The moment the carriage was a few inches from the gate to the Glowing respite valley both eagle statues opened one of their eyes. The one on the left opened its right eye as the one on the right opened its left eye.
The eyes flashed with a gentle white glow that covered the carriage and Feng Xin. There were ancient glyphs flashing from their eyes as the glow wrapped around the carriage.
"Confirmed: Order issued carriage number 9112.
Confirmed personnel of the Order:
Yang Qing: Employee number 2140.
Designation: Superior core court judge
Yi Jie: Employee number 2142
Designation: Chief inquisitor under judge Yang Qing.
The two eagle statues mechanically said as their white glow scanned the carriage, Yi Jie and Yang Qing.
"Who would believe that these two statues despite their aged appearance and small figure have enough might to kill a peak domain expert in less than five minutes," Yang Qing said as he sighed in admiration within the carriage.
hey there for those interested in knowing further about how many holy lands there are around the world and the oceans and seas around you can check out the brief overview chapter in the auxiliary volume.
And as always
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