Once again light returned after the sudden blackness but this time sunlight coming in from the balcony in what looked to be my lords chambers. With the expanded world and all the new lords a lot is unknown of the world. Some thing which are known is my location and a bit about our house and its history.
The land my keep and holdings are in is the land that would one day be the area of white harbor. I know I'm not the only lord inhabiting the area as well and that we answer to the Sea King. Like the Warg King, Winter King, the Red King, and others he is a fairly major lord with millions of lords and billions of peasants under his rule. The long night has already passed and this time unlike the original time line the White Walker King fell. Another major diffrence is he had a human son on a stark women who lead a major settlement for his own dynasty(Frost) with a mix of the wildling and the civilized first men culture.
Most of the rest was the same many kings fighting over Westeros new ones rising other falling. The Wall was still built but no nightswatch this time it's actual northern houses swearing under a branch of house Stark. My family's ancestory is a bit weird though an ancestor of mine was one of the many Valyrian Dragon Lord houses (remember bigger pop a lot more of certain things) after an ancestor of mine died on a campaign on our houses only dragon. In disgrace our family with our families slaves and citizens that we could pay to leave with us sailed for many years.(Bigger world) constantly raiding along the way for supplies along the coast of essos from anyone not under the Valyrian Empire.
Once we had enough we crossed the narrow sea in three moons. We ended up in the Vale and continued north for another three moon's until we found the brother of one of the Sea Kings being attacked by pirates. After helping them and for saving his brother we were granted a piece of land in the White Harbor area. As a personal thanks the Sea kings brother married his only daughter to our ancestors only child and heir.
The Sea king would then die while out raiding with his three sons which some believe to be assassinated by house Volsworth(another players house) as it goes against what the first men believe they were always looked down on from their but there was no evidence to do so. When his brother inherited the title our family rose once again but not in land this time but political power. We were seen as family to the Sea kings and therefore held more sway then anyone else in the kingdom with them. Whenever there was a second son in our family they would marry a sea kings relative and their children would then marry back into the main line.
This kept us close with the Aquils (house name of the Sea kings pronounces A quills) we would follow them into war and were the best of the kings honor guard when there were extra cousins in the family. Then we get to my fathers time the sea king had a second son who was to marry a durrandon kings daughter(this is before they controlled all of the storm land no family control the whole of any region) he came down with a sickness that has left him bedridden and the learned men have no clue as to when it would go away. So as my father had no sisters to marry as it was just him born from our grandfathers twin sister and his brother Leo who was born from our grandfathers second wife a lady from a distant one of our branches. My father was given the honor of taking her hand in marriage because it took nine moondays just to get here from their castle and another nine to get back if she tried. It would be a wasted trip and as the dowry was paid in the form of ships it was easier to just give my father the women and the ships.
After their marriage they had twins(runs in the family) my sister and I were betrothed at birth. At the same time my uncle had no Aquil female to marry that was acceptable. So he ended up with marrying the bastard daughter of the sea king and only because of the promise he received. The sea king loved his bastard daughter who was born from his own sister but as their family tradition did not allow for marriage between close famimy he couldn't marry her and she gave birth to his only daughter (he has six sons) then died from the childbirth. He wanted her to have a nice life so knowing our families loyalty and love of fighting and wars promised my uncle that is he was to take her hand in marriage as a dowry he would be granted a retinue of soldiers large enough to conquer a lordship of his own. As the final choice was down to my father as head of house my uncle had to give something in return.
He gave an oath of a warrior and family that he would answer any of our calls and would always remain loyal to our house. My father accepted and they were married. As the world works children always inherit the looks of the father(for some reason only until game of thrones which for hear it will be forever) my uncle has the same coloring as everyone else in our family light blue eyes like the sky and hair like gold(valyrians sometimes have blue eyes as it's a shade of purple same with the blond/gold hair) that their family always had. So like how they kept their close connections with the Aquils my father decided that my uncles twin daughters were to be betrothed to me like my sister to keep the close connection. A year later my uncle had twin sons and another year and he had another son. Once I was 14 namedays which is the age of majority(adulthood) in Westeros my father had me manage the castle while he left for battle with my uncle and his wife for comfort(you know what I mean remember how long these journeys are in the expanded world) and to visit her family. 14 moons later we got a raven from my uncle saying they found a lord who had a vassal they dislike in dorne and with the promise of keeping the land conquered it and swore to the king of the area. On my fathers and mothers way home with a small crew, as he didn't bring any of his own men as their was no point he got attacked by ironborne and was killed. Luckily his Valyrian steel sword was still in the keep in fact it's in my room it's my own personal sword as a gift on my 14th nameday(birthday). My uncle planed to name his house goldscorpion for the family house that used to rule their and to show their family is us. I sent a message telling him Goldscore is better as it rolls of the younger and isn't too long. Their banner is a gold scorpion on a field of black.
And today my uncle arrives to honor his betrothal between me and his twin daughters as today is the day I marry my sister and his daughters and my first day in this world.
"Wonder what Evelyn's response to this will be?" I question after receiving all the information. She loves game of thrones so I doubt she has too much of a problem with incest she may even have a kink for it not sure about my cousins though (remember he does have to cousins in real life from his uncles side who are the twins mentioned)
"This day will be weird" i sight already exhausted and this body just woke up