"Mam, are you sure that you want to focus on the second floor today? It's not going to be easy clearing it at the moment. All the surviving bloodfury rabbits have grouped up densely rather than being more spread out than they were before. We would need to face hundreds, if not thousands, of bloodfury rabbits mam!"
There were several Martial Squires in a room listening to a conversation between their manager and their leader.
"It's a more attractive prospect than going down deeper floors at the moment," The red-haired woman calmly replied. "Floors become exceedingly harder to clear for adventurer parties when most of the floor is already cleared, that is why everyone is avoiding the second floor and going straight down to the tenth floor, correct?"
"Yes!" The grey-haired man whined, readjusting his spectacles. "There are more monsters herded together for less loot and plunder. It makes sense to go to deeper floors, that's what every adventurer party is doing!"
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed that.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!