A bit after I finished processing all the information a blue screen appeared before my eyes. Just like that from the Contacts with a few tabs.There was the Purchase Tab as well as the faction/diplomacy tab and finally the last two were the Realm tab and the Dynasty tab. After clicking on the Purchase Tab a list of things like mines(need mountains) and fertile farmlands(need farmlands will boost the fertility of the crops) as well as some blessing for the people based on profession and health. When I clicked on the currency button I found I have some currency but to get more it depends on achievements and actual gold or other things I can trade to the systems store.
Next was the Faction/diplomacy tab which only showed the Sea king and all his lords. The only thing out of my lieges realm on the list was my uncles realm which was listed as an ally house and a loyal branch house. When looking at the list I saw many lords and quite often some would have a player bracket next to them. If you clicked on it it would show their realm and there standing in the Realm. Next was the Realm tab which just showed information of my personal realm. Including my castle, those of my knight houses, and stuff like my realms military might. The last part was taxes including our realms income as well as food supply. Lastly was th Dynasty Tab which showed my lineage as well as bloodlines. A major surprise for me but understandable is the fact an extra bloodline was added which is the Sea King bloodline. It seems that for our dynasty to fit and the games chosen way of making it happen led to a benefit to our family. I imagine some other dynasty's may have also gotten bloodlines or favors from the set up as well. Sort of like the intrigue house who killed the Sea King I imagine he will have the near almost eternal hate from the Sea kings and being looked down apun by the other houses.
This made me even more glad for my decision of being a martial house. It is what people look to and what is considered the most important for this time period which people forget. Just like history when you have a lord who is riding into battle with his men compared to a lord who stays back or something else the result is it nearly always goes to the one who fought with his men. After closing the tabs a new screen popped up it was the character screen. As it scans you DNA as well as your records and your body in the real world it knows nearly everything about me and everyone else. This led to us appearing identical to our appearance in the real world this will lead to benefits to some and negative to others. Then you have what you described about the house as well as the fact that time passed before inhabiting the body and from the family history other were already good at some stuff and worse at others.
I imagine all the knightly houses and landed houses most likely have some training at the least and for the military ones even more. My current body is 16 namedays(remember was 14 namedays when the father and uncle left which is a nine moon trip plus conquering the land and setting it up then sailing back up for the wedding) and is in a lot better condition then it was in the real world at this age but it also has more scars from many diffrent things. I inherently had a lot of experience in the bastard sword which is the main weapon for lords in Westeros in most areas. Some things were diffrent about my body though I couldn't feel the cold even though it looked to be snowing outside my balcony. I also felt a lot stronger then should be possible for my muscle mass. Chances are it was a passive benefit of the bloodlines that is greyed out. The character page didn't have numbers for character stats or anything it just showed the body as well as the skills the body has mastered from both lifetimes.
Skilled swordsman
Master of hand to hand combat
Terrible cook
Legendary Emotional control(inheritable for men of the house)
Novice magic
Horse riding Master
Skilled Bowman
I agree with most of them except for a terrible cook. Granted it's been a long time since I remember cooking but I can't be that bad right? I'm also glad that I have magic neither body has ever used it so chances are it is currently passive.
I nearly jumped out of my skin forgetting that I am now in the game world when the door opened and two maid servants came into the room. " My lord would you like your bath now? The clothes have been prepared for the wedding." The first maid questioned. Like most maids and people in our realm the maids had the typical Valyrian looks silver gold hair with purple eyes. The rest of the people in my realm are bastards of my house and their descendants as well as distant relatives who aren't close to the family. "Yes draw it up I'll be back in a bit" I stated completely forgetting I'm naked after waking up before strolling out of my room. Like most knowledge about my realm I knew exactly where my sisters room is it's down the wing from my room. Finding her door I stroll in to see her sitting on her bed cross legged in her night gown looking off into space. Finding this as the perfect opportunity to mess with her I stroll up behind her and grab her sides tickling them. "Got you!" I said laughing as she flipped around. "Enough, enough I give up mercy please!" She begged laughing. "Hmm, I guess this time I'll give you some mercy next time you won't be so lucky" I laughed letting her get up. "So did you get the info dump as well?" I asked her. "Yep, in this world I'm Evelyn Goldblood twin sister to you the lord of Goldcastle." she stated proudly. "Yep anything else or are you forgetting the fact that we are betrothed?" I questioned cautiously as like my sister I was a fan of game of thrones and had no problem with incest but I'm not so sure if she is it may even be a turn on for me I'm not sure. "Yep that's fine what I'm worried about is cousin Vanessa and Lyla.
It's been two years sense we saw them on Earth when uncle Leo visited the year after mom and dead's death to check on us and visit the grave with us." She stated somewhat sadly. While I myself wasn't ever very close to my cousins I know my sister loved them and treated them like her sisters as they were around the same age and they helped her when our parents died. "You aren't worried about how they might respond to being married to me as well?" I questioned curiously. "Nope they have had a crush on you for a while now." She whispered like she just gave me the secret to the universe. "And how exactly would you know this?" I questioned. "Well according to them on earth uncle Leo and dad were in talks about marrying one of them to you." She once again whispered. "One no need to whisper they are not here yet and two that's all fine and good as it's not something I can break off. At least not without consequences in this world. And three you should have told me about the marriage talks earlier as it was about me." I said. " Ok, one sorry for whispering but it's a secret they promised me not to say before they told me and that covers number three as well" she pouted cutely. "Ok, fine stop with the pouting and get ready some mains should come by to make you a bath and bring you to breakfast uncle Leo will arrive at the port at around lunchtime if what his letter said is still true." I stated while getting up and heading out of the room before I had to look at her pouting face anymore.
"My one weakness, there's got to be away around it." I stated hopefully while heading back to my room. Immediately the maids started to undress me then bathe me in the tub. It was very comforting and relaxing. After I was dressed back up I headed to the hall to have breakfast with my sister. "Ah started already I see?" I questioned when I saw my sister eating already when I entered the hall. It looks from the look on the maids faces that they tried warning her about this but she ignored them. "Yep but Linda and Lucy here tried to stop me multiple times so I kept reminding them it's my brothers castle" she stated smugly. "You can't break your fast until the head of the family does when it's a family dinner" I chastised her. "Sorry I didn't know I'm not used to it yet" she said completely forgetting the maids right behind her looking at her weirdly. "You may all leave" I stated while heading tword the tables head to sit. "Yes my lord" they said while bowing before scurrying away. "You can't speak about stuff like that remember you are supposed to know this stuff already, and didn't I send home some of my books from college for you to study for this?" I questioned. I already had read the books and finals were arriving I had no more reason to hang onto them so it was fine to send them to her. "Didn't get around to it but I'll learn as we go" she said. "Good" I said smiling at her while sitting down. This time she waited till I took a bit before resuming.
For all the studying she does quite often she doesn't focus on the important parts. After our breakfast we headed outside where my guards we're waiting by our horses. All the guards in our family home is family as our bloodlines made us closer and gave them an advantage over the peasants and it gave them work and pay that wasn't below their rank as distant family members. "Saddle up we're going to the docks uncle Leo will be arriving soon" I ordered while helping my sister onto her horse then climbed onto mine. As we rode to the docks the peasants made way for us pretty quickly when they saw my banner.
After arriving on the docks we saw my uncles ship which was still a bit out there and would arrive in around ten minutes. So I dismounted and ordered a few guards to go get some horses for my uncle and his family as well as his guards. I helped my sister down and reminded her how to greet nobles before we stood waiting. My uncle docked with no problem and got off with his second and third son first. His firstborn turned 14 a bit after he left so he was left behind to rule in advance. While the second was a twin he was not projected to rule anything except maybe a knight house for his brothers new house but would need a bit more training.
My uncle walked to me first and bowed his head slightly as a greeting and acknowledgment to me being higher ranked then him even though we are the same rank but as head of family I was considered higher. After greeting me he greeted my sister who even though I reminded her forgot to greet him for a second till she saw me and my uncle just looking at her. After that she curtsied to my uncle and greeted him properly. That is something me and my uncle share our love for history we find it as one of the best teachers of military strategy and it's evolution and tactics. So I followed in his footsteps and was getting my PHD in history like he did while my father wanted me to get it in something economic related. That is why we both fit into this world pretty easily there we're probably many people who did and others that didn't some did some studying just for this activity alone. After the greeting they stepped aside and my cousin's stepped down from the ship. They were very beautiful but our family's genes practically guaranteed that.