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98.93% DxD: King of Summoning / Chapter 91: Chapter 91 - Three of Five and Declaration

Chapitre 91: Chapter 91 - Three of Five and Declaration





At the distance on top of a cliff, a girl with black ponytail hair and a boy with eyeglasses watching with slight frown after they saw an unknown boy, Rey, saved the witch girl, Lavinia.

"Who is he?"

The bespectacled boy asked in uncertainties.

"I don't know."

The ponytail-haired girl replied with slightly shaking her head.

"Is it possible that he's also part of the Black Dog's group?"

The boy asked again.

"I don't know either. But I don't think he's with them."

The girl said after she concluded from what she knows and what she just saw from the unknown boy with black spear.

"Then what if he's enemy too?"

The boy asked with a wary look to the unknown boy in the distance.

"That's.... I think we need to ascertain that first."

The girl said with a bit hesitant tone. Even though actually she didn't think that the unknown boy was enemy looking at how he treats the witch girl gently.

"Of course we have to! He's too uncertain!"

Replies heard from the bespectacled boy.

"I know that. Especially with Satanael the mastermind and traitor of the Grigori got away before this. And Augusta also just escaped too. So that boy who suddenly appeared is an unknown risk.... But at least Lavinia has been saved even though not really according to the plan by the Fallen-Angel's Governor."

The girl said agreed with the bespectacled boy that Rey was a new variable.

And yes, actually they already have a plan proposed by Azazel where the group of few youngsters including Vali who would try to save Lavinia.

And when the group of young Sacred Gear wielders were fighting Augusta, Witch of the East, to keep injuries to a minimum, especially for the innocent people, the two boy and girl employ practitioners of the Five Principal Clans with a large-scale people clearing barrier.

Moreover, so as not to allow any hindrance to them, they also instructed to obstruct the Utsusemi Agency's remnants and the magicians of Oz.

But the sudden appearance of Rey made all that plan goes lay in to waste.

"It seems the Utsusemi Agency has been cast aside by the enemy side. But still, Satanael and the Witches of Oz are really troublesome for having involved the outcasts of our Five Clans. Tsk."

The bespectacled boy said with a bit of clicked tongue.

"And now, from the Heads from each Clans, I don't know just what kind of orders will they dump on us from now on. Hah~...."

The girl said with a bit tired sigh.

"With the Clans having been silent thus far, I don't know what they'll tell us to do after this occasion. Do you have the readiness for that? .... Even though it is what I should be asking myself as well."

The bespectacled boy said with a shrugs.

"Yes. And I have no choice but to forcibly convince the Clan Head against his will."

The girl said with a bit frown while considering just what sort of explanation to give to the Clan Head.

"Then perhaps you could tell me a reason that will make us agree."

Suddenly heard a voice from a third party.

And together with those words from the third person, earlier girl and boy soon sensed a powerful aura close by.

When the two of them turned to look at the direction where the voice come from, there stood a tall young, good-looking young man in early twenties with sharp eyes.

And he wears military uniform. But it wasn't a military uniform of the Self-Defence Forces, but rather it was a special formal attire of supernatural-side practitioners.

Until the two earlier girl and boy heard his voice, they hadn't sensed any hint of his presence. For this man to render his presence unperceivable was itself a magnificent feat.

"So you've come too....Current Head of the Nakiri, Nakiri Nakagami no Ouryuu."

The girl spoke as the muscular-built young man approached them.

Indeed, the male in the military uniform was the Head of one of the Five Principal Clans, the Nakiri Clan. The person contracted to the strongest of the Five Sacred Beast, Yellow Dragon of the Center <Ouryuu>.

While the two earlier girl and boy, they're also from the Five Principal Clans.

The ponytail-haired girl was the current heiress of the Himejima Clan, Himejima Suzaku. She's the one contracted to the Red Bird of the South <Suzaku>.

While the bespectacled boy, he's the current heir of the Kushihashi Clan, Kushihashi Seiryuu. He's contracted with the Blue Dragon of the East <Seiryuu>.

"Soon, I would like to question those who took part in the incident involving the Utsusemi Agency at the <Inner Sanctuary>. And I intend to propose that to the other Heads of Clans as well."

Ouryuu spoke to Suzaku and Seiryuu.

"'Inner Sanctuary'.... It seems you're serious, Ouryuu."

Seiryuu smiled wryly in response to that statement.

"What are you planning for them?"

Suzaku asked with a bit frown and squinted look.

"That's depends on their answers."

Ouryuu replied briefly.

Then Ouryuu was directing his gaze in the direction where the unknown boy, Rey, is.

"And even though it seems he's not involved with the Utsusemi Agency incident, I would like to ascertain his identity too."

Ouryuu said and then he goes to the direction where Rey and the unconscious Lavinia was.

And looking at that act, Suzaku and Seiryuu took a sigh and then follows him.




"My Master, it seems you have some visitors coming."

Kulshedra-san's voice echoed in my mind.

"I know."

I responded calmly because I also felt three auras closing on us.

"Well, it seems they're not really hostile. But keep wary."

Kulshedra-san advised me.


I nodded slightly and then laid the unconscious Lavinia on the grassy ground.

And even though I don't know exactly who are they, but I know that those three were few of six who observe Augusta from distance before. While the three others, one of them immediately left as soon as I banished Augusta from Lavinia's body. The two others, they're still watching from afar.

Then as the three individuals shown themselves and stopped about ten meters from my position, I turned to face them.

The three of them consisted of a teenage girl with long, ponytail, black hair. While the two others are a cool-type bespectacled teenage boy with lean, tall body and a stern young adult with tall, muscular body.

"Can I help you?"

I asked them with neutral, calm tone.

"Who are you?"

The man with tall muscular frame asked with a stern tone and expression.

"Hm? What about yourself? Who are you?"

I retorted while raising an eyebrow because I felt that he's a bit rude in attitude.

"I'm the one asking here. And I hope you give us clear answer."

The man demanded with his voice firmer.

I frowned immediately.

"Who do you think you are? You suddenly came and interrogate me as if I'm a criminal. Do you I didn't know that you guys watching me from afar?"

I shot back at him with my tone growing sharper.

"Hey. You better just answer us immediately than-"

The bespectacled boy said but before he finished his sentence, the young girl stepped forward to cut him off.

"Enough.... Let me do the talking."

The girl said and tried to cool down the tension.

Then she looks at me.

"Good evening. I apologize for their attitude. But we mean no harm.... My name is Himejima Suzaku. And the two with me are Kushihashi Seiryuu and Nakiri Ouryuu."

The girl, Suzaku, said with her voice soothing while gesturing to the two males.

And after the introduction, now I know that the tall, muscular man is Nakiri Ouryuu. While the bespectacled cool-type boy is Kushihashi Seiryuu.

And of course, I'm familiar with those names.

"You guys from the Five Principal Clans?"

I asked with a bit surprise and tilted my head slightly.

The girl, Suzaku, nodded slightly.

"Yes, exactly. I never thought that you know about our Clans."

Suzaku said with a small friendly smile as if she glad that the atmosphere now already not really tense.

"Not much.... But I never thought that you guys are from the Five Principal Clans actually. Even though it's actually not really surprising too. After all, your Clans famously known as the Supervisors of Japanese Supernaturals. So if there's some supernatural threat or trouble, you'll surely the first to try handle it."

I said with a bit shrugs.

"It's our duty as the Guardians."

Suzaku acknowledged.

"I know.... And I heard that there were some people from your Clans who went rogue."

I said pointedly to the recent trouble I heard from the call with Governor Azazel before where some deserters from Five Principal Clans organized themselves and found an organization named <Utsusemi Agency>. And they cooperate with other parties like the Wizard of Oz and traitor of Grigori, Fallen-Angel Satanael.

They are the main cause and mastermind behind the many KIA or MIA incidents from magicians from various Magician Organizations which Lavinia tasked to investigate. They also the mastermind behind the cruise ship 'Heavenly Aloha's wreck incident a few months ago.

"Yes, unfortunately. And we're tasked to take care of them."

Suzaku admitted while closing her eyes in regrets for a moment.

"I see...."

So they're sent by their house basically to do a 'clean up' mission.

And that makes me a bit worried about someone.

"Was Shigure Nishina included in your list of target?"

I asked with a bit sharp look at them. Especially to the bespectacled boy, Kushihashi Seiryuu.

And he looks wide-eyed a bit after hearing my question.

"What did you say? Nishina Shigure? You know her?"

Seiryuu asked with his voice a mix of surprise and excitement.

"What if Yes, what if No?"

I replied ambiguously.

"She's my relatives. But I think of her like she's my older sister because she teaches me a lot of things when I was still a kid. Do you know where she is? Can you please tell me?"

Seiryuu asked with a calm but clear pleading tone.

"And then what? As I know, it seems she didn't want to have any relationship with the Kushihashi or any Five Principal Clans again. I'm sure you know the reason why. Right?"

I replied him calmly.

"That's.... She's still hating us, huh...."

Seiryuu murmured with his voice heavy with regret.

I shake my head a bit to that statement.

"I don't think she hates the Kushihashi. I think she just hates their system and rules. That's why she left, right? Also, you haven't answered my question about her earlier."

I asked again.

"She's not in the list.... But I don't know if she's she involved with the Utsusemi Agency too somehow. Because she's also rogue of the Clan after all."

Seiryuu replied and then asked with a bit concerned frown to Shigure-san's well-being. Especially with how they who left their Clans essentially cut off from contacts so it's quite difficult to ascertain their actual situation.

I shake my head again at that.

"No. You don't need to worry about that.... They tried to recruit her indeed a few months ago, but she refused them. She's not involved with them whatsoever. In fact, I saved her when they try to recruited her by force. That's how I know that she's from the Kushihashi Clan."

I stated the situation of Shigure-san to assure him.

"She's attacked?"

Seiryuu asked with a deeper frown.

"Yes. By some another rogue from Kushihashi too."

I nodded slightly and replied to him.

"I see...."

Seiryuu mused with a bit gratified tone that Shigure-san was safe.

"Enough of that.... You haven't answered the most important question. Who are you? And why did you save her?"

The tall, muscular young man, Ouryuu, interjected with a frown. It seems his patience wearing thin.

I frowned at him slightly because of his still a bit rude attitude, but I choose to ignore it in the end to give them the answer to that question.

"My name is Rey Rofocale. I am her Devil-Magician Pact Partner."

I stated and then looked at the still unconscious Lavinia on the grassy ground.

"I see.... So that's why you're here."

Suzaku concluded while looking at Lavinia too.

And from her words, it seems she also knows about the Pact of Protection.

"Also, you said that you're her Devil-Magician Pact Partner, so that means you're a Devil?"

Suzaku asked me with a bit surprised expression.

I nodded slightly to her.

"Nn.... But I'm just a Half-blood actually."

I said with a bit shrugs.


A soft mumble interrupted our conversation. Lavinia was waking up.

"Lavinia? You're awake?"

I asked Lavinia who slowly opened her eyes with a soft tone.

"Hm~? Rei~?"

Lavinia looked at me and murmured with her voice still groggy.

"Yeah, it's me."

I nodded slightly and confirmed her with a small smile.

"You saved me~?"

She asked with her eyes half-closed but her lips thinly smiling.

"We have a Pact, right?"

I replied gently and grabbed her hand.


She said shortly and then slowly raised herself to sit.

Then I explained to her about the occurrences since after I felt something happened to her until now.

Suzaku also added some explanation from her point of view. Especially from their and the group of youngsters with Sacred Gears including Vali.

"I see~...."

Lavinia said shortly after finished hearing our explanation.

"Yeah.... Now, because you've been saved, then I'll leave. Do you want to come with me?"

I asked Lavinia.

And then she looks frowned a bit and shake her head slightly.

"I'm sorry, Rei~.... My mission haven't finished~. Especially with Augusta and Wizard of Oz still exist~."

Lavinia said with her voice and expression tinged with regret.

"It's fine...."

I said with a smile to her and tapped her hand slightly then stood up.

"Well then. See you later."

After that, I began to cast a teleportation spell.

But when the magic circle appeared on the ground, I remember something.

"Oh. One more thing."

I turned to the three members of the Five Principal Clans with a slight smile but also with a bit serious expression.

"I'm afraid there will be some large movements in the underworld of Chubu soon.... But I hope the Five Principal Clans especially the Nakiri will just ignore it and let it happen because it'll be beneficial for all of us."

I said and then teleports away with the last thing I saw was the three looks wide-eyed after hearing my statement.




The three youngsters from the Principal Clans looks frowned deeply after dumbfounded with Rey's declaration.

"What did he mean by that?"

Seiryuu asked with a confused tone.

"I don't know.... I wondered about that too."

Suzaku said and slightly shook her head..


Ouryuu just silently frowned. But as the current Head of the Nakiri Clan who oversees Chubu region, he's the most affected.

"Lavinia, you're the one who know him most among us here. Do you what does he mean with those statements?"

Suzaku asked Lavinia who.

"Hmm~.... I don't know~?"

Lavinia said and tilted her head after thinking for a moment.

"Even I don't know everything about him, you know~...."

Lavinia said.

"But~.... Because he said that it'll be beneficial for him and you guys too, it should be not a bad, evil thing~.... I believe in him~."

Lavinia said with a wide smile and try to assure them that Rey won't do something like what the Utsusemi Agency or their cahoots did.





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