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25% Authors world: Black Lagoon / Chapter 1: Chapter 1…..WTF is that!!!
Authors world: Black Lagoon Authors world: Black Lagoon original

Authors world: Black Lagoon

Auteur: PsyChotiX556

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1…..WTF is that!!!

You know those days where you wished something exciting would happen like in all those animes you watch when you were younger and still do from time to time, well this was one of those days, and this was pretty much the average day in my life, get up with a hell of a hangover cursing the night before, go to work, come home have a meal before heading out to the bar and getting pissed and then staggering home only to awaken the next morning with the same hangover as the day before, rinse and repeat, same old shit.

Well this day just got strange as fuck right now, here I am walking down the street heading to the pub wanting nothing more to get pissed and go to bed, when right in front of me this white door appears going to know where, except on the front of it had a large black question mark and a letter pinned to it.

I look behind me, no one, I look around the door, no one. The street is completely empty except for me and this door leading nowhere, this isn't strange or anything.

So me being me I go to inspect the door and letter, as I step closer some black text appears on the letter saying "Read me"

I reach forward and pull the letter off the door opening it a key falls out, one of those old solid metal keys, and a sheet of paper, as I unfold it more text starts to appear. Eh, why not read it.

"Dear random human"

Ok not strange or anything.

"You have been chosen by the great and wise Author God to live the life of his characters in his marvellous stories"

Ok what the fuck am I reading?

"before you start thinking this is some joke, I can assure you it isn't, beyond the door in front of you lye's a new life for you, one filled with adventure and excitement, all you have to do is except the offer you are about to be given"

Ok what's the deal?

"Your entire backstory will be erased, your history in the real world gone. You will not be able to return to this world after this deal is taken, but in return, the great and powerful Author God will give you so much more, knowledge, skills and freedom to do as you like in the stories he puts you into, you will be given the rundown of the life you have had in each story it's up to you how you generally act and the story will play out as it goes, though key events will still happen as the Author God decrees regardless of you trying to stop them"

Damn this author dude's got some juice if he can pull all this off, the offer is tempting, I mean my life here sucks maybe I should take it.

"Oh and did I mention the worlds you'd be in would be all animes"

Oh now it's a hell yes!

"If you accept his offer simple use the key to open the door and step through to be briefed and start your first of many new lives"

Without hesitation I took the key pushed it into the lock of the door and turned it, placing my hand on the doorknob I opened the door to a blinding white light, I shielded my eyes, "well no turning back now" I say before stepping through.

White space

I looked around as the light faded to find myself in an long rectangular room, everything was white in it, like some sort of clean room you'd see in a secret government facility, as I continue to walk through the room doesn't seem to have an end, the back wall just keeps getting further and further away, looking around I can't even see any lights and yet the room is well lit, this is just bazar.

As I'm walking slowly something starts to take shape, a long white metal table and chairs, they were the same white as the walls, roof and floor so I almost missed them. The only thing I didn't miss was the small black cylinder speaker on the desk in front of one of the chairs

As I approached it the light on its front flashed a bright green and a female voice filled the air.

"Good evening, we're happy to see you decided to take up our offer, even with it being so sudden"

I pulled out one of the chairs and sat down, "yea well my life was going nowhere so a change might do me some good. I assume you are this Author God the letter mentioned"

"Oh no, no, no, no. I am merely his secretary, I simply keep the big guy organized and keep his character on track"

"So I'm assuming I'm not his only character out there then"

"Well not really but in a sense you are, you'll find that here, time doesn't really factor in"

"And where exactly is here"

"The centre of the great Author Gods mind where all his creations stem from this will be where you come to at the end of each fiction you're taking part in and where you will receive your character briefs and then you enter into the world your skill and knowledge will be given to you along with any additional props you may require"

"So basically this is the home base between fictions, does he have any fictions he wants me in now? If he even is a he?"

"Oh yes is definitely is a he, and yes he does, he's always coming up with different concepts and this was one of his latest" the voice said as a black envelop appeared on the table in front of me

I opened the letter up and glanced over the characters profile.

Name: (Лев=LYEV) Lev/Leo Melikov


Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Age: 25

Class/Status/Race: human/ nomad

Physical Description: well-built with heavy set shoulders, slight tan. Usual attire consists of a loose vest top and baggy jeans with a black leather jacket with open cuffs, that goes to just below his knees with a white Dot on its back with red writing on it saying "If you can put a bullet or a knife through here then I deserve it",

Tattoos / Marks: his right arm is covered in small tattoo lines and they extend to covering the middle of his back and front of his chest, he has a scar on his lower jaw that is deep but only adds to his personality

Hair Colour: midnight black

Hair Length: short/spiky

Eye Colour: icy blue

Height: 6'6

Weight: 225lbs

Skills: skilled with most fire arms and extremely skilled with a knife

Education: street wise

Likes: Booze, Women and Money

Dislikes: whinny brats, Rapists and general Jack asses, and anyone who shoots at him


As a child he never really belonged anywhere, he was abandoned at birth, he was looked after by the homeless on the streets of Russia, he grew up fast and became strong, he learned all he could and picked up different languages as he went, as he was never one for Russian though he spoke it fluently, joining the military was his way out of the gutters, he learned how to use fire arms there but left due to him not wanting to answer to anyone.

He hopped from place to place, his first kill was at the age of 16 when he was held up by a gang on the streets of New York, seven on one, and he killed them all with a butterfly knife.

Wanting to commemorate the day he got several lines tattooed on him deciding he may as well keep count. He acquired his hand guns the same day, when he saw the custom build models in the display case he added another line to his arm before he took them

Two all black Colt M1911 with extended barrels and chrome detailing and etching.

Profession: Hitman for hire, Generalist hard-ass

Religious Beliefs: None, money is all you need, and knives and bullets, lots of bullets

Goals: enjoy life, make money, have fun

Motivations: nothing else better to do

Morality / Ethics: he'll kill just about anyone for the right amount of pay or if they generally just piss him off, but he draws the line at kids, the second your over eighteen he'll put a bullet in you if your dumb enough on get on his bad side. And if you shoot at him your signing your own death warrant, throw a punch, prepare to have your ass kicked

When I was done reading I smirked, "I think I'm going to like this guy?"

I heard a chuckling from the speaker, "I think you mean you are this guy"

I blinked hearing her words but then looked at myself and I was already dressed in the clothes the page had described, looking on my hand I could see the little lines, pulling up my sleeve there was even more of them all the way up my arm, damn I've killed a lot of people.

I could feel the weight on my sides under the coat, pushing it out of the way my eyes widened seeing I was strapped with the guns the paper had mentioned, taking them out of their holsters I aimed down their sights it felt so natural and they were so light, not what I was expecting something made out of metal to weight like, but then I looked at my arm and I noticed it was slightly darker tanned than before and the shirt I was wearing was looser, lifting it up my eyes widened, I was ripped at fuck, no wonder the guns were so light.

"Chto yebat'! Podozhdite, ya govoryu po-russki!" (What the fuck! Wait am I speaking Russian!)

"Yes you are, don't worry the changes are being modified now, you should understand me and be able to mix your new dialects easily now like you've been speaking them for years"

"Wow what a rush, that's definitely a strange experience, though I've always wanted to learn a different language"

"Well now you're fluent in several"

"Yea it's like having a google translator in my head, so where am I going to be applying these new skills of mine, please give me some ublyudki (bastards) to kill"

"and it seems the character persona has been fully integrated also, only the relevant memories from your past life will remain, and a backup has been made of your original self for when you return here, as for where you're going the great Author God has decided to start you off with something simple as your first fiction, I trust you remember the Anime Black Lagoon and all of its interesting moralities"

I smirk, "and the fine peace off ass that is Revy, girl needs to find a better man than that poser Rock, I mean who calls themselves that really, and the little pussy has never fired a gun once, talk about no balls"

"yes, well you will be going into that anime as your first fiction, understand that certain things will play out, it's up to you how you interact with the story but in the overall scale you can't change to much, well looks like the boss man wants to get started, enjoy your first fiction and I'll be in touch just keep an eye out for any black envelopes only you can see them and read their contents, it's just me giving you updates and orders from the boss, so go on and have some fun"

As the voice finished speaking I heard something creaking behind me, I looked and it was the same white door as before, I smirked and reached for the handle, "let the fun begin" I said aloud as I opened the door only to be engulfed in a bright flash of light.

Scene break

The light faded and I found myself in a rather cramped position, my knees were hugging my chest and the only light source was coming through a gap in some wooden pallets above my head, running my fingers over the walls around me I could feel their rough surface and the mistakable wooden smell, I was in a wooden crate somewhere.

As I continued feeling around another smell caught my attention, the refreshing scent of sea water, so I was in a crate on a boat somewhere, interesting.

Looking up at the light source I could see it was a light bulb through the crack, as I manoeuvred by self onto my back with my feet up at the roof of the crate, and after a few kicks I broke the lid off by putting my feet through it, it was easier than I had thought.

As I stood up I saw something at my feet, a black envelope, so it's the first notice. Opening it up I begin to read it as I get out of the crate.

"Ah good to see you made it out of their alright, sorry about the poor entrance but given how this series starts it's really the only way we could put you in, as you've probably guessed by now you're on a boat, but not just any boat, you're on the ship that Rock is on with the hard drive from his boss with all those dirty little secrets of his company on it, so of course lagoon company will be here in about five minutes to steal it for hotel Moscow, so this would be your best opportunity to meet them and get a lift to Roanapur for the rest of the series, that is of course after you help them take down the mercenary in the chopper that comes after them, so best to make good first impressions, what you decide to do after that is all you, have fun and we'll be in touch soon"

After I finished reading the letter it immediately turned to dust and blew away

So that's where I was, interesting, oh well time to go make some new friends. I think as I head towards the steps up to the top of the ship, checking the mags on both my pistols as I went, it felt so normal like I had done it a hundred times before, and I had all the memories as well, I remembered the bone chilling cold winters of my youth growing up on the streets of Russia's poorest districts, I remembered huddling around the fires to keep from freezing, stealing scraps of food and running just so I could eat. I remembered joining the military at sixteen and learning how to use a gun, remembering my first kills when I was so young killing seven with just a butterfly knife, running it across their throats and plunging it into their chests, the spray of warm blood on my skin, the gurgling they made as the blood filled their lungs and the fear in their eyes as they died, they had picked the wrong guy to try to rob.

Replacing my pistols in my holster's, I remembered when I had got them, twenty years old I had stolen them from a shop I had been protecting in, when the bastard tried to cheat me out of my contracted pay, I ran my hand over the lines on my covered arm remembering each kill, their marks and grooves under my skin making me shiver with excitement, remembering them all one after another, most would be creeped out at the thought of having taken... four hundred and sixty two lives, that's how many there were now I remembered, but for some reason I wasn't. It must have been the characters persona that was making me feel like this, I liked it.

Coming to the top of the steps I opened the door and squinted as the sunlight hit me full in the face, as my eyes adjusted I could see nothing but ocean that surrounded me, not really much land to swim to, so it looked like my only option was to get a lift from lagoon company, seeing as how my only other option was the police that would be arriving in about ten minutes due to the ship being under attack, and with my character background, my back ground, I'd be in the shit with over ten warrants out on me in multiple countries I'd be screwed ten ways till Sunday, whatever that saying fucking means.

I started walking to the front and looked over the railings just in time to see Rock take a right hook from a big bald black guy in a military get up, wearing shades with metal side blinders and frames, Dutch, that was his name if I remember correctly.

I smirk seeing the little pussy go skidding across the deck like a sack of shit as Dutch pulls his 44 revolver, and another figure comes from his left. I blink seeing her for the first time, the anime doesn't do her justice.

She was a freaking bombshell, her hair was tied back in a ponytail, with a slight plum purple tinge to it, which looked completely natural, she had a muscular build that looked amazing, she didn't hide it in the slightest, how could she walking around in that black crop top, very-very short denim shorts, and military green boots. And under each arm was a pistol holster for her pair of berretta 92F's cutlass special edition with skull and cross bone grips.

I licked my lips, oh this was going to be fun. But there was one question just how was I going to get them to give me a lift off this boat, it's not like I could just ask them for it, Revy would likely shoot me the second I did, that's if Dutch didn't stop her.

I closed my eyes trying to remember the reason my character was on this boat to begin with, japan that's where we were coming from…. But what was I doing there, I had three warrants out for my arrest in japan…. Make that four my last job, a triple job assassination, a hundred and fifty grand job, everything was in my head, I membered preparing everything, I remember the three weeks of prep and planning I put into the job, setting up the back up plans, should the job go south, it was easy money, taking out three big wigs of a tech company who wouldn't close a deal, all I had to do was clear the way for the guy the other company had paid off already to do the deal, after a few more weeks of negations, hey no skin off my nose, and the money was in an untraceable account just waiting for me to collect, and I had another account all set up, that's how I was going to get off here.

I smirked as I leaned on the railing just as Revy put a gun to rocks head and told him to move.

"Well isn't this a nice we cluster fuck we have here" I said aloud making Revy, Rock and Dutch look up to me

"And who the fuck are you" Revy growled as she pulled her second berretta and aimed it at me

I smirked, "I would be the unfortunate bastard who decided to stow away on this ship you lot have decided to bring the cops down on, so it looks like I'm in need of a getaway ride"

Revy scoffed, "yea well good luck with that, move it ya pussy" she said as she kicked rocks ass getting him to move

I smirked, "I don't think you're getting my point here, you lot brought the cops, only fair you help a fellow criminal out"

Dutch smirks, "sorry but were not in the business of giving rides to stowaways, and we've got what we came for, Revy let's move"

I smirked, "of course I…" I started to say but my instincts kicked in the second I saw Revy move in a way I didn't like, she had aimed for me again and she wasn't messing around as she pulled the trigger.

In the time it took her to aim and fire, I had done exactly the same, I pulled one of my colts and fired, both guns fired at the exactly same time, their bullets fired in perfect trajectories as both bullets paths met and they collided before breaking apart on contact in a small explosion, Rock and Revy dived for cover as they broke apart, I stood there with my colt still aimed.

"Learn some patience twitchy, or is this how you treat all potential clients" I said as I holstered my colt.

Dutch lowered his arm having shielded his eyes from the small explosion he looked up to me, "Client?"

I smirked to him, "how much are you being paid for this job, twenty grand? How about I pay you ten more to get me from here to Roanapur in one piece, I pay you half when were on route half when we arrive that sound fair enough, seeing as it is your fault I'm in this shit in the first place"

He looks at me as if he's measuring me up I smirked back to him, he'd have to be a fool to pass it up, and Dutch was no fool.

"Fifteen" Dutch said as he smirked back, I gave a chuckle

"Twelve, and I'll throw in my services until this job of yours is done, if you want to take me on after that that's up to you" I grinned back

"What is this a job application?" he asked raising an eyebrow

I smirked as I jumped over the railing and grinned at him face to face, "I know a good thing when I see it, plus I think I've already demonstrated I'm more than able to keep up with your current crews skill set" I said gesturing to Revy as she got up rubbing her head

Dutch gave me a throaty chuckle, "your one smart ass bastard I'll give you that"

I smirked walking past him, "Luchshe byt' umnym, chem mertv" I said with a grin, (better to be smart than dead)

But I stopped hearing a clicking sound as I turned around my colt drawn again as I aimed at Revy she with her pistol aimed at me and we both glared at each other.

"That was a pretty neat trick you did just there, care to try it again" she said with an excited smirk on her face

I grinned back, "Maybe next time devushka (girl), but I suggest you not try it again."

"Oh yea and why's that" Revy grinned at me like a mad hatter.

I grinned back, "I have a policy. Anyone who is dumb enough to shot at me I kill them." I say before pulling back the trigger on my colt, "the only reason I haven't done that to you is I need your boat to get me out of here. That was a onetime deal, I suggest you don't push your luck or it may just run out" I say with a threatening tone, the light Russian accent helped that slight.

We keep our guns trained on each other for a few more seconds, before she lowers hers first, I follow suit as I released the hammer and returned it to its holster.

"Alright now that that's all settled, let's get out of here before the sea pigs arrive" I say as I head towards the boat

"What makes you think they're even coming" Revy says as she pushes rock onward.

"You lot weren't exactly subtle about taking this freighter, it's only because the cops in this areas are a bunch of prisoski petukh (cock suckers) that they aren't here yet, so let's not give them time get here" I said looking down at their boat below and smirked looking it over, a PT-109 armoured torpedo boat with four torpedoes in its launchers with a complete mat grey and metallic finish, I always loved that boat in the anime.

I threw myself over the side and landed on the deck with a thud Dutch followed after me and Rock then climbed down the rope ladder followed by Revy.

I looked to Dutch, "I trust you have a network hook up I can use to transfer your fee" I asked already knowing benny would be below deck behind his screens monitoring the waters.

Dutch gestured to follow him, coming down the hatch we entered into the cabin area, Revy gave rock a shove and he landed on the seat as she popped a can of beer and put her feet up.

I followed Dutch into the tech compartment with Benny sitting behind his screens. I smirked seeing him, he looked just like in the anime, blond hippy in a Hawaiian shirt in speck and a laid back personality.

"Benny boy help our new client here transfer us half the funds for his trip to Roanapur. Six grand was the boarding pass and another six when we're docked" he then held out his hand to me, "names Dutch"

"Leo Melikov" I said taking his hand and giving him a solid shake.

He nodded to me before turning and heading through another hatch to the cog pit and started up the engines, I turned to Benny and he nodded to me as he brought up the transfer program and I began entering the details, I knew they wouldn't cheat me Dutch had too much pride for shit like that and it would look bad for their business if they were to try and cheat me.

After filling in my details and transferring my the first payment, I did some quick accounting and set the rest of the funds from my last job to my account that I had set up for the exchange, I'd have to use that to get set up in Roanapur, I'd need a place to sleep that had no chance of break ins I'd need to pull together a small armoury, I'd need a vehicle that has good mobility and can get the job done, and I'd need to establish a client base, I hope the Author God doesn't mind me setting up roots in Roanapur seeing as there's a load of gaps in the time line I should have plenty of time to myself, which means I'll have plenty of side story to cover.

Once I was done headed back into the middle compartment and sat down, I looked over to the cowering Rock in the corner of the room. I sighed looking at him, what a pussy.

"So Revy was it, why did you bring this kiska mal'chik (pussy boy) with you, only thing he looks good for is a meat shield" I said putting my hands behind my head as I felt the boat come to a crews.

"That's what I want to know" Dutch said as he came into the compartment, "we're clear of the area now, but this dead weight is a problem, what the hell were you thinking Revy?"

"You just don't get it Dutch, you just don't get it. We're getting paid a lousy twenty grand for this job, only twenty grand, even with the new guy over here we'll only scrape thirty two, what's wrong with pulling in a bonus by calling in a ransom" Revy started

"You're being too simple minded" Benny called out from his compartment

"You want 'a die Benny" Revys yelled at him.

"Not really" he replied going back to his computer

"So, who's going to negotiate with japan? You." Dutch started at Revy again, "Do you have their phone number? How about a bank account to receive the ransom payment?"

I started chuckling as Revy was getting pissed off, "you have to plan ahead little devushka (girl), but it just so happens you're in luck and I can help you out there"

Revy and Dutch looked at me, "oh and how's that?" Dutch asked.

I smirked, "my last contract was in japan and I have a few contacts that still aren't burnt so I could tap them to get the contact details for this ransom of yours, and I have several bank accounts set up in various locations to receive such payments, I suppose I could lend you the use of one for the transfer until you get one set up yourself"

Revy started grinning, "Ha, I knew there was something good about you, I'm actually starting to like you"

"well I do have a charming personality, besides if I didn't offer to help you'd just end up shooting him and dropping his ass over board, and I'd prefer it if you didn't get blood on my new coat" I said with a grin

Dutch just sighed, "Your right about that" he said before making his way to the door and gesturing Rock to follow him.

While those two went up to the top of the deck with a heart to heart I just lay back and closed my eye.

"Hey tech guy, how long till we reach Roanapur" I called over

"About an hour or so once Dutch gets back to the helm, and the names Benny" Benny called back

I smirked nodding, I knew his name but I just thought I'd call him that once, oh well now all that's left to do is wait, I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

White space

I looked around where I was and I saw nothing but white, until I was suddenly back at the desk with the speaker in front of me again.

"Well done, you certainly are a fast thinker to get yourself a ride, and that little cross fire with Revy was quite the show, you certainly got her attention in a big way"

"What can I say? I like making an entrance."

"you certainly do, now about your plans for setting up shop in Roanapur, the boss is pleased your thinking ahead, he was having similar thoughts and he has a few ideas for you on down the line, but until they come into play just do as you like, you'll be blocked at points if the boss doesn't want you doing something but that will be a rare occurrence"

"Ok that's good to know, ok I guess I'll see you in my next snooze then?"

"not unless I have something to tell you, bringing you here is like the black letters, check-ups and giving orders only, you won't get one unless it's important so don't expect this every time you decide to take a snooze"

"Got ya, ok see ya when I see ya then" I said as everything grew brighter.

Back on the boat

I started opening my eyes as I felt myself shaken awake as the torpedo boat came to a halt. I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and checked both my colts were still there before getting up.

I headed over to the tech compartment and did the final transfer just as Dutch came out of the cog pit.

"Hey we're heading down to the bar for a drink care to tag along" he said in a friendly voice that made me raise an eyebrow to before shrugging

"Eh why not I could always use a drink, and I can set up my roots here in the morning" I said in a friendly tone back as the three of us walked out.

As we stepped down onto the dock Dutch looked back to Rock who was still sitting at the front of the boat.

"So you going to join us Rock?" Dutch said as I just kept walking

Rock looked at him confused at his words until Benny came around side him, "I think he means you"

I rolled my eyes who else could he mean, "so where's the best place to get a good drink around here" I asked Revy as I came alongside her.

She smirked, at me, "come on we'll show ya" she said as I followed, I knew where she was taking me of course but I had never been here before so I didn't know the way to the bar that they usually used, that got shot up quite frequently because of them, and if I even recall got burnt down once or twice, I'll make sure to leave the poor bastard a big tip he'll need it.

Reaching into my pocket I felt the wad of bills I had in there, at least two grand, that should cover me until I can get my last payment cashed I don't think places here take plastic.

Scene break

As we drove through the streets of the city I couldn't help but look out the window and marvel at the city, sure I had the memories of my character and he had seen stuff like this hundreds of times and stuff way more impressive and astounding, but it was my first time, growing up in a urban city where a timid crime made the local news was my life before so a place like this was what I had yearned for, finally some freaking excitement.

We eventually made it to the bar as we entered I noticed the sign above, the Yellow-Flag bar, so that's what it was called, I couldn't remember the name before, I'll have to remember it now.

As we came in the five of us made for the front of the bar, Benny and Dutch orders whiskeys, Rock ordered beer, Revy was a rum girl and I called for three shot glasses and a bottle of vodka, I was going to need it for what was coming, I remember the first episode of the series like it was played on loop in my mind, I knew who would be coming here soon enough, Rocks previous employers had already hired mercenaries to get back the disk and data so the bar was going to become a war zone when they arrived, I figured better not get pissed before they get here, but I still wanted something to drink.

I dropped a three hundred percent tip as he set the bottle down.

"Hey thanks mister, but you sure this is ok" the bar man said as he took the money, I could never remember this dudes name. He was in a white shirt with is sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a brow waist shirt, he had short brown hair and a thin mustache and looked like he had just struck gold

"Of course I wouldn't have paid for it otherwise" I said with a smirk as I held out my hand for shaking, "Leo Melikov"

"Bao" Bao says taking my hand and giving it a shake, I nod back to him as I lift the bottle and start pouring my drinks.

"Why is there a gun on every table" I hear rock start off

I smirk, "in case someone gets to rowdy or doesn't know when to shut the hell up" I say as I take out one my colt and set it down, "so unless you want me to use this, I suggest you shut up kiska mal'chik (pussy boy) otherwise I'll give your brain a bit of fresh air through a new hole in your head" I say before tossing back my first double vodka straight.

I can see Rock gulped as I make the threat and give him a smirk, "ah I'm just messing with ya kiska mal'chik (pussy boy), I wouldn't waste the lead on you, bullets are expensive, and you're not worth that much" I say making Revy bust out laughing and Rock look at me with a WTF expression, I just lifted another glass and grinned. "I don't know what you laughing at devushka (girl), you're the one who took him wanting a ransom I don't even think they'll want him back, you might just have done them a favour by kidnapping him" I smirked before I tipped my drink back hearing a click beside my ear.

I looked to my right to see Revy with her barrette ready to fire, I simply grinned making Revy look at me strangely before she felt the business end of a pump action shot gun pressed up against her head, curtesy of Bao.

"Bao, what the fuck do you think you're doing" Revy said her eye twitching

"Keeping you from killing a new favourite customer of mine, dude tipped me big time, I like him" Boa said his gun aimed point blank

Revy rolled her eyes, and that when I took my chance and pulled my second cold and pointed it at Revys forehead, "lower your gun devushka (girl), it would be a pity if I had to mess up that pretty face of yours with some bullet holes" I said with a grin, that's when an idea came to my head, "how about I buy the drinks the rest of the night as an apology, sound good, something tells me it would be cheaper than paying for the damages and bullets it would take to put ether of us down"

As I said that a grin came to Revys face and she burst out laughing, "damn straight it would be, apology accepted" she said as she lowered her gun and the situation un-tensed.

I looked over to see Dutch walking off to make a call and Rock looking like he was about to piss himself after our little scene, I just chuckled.

"it looks like the kiska mal'chik (pussy boy) is about to wet himself" I laughed before I slid over my second to last shot glass, "have a real drink, and grow a pair of balls while you're at it, that American piss your drinking will never get you drunk, you need a proper drink, like miss itchy trigger finger and me, rum or vodka those are proper drinks, even Benny over there is drinking something proper, I've never been one for whiskey but it beats the piss out of the piss your drinking" I said before tilting back the third round.

I knew it wouldn't be long now before shit hit the fan, so I poured myself another set and got ready.

"ha, he's right" Revy laughed at rock, as she poured another glass and slid it down to rock, "a real man drinks rum or I suppose vodka will do, that piss will never get you drunk, now man up its time for us to go shot for shot since our "Comrade" here is footing the bill" she said as she tilted back her own drink and downed it like it was nothing, "that is of course if you two have the balls to keep up with a woman, then I'm not going to try and force you, though I might have to stick a dress on you two and take you both out for a night of dancing"

My eye twitched as Rock loosened his tie, ok screw the mercenaries that're coming, she wants to drink fine by me. I smirked as I gestured to Gao to bring another bottle as Rock stood up.

"As a rule I hate chugging drinks like some teenager, but I'll make an exception" he said as he lifted the glass of rum and proceeded to down it faster than Revy did her first and then set it down with a pleased look on his face, "I was forced to drink at collage, we're forced to drink at company social events, never underestimate a Japanese business man" he said as Revys eye started to twitch pissed off at the fact he just ripped her a new one.

I smirked as I popped the top on the fresh bottle of rum Bao gave me, "not bad kiska mal'chik (pussy boy) not bad at all" I said before I tilted the bottle back and let it go as the entire litter went down in several seconds. I set the bottle down before letting out a belch, "Ahhhhh, not bad but I still prefer the proper stuff" I said before looking at the shocked look on rocks face and the raging look on Revys. I grinned, as I took out five hundred, "hey Gao", """bring us all the Bacardi you got"""

Bao gave me a crazy look before taking the cash and setting up another three bottles and then going to the back room for some more, this was going to be a long night, well at least for the next five minutes.

Five minutes later I was tilting back my third bottle and Revy and Rock were on their fifth round each, I was finally starting to feel the buzz. The entire bar had gotten in on the action, bets were being placed and they were crowing round cheering each of us on as we drank, god I wished the bar I went to back in my world was like this the only time it got lively was when there was a football game on and even at that it was never like this.

That's then I heard it the smash of glass the clatter of metal objects on the floor. I reacted and jumped over the bar without even looking over my shoulder, I knew what it was, the bastards had just tossed half a dozen high explosive grenades into a crowed bar, this was going to get messy.


The entire bar shook as they went off the windows were blown out, the room was filled with smoke, my ears were ringing and I had just lost my buzz the night just went from great to shit in zero point two seconds, well it's not as if I didn't know it was coming.

Then I looked up and smirked as I counted down, three two one. That's when the lot of bastards outside opened up with their assault rifles and machine guns, mowing down any unfortunate bastards who weren't behind the bar. The rounds ripped through the few left on the other side of the bar and the rest hit the wall of bottle us, the glass shattered and I tilted my head as it fell on us just after the their contents, I gave my head a shake as I heard more rounds hit the armoured bar we were using as cover.

I looked over to see Revy finishing her last drink and I grinned looking to Bao, "you really are prepared, a bullet proof bar Hm, I'll have to get myself one of these when I set up my place"

Bao grinned to me as he lifted his shot gun, "yep, it can handle anything up to fifty .Cal, I'll put you in touch with the guy in town that dose them I swear that guy can make anything bullet proof"

Then Dutch's voice broke through the hail of bullets, "Revy"

"I'm ok" Revy called back like it was any other say

"Benny" Dutch called out

"Miraculously I'm alive" Benny yelled as he ducked and just made it to the side door where Dutch was

"Leo" Dutch called for me as I lifted my broken bottle of booze

"Pissed off all the booze is gone and my buzz is gone, YA sobirayus' ubit' eti prisoski petukh (I'm going to kill these cock sucker)" I yelled as I pulled my colts

"Rock!" Dutch called again

"Dead! People are dead! I graduated collage and got a job with a big corporation, and where am I now! This isn't fair!" rock began to yell as he held his head as the hail of bullets continued.

"Don't cry dip shit, don't you know you've got to enjoy life or it will slip away" Revy says as she pulled back the slide on one of her berretta.

I heard another grenade get tossed in followed by another explosion over head as I cracked my neck, "sdelat' zhizn' vasha suka, skhvatit' yego za sis'kami i nachat' blya, no sledit' prichinoy eta suka imeyet zuby" I said with a grin

Revy looked to me, "and what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I looked at her with a smirk as the door opened as the mercenaries crowed in and another voice cut through the air

"Secure the building, I heard voices and there's nothing I hate more that survivors"

I moved my legs beneath me as I took in a breath before kicking back on the ground and throwing myself backwards over the bar my colts out and I fired taking out two guys knee caps with the first two shots, they dropped and I put another two shots into their heads before I rolled and grouped anther two into two more guys chest.

I leaped to the side just in time to dodge a spray of machine gun fire, rolling behind a support pillar I was about to return fire when Revy leapt up from behind the bar and put two rounds into the guy who shot at me, before flipping to the side dodging two others firing at her, I returned the kindness and put a round through their heads as I sprinted at another, he trained his rifle on me, but I dropped and put a round in his foot making him drop to the ground spraying the roof, I slid into him grabbed him pulling him over me just in time to take five rounds from another meant for me, I kicked him off before firing three more shots at the bastards and then I saw Revy jumping behind the bar again

I dove for a toppled table as Dutch came out from the door and started laying down cover, Revy was reloading, and I did the same with one of my guns and swapped the other for the push knife in my back holder.

When I heard Dutch stop firing I swerved around the support pillar and ran at the three on the left they turned on me to late as I got close I put a shot in ones shoulder before upper cutting one in the chin ramming my blade into his throat, and I fired again capping the first in the head as I swerved around using the second guy as a shield before shooting the third and starting to open fire on the guys outside as I backed up.

Then something caught my eye as I heard a voice in my head telling me to look to my left, so I looked to the side windows and smirked seeing a black letter sitting on a military bike key in the ignition, thank you Author God.

Pushing guy to the side I ripped the knife out of his throat before pushing him forward and put three round in his back, before flipping the knife in my hand and tomahawking it at the guy coming in the door and it imbedded in his head.

I threw myself out the window and rolled to a halt before sprinting to the military bike. I lifted the letter and tore it open as I sat on the bike and started to read quickly.

"Hello again

I hope you like the little gift, thought you could use a set of wheels for a getaway, I'm sure the previous owner won't mind you taking it seeing as you just put a knife throw his jugular and three rounds in his back, anyway nice job so far now get moving before you get shot.

Author God"

I smirked reading the letter before I turned the key and revved the engine before taking off.

I roared around the corner just in time to see Revy tossing a grenade back at the last three who tried to follow us.

I swung around the passenger side and drove alongside them, just as the passenger side window came down and Dutch gave me a surprized look. "Well aren't you just full of surprizes, I thought we lost you back there"

I smirked, "not a chance it will take a lot more than that to cap me. I just thought I needed my own wheels, the ride here was cramped enough"

"Hey" Revy said as she rolled down her window, "what was that you said back there before you started shooting, sounded interesting"

I smirked, "I said sdelat' "zhizn' vasha suka, skhvatit' yego za sis'kami i nachat' blya, no sledit' prichinoy eta suka imeyet zuby", it means make life your bitch, grab it by the tits and start fucking but watch out cause this bitch has teeth" I grinned before revving the engine, "I'll see you guys at the docks we still have a disk to deliver don't we"

"Why are you helping us anyway, you could just drive off now, so what's stopping you this isn't your fight" Dutch asked

I smirked, "I offered you my services remember, I'll help until the end of this contract without pay, besides these prisoski petukh (cock suckers) shot at me, to let even a single one of them live, would be a waste, I have a reputation to create and maintain here in Roanapur, can't have everyone thinking it's alright to shoot at me and not expect me to kill their ass" I said grinning before looking forward and racing off leaving them in the dust.

PsyChotiX556 PsyChotiX556

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