The carriage soon came to a stop at a fork in the road. Both sides of the road had two wooden signboards. The one on the left had the words 'eagle's wings' on them and the one on the left had the word 'eagle's eye'.
The carriage was driven to the left side with the sign 'eagle's wings'.
The Glowing respite valley land was separated into two zones. The side with the name 'eagle's wings' was the zone assigned to all employees of the Order while the side with the name 'eagle's eye' was assigned to the family members of the Order employees and the students of the Institute.
All who got accepted into the Order as students would be allowed to bring their families into the Glowing respite valley should they wish to do so. Since the Order mostly accepts students who come from unranked families or little to no background to speak of, they are allowed to relocate with their clans or families when they get accepted into the Order.
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