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Écrire un avishey i like the story but maybe have someone edit your story, i just started reading the story and its hard to get into it since you keep making so many grammatical errors or you just straight up forget to put words so the sentences are all out of wack. im not trying to throw shade at you and your work, your story has alot of great potential but its getting ruined with all the mistakes..if you want we can connect and i could help you edit if that is what you wish
I really like this book, and I think you should update more, and let's not forget the goddess of wisdom overall this book is truly amazing
start was nice but bro started be8ng cocky af wym bro fights till half in his grave and still doesnt not rank up just kill everyone urself bfr someone else does at that point man god of procastination says nonsense like oh people will find it weird as if u being like rank 3 in 6 months aint weird .-.
This author took waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much chapter to write a simple short arc. Where others author writes a small arc in 2 to 5 chapters this author write a small arc in 50 to 60 chapter. He is dragging too much.
I am 80 chapters in and I can say I thoroughly enjoy this but… I have noticed it really needs to have some serious re-editing. I plan to continue reading on I do enjoy it
Harika bir roman hepinize okumanızı tavsiye ederim. Hikaye harika konusu harika. Karakterler harika. Olay örgüsü güzel. Hikaye bir az yavaş ilerliyor. Bir azcık hizlandırmalı bence. Gaz ver😃. Bölümler bazen gec geliyor sinir oluyor insan yeni bölümü beklerken. Devamını sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz bangali kardeş.
Hey author, I liked all four of your novels, but why did you remove your fourth novel?
Spoiler de révélationEverything about this book is absolutely fantastic and I love it[img=gift], however I must address the major issue which is the amount of chapters to unlock and the cost of unlocking them😭😭
Chapter 739… Author, what are you doing? Why in the world would you have Aditya ask Luna to train your general in illusion magic as if Aditya can’t go to the central continent to find someone. This chick is the ultimate villain. She killed many of Aditya’s people and allies. She tried to off Aditya many times and she stole his people’s hearts and experimented on them. Yet you took Aditya so out of character. He has never spared his enemies, yet the one person he def shouldn’t, he did? He even let her out of prison and is paying her to train his general? This is the most asinine thing you could’ve done. My frustration and disappointment with your choices is deep. I don’t even know if I will continue bc I feel like you’re going to add this psycho to the group when Aditya should have executed her
Spoiler de révélationI thought this novel started off strong but it started to go downhill. There’s ups and downs of the novel but it’s getting a little annoying. Currently at chapter 609 and may update my review as I read on(I’ve already invested all the time so I may as well finish) Let’s talk about MC a bit. It feels like the MC would rather die than to level himself up. The amount of times he almost died and gets saved by one of his women is crazy. He wouldn’t need to struggle if he would just level up. Author kept MC at rank 3 for hundreds of chapters. Plus it’s getting ridiculous on how low his rank is and how much he’s able to jump. So throwaway any concept of levels and cultivation realms. They’re non existent when it comes to fighting. Only reason it barely matters is the MC is able to get a new class. But it’s funny how paranoid the MC is when he can just level up and protect himself and his wives but nah. Too easy right? Harem… it starting to feel like every single cute woman will start to fall in love with MC in the future. At least author has the decency to give bro some romance (kinda). I do like how author is exploring the world though. It’s nice to see how the world differs from the empire the MC has. The girls in his harem are nice. They’re all different with each specialization that’s actually useful to the MC which is definitely a nice change of pace. I also noticed how author is setting up some bs redemption for his parents as if parents kicked him out for his own good. How cliche 😒 but hey, if I’m wrong I will edit me review.
Spoiler de révélationThe beginning was spectacular but it got more and more boring with the protagonist almost dying several times because he refuses to increase the level because he is afraid of what others will think.
I just started reading this book and I am curious is there any NTR at the beginning of the novel up to the recent chapters?
I don’t care about the MC being a Simp, or whatever but the way he fights is even worse then a dragon how are you going to nosedive breaking the sound barrier straight into 1 million people you’re a warhead :(
Spoiler de révélationNow I’m not gonna say that everything is perfect with this book, but I will say I do enjoy the story myself. I believe the grammar could be worked on, and a more stable release schedule would be nice, but again, I will say that as a reader; I like the world and story the author has built and hope to see more of it.
First of all one of my favorite countries in the Islamic world is Bangladesh🇧🇩 and I am from Egypt🇪🇬. This is an impressive novel I am enjoying it very much. The MC is an anti-hero with multiple wives as he starts as an outcast but rises up in ranks quickly earning the affection of many women. The side characters get their fair share of development and screen time. The romance is slow and well written.
I just got done reading chapter 502 and I really dont get Y this stupid authors decided not to have the MC not take over the reast of the south when he clearly could have!!! And u have this... come on like y r u trying to drag out some pert of the book that could have been taken care already!!???
Dude are you a 15 year old Virgin or what? Why are you continually butchering your own novel. If I was pointing an Uzi at you are you going to use a club instead of the rocket launcher on your back. Well that's what you're doing with your MC. You're ruining a perfectly good idea and theme for what plot holes. As OCD as you are about your flavor text you drop the ball for everything else. Maybe you should stop writing novels and go to work for enix and write flavor text for their video games.
for the sake of God can you please upgrade to 4th grade or higher after every fight he is injured heavily and 5th orders always got killed by his using tricks his adopted brother Leo is 4th grade and his pathetic excuses 3 goddess as fiance but he wants to not upgrade his cultivation because it will gain attention to him like building 5star Empire in year is being very low profile he is adding one more goddess and still think he will keep low profile by staying at low cultivation level
Spoiler de révélationA waste of time. There's a lot of illogical stuff in the first chapter and each chapter after that, but out of interest in the system and kingdom building, I kept reading, only to become increasingly disappointed when the author started nerfing the MC with the nonsense of storing exp. The MC hasn't evolved for months just to win battles in a tragic way. The worst thing is that the useless person often almost dies. It's annoying to always rely on skills that temporarily increase stats with long cooldowns. It's ridiculous that I wasted time reading this until chapter 350 and I'm not even in the 4th order yet. I want satisfaction, not to see a masochistic MC.
This story was good starting out but the author obviously has know idea what he is doing it makes no sense why he is not leveling up he has xp stocked up for 100s of chapters the he complains when he’s getting beaten up or always near death when all he needs to do is level up. It’s so annoying he’s said so many times he can easily level up to 5th order but dosent want to and wants to master the abilities he has now that is so stupid he’s been in so many fights that he has already mastered them if this continues I will be dropping it I hope the author sees this in fixes it it makes no sense how can you be so dumb
Story is good but if Author is seeing this review I just want you to know most of the decisions you made doesn't make sense, I feel like i lose brain cells every time i read some chapters, I mean why should MC limit himself just to get beaten and even to the point of dying? is he a machochist ? I don't get that logic at all and if you think it makes him look cool so he defeats stronger opponents ... it honestly doesn't, ahh well it's your book anyway, you're the one who decides who dies at the end.
my english is Bad but ber with me it wad a good story with a lat of potanchel but After 250 a hâte it 1) it became repeted 2) in thé first chapter you side thé système fond a Host who thé Real Host ???? first a thot soul fuisen and that good or awaken of past momorie tha good but your side aditya die that mine thé system kill him stole his body and give it to samoine Ilse ( what happen to thé soul contract that if hé die his wive die) 3) that mine it (NTR) what do you thinke well happen wine FM finde aute tha aditya die and samoine else is sleepen with them ( i stole his body but i have his momorie and émotions so i canne sleep with you) !!!!! that make me sike and it exeset in all thé New novel 4) réincarnation mine (momorie from thé year 0). transmegation (momorie of past life at year 16 or 17 that way thé porsnalte shange a litill) or ( soul fuisen). possetion( steal thé body ) . régression ( toren bake Time). 5) a hâte wen thé author kill a charcuter steal thé body give it to samoine else and give thé famille thé frinde thé wife (girlfriend ) to that persen and nobady notece 6) juaste bécasse his from earth with système dasent mine he king of avrethen 7) systeme is ( anhereten of samoine or a blessn from thé World or samoine trayen to make you there toyo to player with you) 8)mc bet samoine is good but how is it possible to bet 1000 or 10000 of year of miletre power or techniques and ressources 9) note avere one is morone (ideat) 10) way avre new novel thé mc from earth with système. way cant mc from his World with cheat or power or good tetcher or genise. anthen is good
Dear author you have an unpolished gem of a story and your messing it up with too much useless details and repetitive information and please for your sake and everyone else’s stop with the excuse: he needs to get used to his skills and power it’s getting ridiculous the mc is stuck on his power level and keeps winning against everyone oh come on at least make it somewhat logical no matter how op the mc is winning against people 3 lvls above him is abit stupid now 1 lvl difference is understandable but 3 thats abit much even for cultivation novels Either you are not paying attention and forgot and you are going with the flow or you need to polish you views on mcs in general sorry for being harsh but I feel that the cold hard truth is needed here
I actually quite enjoy this novel. From the characters, their various interactions, the world building, even the sometimes questionable and overly mysterious plot. Author also does well in regard to not neglecting the harem members despite their continued growth in number, they each have a unique charm that sets them apart from one another. My main gripe with this novel is in how the author refuses to advance the MC’s Order. Anyone familiar with this genre have all read novels where the MC would be stagnant at a single level for dozens if not 100-200 chapters, but at least the reasons given were understandable and weren’t worth harping over. Here, that isn’t remotely close to being the problem as the MC advances by means of XP. The issue here is that it’s been accumulating for hundreds of chapters and the MC advances at a snails pace or not at all even if the situation calls for it. He can be facing death and rather than use the XP he has to perhaps make a last ditch effort, on several occasions he has just accepted the fact that he may just die. Isn’t that absolutely ridiculous? At this point, it’s clear that the author is just using this as a plot device to introduce more challenges to the MC and increase tension, but it’s done poorly and feels forced every single time. The initial excuse was that the MC wanted to refine his powers before advancing, then after a time it changed to him not arousing suspicion from others if he were to advance too fast. Previously, that made sense, but as of now when he should(author somehow always manages to introduce someone who can threaten his life every few dozen chapters) have no equal outside of the Main Continent, those reasons no longer matter. As of late, I had hope that he’d finally start utilizing his XP and advancing because apparently he can easily reach Peak 6th Order and it was stated that he’d start being less cautious, but not even a dozen chapters later and he almost dies once again. The author may as well be treating his readers as a joke at this point with such a glaring flaw in the story that has not been addressed after so long of many people pointing it out. Still a good read, but prepare yourself to be frustrated to no end when this type of situation continues to occur.
Spoiler de révélationThos book os very very good... so Y dod it stop coming out with chapters?? O would really really like to see how it all plays out and everything so I hope the chap6can start to come back out!!!
hey i like the story but maybe have someone edit your story, i just started reading the story and its hard to get into it since you keep making so many grammatical errors or you just straight up forget to put words so the sentences are all out of wack. im not trying to throw shade at you and your work, your story has alot of great potential but its getting ruined with all the mistakes..if you want we can connect and i could help you edit if that is what you wish
I really like this book, and I think you should update more, and let's not forget the goddess of wisdom overall this book is truly amazing
start was nice but bro started be8ng cocky af wym bro fights till half in his grave and still doesnt not rank up just kill everyone urself bfr someone else does at that point man god of procastination says nonsense like oh people will find it weird as if u being like rank 3 in 6 months aint weird .-.
This author took waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much chapter to write a simple short arc. Where others author writes a small arc in 2 to 5 chapters this author write a small arc in 50 to 60 chapter. He is dragging too much.
I am 80 chapters in and I can say I thoroughly enjoy this but… I have noticed it really needs to have some serious re-editing. I plan to continue reading on I do enjoy it
Harika bir roman hepinize okumanızı tavsiye ederim. Hikaye harika konusu harika. Karakterler harika. Olay örgüsü güzel. Hikaye bir az yavaş ilerliyor. Bir azcık hizlandırmalı bence. Gaz ver😃. Bölümler bazen gec geliyor sinir oluyor insan yeni bölümü beklerken. Devamını sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz bangali kardeş.
Hey author, I liked all four of your novels, but why did you remove your fourth novel?
Spoiler de révélationEverything about this book is absolutely fantastic and I love it[img=gift], however I must address the major issue which is the amount of chapters to unlock and the cost of unlocking them😭😭
Chapter 739… Author, what are you doing? Why in the world would you have Aditya ask Luna to train your general in illusion magic as if Aditya can’t go to the central continent to find someone. This chick is the ultimate villain. She killed many of Aditya’s people and allies. She tried to off Aditya many times and she stole his people’s hearts and experimented on them. Yet you took Aditya so out of character. He has never spared his enemies, yet the one person he def shouldn’t, he did? He even let her out of prison and is paying her to train his general? This is the most asinine thing you could’ve done. My frustration and disappointment with your choices is deep. I don’t even know if I will continue bc I feel like you’re going to add this psycho to the group when Aditya should have executed her
Spoiler de révélationI thought this novel started off strong but it started to go downhill. There’s ups and downs of the novel but it’s getting a little annoying. Currently at chapter 609 and may update my review as I read on(I’ve already invested all the time so I may as well finish) Let’s talk about MC a bit. It feels like the MC would rather die than to level himself up. The amount of times he almost died and gets saved by one of his women is crazy. He wouldn’t need to struggle if he would just level up. Author kept MC at rank 3 for hundreds of chapters. Plus it’s getting ridiculous on how low his rank is and how much he’s able to jump. So throwaway any concept of levels and cultivation realms. They’re non existent when it comes to fighting. Only reason it barely matters is the MC is able to get a new class. But it’s funny how paranoid the MC is when he can just level up and protect himself and his wives but nah. Too easy right? Harem… it starting to feel like every single cute woman will start to fall in love with MC in the future. At least author has the decency to give bro some romance (kinda). I do like how author is exploring the world though. It’s nice to see how the world differs from the empire the MC has. The girls in his harem are nice. They’re all different with each specialization that’s actually useful to the MC which is definitely a nice change of pace. I also noticed how author is setting up some bs redemption for his parents as if parents kicked him out for his own good. How cliche 😒 but hey, if I’m wrong I will edit me review.
Spoiler de révélationThe beginning was spectacular but it got more and more boring with the protagonist almost dying several times because he refuses to increase the level because he is afraid of what others will think.
I just started reading this book and I am curious is there any NTR at the beginning of the novel up to the recent chapters?
I don’t care about the MC being a Simp, or whatever but the way he fights is even worse then a dragon how are you going to nosedive breaking the sound barrier straight into 1 million people you’re a warhead :(
Spoiler de révélationNow I’m not gonna say that everything is perfect with this book, but I will say I do enjoy the story myself. I believe the grammar could be worked on, and a more stable release schedule would be nice, but again, I will say that as a reader; I like the world and story the author has built and hope to see more of it.
First of all one of my favorite countries in the Islamic world is Bangladesh🇧🇩 and I am from Egypt🇪🇬. This is an impressive novel I am enjoying it very much. The MC is an anti-hero with multiple wives as he starts as an outcast but rises up in ranks quickly earning the affection of many women. The side characters get their fair share of development and screen time. The romance is slow and well written.
I just got done reading chapter 502 and I really dont get Y this stupid authors decided not to have the MC not take over the reast of the south when he clearly could have!!! And u have this... come on like y r u trying to drag out some pert of the book that could have been taken care already!!???
Dude are you a 15 year old Virgin or what? Why are you continually butchering your own novel. If I was pointing an Uzi at you are you going to use a club instead of the rocket launcher on your back. Well that's what you're doing with your MC. You're ruining a perfectly good idea and theme for what plot holes. As OCD as you are about your flavor text you drop the ball for everything else. Maybe you should stop writing novels and go to work for enix and write flavor text for their video games.
for the sake of God can you please upgrade to 4th grade or higher after every fight he is injured heavily and 5th orders always got killed by his using tricks his adopted brother Leo is 4th grade and his pathetic excuses 3 goddess as fiance but he wants to not upgrade his cultivation because it will gain attention to him like building 5star Empire in year is being very low profile he is adding one more goddess and still think he will keep low profile by staying at low cultivation level
Spoiler de révélationA waste of time. There's a lot of illogical stuff in the first chapter and each chapter after that, but out of interest in the system and kingdom building, I kept reading, only to become increasingly disappointed when the author started nerfing the MC with the nonsense of storing exp. The MC hasn't evolved for months just to win battles in a tragic way. The worst thing is that the useless person often almost dies. It's annoying to always rely on skills that temporarily increase stats with long cooldowns. It's ridiculous that I wasted time reading this until chapter 350 and I'm not even in the 4th order yet. I want satisfaction, not to see a masochistic MC.
This story was good starting out but the author obviously has know idea what he is doing it makes no sense why he is not leveling up he has xp stocked up for 100s of chapters the he complains when he’s getting beaten up or always near death when all he needs to do is level up. It’s so annoying he’s said so many times he can easily level up to 5th order but dosent want to and wants to master the abilities he has now that is so stupid he’s been in so many fights that he has already mastered them if this continues I will be dropping it I hope the author sees this in fixes it it makes no sense how can you be so dumb
Story is good but if Author is seeing this review I just want you to know most of the decisions you made doesn't make sense, I feel like i lose brain cells every time i read some chapters, I mean why should MC limit himself just to get beaten and even to the point of dying? is he a machochist ? I don't get that logic at all and if you think it makes him look cool so he defeats stronger opponents ... it honestly doesn't, ahh well it's your book anyway, you're the one who decides who dies at the end.
my english is Bad but ber with me it wad a good story with a lat of potanchel but After 250 a hâte it 1) it became repeted 2) in thé first chapter you side thé système fond a Host who thé Real Host ???? first a thot soul fuisen and that good or awaken of past momorie tha good but your side aditya die that mine thé system kill him stole his body and give it to samoine Ilse ( what happen to thé soul contract that if hé die his wive die) 3) that mine it (NTR) what do you thinke well happen wine FM finde aute tha aditya die and samoine else is sleepen with them ( i stole his body but i have his momorie and émotions so i canne sleep with you) !!!!! that make me sike and it exeset in all thé New novel 4) réincarnation mine (momorie from thé year 0). transmegation (momorie of past life at year 16 or 17 that way thé porsnalte shange a litill) or ( soul fuisen). possetion( steal thé body ) . régression ( toren bake Time). 5) a hâte wen thé author kill a charcuter steal thé body give it to samoine else and give thé famille thé frinde thé wife (girlfriend ) to that persen and nobady notece 6) juaste bécasse his from earth with système dasent mine he king of avrethen 7) systeme is ( anhereten of samoine or a blessn from thé World or samoine trayen to make you there toyo to player with you) 8)mc bet samoine is good but how is it possible to bet 1000 or 10000 of year of miletre power or techniques and ressources 9) note avere one is morone (ideat) 10) way avre new novel thé mc from earth with système. way cant mc from his World with cheat or power or good tetcher or genise. anthen is good
Dear author you have an unpolished gem of a story and your messing it up with too much useless details and repetitive information and please for your sake and everyone else’s stop with the excuse: he needs to get used to his skills and power it’s getting ridiculous the mc is stuck on his power level and keeps winning against everyone oh come on at least make it somewhat logical no matter how op the mc is winning against people 3 lvls above him is abit stupid now 1 lvl difference is understandable but 3 thats abit much even for cultivation novels Either you are not paying attention and forgot and you are going with the flow or you need to polish you views on mcs in general sorry for being harsh but I feel that the cold hard truth is needed here
I actually quite enjoy this novel. From the characters, their various interactions, the world building, even the sometimes questionable and overly mysterious plot. Author also does well in regard to not neglecting the harem members despite their continued growth in number, they each have a unique charm that sets them apart from one another. My main gripe with this novel is in how the author refuses to advance the MC’s Order. Anyone familiar with this genre have all read novels where the MC would be stagnant at a single level for dozens if not 100-200 chapters, but at least the reasons given were understandable and weren’t worth harping over. Here, that isn’t remotely close to being the problem as the MC advances by means of XP. The issue here is that it’s been accumulating for hundreds of chapters and the MC advances at a snails pace or not at all even if the situation calls for it. He can be facing death and rather than use the XP he has to perhaps make a last ditch effort, on several occasions he has just accepted the fact that he may just die. Isn’t that absolutely ridiculous? At this point, it’s clear that the author is just using this as a plot device to introduce more challenges to the MC and increase tension, but it’s done poorly and feels forced every single time. The initial excuse was that the MC wanted to refine his powers before advancing, then after a time it changed to him not arousing suspicion from others if he were to advance too fast. Previously, that made sense, but as of now when he should(author somehow always manages to introduce someone who can threaten his life every few dozen chapters) have no equal outside of the Main Continent, those reasons no longer matter. As of late, I had hope that he’d finally start utilizing his XP and advancing because apparently he can easily reach Peak 6th Order and it was stated that he’d start being less cautious, but not even a dozen chapters later and he almost dies once again. The author may as well be treating his readers as a joke at this point with such a glaring flaw in the story that has not been addressed after so long of many people pointing it out. Still a good read, but prepare yourself to be frustrated to no end when this type of situation continues to occur.
Spoiler de révélation
Thos book os very very good... so Y dod it stop coming out with chapters?? O would really really like to see how it all plays out and everything so I hope the chap6can start to come back out!!!