Anaisa's eyes widened as she leaned slightly forward. Trace grabbed her hand, pulling her back from the edge.
"What is this?" She asked him, pointing. Sweat had beaded on his forehead as if he were reliving something quite terrible.
"Let's press on," He said, "I'll tell you on the way."
Nodding, Anaisa took several steps away from the dark hole in the cave floor.
She glanced back at Trace, and he shook his head.
"It was something Sanders showed me. When Oakdown first got his powers, the deputy that was with him was the unfortunate victim of a test of the strength of his commands." Trace sighed. "He commanded the deputy to jump into a bottomless pit further up the trail. I believe we just passed it."
Anaisa shivered. "Did it work?"
"Yes." The single word seemed to echo more deeply than any other in the cavern.
Everyone should go hold a baby today. Baby snuggles are the best.
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