Webnovel Author: PsyChotiX556 - Fanfic Collection



male LV 4

Fanfiction writer, Author, Nice guy Origional username Psychopath556 on Fanfiction.net Follow me on Twitter to be kept up to date on the progress of my fictions : https://twitter.com/psychopath556

2020-07-29 Joint United Kingdom

Badges 6

Moments 1227



"I think it would be a good idea love, given our frequent business trips and how busy we recently have been attending all those Gala's, a summer vacation in the wild sounds like a great idea to relax. You can be like that guy on that nature documentary you were watching recently, the Crocodile Hunter." my uncle tried to convince my aunt.

Baki: Martial System

Baki: Martial System

Anime & Comics · The_HonorableGhost


Yeah it would not be in the centre of town, not with how much land he would need for all the Pokémon he studies

Making my way to Professor Oak's lab while carrying the injured Charmander in a piggyback ride, I walked for about 5 more minutes before finally arriving at the center of Pallet Town where Professor Oak's Laboratory is located.

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Anime & Comics · AlmightyTRX


Okay… trying really hard to overlook this, but no one would be this calm having just died and then waking up as a baby

I then started to put all the pieces together. 'First, I hit the edge of the bathtub, which must have broken my head's bone, causing me to die. After that, I must have reincarnated. But where did I reincarnate? Did I reincarnate on Earth but in a different country?'

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Reincarnated Into The Pokémon World

Anime & Comics · AlmightyTRX


So every month is nearly year long

"I should also mention that time runs differently over there compared to your earth. 1 year over there is the equivalent to 10 years on earth. don't forget that."

SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS: Welcome to my pokemon world

Anime & Comics · Plug_O_Stien


Well it’s just a lose/lose/lose situation for any nooks sent to kill him. 1. Ain’t no way they can beat him if they try 2. If by some miracle they do beat him the league will hunt them down as he’s on the protection list 3. If they choose to run and he lets them go their bosses will hunt them down and kill them as traitors…. Like I said, lose/lose/lose lol

I didn't care either as all this would prove was that I was willing to take a stand against crime even if there wasn't enough evidence for the normal justice system to do so. The criminal moles in the league would then pass on this information to their bosses which would hopefully keep them away from me. 'Ah who am i kidding knowing how arrogant these teams and other criminals are I'll probably get targeted for assassination.' I thought with a sigh as I headed for the docks to try and find Mr. Brineys ship since he was supposed to come get me today or tomorrow.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Hmmm, not sure that was the wisest move, given how unique his spear is, depending on the skill level of the autopsy in this world, they could easily match your spear head as the murder weapon

Soon enough the boar cashed on his couch and started snoring almost immediately. I stood up from my hiding spot and walked over to the man before drawing my spear. "SWISH! SWISH! SWISH!" In a single motion I coated the spear head in aura before stabbing the man three times in rapid succession once in the head , heart and groin each before stepping back to avoid the blood that came immediately afterwards. None of it got on me as the body twitched a bit but fell still as death set in fully. 

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Maybe in the first few games, but later it learns more if you keep it from evolving too soon

Tank didn't even get to try an reject this idea before the wave of new experiences got crammed into it's head giving it a sharp headache. Three exp tickets was the equivalent of experiencing three whole weeks worth of nothing but training. Needless to say Tank went from level one to level thirty immediately. Caterpie as a species were much like Weedle in that they did not naturally learn any moves until after evolving. As a result Tanks mastery of his only two moves shot up three ranks instantly as that experience went straight to them alone.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Oh thank god, and thank you Author-san, this would have been a missed opportunity otherwise, I only hope that when he eventually comes across Bruno sometime in the future they do the same~

Without these stripes their skin itself would tear whenever they went all out from the unrestrained power of their muscles. The reason this particular Machoke sized me up was that it found my strength and physique impressive and wanted to compete. The company man could only watch on with an exasperated look as both I and the pokemon flexed to show off to the other. I was honestly far too happy to compete with the thing in hindsight but pride is a funny thing like that. I won out in the competition though as my muscles were far more developed than it's were and thus looked more impressive.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Oh… I don’t know why it only clicked with me now, could someone think he’s a relative of the dragon type elite 4 member in that region, Drake?

"A bit delayed but welcome to Littleroot Mister ?" she starts but awkwardly realized that I hadn't introduced myself yet. "Alexander drake , but I go by Alex" I say with a smile. "Mister Alex then welcome to the village! I am Emily Vine , but little May over there calls me aunty V." Emily says with a friendly smile. She was an older woman with a few wrinkles starting to appear but otherwise was fairly attractive. On her finger was a wedding ring however that told me she was off the market and thus I spoke in a friendly but neutral manner.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Hmmm, imagine that, meteor crash lol

See while getting up in the sky was easy for her , staying up there was considerably less so. To quote Newton "An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an outside force is applied". In this case Gaia fell faster than she could refill her lungs and as a result had no force to stop and reverse her fall. I had this sneaking suspicion though that if she did this enough times she may actually manage to figure out how to actually fly , which was a terrifying idea. Can you even imagine a boulder shooting through the sky? It's fucking scary.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro



I meditated with Vulcan for the next six hours roughly before Gaia started to stir from her slumber. Pupitar were a bit strange in how they moved about as they had a series of vents along the sides of their body that they use to pull in and expel compressed air to move about. Much like you'd expect this meant that when Gaia started to wake up and tried to move the air she shot out kicked up all the sand and dust in the cave. *cough! cough!* "God damn it all!" I cursed loudly while shielding my eyes to keep the flying dust and sand away.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Hmmm, interesting, I wonder how tall she is, given she was already 6ft as a Larvitar, is she 8 feet as a pupitar and then 12 as a Tyranitar?

I wasn't surprised that it took so long either since an evolution was just as the name suggested so it taking a bit of time was to be expected. The end of the evolution wasn't all that grand as the "cocoon" of energy simply turned into flakes of light that fell away until the entire thing was gone revealing Gaia's new form to the world. To my great surprise she wasn't light purple like shiny Pupitar normally are at all but rather steel grey with light purple stripes like a tiger.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


Not really wise, forgetting about the oxygen problems involved, you also have to consider the possibility of Gaia getting hurt or worse while out, not that it’s likely but still a possibility, if that happened he would literally be trapped there

She tilts her head slightly in confusion but decides to see what I had in mind. I quickly lead the way over to the area we normally train her moves that had several very large boulders. Find one of the seven footers I point at it with a wide grin. "Move this in front of the cave entrance while you are away and I'll be safe right?" I asked with a grin. Gaia's eyes lit up at this idea since that would indeed work to keep other pokemon away. Pokemon are very benefit driven creatures and moving something as heavy as this boulder just to attack a weak human would most of the time simply be unworth it.-

A random pokemon journey

A random pokemon journey

Video Games · loskro


hmmm, an interesting concept, I think I may borrow this for a future pokemon fanfiction I'm writing, perhaps adding in aura as the reason for their slow growth passed the age of 18, and using grass pokemon and aura for the reasons behind how early humans could have survived the extremely long winters, surviving on berries and such

"No worries, Pete. I love what you did with your Pokemon works. Ash staying what looked to be 10-12 despite his long journey? Explained away with human longevity due to a year being 4380 days long, meaning a month with 365 days there is a year on earth. Yet people will still grow up to be 10-50. That's essentially 100 to 500 years. Pokemon bonds, truly a beautiful idea you fleshed out compared to the source material. Brilliant concept with the time, too, especially if you blow up the size of that planet by as much as you did. A cycle of seasons is still a year but just takes longer? Very creative, I think. Ash would be a little over 1 starting his journey - well, if you didn't change the rules, that is. Very few writers put any real thought into weather, change of seasons, and time in general, especially if the time isn't a copy of Earth's."

Pokemon: A life worth living

Pokemon: A life worth living

Video Games · Nuclide

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