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71.71% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1691: Observation

Chapitre 1691: Observation

Seeing Baam vanish into thin air, Yuri spun around to face Headon, her red eyes releasing a crimson light as her aura began to swell. Before she could explode, however, Vahn interrupted, stating in the same calm tone as before, "The boy is fine. Now, I would appreciate it if someone finally answered my question. I'm still calm at the moment, but I'm not particularly known for my patience..."

Snapping her head in Vahn's direction, Yuri's aura began to swell up even further, stopping only when her companion, Evan, stood in front of her and shouted, "You mustn't! We're already taking a risk just by being on the Floor of Tests! Let's just leave and recover the Black March! That boy must have been sent to Evankhell's Hell. If we move quickly, we might be able to catch up to him before he finishes the Position Test!"

Though Yuri didn't particularly agree with Evan's words, she was far more interested in the boy who had gone up than the self-professed Emperor staring back at her. Unfortunately, her duty required her to seek out an Irregular, so, after calming herself, she adopted a serious expression and asked, "Hey, Vahn, was it? Why did you come to the Tower? Where were you before?"

Annoyed by the fact that his question had yet to be answered, Vahn's smile faded away in response to Yuri's curt tone. Rather than exhibit anger, however, he appeared more indifferent than anything else, plainly stating, "I'm not in the habit of answering people who ignore my questions due to their perception of self-worth. I have tried to be polite, restating my question three times. In spite of this, you believe yourself entitled to answers, even going so far as to interrogate me? I've lost interest in this conversation."

Despite having gone to great lengths to calm herself, Yuri's eyes began releasing a fierce red light as the aura around her surged forth like a gravitational well, sinking the floor due to the pressure she was releasing. This came as quite a surprise to Vahn, but, even if she was far more powerful than his present self, he wouldn't back down. Instead, his own aura began to surge, surprising even himself as the blue water within the cage took on a golden hue in response...

Before things could get further out of hand, Headon also stepped in between Vahn and Yuri, his staff twirling in the air as silver eyes appeared within the black slit that seemed to function as both a mouth and an eye socket. His aura easily eclipsed both of their's as he plainly stated, "This is not some battleground where you can do as you please. Princess Yuri, you should not even be here. As for you, Vahn Aldrnari Mason...I'm not sure how you managed to enter the Tower. Despite this, I will welcome you as an Irregular, and, should you seek something atop the Tower, I will afford you the opportunity to climb. As for your questions, they will all be answered as you move further up the Tower. After all, be it fame, power, fortune, authority, immortality, or even godhood...all can be found at the top of the Tower..."

Assuming The Path had placed him at this point in time for a specific reason, Vahn began to slowly retract his aura as he stated, "Very well. Let's see what this Tower of yours can afford me. At the very least, it should be an interesting distraction."

With two rows of razor-sharp teeth appearing within Headon's slit-like mouth, Vahn got the distinct impression he was being looked at like prey. Despite this, the self-proclaimed Guardian of the First Floor showed no overt hostility, even offering a polite bow before grabbing his staff and explaining, "It is a bit unorthodox, but, for the sake of fairness, I will allow you to take the same Test as the boy preceding you. So long as you are able to destroy the ball or kill the creature contained within, you will have successfully passed the Test. What say you, Sage Dragon Emperor?"

Though the monster within the cage was certainly very powerful, Vahn didn't think it was suitable to test his capabilities. Despite this, he wasn't going to make things arbitrarily more difficult, as, based on Headon's words, it was safe to assume there were far more powerful being awaiting him in the Tower. With that in mind, he simply nodded in response before walking towards the cage, raising his left hand in the process. He wasn't fond of the idea of killing the creature when it couldn't even protect itself, so, rather than crush it using his Telekinesis, Vahn entered the cage without any sign of fear or hesitation.

Interested to see the power of another Irregular, Yuri and Evan both turned their attention to the cage containing the White Steel Eel, their eyes intently focused on Vahn's movements. The latter gave off the impression of a 'real' Irregular, and, though he shouldn't be stronger than any of the people present, his aura was nothing to scoff at. This implied he had a monstrous potential, one that might shake the very foundations of the Tower in the not-so-distant future.

Without minding the gazes boring into the back of his skull, Vahn slowly closed his hand, locking the White Steel Eel into place. He might not be a God of Space, Time, and Creation in this peculiar Record, but, even with his power significantly restricted, there were few people with an equivalent level of mastery over Space and Time. As a result, he easily suspended the giant eel in place before walking over to the black sphere that had manifested at the opposite end of the cage.

Though he was curious about his ability to 'breathe' the surrounding water, Vahn decided to follow Headon's advice and seek answers within the Tower. He actually felt more content 'not' knowing what to expect as it meant there was that much more for him to discover on his own. Thus, without sparing the trio a second glance, he placed his palm upon the black sphere, shattering it without any discernible effort...


Seeing Vahn enveloped by the same black mass that had consumed Baam, Yuri was momentarily at a loss as to how she should respond. She had expected something far more 'flashy', but, rather than feel disappointed, the casual display of the Emperor had left quite an impression.

Turning her head to face Headon, Yuri couldn't help but frown slightly as she asked, "Was that ball the same kind you had used with Baam? How was he able to break it so easily when even the Black March had trouble?"

Though he didn't have a discernible nose, Headon snorted in response to Yuri's words, turning his back to her as he answered, "That ball was at least ten times as strong as the one I used to test the previous Irregular. His ability to shatter the ball with such ease is a testament to his capabilities. It's no wonder he calls himself an Emp...no, a 'Sage Dragon Emperor'. How curious..."

Remembering Vahn's introduction, a rather eerie smile spread across Headon's face as he recalled the race of creatures that had gone extinct thousands of years prior. If Vahn was truly a Dragon, his power would make a lot of sense, as, prior to the rise of Jahad and his Great Warriors, Dragons had ruled alongside other Native Ones as the most powerful creatures within the Tower.

Noticing the smile on Headon's face, Yuri's expression became even more serious as she turned on her heels and exclaimed, "Follow me you chibi! We need to hurry if we want to intercept those two before the Position Test!"

Without waiting for Evan's response, Yuri grabbed the strap of his hiking bag, pulling him forcibly towards a nearby staircase. This would have normally compelled Evan to protest, but, with his mind focused on other matters, he took advantage of the free ride for as long as possible...


Using the pseudo-omniscience provided to him as one fo the Tower's Administrators, Headon kept track of Yuri and Evan with his mind. He waited until they were far beyond the perception of even a High Rankers senses before lowering his head, the black void on his face appearing to resemble a massive grin as he turned towards the shadows and asked, "Did you see? Though there were a few unexpected guests, the boy still went up. Now, what will you do...faker?"

In response to Headon's words, part of the adjacent stone wall seemed to melt away, revealing a young woman with plain features, blonde hair, and light freckles...


After what felt like several minutes of traveling through a much denser void than anything he had ever experienced, Vahn 'awoke' to find himself surrounded by tall, wheat-like, grass. He immediately became aware of several other presences nearby, but, rather than pay them any particular mind, he raised his head towards the sky, a curious glimmer in his eyes upon seeing a peculiar resort floating freely in the sky.

Just as Vahn was considering flying up to the building to take a closer look, a light whirring could be heard echoing through the vast expanse of grasslands. At the same time, a number of golden cubes seemed to appear out of thin air, each suspended motionless within the sky. They seemed to be using the energy within the atmosphere itself to remain afloat, but, to his surprise, Vahn also felt a separate space contained within each of the cubes.

Fortunately, before Vahn could give in to his urge to 'acquire' one of the cubes, the whirring sound gradually faded away as two values appeared on the cube's faces. The characters were somewhat abstract, but Vahn was able to interpret them as '200' and '30:00' respectively, implying the first was accounting for a number of something while the latter likely related to an amount of time.

Proving his analysis correct, a voice emanated from each of the cubes in a perfect chorus, a cheerful and spirited voice exclaiming, "Mic test! Mic Test! One, two, three! I hope everyone awoke without any issues! If not, well, you only have yourselves to blame! Now, as I don't really enjoy wasting time, let me explain the rules of this test. You'll need to find a team of three people and kill as many other contestants as possible before thirty minutes have passed. If you can't find a team before the thirty minutes have passed, well, too bad! This place isn't known as Evankhell's Hell for nothing! Now, prove you're qualified to become Regulars or die like the countless billions who have come before!"

Hearing the explanation, a dissatisfied frown spread across Vahn's face. He wasn't fond of the idea of a Deathmatch, nor did he have any particular interest in scouting two additional team members. Fortunately, he had already come up with a number of solutions with Da Vinci prior to his entry into the Record. This included methods to prevent people from viewing him as a romantic interest, but, most importantly, it afforded him the opportunity to cut loose in a way he usually wouldn't be able to.

With that in mind, Vahn caused a glitch in the cube-like displays as two distinctly different entities appeared next to him. The first was a relatively tall woman with chestnut brown hair, a confident expression, and a rather shapely figure. She was attired in such a way that even a normal person would be able to tell she was a blacksmith, complete with a leather apron, a tool belt, several large pockets, and a large hammer that glowed like heated metal. As for the second figure, he was much shorter, appearing to be around 8-10 years old with a perpetually mischievous look on his face.

Though the youth stood out quite a bit due to his 'punkish' outfit, consisting of a large fur-lined parka, baggy shorts, and sneakers, the thing that stood out most about him was his large, wolf-like, ears and the fluffy tail protruding from his lower back. He also had sharper than average teeth, but, considering he was meant to be a young Vanargandr, this wasn't too surprising.

In order to prevent young women from approaching him, Vahn had artificially aged himself to the point he was outside 'most' young girls' strike zone. As for the rest, that was what the woman next to him was for, a female version of himself that would act as both his guardian and his 'voice'. She be the vessel through which he did most of his forging, but, most importantly, she would allow him to speak his heart and mind freely. As for his Vanargandr self, Vahn had developed a seal to inhibit most of his power, so, while his Emperor self would continue to grow at an alarming rate, the young Vanargandr would be forced to rely on raw power and speed to overwhelm his foes.

Fortunately, while his Vanargandr self would be limited at normal times, he was also the version of Vahn that wielded Laev-tan. This would allow him to sweep through most foes without issue, but, most importantly, it guaranteed he would be able to enjoy the thrill of combat once again. To that end, Vahn had spent years practicing his act, refining it to the point that he could easily pretend to be three different people without an issue.

In the end, Vahn's Emperor self would become something of a leader and mentor to others while his so-called 'MILF' self would serve as a counselor and guardian for those he picked up along the way. As for his Vanargandr self, Vahn was intending to cut loose quite a bit, eager to experience the childhood he had missed out on while doing his best to make friends along the way. He based his personality on a mix between Nagi and Asuna, so, while he was bound to appear abrasive and childish to some, Vahn hoped that he would be able to genuinely grow alongside others...

Having already formed a 'three-person' team, Vahn decided to familiarize himself with the strange energy in his surroundings, manipulating it to form a transparent golden dome around him before pulling out a table and a few chairs. He wasn't particularly interested in the Deathmatch, so, at least for the time being, he intended to completely ignore the battles taking place outside as his female version, aptly named Phae, short for Phaestus, poured him some tea. While this was going on, his Vanargandr self, named Gandr for the sake of simplicity, skulked around the periphery of the barrier with a battle-hungry expression visible on his face...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: '*Gentle Touch*','Lurking within the shadows...','This is some fine ass tea...')

(A/N: Simply put, Vahn and Phae protect each other by virtue of their status and opposing genders. As for Gandr, we all know who is going to be protecting him (UwU)...)

Chapitre 1692: Idle

Feeling the resistance of the surrounding energy, Vahn couldn't help but frown as his domain barely extended more than three-hundred meters from his position. This was smaller than it had been in a very long time. To further exacerbate matters, he felt like he was being crushed by the energy within his domain, greatly slowing his movements and even influencing his reaction time.

Out of curiosity, Vahn raised his hand and began to slowly move about, his fingers creating small ripples and currents, similar to moving them through a liquid volume. This was the same impression given off by his domain as well, but, rather than physical resistance, it was more accurate to say the volume placed a burden upon the spirit.

Under normal circumstances, Vahn wouldn't have that much trouble manipulating the energy in his surroundings. The only time it became even slightly difficult was when the energy was controlled or regulated by something else, so, while he had yet to ascertain its origin, this was the conclusion his mind had come to. It was like the entirety of the surrounding energy was already under the control of an exceptionally powerful entity, one that greatly eclipsed his current level of power.

Noticing his nose beginning to bleed slightly, Vahn gradually retracted his domain before habitually falling into a meditative state. The fact there was a giant humanoid with red skin, multiple eyes, and a muscular figure attempting to smash his barrier didn't particularly concern him. He wasn't the type to kill at the behest or order of other people, so, while he could sense both murderous intent and mild desperation from everyone who wandered across his barrier, he completely shut them out in order to focus on far more important thing...


A stark contrast to his Emperor self, Gandr was standing at the edge of the barrier, pale golden eyes glimmering as he stared up at the contestant attempting to smash their way in. The sealed form of Laev-tan was resting across his shoulder, and, though he didn't 'truly' feel the urge to kill the giant humanoid creature trying to break the barrier, he felt a growing desire to, at the very least, teach it and many others a lesson.

Sensing his thoughts, for obvious reasons, Phae looked over to where Gandr was standing, a gentle smile on her face as she mused, "Now, now, there will be plenty of time for such things later on. For now, we should continue to observe. After all, even if this was called a Deathmatch, the rules didn't expressly state we needed to eliminate anyone."

Completing the illusion that he was three separate entities, Gandr's large fluffy ears twitched slightly before he craned his head back and said, "I was just going to beat them up a little. Don't worry, I'm not a bully...most of the time..."

Though there was a barrier separating them, it seemed like the red-skinned giant was still able to understand what Gandr had said. His six eyes all squinted in rage as he raised his trunk-like arms up high and attempted to, once again, shatter the barrier. Unfortunately, other than nearly breaking his own wrist, the man didn't so much as scratch the barrier with his full-power attack.

Shaking his head, Gandr also began ignoring the man as he attempted to detect enemies using his enhanced olfactory senses and hearing. He was already very adept at relying on his senses in order to sense enemies, as, over the last three years, Fenrir, his 'big sister', had been resolute in teaching him everything he needed to know in order to be a proper Vanargandr. He had even received more than his fair share of headpats, often serving as something akin to a body pillow whenever they had completed their hunts.

Unfortunately, due to the presence of the golden barrier, Gandr wasn't able to expand his senses beyond its confines. Considering it had been made to be soundproof, however, this wasn't really that surprising.

Feeling a little bored, Gandr was preparing to sit down on the ground and simply relax until the end of the Deathmatch. There were still seventeen minutes left so he could easily fit in a quick nap if he really wanted to.

Noticing Gandr's thoughts and actions, Phae couldn't help but lightly chuckle as she called out to him, saying, "Don't drop your guard. Even if the vast majority of people within this region are weak, that doesn't mean all of them are. Remember, you are our vanguard. When our Lord is resting, you must remain alert."

Though he took Phae's words to heart, Gandr still ended up laying on his side, supporting his head with his left hand and elbow as he watched the red-skinned giant flee. He obviously wasn't ignoring his own advice, but, in order to put on a convincing performance, he needed to act his age. He could sense a presence observing them at all points in time, so, at least for the time being, they needed to keep up appearances.

After releasing a loud yawn, Gandr began lightly tapping the ground behind him with a bored look on his face. Seeing this, Phae released the textbook definition of a motherly sigh before shaking her head and pouring a cup of tea for herself. Then, with half-lidded eyes, a content smile spread across her face as she savored the taste of fresh-brewed black tea with sugar and cream...


For several minutes, it appeared as though nothing significant was going to happen before the time displayed on the golden cubes reached the zeroth mark. Fortunately, this was not the case, as, with three minutes to spare, a trio comprised of two cloaked figures, one small and one large, appeared alongside a rather fashionably dressed young woman.

Noticing the trio's arrival, Gandr immediately hopped up from the ground, Laev-tan resting on his shoulder as he quickly analyzed each of his potential opponents. The shortest of the trio appeared to be a relatively normal woman with blonde hair. As for her companions, the six-meter tall fellow with demonic features gave a rather dangerous feeling while the young woman, possessing strange eyelashes that glittered like ghost flames, actually caused the hair on Gandr's neck to stand on end.

Distinguishing herself from the other two members of the group, the fashionable woman returned a confident smile when she noticed Gandr's gaze, her eyes shining with amusement as she said, "Hi there, little fella. My, you're a little cutie, aren't you?"

Tilting his head to the side as if he didn't understand the woman's words, Gandr briefly tried to get a feel for her power by expanding his domain from the meditating Vahn. To his surprise, the woman had a tremendous amount of energy contained within her body, or, more specifically, her blood. He could even sense something like a second presence contained within, a fragment of someone else's intent...

Though he had inspected the woman from top to bottom, Gandr didn't appear to hesitate in the slightest as he directly answered, "You're not so bad yourself, Princess."

Despite the barrier preventing any sound from escaping, the woman was able to read Gandr's lips without any issue. His addressing her as a Princess came as a mild surprise, her brows rising ever so slightly as the corners of her smile curled up. At the same time, her amber-like eyes began to glow with a ghostly light as she combed through her bangs and said, "Though I'm not too surprised, it is a little unexpected that someone was able to recognize me so soon. Tell me, are you affiliated with the Jahad family?"

Having only heard the name mentioned a few times, Gandr didn't hesitate to shake his head, his eyes shifting to the demonic man towering behind the woman as he answered, "No, you just have the same aura as another Princess I met. Until recently, I had never heard of the Jahad family, much less the Empire it seems to govern. Now, what are your intentions, Princess? We already have three members on our teams so there is no real need to fight, is there?"

Though she squinted her eyes slightly upon hearing Gandr's remark, the woman didn't reveal too much of her thoughts. In response to his question, however, she adopted a confident smile as she looked between her teammates and the trio hiding within the golden barrier. Truth be told, she was a little creeped out by her current team, and, though she was confident in being able to defeat both of them, the cloaked woman gave her a dangerous and 'foreign' feeling.

After staring at the cloaked duo for several seconds, the woman turned her attention back to the rather adorable young boy and said, "Since there are only the six of us remaining, I guess we can avoid fighting amongst each other. I had kind of wanted to eliminate all the other teams, but you three give off a pretty dangerous vibe. How about we form a temporary alliance? It is common for most parties to have six people starting out and I wouldn't mind having someone as adorable as you in my group."

Pretending to be confused by the woman's words, Gandr tilted his head to the side even further, his ears flopping in a way he knew most people would find adorable. The woman in question even had a possessive shimmer flash across her eyes, but, before she could say anything to try and convince him, Gandr interrupted her, plainly stating, "No thanks. Unless there was no other choice, I don't see a reason to team up with a group of people who would kill others just because a voice told them to. I get that you wanted to eliminate the competition, but only cowards, swindlers, and ruffians rely on such tactics to make things easier for themselves. How can I trust my back to someone who doesn't even show a hint of remorse after killing so many people?"

Never expecting anyone would be foolish enough to refuse her offer, much less over such a stupid reason, the woman couldn't help but frown. Everyone knew that the Tower effectively pitted everyone inside against each other so it was fairly odd to hear someone harp over something as insignificant as killing. Rather, if you lacked the conviction to kill, you would only invite disaster upon yourself as there were countless people perfectly willing to take advantage of such a weakness...

Shifting her attention away from the boy's glowing golden eyes, the woman looked at a tiny black sphere that manifested into existence next to her. This caused both Vahn and Phae to squint slightly from where they were seated, as, prior to the spherical object revealing itself, neither been able to sense even a trace of its existence...

Seeing there was less than a minute left, the woman decided against trying to argue with the boy and his companions. Instead, she placed one hand on her hip, shifting her weight to one foot as she said, "My name is Endorsi Jahad, a bonafied Princess of the Jahad Empire. If you're clever, you'll set aside those ideals of yours and focus on what truly matters. You won't find a better companion than a Princess of Jahad amongst the other Regulars. If you're actually serious about reaching the top of the Tower, you'll need to take advantage of every opportunity you get. Keep that in mind, okay~?"

Timing the completion of her statement with the countdown visible on the cube, Endorsi left no room for argumentation as a loud voice echoed over the grasslands. It was even able to penetrate the barrier Vahn had created, further alerting him to the peculiarities of the Record he now found himself in. It seemed he had a lot to learn about this new world, but, despite being present for little more than half-an-hour, there was one thing he was already certain of...this Record was one where the strong reigned supreme...a world where the weak were killed in order to pave the way for those with the ambition to aim for greater heights...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn, Improv Master...?','Fenrir's favorite version of Master (OwO)...','A world filled with treachery and ruthlessness...a breeding ground for the strong')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


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