my face, who deserves to look after her? You. Who just learned about her existence. Or her brother, who has to sacrifice blood, sweat and tears, for her to have breakfast everyday, and took her to school. To even give a normal life in an abusive home. Who is more deserving?" He let her go as he got up.

She was scared of him. The entire time his eyes glared at her. Striking fear, and his strength was intense just like his attitude just now. "Im… sorry…" she submitted and curled herself.

"This field trip is over. I got my answers, so get changed. And we'll head to school, I'll drop you off and that'll be it, hopefully you leave or give up on this, and I won't have to compete with you again about this"

She grinds her teeth hating this feeling. She got up and did just as he said, getting changed. She came back out to him. And followed him quietly.

He led the way out of the mall. With her behind him.

"Pick up the P-" he turned only to see a car abruptly stop, men in multiple came out, gagging her as they swiftly took her away as they came. His eyes opened as if time just slowed down. 'Not her of all people!' He thought, because she was wearing his sister's face. His instincts quickly came in. The image he saw changed from Anna to Sarah as was holding out her hand for him "You bastards!" He yelled and quickly ran after the car. But also grabbed his phone.

"We got her! Holy shit that was easy! She's a bit taller than I thought. But damn she was worth it" one man said since their target was Sarah to begin with. Instead they captured Anna however.

Anna began to freak out as she was being held down, and tried to squirm around looking up at her four men who kidnapped her. She couldn't speak, and soon felt a rag take the place of a hand until she was fast asleep.

"The boss won't mind if we go at it… will he?"

"Who cares, we're paying for this nice little brat. Let's do as we please"

"Hold on" a man upfront held a gun to them. "We promised the goods would be unharmed. Lay a finger on her. And you all won't have any fun…"


"No buts… relax. She isn't going anywhere, and we need our men to capture that boy. He's still following us. Let's deal with him. And we all get what we want do you hear me"


"Good, now tie her up. We can't let her escape, just don't break any bones."

Drake ended his call. "Thank you Ace." He quickly ran over everything in his way, jumping into and over traffic. "Now the cops…" he got on the phone with the police.

"Get me the chief of police now dammit I'm his kid" he yelled, and with urgency.

"What is it?" Tristan asked, when he got the message and now on the phone with him.

"I'm chasing a vehicle that kidnapped a girl. Track my phone and get to me now dammit…" Drake said.

He stood up rapidly. "Get the hell out of traffic and stop what you're doing boy, we'll go after them, everyone get going now!" He yelled at the station "track the phone and follow, keep eyes on him, don't you hang up"

"I wasn't planning on it." Drake responded.

"You're being calm, what's going on?" He asked Drake while he made his way into a car to help follow the kidnapping.

"This isn't my first time getting into trouble" Drake spotted someone on a bike. "Sorry man" he shoved him off. And tossed the cash. "Stay here, I'll be back to give it to you!" He then drove off at high speed.

"Are you on a bike! Do you even have a license!" Tristan was stressed out.

"Now isn't the time… where are your men? Have them cut me off or let me pass, I'm right on them, prepare also for gun fire!" He told him. As Drake soon swerved behind a van when shots were heard.

"Drake! Don't get yourself killed dammit!" Tristan then got information from the sky when a helicopter was now in pursuit.

"How did they get on us so fast?! Who the he are these kids."

Drake was soon by them, and grabbed the man who had the gun. "You fucked with the wrong person" his tattoo visible to them.

"You're kidding me!" He attempted taking his gun back. And opened the door to knock Drake off his motorbike.

Drake resisted kicking the door back in and forcing him to disarm, only after first breaking there arm, taking the firearm. Drake himself shot out car tires, forcing them to swerve around into traffic, and forced him to back up and stay on them now.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" The driver panicked.

A few yelled. But the other man suggested. "Dumb bitch, before we all get killed and caught. It's the girl all he wants right! though her out the van, then he'll back off!"

The back doors opened showing her tied up.

"Don't you dare…" Drake saw them pick her up.

"Drake! What's going on! Talk to me!" Tristan yelled at him.

A crash was heard over the phone. shock and horror stuck him, but he remained as calm as he could until he could arrive.

Drake sped up, and slid the bike tossing it as he caught her in the air. Being forced to roll back into the street. He held onto her protecting her as he rolled across the ground scraping his head and body on the road. The bike crashed into other cars while the van kept driving away. The helicopter followed them, but police vehicles stopped by him. He still had the gun in hand, but he was out cold.

"Drake!" Tristan panicked and when he arrived he saw the accident. And how banged up he was. But also the girl he was with. "Sarah? No… she looks older, get the ambulance!" He ordered, as he went up to Drake. "Stay with me kid…" he examined his body and saw his twisted leg and cuts on his head and body. She was unharmed but also out cold. "Follow that van" he ordered again and some left while other police stayed to protect civilians and examine the scene.

This was in the news, and back home Marlene, Akane, Sarah and Alex as well as Jess saw who was on the TV. "No… Drake…" Marlene was shocked. And when the camera focused on the car chase, they all weren't sure what to do. Jess stopped them from leaving when they all got up.

"Leave this to your father… now all of you sit down" she didn't like it either.

Drake opened his eyes and saw Tristan. He sat up quickly in the ambulance. "What happened?"

"Easy kid, you're in an ambulance… just what the hell were you thinking, stealing a bike. And changing a vehicle at high speed, you broke your leg and got scratched up, so don't move" he told him.

"They kidnapped Anna, where is she?!" He asked him, grabbing his arm.

"The girl is in another ambulance herself, don't worry, my police are escorting us… what happened" he asked him.

"Anna, she looked like my sister… out of instinct, I wanted to save her. Even if it costs my life. That's all"

"You stole a bike and were in possession of a firearm" he pointed out.

"It wasn't mine, I took off the side passenger, and the bike. I gave the guy cash before I left. He should be back where I stole it." He told the truth. "I didn't kill anyone… did i?"

"No… but you could have gotten yourself killed dumbass" he scolded him. And when he raised his hand it startled Drake. But felt his hug. "My daughter wouldn't allow me to see her again if I let you die… so thank god your safe kid… don't do that again dammit"

Drake raised his hands and grabbed him. "I'm sorry…"

"It's okay, you got lucky this time… you only have a broken leg, so no walking okay. Well get you looked at and your wounds helped then I'll take you home okay" he gently patted Drake's head and rubbed his back.

"Thank you… dad…" he held Tristan tightly and sulked a bit into his shoulders.

He let go, and then told Drake. "The girl you saved, there was not a scratch on her. You did something incredible today, so, as your father in law. I'm proud of you kid. Truly," he smiled at Drake for once.

"Thank you sir, and I'm glad to hear that she is unharmed. If I had to be honest sir, they were likely going after my sister so I have a request. Please interrogate them if you catch them" he said. And in his mind. 'If not. I have plan b to do it myself.'

"Don't worry, my men are still chasing them. And I'll be sure your name is cleared in the incident." Tristan reassured him, and when the ambulance came to a stop, they helped him out as well as Anna in the other one. Taking them all into the hospital, making them share the same space within hours of a check up.

It had been spread fast enough, who was in the incident, as well hours had passed, with the men in the van all being apprehended. Thanks to messed up tires slowing them all down significantly. Drake was reading a book and sat up while next to him, Anna was still asleep behind a curtain in her own bed.

Jess would soon arrive with everyone, Marlene, Akane, Sarah and Alex. They all walked over to him and saw his leg in a cast. Sarah began to cry as she climbed up to him.

"Don't die please!" She said, 

"I'm not dying, relax…" he said to her and held her. He hugged her especially tight. "I'm sorry"

"What you did was reckless, incredibly insane Drake" Alex told him. "But. Are you really okay?"

"Dude… how are you not dead, that was a nasty crash…" Akane told him.

Marlene was at the brink of tears "Don't, scare us like that…" she hugged him and also tingly squeezed him.

"You all saw? Don't worry, I'm alive, and I've lived worse, I had to save someone okay" he told them. And they all were surprised. Since the last part wasn't exactly shown clearly.

"Who?" He looked over to the next curtain.

"Them, I'm sure they are asleep. Look, don't stress them okay, and I still need to recover," he said to them.

"Drake dear, how are you feeling?" Jess asked him.

"I'm just fine. It's kinda getting suffocating in here… can I get some space?" He asked.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" Sarah yelled at him. And laid by him in the bed.

"Hehe… okay. We'll be outside, just call for us." Alex said, and they agreed to give him space. They left Sarah to be with him.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked him.

"Yeah I'm okay, would I lie to you?" He said and kissed her head. "Did I make you worry?"

"Yes… it was scary… I thought, I'd lose you…" she grabbed onto his shirt and teared up.

"I made you a promise, I'd keep you safe, remember. I'm not gonna die so easily. Not until I see you get married" he told her and laid down with her.

"I'm not gonna marry anyone! I just want to stay with you" she grabbed onto him more and hid herself cuddling his side.

"Okay okay" he gently patted her head, while he stared at the ceiling and the light above him. "Did you eat yet Sarah?" He asked her.

"No… I didn't want to eat lunch without you," she looked up to him from his side.

"You need to eat, besides Jess makes yummy food…" he told her and chuckled.

"I know… but, I wanted my brother to be with us… as a family" she whimpered a bit and spoke softer. "I was scared… what if you didn't wake up…?" She clinged to his side.

Anna, was awake in the other bed now. And heard them the entire time. 'How can I compete with that…' she thought to herself. 'But, he did save me… he looked at me like he hated me… probably because I looked like his sister, or maybe because he hated the idea his sister had another family… still they seem so happy together…' she's worried for him. 'He broke his leg and yet is laughing with her. I can't take her away…' she gave up on the idea.

"Are you awake yet?" Drake asked and Sarah sat up.

"Me?" Sarah asked, and it made Drake chuckle.

"No silly" he poked her nose and it made her giggle.

"Yeah, I'm awake…" she sat up. And got out of bed. She pulled away the curtain to show herself to them.

Sarah looked surprised and in awe. "You look like me!" She smiled brightly to her.

This made Anna cry. Her half sister was doing well, even smiling like this in front of her. She looked at Drake, and could see now he meant it. How he shed blood, sweat and tears all for her. "Strange huh?" She said, keeping it a secret.

But Drake spoke up. "She's your half sister Sarah, your other half sibling" he told her, and thus made Anna break out in tears. "Sarah knows, I'm her half brother."

"Your… my… real half sister?" Sarah asked, nearly crying herself. She wasn't sure how to feel.

Anna nodded and smiled. "I am" she got up and went over to hug her tightly. "Thank you Drake… so much!" She cried more. And Sarah hugged her crying as well. She was given the chance to see and talk to her. But also learn the truth. both of them.

Drake laid there, watching them. He had a soft smile and the. Looked away as to hide his emotions. He felt perplexed, but, after the entire ordeal, he couldn't worry about any of that now. People were worried, and the moral had to be lifted, so no one would feel sad or the need to worry.

News about this spread quickly, how he was a sort of hero for the time being, however his face was seen through for a while, enemies noticed him, and allies were surprised for sure.

*I'd like to apologize, I got some names mixed around, Marry is the primary school teacher. and Maria is the principal of the high school the main group attends. I mixed these two characters names and to be honest, i have no idea for how long ill go back and correct the error, please enjoy another chapter, this may or may not happen again*

next chapter
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