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88.23% Altering Skyrim / Chapter 90: A Little Day Trip

Chapitre 90: A Little Day Trip

"What is your bloodline?"

Rictus looked up in surprise at Valerica who had just entered the tent where he was working this morning.

"Excuse me?"

Her nose twitched as she took in another breath which furthered her conviction.

"I believe it was a straightforward question. I am curious as to your true bloodline. When I first met you in the Soul Cairn, I could tell you were of the Volkihar, and my daughter was the most likely one to change you. At least, that was what my initial thought was. Your scent was off though, as if you were not truly of that bloodline. Now, it isn't anything at all like those of us from the Volkihar. There is even something else that I cannot quite identify which makes identifying your bloodline even more difficult."

He gestured for her to take a seat as he also sat down.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you of all people figured something out. So far, you are the only one to sus it out without me informing them."

She simply nodded her head at his admission as she waited for an answer.

"Put simply, I am from the Sanguine bloodline, at least that is what I am calling it."

Valerica tilted her head in thought.

"Hmm. That sounds similar to the Hollowfang Clan in Elsweyr, except I believe they worshiped Sangiin who is basically just their version of Sanguine. Fascinating. I have only heard tales of them, and not much is known after their clan was wiped out."

They continued talking about vampirism and various bloodlines and clans found throughout Tamriel. It was quite illuminating for Rictus. Valerica was an extremely knowledgeable source on many subjects due to her age and intelligence. While she sometimes still got a little preachy or pompous, Rictus enjoyed talking and learning from her.

"Crazy to think that those bloodlines of the Iliac Bay could have their entire line cured should the progenitor be destroyed."

Valerica agreed with a smile on her face.

"Indeed. That does not sound like something I would enjoy at all either. Not all bloodlines are created equal though."

They sat in companionable silence for a few more moments before Rictus spoke.

"So, what are your plans now?"

An annoyed expression appeared on her face at the question.

"Serana has agreed to accompany Alucard as he goes and checks up on some of his followers which took over the nearby abandoned orcish stronghold. It isn't too far from the entrance of darkfall cave. He has been teaching her how best to use a bow which she has been adamant in learning since finding Auriel's bow. I will admit he has more skill in archery than anyone I have encountered, which is saying a lot. Still doesn't mean I like him, but I promised Serana I would stay by her side, so I am going with them as well."

Valerica was obvious in her dislike, but Rictus could respect her tolerating him regardless. Rictus had nothing against the guy, but he could see how Alucard would be vexing to Valerica. He put up a façade of formality, but the ancient vampire could easily tell it was an act. Rictus admitted to himself that he was a little uneasy about them running off with the bow while Harkon was still unaccounted for.

"Are you sure going there is a good idea? With us not knowing the location of Harkon, it seems a little risky."

Valerica let out a tired sigh.

"I also do not think it is a good idea, but Serana still has some wanderlust and doesn't like the idea of sitting in one place for long. She also claimed the Restored were taking all the good game and opponents so getting back out would help her refine her archery better. Harkon's disappearance is worrying though. Normally, I should be able to sense him, but I worry the time in the Soul Cairn has dulled some of my senses. We will be exceedingly careful though, and I will not allow anything to happen to Serana."

Rictus thought about finding and talking with Serana but decided against it. While it may be reckless on his part, he wasn't about to tell them what they must and mustn't do. He would make sure to send some of his people with them, even if they did only watch over them. No need he shouldn't take some precautions at least.

Not long after that Valerica departed, leaving him alone in the tent once again. As he started getting back to work, he was interrupted yet again as someone else entered his tent.

"Darling, you are looking well this morning."

Rictus looked up at the smiling face of Moira causing a small smile to grace his face as well.

"Thank you. Now, what do you want?"

She made a slightly shocked face as she covered her mouth with a hand. It quickly morphed into a coy smile though.

"You know me so well. I actually have a proposition for you."

His eyes narrowed slightly at that.

"Should I be expecting another magical race to be sprung on me like the minotaurs?"

"Haha that did seem to work out in your favor, but this is something different. I heard about you finding a large cache of dwemer artifacts from the camp of the pyromancers. There is a scholar in Markarth who has a great interest in Dwemer artifacts. I believe he would be very willing to see what you found."

Seeing him considering it, Moira gave another reason for him going.

"I have heard there are some very interesting pieces which have stumped some of your own smiths which he may have some insight into."

This did catch Rictus's attention.

"What do you mean by interesting pieces?"

She simply shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know a lot of the specifics on it actually. I just happened to overhear some of them talking about a strange blue glowing crest thing which none of them had ever seen before. There is a good chance the scholar would know more though."

Rictus took a moment as he thought over the proposition. There was a whole lot of things he needed to get done before the dragonborn faces Alduin. Lots of plans needed planning, magic needing refining, experiments waiting to happen. Still…

"Why not? Let's go."

Moira had a large smile on her face as she gave him a peck on the cheek before going to get ready. Rictus smiled as he watched her go. Yes, there was a lot to do, but this was something he wanted to do anyways. The mundaneness of visiting one of the more interesting cities in Skyrim to talk with a scholar about some ancient artifacts was compelling. No battling undead creatures, no pressure of leading people. Just a simple day out and about with a pretty woman in a city he hadn't taken the time to properly explore. He started whistling an upbeat tune as he left his desk. It would be nice to have a simple outing. A few hours of break would not hurt.


Markarth was one of the most aesthetically pleasing cities in Rictus's opinion. The large stone buildings, houses built into the mountain, and large waterfalls were quite eye catching. It had a sense of history and oldness which could almost be felt as one walked along the stone pathways. Rictus hadn't really paid much attention to the city when he was last here which felt so much longer than it was. In the game, Markarth had some interesting quests and interactions, especially compared to some of the other holds. With the forsworn now in control, he had no idea what changes would have been wrought by the new rulers.

Not much really. Turns out the common people aren't affected as much by the change in leadership. Walking along the streets, Rictus saw people going about their day like anywhere else. The markets were busy with merchants hawking their wares while customers bartered for better prices. Craftsmen were making more products. Workers were…well working. Just normal everyday interactions commonly found in any city really. Sure, there were some more…exotic items but nothing too crazy. The only real obvious difference from the other holds were the guards.

Instead of the standard guard armor found throughout Skyrim, the guards of Markarth stayed true to their forsworn roots. Much more leather and feathers. Their weapons were of much better quality though, and some of what Rictus inferred were captains wore exceptionally crafted armor. It was probably better crafted than any armor he had seen before if he was being honest, his 'Uncle Sam' gifted armor the exception of course. His observation didn't go unnoticed.

"Their armor is crafted by the Smith."

Rictus looked over at Moira as she explained.

"I do not know his actual name as Madanach keeps him sequestered away and under tight security, so everyone just calls him the Smith. He has created some of the most exquisite armor and weapons I have ever seen. I bet he could even give old Eorlund Gray-Mane a run for his money. If I didn't think it would start a fight, I would have long stolen him away from here and brought him to the Restored."

Rictus mulled over what she had said. This Smith was probably none other than the Skilled of Smithing. He had already theorized there was a Skilled working for the forsworn, and the one of Smithing made a lot of sense, especially after seeing some of the weapons and armor here. Maybe he would have to try and pay the Smith a visit. Just to check on his safety of course. Rictus being the paragon of justice he was would not be able to stand idly by as someone was constantly forced to work in poor conditions like some slave. It definitely was not because he could be a tiny bit greedy and wanted the very best for the Restored. Nope. He was just that nice of a guy.

It was something he would definitely check out later for sure. Right now, he was still approaching Understone Keep. He had thought they may have been stopped at the door or questioned, but that didn't happen at all as the guards there bowed their heads at Moira and quickly opened the doors.

As the massive stone doors closed behind them, Rictus couldn't help whispering to himself.

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead…and the dead keep it."

Moira looked at him questioningly.


He quickly shook his head in embarrassment.

"Umm nothing. Just something I heard once and thought it sounded cool. Let's go find that scholar."

Moira chuckled and patted his arm as he started walking faster. It didn't take them long before they found the scholar. Rictus had already been briefed on the man. He was an aged Altmer man who had spent a long time researching the dwemer in Markarth. He had been the court wizard under the previous Jarl. During the battle for the city, he had been away in one of the ruins so he had missed the entire thing, which was probably why he was still alive. Instead of killing him, Madaanach had allowed him to stay here and continue his research.

Calcelmo was overlooking some workers reorganizing various pieces of dwarven materials. He barely spared them a glance before turning back to watching his workers.

"I don't need any more workers or guards. I have enough on my hands keeping these uneducated cretins from destroying years of work."

Moira bristled at the casual dismissal while Rictus approached the man.

"We were looking for you, actually."

Calcelmo rolled his eyes as he frowned at him.

"I told you already. I am not hiring. Why do people always bother me when I am working. The most recognized scholar on Dwemer in all of Tamriel, and I am regulated to menial work when I should be finishing my research!"

Immediately after the outburst, he let out a sigh.

"I…I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at some stranger because I was feeling stressed. That was uncalled for. How can I help you?"

Rictus just smiled as he held out a couple journals.

"I think I may be able to help you. I have recently come into some journals and artefacts regarding the dwemer which I think you would be interested in."

Calcelmo narrowed his eyes before taking one of the journals. This one had been written by one of the pyromancers and was a list about what they had collected. More like an inventory list than an actual journal. As the elf quickly scanned the book, his eyes widened while his mouth hung open. He looked up at Rictus.

"Is all this true? Do you know what this is even talking about or means??"

Rictus shrugged his shoulders while offering a simple reply.


Seeing he wasn't saying anything else, Calcelmo grabbed the other journal as he started pacing with an excited look upon his face.

"After seeing the list of things, I was skeptical, but this clears everything up. It seems you have found the location and requirement for the Aetherium Forge. I always believed that fool Taron didn't really know what he was talking about. Probably stole the work of someone else. This is an incredible find! Tell me, do you have the pieces of solid Aetherium?"

Rictus took out the large blue crest. He had studied it himself but couldn't tell exactly what it did. It was obviously magical, but he couldn't figure out anything beyond that. The structure of the crystal was somewhat similar to the manastones he created. Still very different though.

Calcelmo grabbed the piece reverently as he stared at it. He then quickly made his way over to a large table where he unrolled a map of Skyrim and laid out the journals. It didn't take him long before he stabbed a finger onto the map a little south of Ivarstead.

"Here. These are the ruins of Bthalft. This is where the aetherium forge would be located. Aetherium crystals can be found in some dwemer city ruins, but no one knows what all it is capable of or even how to manipulate it. The Dwemer were the only ones who had figured it out, but they required the aetherium forge to work it. Some project that the forge is at least 4,000 years old, ancient even by dwemer standards. Items produced by it are said to be powerful artifacts imbued with very powerful enchantments. The knowledge we could gleam from this discovery would be immeasurable!"

He turned to look at Rictus with slightly crazed eyes.

"We must go there as soon as possible!"

Rictus thought over the implications of what was said. He did like the idea of getting some more powerful items. One could never have too many of those.

"It does seem like something we should investigate. I could use some more powerful equipment, especially with what is happening soon. Conventual means of travel would take a long time though."

The elves eyes gleamed at his acceptance as he nodded his head.

"I understand. Horse and carriage can only go so fast. It seems you may know of ways faster though."

Before Rictus could say anything, Calcelmo held up his hands in a placating gesture before one slowly started moving towards his head.

"I am only interested in this discovery and investigating it. If I just so happen to pass out here due to some of my magic going awry and wake up there after someone channels a basic healing spell onto my head, I would probably be too distracted by the discoveries to be made for any questions."

Seeing the smile on the elder elf's face caused Rictus to smile himself. It may be a little dumb, but he couldn't help but be moved by the man's dedication. Having an expert indebted to him would be good too. Him being a strong and experienced mage would also make him a good potential recruit for the Restored. Feeling a little reckless, Rictus nodded his head in acceptance. Before he could ask any questions, there was a flash of magic and Calcelmo crumpled to the ground with a smile on his face.

"Well…that just happened. I don't suppose you are up for another little outing huh?"

Moira smiled as she levitated the unconscious man's body into the air.

"I would love that."

Without further ado, they quickly left. The two workers who had been organizing everything stared in shock after them for a few moments, completely lost on everything which just happened. Eventually, they shrugged their shoulders and left for the tavern since work was apparently done early today.


[AN]: Thanks so much for all the ideas given last week! I obviously took some of them to heart and will be including them in the writing, as evidenced by the aetherium forge. I wonder what all will be found there. Totally unrelated to this story, but I would love to hear any ideas someone would have about a more realistic enchantment for the Aetherial Crown. Just for fun of course.

Pepey_LePew Pepey_LePew

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story. If you have any ideas or tips, please let me know. I love comments, and they really do help me.

For those looking for something interesting I got something. The lighter professional competitive eaters are better than heavier ones. Popular science expanded on the theory that lighter contestants can out eat heavier ones because they have more room for their stomach to expand without being blocked by a rig of fat. Weird huh.

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