Bardock discussed his training plan with Kalan. He planned to first have everyone spar with the practitioners in the training camp, they could also choose to spar real soldiers. Planet Carefree didn't go out to fight Frieza Force anymore, but they did occasionally go look for space pirates to kill. The main job of Planet Carefree's soldiers was to patrol the vicinity of their planet, and occasionally help out nearby planets with invaders.
Bardock thought it would do them good to join in a few of their missions, as real life and death battles had a better effect than simply doing friendly spars.
"That sounds fine, but if they're still here in about a month... I'd suggest them going to somewhere else." Kalan thought it would be a good idea to bring the group over to Planet Namek for real battle experience. Especially Goku and Gohan required life and death battles, that was the only way they could constantly receive Zenkai.
"I should ask Guru about dragon ball creation..." Kalan's mastery over Magic Materialization had reached a very high level now, he believed he could start preparing for making his own dragon balls. But he did not have a clue how they were made, Kami might know a bit, but the Namekians on Planet Namek were more knowledgeable. That was why Dende was able to improve Earth's dragon balls when he took over the position as Earth's God in the story.
"But I have no idea when Vegeta and Frieza's men will arrive... I'll just have King Kai help me out." Kalan frowned, then smiled as if he had come up with a brilliant idea.
Kalan closed his eyes, concentrating on extending his telepathy senses to the Other World. It was in a different dimension, as such, it took Kalan more effort to reach out his telepathy senses. The Other World was like a higher dimension as compared to the mortal world, that was why it was easier for King Kai to extend his senses out toward the mortal world. It was like pouring water down from a cup, but it's a whole different story to have the water climb back up the cup.
But with Kalan's proficiency and high Space Affinity, this did not prove to be much of a challenge. Soon, Kalan found his way over King Enma's office, moving forward, he extended his telepathy senses toward the Snake Way. Without needing to follow the winding Snake Way, his telepathy senses extended straight toward King Kai's planet, there were 2 planets at the end of the Snake Way's snake tail. One big planet over 100 times the size of the other planet. Kalan sent his senses to the bigger planet and found King Kai laying on a chair.
*King Kai!* Kalan sent a telepathic message directly to King Kai's mind.
"Hmhmhmhm... Ah... So peaceful... So- Ah? T-This voice! It's Kalan!" King Kai was just melting down in comfort as he inclined on the chair when he suddenly heard Kalan's voice project inside his mind.
*Hey! My favorite student! I thought you forgot old me!* King Kai connected his telepathy senses with Kalan's and sent a joking message.
*How could I! I still need to depend on you when I cross over to the Other World!* Kalan joked.
*Hahaha! Don't worry! With me here, I'll fix all your problems!* King Kai patted his chest in confidence.
*Great! I won't have to starve when I die, right? King Kai, you're such a great cook! Nowadays, my appetite has increased by a few fold already... Ahh... I hope it won't continue like this. Soon I'll eat a whole city...* Kalan bantered.
*Uh... How about you don't die anytime soon...* King Kai felt like he needed to hire a chef before he could rest in peace. A while ago, Goku had come here, with no choice, King Kai had to cook for him. Especially as Goku was still alive when he came, and had a very big appetite, much bigger than the kid Kalan that had come many years ago.
*I'm just kidding, King Kai. But I need your help with something, can you tell me when some bad guys invade Planet Namek? It should be within a month or so.* Kalan cut down the joke and got to the real business.
*Hm...? There'll be invaders coming to Planet Namek? Ah... Alright, I'll help you keep watch over Planet Namek.* King Kai promised.
Kalan took a stroll around Planet Carefree, he met with mother and Broly. They were doing well, ever since Anya started taking care of Broly, she had toned down on her violent side. Broly, on the other hand, had always been very sentimental, with the care of Anya, he grew up to be a kind and diligent Saiyan. Now with Broly taking over the throne, he got a lot busier. But he enjoyed being the King over Planet Carefree. He was their protector, their guide, he was the decision maker, even though the Ingeniumians helped giving suggestions. Broly was still the one who decided whether to follow their suggestion or not.
Because Kalan had made them avoid Frieza Force and stay lowkey, the Saiyans with their itchy hands had turned their targets towards the space pirates as their prey. Now that Broly became the King, he had already contacted the Space Police. Right now, they were undergoing a few negotiations for their future cooperation. The Space Police also avoided Frieza Force, this was because they were afraid of Frieza's strength, and have no choice but to avoid messing with him.
As of now, they had agreed on sharing some information, technology, and their cooperation was that of mercenaries or bounty hunters. The soldiers on Planet Carefree could choose a few missions from the Space Police, it could be either to protect goods or people, apprehend and catch criminals, patrol and scout certain areas.
"T-That's really amazing!!" Kalan's eyes popped out. He had never managed Planet Carefree, instead, he let Bardock, Orion, Igara and the Ingeniumians manage everything. He felt quite embarrassed, seeing how diligent Broly was in improving their planet.
With the cooperation with the Space Police, Planet Carefree would have better connections, they would be able to contact many aliens from far away with the help of the Space Police. They can also conduct in many trades, exchange of information, technologies, etc.
"What the heck! I feel like I'm useless... I'm only good at fighting... And that is only because I got the Strongest System... Shit! Doesn't that mean I'm useless...? Without the system... I'm nothing..." Kalan mumbled. He had finished talking with Broly and continued strolling with a dazed mind.
Kalan also met up with Ujin, he had grown up to an adult by now. But he did not look like a gnome, half the height of a human. Instead, he looked almost as tall as a Pal'Adian, with big burly muscles, he looked just like a natural born fighter. After a small chat, Kalan learned that Ujin made major breakthroughs in body modifications, but he did not feel good to use other's cells, as it felt like putting himself in another person's body. He also knew many side effects from adding others' cells, like having his personality and mind affected by the owner of the cell's personality.
Ujin instead improved his own genes, the new appearance he had was all created from improving his own genes. It was amazing, his martial arts talent had improved so much he was already much stronger than Orion. His battle power was over 1 million, but it seems that was his current limit. But it was still incredible for Kalan, imagine if each and every inhabitant, weak or strong, talented or not, were to have over 1 million in battle power. Kalan praised Ujin quite a few times before continuing down the road.
Kalan took his time strolling around the planet, sometimes a few old acquaintances would wave their hands, beckoning him to join them in their talks or parties. A few days passed as Kalan carelessly walked down the street. His last top was the Ingeniumians underground base.
The Ingeniumians had quite many high technology apparatuses, Kalan was only going to take a few energy scanner related ones, but seeing all those interesting apparatuses, Kalan decided to take a few of them and bring them to Earth. Since Earth had decided to improve their technology in order to improve their defensive system.
Finishing putting everything into his storage space, Kalan teleported back to Earth.
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