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31.6% Total War System / Chapter 59: The Greek Trash is Draconis Treasure

Chapitre 59: The Greek Trash is Draconis Treasure

Ryjin was apprehensive to Achilles ajax and Odysseus Going back to the Greeks cause he knew that Agamemnon would not sit well with there actions and he definitely would not Allow it to stand with all this said and done Ryjin went to sleep as did all the Allied troops on the Greek side however it was Far from a Honour filled atmosphere Agamemnon had announced that Achilles ajax and Odysseus where traitors this was received by half the army as a shock the other half where all happy the 3 in question where mad as fuck Achilles Shouted That Agamemnon was a fool and That he was taking his soldiers and Leaving to return home Ajax followed Achilles in these past days they had gained great Friendship However it was what Odysseus said that Got Achilles and ajax on his side He had said in front of the entire Greek army -You Agamemnon are a fool and a Idiot not only that you will kill ever man in your army Before you ever beat them and I know from seeing the enemy That we cant win I am taking my whole force Home AND MORE- with that said Agamemnon stated he was going to raze Ithaca to the ground and kill all who leave of course the 3 did not care and left a day went by and they where Now on there boats and it was this moment that Odysseus Turned and shouted to Agamemnon Also that AND MORE i meant to say Ithaca will no longer follow you Agamemnon and i hereby Declare war on you and your allies Agamemnon Them words sent shock-waves threw the Remaining Greek army.

little did anyone know ryjin was on his imperial ship exterminatus watching and listening he was planning to now show-him self and it was at that Moment the Greeks Bore witness to the Giant Behemoth of a ship that had been laying waste to there ships for the last 2 weeks or so as it Barrelled its way towards the 3 Leading vessel's of the Leaving Greeks Many of the Greeks on the beach where now thinking these 3 traitors would be killed by there enemy But LO AND BEHOLD that never came to be as the big ship sent up a white flag and a person could barley be seen shouting to the 3 warlords.

Ryjin had shouted to the 3 to come aboard his ship and talk with him This was something Ryjin never thought he would ever get the chance for as they approached the Ship they Noticed how Big and how vast it was they boarded it and Ryjin was sat-down along with hector and also Glen This shocked the 3 Greeks and Ryjin asked not Order'd he asked if they could sit and hear him out -the 3 talked and all came to the same thought he has shown no malice and has shown respect and honour every-time they have meet- they took a seat and Ryjin called for the maids To bring out a huge Variety of food all here except Ryjin and glen have seen Ryjin motioned for them all to dig in and eat and drink while he State's his offer to the 3 with that said all 4 Achilles ajax Odysseus and hector all dug in and even tasted new Drinks with such Strength it was unbelievable.

Now i know that Agamemnon is a Fucking Muppet and none of you like him But he holds alot of power in Greece and you cant battle that alone So I have an offer for you if you are willing to hear me out -they all looked at him and they nodded- well first ajax i know you are a free warlord with no land but a great heart and amazing honour so my offer to u is would you like to join my draconis empire and be my first marquise of the eastern realm of draconis.

All present where shocked greatly Glen Smiled and said My lord Treats all he Like's as family he always has he is special like that you all should know when he ask's its as it state's He is asking if you say no then he wont force or Threaten you He never has Unless you are Captured enemy's haha.

These words eased there hearts Ajax was thinking But he never was a Thinking man more of a fighter he said he did not know and would stick with Achilles and Odysseus That answer just made Ryjin smile and Glen too also smiled Achilles was smiling and laughing Odysseus was a bit embarrassed they must admit all 3 became Great Friends.

Ryjin Nodded his head and said Ajax that's fine and Thanks for Being honest with me He extends his hand out to shake ajax's hand and says -it was a Pleasure to fight against you and to meet and Become friends If you ever need me Just look for me in my lands I will help-

He then turned to Odysseus and said -Odysseus my offer to you is different I am offering you the chance to Join my empire as the Last Duke the Duke of the east and also be Stand in Lord of the east while i am away also You will have full access to the Empires army in the east this also means you can Employ your own men to lead your own armies You your self can command or have your own general.

Silence was all that was heard as all present had just heard something unbelievable Odysseus was sat there Shocked to his very soul Achilles was also shocked but recovered Very quickly as he looked at his Longtime Friend Odysseus -Lord Ryjin why would you offer me this there are many who would be better and have bigger lands and such- Ryjin just Huffed I don't care about lands I care about the Person in question his heart his Backbone His Honour and his Mind you have all of them and i have Become Friends with you 3 -he smiles at them as a friend would another- this caused all present to smile and start laughing.

Odysseus was thinking while he was Ryjin turned to Achilles and said just some words that got his attention -Achilles You want to be remembered for all Time I can give you that i can give you the command of my own Imperial army as its Great General and we shall conquers the world and fight great hero's of other lands and EVEN GODS if they dare be my empire's enemy- Would you like to walk this path with me Achilles and set your name Down for all in the future To know as the Greatest.

Achilles was so stunned his food fell out his mouth even ajax was Agape and his drink flooded out his mouth as Ryjin and glen Literally both burst out laughing at that scene.

At this Time Odysseus chimed in with his answer -if i was to join your empire what would happen to my lands my people and most of all y family- Ryjin answered first your lands would Undergo Major redevelopment all the land would be Tilled for farmland and such all city's towns and villages would also be Rebuilt with better Houses and all lands in the empire have access to all empire Goods the living conditions of the people of the empire are on a whole different LVL all have food and home's all lands have defence Troops and the lands have set amounts of Offence troops for conquest.

Second to your people they would have better life's and also have Food i don't think any person in the empire ever goes hungry In-fact we have so much food we can allow are Whole empire to gorge its self as much as they like and the food never runs dry the Hygiene and Healthcare is also Free so as all people can be cared for.

and Third Your family would be Set as Dukes of the empire and would be Under only the Emperors Imperial Family meaning me and my family me my wife my 2 children your family and you would be moved to Griffon Citadel the eastern capital of Draconis where you shall Look after and rule the eastern lands and Keep order.

with all this said Odysseus was now O_O compleatly Gone his mind seems to have gone in overdrive so ryjin just Gave him time as Achilles was also thinking of the offer he got he stood up and said to Ryjin what of me if i join u.

Ryjin stood and said Directly -You Achilles would be Great General of Draconis and leader of My Imperial Army's You are on the same LVL as duke's as you only answer to me Not even dukes can give you Orders Only me or my wife can you shall lead armies in to battle and Forge your name not just in Tiny Greece But threw the world- Achilles hearing this smiled He liked what he heard Most kings want him to be there dog but Ryjin wanted him for his nature and his heart also he would Give Achilles his freedom and not shackle him at all plus he would be able to fight not just in Greece but the World He could Forge and Carve his name In the World its self this Greatly rung in his heart He approached Ryjin and extended his arm out and Ryjin did the same as both arms Clasped and shook Ryjin then Declared to all his men and glen that Achilles was now Draconis Empires Great Imperial General with this all the soldiers present even Glen Kneel'd and gave Respect and Honour to Achilles Ajax saw this and was surprised.

with this Achilles was asked if he would Join the allied force and Help Draconis allies he ask'd cause he did not want to force him to fight his Recent allies now enemy's However it seems Ryjin was worried for nothing as Achilles Smiled and said GLADLY your highness Ryjin then Spoke to glen about having Achilles Brought up to date on all Draconis and also Have him chose himself a mount and if he wants to wait till we have more kinds that's fine.

Odysseus had now snapped out of his stupor and he had just thought of all that happened and also now thought that this emperor was a Great man He also stood and Kneel'd to Ryjin and stated he would accept the Gracious offer Ryjin then and there Bestowed on Odysseus the seal of the east and the Title of Duke of the east and said that Odysseus should return to Ithaca and Ryjin shall have 300k Troops ship'd to Ithaca to help him deal with any neighbours and protect his lands until this war is over But Odysseus rejected and said he shall stay and fight alongside his Friend Achilles Ajax chimed in and said he too shall stay and fight beside his friends Ryjin proposed Odysseus take Ajax as a general under him they both agreed and all was now set as Ryjin order'd his ship to the Bay where his return ship's where waiting to return him and hector and glen and now Achilles ajax and Odysseus to the allied Lands the force's of the 3 was a good Number to.

The total Greek army had been hammer'd by Ryjins cav so from the essential 12 of so million a good 5 million is now dead and up to a million left with the 3 who now joined ryjin so the enemy Greeks only had about 6 to 7 million troops where as Ryjin's allied army consisted of 900k of Ryjins force around 600k Trojans with some thousands arriving every day from Troy And now a Further 800k Greek Elite Force's so 2.7 million was now the allied numbers and also with around a week and half till the Ships arrive this Battle was effectively in Ryjin hand.

at the bay where the Force's of Achilles Odysseus and ajax disembarked Ryjin was stood with the 3 and the Force's of the 3 as he organised the new set up off the defence But then it hit Him we have about half there numbers and most are army is Blooded and also elite we can Now attack them.

It was at that point a Savage Grin appeared on Ryjins face

Hector we shall no longer defend but we shall now attack with full force My men shall be the front line where as yours and Odysseus who is now in-charge of the Entire Greek force we have he should be on the flanks your troops shall be Behind the Main line your archers are good I will also drop my Archers and crossbows under your command Hector you shall be at the front with me Achilles you act as you see fit at the front Odysseus you will help command the entire force you have full Military authority Make sure the Lines are held also Glen you shall be Odysseus's Sword for Fast quick aid if needed and his guards also.

This rapid set of order's Had caught them all astounded but after the last fell there Blood Boiled and Rushed Excitement had filled them from head to toe all followed the orders as the Groops where now behind the defence wall as the Entire army was assembling and getting Ready for a Charge in to the Greek Camp the table's had now effectively Turned on the Greeks led by Agamemnon.

as the next day came the Greeks where now Re-Organising there lines and eating and drinking in the morning to fill them for the morning However it was at this Time that the Ground shook alot jumped and grabbed there weapons and shields in fear of the enemy cav again But as they Looked they just saw a HUGE line on the Horizon heading to them This Line was a solid wall of Troops as they where charging towards there Camp many of the Greeks had now understood They where being attacked they started shouting and sounding horns and Drums to awaken tho whole camp.

the allied army was charging at a solid pace and was about 1 minuet from Impacting the Greeks Lines that had rushed out of the camp as they got Closer and closer Both sides where Now charging each other as the front lines HIT it was as if 2 Jack hammers had impacted each other as the Lines clashed and a Huge Free for all was now Going on as the Greeks where now on the back foot as they now saw Achilles was with the enemy many where angry shouting traitor where alot where regretting allowing Agamemnon to Drive there greatest hero to the enemy But the shock's keep't coming ajax was also on there side and so was Odysseus and also there Troops had joined them This was just to shocking and Scary Agamemnon was fuming and was at the back of his army hiding Like always.

Ryjin had said to Achilles that the Pleasure of capturing Agamemnon was for Achilles to do cause of the dishonour he did against the 3 Greek Hero's Achilles just smiled and Nodded and Took His myrmidons Numbering around 10k and he Beeline'd it for Agamemnon Agamemnon seeing this was now terrified and shouting to his army to Kill or stop Achilles But was it that easy to stop a Literal god of war incarnate NO the Troops just fell to Achilles and his myrmidons Ryjin was fighting as he noticed 10 or so Greek Kings had Retreated and taken there men with them to the back of the battle and looked to be staying out of the fight seems the Greek Kings are now Deserting Agamemnon.

Odysseus saw this and Had glen go to them Kings and guide them out of the battle and await the aftermath the battle was now leaning Heavily on the allied side Agamemnon was RAGEING and swearing to zeus that he shall destroy troy and would give zeus anything if he granted aid and it seems Zeus that Prick had Decided to help Agamemnon as a Huge bold of Lightning landed in-front of Agamemnon and around 1000 Cyclopes showed up and started squashed and Smashing the allied force's Ryjin Now knew this battle would be hard but he decided to use his magic As he Launched 3 comet of casandor at the left middle and right of the Cyclopes line and Killed about 150 of them Ryjin then Ordered His infantry To aim for the Cyclopes ankles and bring them down Hector was also in the thick of the fight and Cyclopes's where hammering everything Hector had brought a few down and his men had Finished them but this battle was turning Really bad Zeus had heard Agamemnon's Plea and answered.

Hector had remembered what Ryjin had told him that he was a Gods Chosen hero blessed by Ares and Apollo he Raised his sword High and shouted at the top of His lungs Apollo and Are's My Blessed Gods i ask for Thy Help in my time of need and i shall hold great festival in honour of Apollo and i shall dedicate this Battle to Ares Agamemnon was laughing at hectors antics as he shouted The gods only Side with the strong AND YOU ARE WEAK but as his words fell Behind Hector appeared a Very Bright Golden light and from that Light came 10 Golden armour'd Archers wielding Bows made of Light and in front of Hector came a Blood red Light and from that an army of around 100k Bulked warriors that could match Hercules in his Body build appeared as they Raised there Swords and Locked shields as they charged the Greeks Screaming FOR LORD ARES as they Cut a swath of Blood shed in the Greeks Lines and The Golden sun bowmen had started hailing the Cyclopes with sun Arrows Dropping them Quickly.

This battle was turning in to a all Race's Free for all seems Zeus was not happy at Apollo and Ares joining the Greeks as he also Sent 1k Giants and with this the battle ground became Chaotic and chaos was all over the place Glen was dealing with many Giants and Cyclopes as his Demigryph knights where Literally dealing with them as beast on beast clash as the Knights fought valiantly against there opponents Ryjin saw the battle was swaying back and forth between the allies and the Greeks Ryjin felt a voice in his head say Shall we have some fun.

It was at this moment the battleground would be Greatly shook by what happend as Ryjin was in the sky Raising his Glaive as He shouted -MY GOD DRACO AS BESEECH YOU FOR AID IN ARE TIME OF NEED- From seemingly out of no where a Huge Voice Boomed.


with that said a multicoloured Light appeared next to Ryjin as what seem'd to be a HUGE dragons head appeared beside Ryjin Ryjins eyes almost Bugged out his sockets the Dragon was Huge and he means HUGE we are talking from nose to tail tip 10k feet long and wingspan from tip of 1 win to the other was over 100k feet-wide this scared the absolute fucking shit out of Ryjin in his mind his Thought was -WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I JUST CALLED OUT- all the troops on the ground saw this immense Dragon appear and was flying in the sky every flap of its wings sent the army on its ass The Cyclopes and Giants stared bogeyed at the dragon.

As the Dragon landed it created a Huge earthquake and every swipe of its claws would Cleave threw the ground and create Huge ravines and his Head arc'd back as he shot out a Huge stream of Fire from his mouth the fire engulfed the entire back of the Greek army and went for miles in to the sea boiling the see to Bubbling temperature the sand beneath where the flames had been had turned to Pure Glass The dragon Roar'd and the resounding roar was heard for all country's round troy and even beyond The Greeks Literally drooped there weapons and Kneeled and surrendered Agamemnon was screaming for his men to kill to fight But Achilles had Gotten to him and Beaten him Black and blue as Achilles looked at the dragon and had an amazing look on his face he had never seen such a Titan before He tied up Agamemnon and dragged him back the the allied force's.

Ryjin heard a voice in his head again -HAHAHAHA well that was fun was it not Little Immortal I will recall my precious Baby boy- the dragon dispersed in a Huge multicoloured light as all the force's where starring wide eye'd as what just happen'd and as if All agreed on this They all simultaneously turned and Looked at Ryjin stood there Looking round saying -What what you all looking at me for- with this the War was officially over The Remaining Greek Kings and warlords Surrendered Ryjin told all the Greek Kings and warlords they shall accompany them to Try where talks shall be Held and the fate of Agamemnon shall be decided and also There fate.

The bowmen of apollo Vanished in a golden light and as they did many could swear they could hear a small Laugh from out of no where also Ares troops also disappear'd in blood-light as they also heard a voice say Very Interesting And laugh a little with all of this the Greek soldiers where told the war is over and they shall stay in there camp until all is decided and sorted They did not argue at all the 6 to 7 million had been brought down to around 3 million that was a Huge loss to the Greek's military power.

Ryjin had Achilles hand Agamemnon over to hector to be taken to Troy to be Delt with by his farther Ryjin Achilles and Odysseus and glen also headed to Troy with hector with all the remaining Greek kings and warlords in tow This was going to be a Live or die situation for them Kings and warlords and they knew it But they still held a tiny bit of hope.

as they approached the gates of Troy an unimaginable Cheer resounded from the city it seems all the people had now known that the war was over and they had won they had defended there land and celebrations where going on all over Trojans lands Ryjin was walking alongside Hector towards the palace as the Host of Greek kings and lords followed today was going to be a Major day for both Troy and Draconis and also Greece as a whole.

Hector entered the Palace's Main hall and Had Agamemnon Dragged to his farther in chains as Ryjin entered along with Achilles and Odysseus and all the kings and warlords of Greece all of Trojans Lords and Council was present and Glaring at Agamemnon But before any could speak Ryjin cough'd and got king Priam's attention The king Looked to Ryjin and asked him if he had something on his mind Ryjin just wanted to Let Priam that Agamemnon was Troys To deal with but he ask's Priam that Ryjin has the last say on all the Greek kings and Lords This was fine with Priam as to Agamemnon was the main aggressor as he nodded to Ryjin and said That's fine He then Turns his eyes to Agamemnon with a Very Kingly look and raised his hand You Agamemnon shall be Given to the Gods Apollo and Ares as a sacrifice this shall allow them to Understand are Honour to them gods and we shall hold a 20 days festival for both Apollo and Ares Ryjin chimed in -I shall have my people send over Food and Drink for the celebrations so there is more to offer your gods for there aid.

Priam looked to Ryjin and Nodded and Thanked him Gratefully Agamemnon was Dragged off towards the Temple grounds Priam now looked at ryjin and then the Greek Leaders Ryjin knew now was his Time He stood and Looked at all the Greek leaders and said his usual Brutal words.

-You have 1 choice You surrender completely and will be absorbed in to Draconis all of you shall have your Ranks dropped to Barons the lowest in the empire but you shall be able to raise threw the ranks all in the eastern lands of Draconis shall be under Odysseus Law and rule while i am not here he is duke of the east of Draconis he is second only to me You either agree or Die and I take your lands By blood MAKE YOUR CHOICE'S NOW-

Nathan_Hinds Nathan_Hinds


i hope you all have a great Xmas and all are doing well May you all get what you wish for and may you and your Familys have a great XMAS and enjoy yourself's

Love Bad grammar Author HAHAHA

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