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Auteur: Nemo_2837

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Chapitre 1: 1


Just In





Dragon of Dragons: Game of the Year Edition by Silent Songbird

Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Drama, Naruto U., H. Issei, Words: 335k+, Favs: 3k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Dec 31, 2015 Updated: Jul 8, 2017

2,648Chapter 1: Prologue

A/N: For some reason there was an error in this chapter. I apologize, and I also use this opportunity to welcome new readers to this story. Kindly do take this advice though: DO NOT make any assumptions until you reach chapter 9 of this story. Please and Thank You.

Dragon of Dragons - Game of the Year Edition


You have slept in your bed. HP and MP fully restored.

Issei grumbled to himself as he blinked again and saw the magical floating words still in his vision. He sighed as he walked into the bathroom to wash his face, blankly looking at reflection in the mirror as he saw a title floating high above his head.

The Gamer

Hyoudou Issei Lv. 3

He scowled slightly as he tried to wave it off, his hands only floating through the texts as though it wasn't there. Issei wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not, all he remembered was the accident which had occurred a few days ago. He'd actually been trying to peek on the female side of Kuoh's hot springs by climbing up a tree, unfortunately a cat had also climbed up that same tree. Several girls had arrived with the owner of the cat and then he'd managed to bluff his way and say that he was there to rescue the cat. He had grabbed the feline, but slipped his footing and crashed, nearly twelve feet into the ground. He was unconscious after that, but he could swear that the eyes of the cat looked at him with sparkling intelligence.

And then he could've sworn the cat turned into a red fox.

Then, after he'd been discharged from the hospital, this happened. He started seeing the floating names and numbers over everyone's heads along with titles he couldn't comprehend. Before Issei had sworn his life to the ways of the pervert, there was a time in which he thought girls were icky and had a fear of the imaginary cooties. In those days, Issei played video games all day long, and was quite legendary at it. He'd won several video game competitions as well, so he easily identified a Video Game format when he saw one.

But now here was the question… why in the bloody hell was his life a videogame?

Issei brushed his teeth and threw on his uniform, he descended from his room downstairs to greet his mom, only to realize as he looked at the nearby clock that he was up way to early. Who went to school by 5am in the morning anyway?

Issei groaned in frustration. He was feeling totally refreshed and ready to roll, because apparently all he needed was to sleep in a bed for a minimum of four hours for him to be feeling great. He'd stayed up all night playing through some old dating simulations before he fell asleep, hoping he'd at least get to enjoy the familiar feeling of sleeping in, but it seemed that it was all for naught.

"Well… might as well put together a decent meal."


New Quest! There's No We In Food!

Cook breakfast for yourself and your parents.

Rewards: A Nice Meal, 150 EXP, ?, ?, ?

Failure: nil


Issei grumbled to himself as he had to deal with this again. His life was a video game and as such, the entire world around him and turned a dull gray as the blue quest window appeared in his vision. Of course he'd gain experience from the successful completion of any quest whatsoever, but he did however wonder what the three question marks were for. Reluctantly, he accepted the quest and watched the world go back into color.

He stared at the electric cooker and decided that he had no idea as to what he'd make. He stared at the cooker and decided to make the traditional steamed rice and miso soup with a side dish of tamagoyami.


A new skill has been created through continuous action!

Cooking [Passive] Lv.1 has been unlocked.

This is the art of mixing ingredients to create food for sustenance and life. The higher the level of the skill, the better the taste of the food, the greater the bonuses gained.

Issei stared blank-faced at the notification in annoyance. He already knew how to cook for kami's sake. Closing it, he continued the process. Only to stare in fascination as he noted that even though it had been several minutes since he had started, time had not advanced forward. Instead, it seemed it would only advance after he completed the quest.

"Well… that's useful?" he thought to himself. Part of him felt somewhat giddy as he imagined time standing still during a quest in which he had to peek on the girl's changing rooms. He'd stay in there for hours… Issei blinked as he realized that he'd been daydreaming for a while, only to blanch at the sound of the smoke alarm.

In the end, he only managed to make a rather pitiful looking meal of what seemed to be the burnt sacrifice to a junkyard god.




Issei did feel somewhat glad that he could retry cooking, he did however note that his cooking skill had apparently gone up for some reason. He blinked as gears began slowly turning in his head.

Staring at the quest screen, he decided to give it a whirl. "If my life is truly a video game… then let's see if the same logic applies!" a wolfish smirk donned Issei's features as he cracked his knuckles, pushed the accept button and went straight to work.








Cooking has gone up by 1!

Cooking has gone up by 1!

Cooking has gone up by 1!

Cooking has gone up by 1!

Cooking has gone up by 1!

Cooking has gone up by 1!

Cooking has gone up by 1!

Several hours of continuously screwing up the quest and repeating it over and over again and leveling up the cooking skill, Issei realized it was actually getting harder to screw it up. He kept trying, and trying, only to realize that he'd actually reached a point in which he couldn't screw it up no matter how hard he tried.

Quest Completed!

There's No We In Food!

Gained: 150 EXP, A Nice Meal, Increased Reputation Gains with the Hyoudou, Soul Food, Buff Status: Killer of Meals! Active for 2 hours.

'Is this game actually mocking me?' Issei thought in slight annoyance, he then blinked and wondered where all the burnt food he'd previously made had gone to, all that was left on the table was a family serving size of the perfectly made meal.

'Wait? What the hell is soul food?' he wondered slightly to himself as he stared at a plate of the meal.

A new skill has been created through continuous action!

Observe [Active] Lv.1 has been unlocked.

Through continuous observation of an item, a skill to discover the information of a target has been acquired.

"What the hell? How in the world did I Observe food?" Issei quizzically asked no one in particular, noting silently as to how he was talking to himself a bit more than usual.

A Nice Meal

Quality: Good

A decent tasting meal of a traditional Japanese origin, restores 50% of maximum HP and MP.

Soul Food

Quality: Good

A meal cooked with such passion and finesse, it provides supernatural effects to those who eat it. Grants +2 Luck +1 strength for 2 hours.

Issei blankly stared at the meal in his front. This was getting a bit too surreal for him. Even the food he ate now seemed to have other effects than just giving him a full stomach. Reluctantly, Issei ate the soul food for himself and packaged the nice meal into a small lunch box which he placed into his backpack. Noting that time had advanced forward, he decided to leave seeing as how he still had at least one hour left to get to school. He was beginning to see the numerous advantages of this new video game ability.

"Oh my! Issei! You made this for us?" Issei turned and noticed his mother beside him in the kitchen, staring with wide eyes at the food in front of her.

"Heh-heh, I just kinda had some free time before I got to school, so I decided to make you some breakfast for once." Issei grinned as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm amazed! I didn't know you could cook!" She stated bluntly.

"Kaa-san! Of course I can, I've been watching you cook for years haven't I?"

"I know I Know." She took a pair of chopsticks as she made a small prayer before staring at him "Are you sure it's edible?"


"Just kidding dear. Mmhmm! It's good! Well, not as good as mine of course but it's amazing for your first try!"

"Thanks kaa-san. I'll be heading off to school now."

"Alright! Oh and would you be a dear and branch by the grocery shop to get some milk after school? We're all out."


New Main Quest!

For All It's Worth!

Primary Objective: Your mother wants you to get some milk for her after school. Don't forget! Oh and beware of intelligent cats.

Secondary Objectives: Don't let a single drop of milk spill and make sure the milk isn't expired.

Bonus Objectives:






Rewards: 7500 EXP, Increased reputation with the Hyoudous, ?, ?, ?, ?

Bonus Rewards: 200 EXP for every objective completed, ? ?

Failure: 50 EXP, Decreased reputation with the Hyoudous, Possible Death.


Issei gulped slightly to himself. The no option was grayed out, meaning that he had to accept the quest, the high amount of EXP indicated that there was going to be some danger involved, that and the fact that death was written there as a penalty for failure. Apparently, unlike the cooking one he'd done earlier, Main Quests couldn't be declined. Bracing himself for whatever may come his way, he pushed the accept button and watched the world return to color.

"Thanks dear! And don't forget!"

As Issei walked out of his house, he had a very good feeling that he would definitely not forget.

~~~~~~~~ DxD – GOTY ~~~~~~~~~~

As Issei walked down the road to his school, he absentmindedly used his Observe ability on any and every single thing or person he could find. From general items, objects, people and even the environment in general, the ability provided useful information and at the same time completely irrelevant information with some being quirky, others being sarcastic and certain being downright snide. He'd gained two levels in it since then and noticed as it provided slightly more information.

Issei blinked as he realized, shouldn't there be information on himself as well? Quickly, he used a brief Observe on himself.


Name: Hyoudou Issei

Level: 3 [47.61%]

Current Title: The Gamer

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 100/100

MP: 50/50

Strength: 9 (+1)

Vitality: 9

Dexterity: 11

Intelligence: 10(+2)

Wisdom: 11 (-1)(+1)

Luck: 8 (+2)(+1)(+1)

Charisma: 0 (-10)(-2)

Statuses: Famous Pervert [-10 charisma, -1 wisdom]. Killer of Meals [+1 Luck]. On the Fence [+ 1 Wis, Bonus EXP to all neutral actions] Anarchy's Incarnate [+1 Luck, Bonus EXP to all Chaotic actions, randomizes the level and type of one enemy per encounter, ?] Secret Loner [+2 Int, -2 Charisma]. Gamer's Mind [Immunity from all psychological effects] Gamer's Body [Gives the ability to live life like a game, sleeping in your bed fully restores HP and MP].

Points Available: None

Money: 10000 Yen

Perks: None


Gamer's Mind [Passive] Lv. Max

Gamer's Body [Passive] Lv. Max

Cooking [Passive] Lv. 15[46.93%]

Observe [Active] Lv. 3[13.38%]


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform [+10 Defense]


Kuoh Academy: [15/1000] Hated

Hyoudou Residence: [355/1000] Liked

Kendo Club: [200/1000] Hated

Student Council: [155/1000] Disliked

Occult Research Club: [666/1000] Neutral

? : [455/1000] Neutral

? : [400/1000] Neutral

? : [300/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Issei is a poor, sad boy who dreams of having his own Harem and becoming the Harem King. While he isn't having delusions of grandeur, he causes chaos in his wake in his usual attempts to catch a glimpse of the naked forms of the girls at his school, thus gaining their ire and the ire of all those around him. Recently, he uncovered his ability as the Gamer, but is this all there is about this less than worthwhile teen, or perhaps, does a greater destiny await?

"You're mocking me aren't you…" Issei's eyes twitched constantly as he read his own personal bio. He balked at the decrease being a pervert did to his charisma stat, meaning he had no charisma at all whatsoever. His alignment surprised him as he always thought of himself as a form of knight in shining armor and not someone who went around causing untold mayhem. Then again, he realized that good guys didn't technically go around peeping at girls boobs and underwear.

"Hmm… Occult Research Club? Never even met them… why should I care about them anyway?" he wondered slightly to himself as he examined his stats and focused back on his alignment.

"Chaotic neutral? That's way too close to Lawful Evil." He blinked to himself as he realized that he still remembered the alignments from the good ol' dungeons and dragons games he used to play when he was younger.

"Why do I still even remember…" he blinked as a thought sprung up to his mind. Was it possible, that his Intelligence stat was the reason in which he'd been finding himself particularly knowledgeable these days? He frowned as he then realized that ever since the whole video game life thing had come up, people had been telling him that he'd been acting differently. He'd been calmer, more rational and hadn't even had any urge to watch his x-rated stashes or go peeping. With his two highest stats currently being intelligence and luck, it didn't take him long to put two and two together.

"First of all I'm chaotic neutral, so that can't be the reason I've been acting so different. Which means my best bet is the Gamer's Mind. It grants immunity to all psychological effects, so I'm more lax, I'm rarely ever worried or scared, troubled or nervous. But… what if this applies to lust as well? Is this why I haven't been myself lately?"

Issei wondered to himself as he paused on the road. Nearby pedestrians shook their head at the strange school teen talking to himself in the middle of the road but yet, he paid them no heed as he thought about it.

"I can't feel fear, nervousness, shame, and now, even my lust is reduced. Am I… am I even human anymore?" He asked himself silently, he was supposed to be terrified at the thought, but as soon as the flash of terror entered his mind, it vanished, replacing his mental state with a focused, relaxed state.

He shook his head and focused back on his stats. He'd have to see if he could find a way to switch that ability off, but for now, he'd have to deal with it. He sharply noticed that there were lots of question marks present, meaning that he hadn't found out the identities of those things yet, though there was one thing that bothered him.

"Secret Loner? How am I… a… secret… loner…" Issei paused as he realized how bitterly true that was. Truly, he had no one he could actually call a friend. The two bumbling idiots Matsuda and Motohama he peeked with from time to time didn't even count, as they were actually jealous of him most of the time and didn't bother hiding it. The only reason the hung out was because of their common interests, but now, Issei felt that they were the kind of people he'd never trust his life with. The fact remained, outside of those two, he had technically no one else. He was truly alone.

'Heh… I thought I was the player? Yet it seemed I'm being played, played by a game that knows me better than I know myself… how ironic.' He thought silently.




'Now what?'

Through discovery of oneself and recognition of solitude, a status has been unlocked! Secret Loner is now True Loner [+3 Int, - 1 Charisma]

Through repetitive inner-reflection and depressing thoughts, a new a status has been unlocked! Confused Emo [+1 Charisma, +1Wis, Unlocks Emo actions]

Through the act of putting your miserable and pathetic thoughts into words and rhythm, a new status has been unlocked! Dark Poet [Adds 10% of total Luck to Charisma, Unlocks poetic actions]

'Alright that settles it, this game is mocking me!' Issei grumbled as he clenched his fists in annoyance.


Issei was really getting tired of hearing that sound.

New Quest! A Time For Everything!

Uh-oh, you've been so lost in your own thoughts you didn't know that so much time has passed! You have less than fifteen minutes to make it on time for class!

Primary Objective: Get to School before the bell rings!

Bonus Objectives:




Rewards: 300 EXP, Increased Reputation Gains with Kuoh Academy, Increased Reputation Gains with Student Council, ? ?.

Bonus Rewards: 100 EXP for every objective completed, ? ?

Failure: 50 EXP, Reduced Reputation Gains with Kuoh Academy, Reduced reputation gains with Student Council, Reduced Academic Performance Rating, Detention.


NB: Declining this quest will lead to an automatic failure.

"Holy Shit!" Issei swore as he glanced at his watch, true to the quest, he only had fifteen minutes left to get to class. Hastily he pushed the yes button and ran down the streets as fast as humanly possible.


Through continuous performance of an action, a new skill has been created! Sprint [Active] Lv. 1.

Through the pumping of adrenaline through your system and the acceleration of your feet, you are now able to dash at faster speeds than normal. Costs 2 MP per minute.

Issei blinked as his head did a quick count. 2MP per minute and he had 50MP meant that he could sprint continuously for twenty-five minutes straight before he ran out of steam. Most people couldn't even run for 10 minutes straight without stopping for air, and even some of the most athletic people in his entire school couldn't think about sprinting for that long without stop.

This power was so broken.

~~~~~~~~ DxD – GOTY ~~~~~~~~

"Phew! Made it!" Issei said to himself as he passed through the school doors just mere seconds before the bell went off.

"Just barely."

The teen turned his head to the side, instantly spotting someone standing in a condescending manner as she glanced at him. She was a young bespectacled woman in her late teens with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and had vivid violet eyes. A silent Observe later, and Issei found out who she was.

Shitori Souna Lv. 26


Student Council President

Issei did his best to hide the surprise that threatened to pop up on his face as he stared at her level. She was level 26! 26! The highest he'd seen so far was a large bodybuilder who was level 5, and then this petite, rather attractive young girl with smooth flawless legs, perky breasts and rather nice… er-hem back on track, she was the highest leveled person he'd seen so far.

Through the strenuous task of putting up a blank façade to hide your true feelings of an event, a new skill has been created! Poker Face [Active] Lv. 1. Costs 0.50 MP per second.

Issei inconspicuously closed the window by pretending to wave his hands as he glanced at the sexy young woman in front of him.

"Ah, buchou, were you waiting to arrive? I'm flattered." 'What the hell am I saying?' Issei wondered to himself as his poker face remained indifferent, but on the inside he was sweating bullets.

"Hyoudou Issei. You've gained quite the track record for arriving late to classes, had you arrived late today I would have had no choice but to write up a detention slip for you."

Issei blinked suddenly as a timer appeared in front of him slowly counting down, and then four options started blinking.

Choose Chaotic Response

Choose Neutral Response

Choose Poetic Response

Choose Emo Response

Choose Perverted Response

Note: Selecting none will allow conversation to continue as though you remained silent.

Issei could have sworn that blood drained from his face as he had no idea as to what to select. Glancing at the timer, he realized he had almost no time left and then quickly hit any option.

Chaotic Response Selected.

'Well shit'.

"You? Write me a detention slip? Me? A detention slip? I knew that you guys had a whole lot of free time in your fancy little offices, but I think the air conditioned rooms and fancy seats must be getting to your heads." He spoke casually.

"Excuse me?" Sona questioned indignantly.

"Well if you actually have enough time to personally come hand out detention slips to students then clearly you've clearly got too much free time on your hands. I wouldn't be surprised if someone walks in one day on you using a paddle to spank someone on the ass. You look like someone who'd be into that sort of thing."

Issei was glad that his Poker Face was still on otherwise he'd have dropped his jaw from the look of surprise and slight embarrassment on Sona's face.

"W-why I'd never!"

'No way… did she just stutter? Did she just stutter?!' "You're lips are telling me know but your eyes are telling me yes. Ah, who was it again? That guy that usually follows you around like a lost puppy?"


Intelligence Check Required!

'What the hell?'

At certain times, in order to continue a certain action or win over a certain person, your stats will be used as the determinant of your success or failure! The required stat will be added by 20, and then divided by 2 in order to gain the required multiplier.

Required Intelligence Multiplier - 10

Total Intelligence Multiplier – 11

Check Passed! Bonus EXP Gained!

"Genshirou Saji wasn't it? He seems like the kind of guy that would be into something like that."

Issei couldn't believe it when he spotted the light dusting of pink that appeared on the girl's cheeks.

"It'd be a real shame if anyone got to find out that such two upstanding students of the school were doing such perverted acts in an office meant for serious business wouldn't it?"

Souna's eyes darkened as she stared straight at Issei "And who would believe you? The pervert that half of the entire school hates against the Student Council President? It's your word against mine."

Issei laughed, he actually laughed, and found himself going with the flow. "I could pretty much make a bloody living from how frequently I stand outside doors and peep through the holes. Who's to say that I couldn't do the same for your office? And best still…" Issei smirked.

"…Who's to say that I can't get Saji to admit it? He'd probably do so with such passion and convince everyone that you made him do it. Something tells me that all I have to do would be to ask the right questions."

"You wouldn't." she threatened.

"Oh I would. Tell me, how well do you estimate your little friend's ability to keep his mouth shut?"

There was a tense silence in which the two students stared down, Issei ignored the constant PING sounds which had been indicating that his Poker Face skill was leveling up.

"Very well Hyoudou. You've made your point." She stated warily as she glanced at him.

"What do you want?" she asked plainly.

"Immunity from detention." 'What? Nooo! I wanted to see her panties!' the small, tiny perverted part of him yelled.

"That will be very difficult to get done. Do you know how hard it would be to pull something like that?" she asked in a slightly amused voice.

"Does it look like I care?" Issei responded, his Poker Face giving him the perfect visage of a nonchalant teen.

Souna smirked as she walked away from him "You are not what I at all expected Hyoudou when I first saw you. There's clearly more to you than meets the eye."

"It's always a pleasure to shove people's expectations up their asses." He quipped as Souna walked away laughing.

'Holy hell, I actually made her laugh!'

"Very well Hyoudou, I will be keeping an eye on you then. There are some people, who I feel, I'd like to see their expectations as you so eloquently put it, 'shoved up their asses'"

"Oh my! Buchou such foul language, whatever shall the school do when they find this out?" Issei teased.

"Don't push it Hyoudou, don't push it."

Quest Completed!

Primary Objective: Get to School before the bell rings! Completed! Gained 350 EXP!

Bonus Objectives:

Select the Chaotic Response! Gained 100 EXP Bonus! Anarchy's Incarnate! Gained 200 EXP!

Passed the Intelligence Check! Gained 100EXP

Bluff your way to Earn Souna's Respect! Gained 100 EXP

Rewards: Gained Increased Reputation Gains with Kuoh Academy! Gained Increased Reputation Gains with Student Council! Gained Increased Reputation Gains with Occult Research Club! Gained Increased Reputation Gains with the ? Faction! Gained new Ally, Shitori Souna!

Bonus Rewards: Gained new Status! Gambit King [Int+2, Luck+3, 25% Chance to guarantee success of any social interaction] Gained Immunity to Detention! [You now have a permanent get out of jail free card anytime you are given a detention by a teacher or hall monitor! Does not apply if given directly by Principal or Vice-Principal]




Issei's eyes did widen this time as he spotted the sheer number of windows that popped up in his vision.

Through the use of a blank façade, sheer luck and a little bit of chaos thrown in, an ability to deceive your opponents with bravado has been unlocked! Gained skill, Bluff [Active] Lv. 1. Costs 0.75 MP per second, can be used simultaneously with Poker Face for greater chance of success.

Through deception and confidence, an interaction limited to only those who are neutral or evil on the scale of morality will possibly think of using has been unlocked! Gained skill, Blackmail [Active] Lv. 1. Costs 0.50 MP, can be used simultaneously with Bluff and Poker Face.

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Poker Face has increased by 1!

Bluff has increased by 1!

Bluff has increased by 1!

Bluff has increased by 1!

Bluff has increased by 1!

Blackmail has increased by 1!

Issei whistled lowly to himself as he grinned at the new skills and interactions. Part of him was feeling extremely grateful that he was chaotic neutral right now. He did frown though when he realized that even with all that, he still hadn't leveled up and was still level 3.



Name: Hyoudou Issei

Level: 3 [77.54%]

Current Title: The Gamer

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 100/100

MP: 50/50

Strength: 9

Vitality: 9

Dexterity: 11

Intelligence: 10(+3)(+2)

Wisdom: 11 (-1)(+1)(+1)

Luck: 8 (+1)(+3)

Charisma: 0 (-10)(-1)(+1)(+1.2)

Statuses: Gamer's Mind [Immunity from all psychological effects] Gamer's Body [Gives the ability to live life like a game]. Famous Pervert [-10 Char, -1 Wis]. On the Fence [+1 Wis, Bonus EXP to all neutral actions] Anarchy's Incarnate [+1 Luck, Bonus EXP to all Chaotic actions, randomizes the level and type of one enemy per encounter] True Loner [+3 Int, -1 Char]. Confused Emo [+1Wis +1Char] Dark Poet [10% of total Luck to Char] Gambit King [+2 Int, +3 Luck, 25% Chance to guarantee success of any social interaction]

Points Available: None

Money: 10000 Yen

Perks: None


Gamer's Mind [Passive] Lv. Max

Gamer's Body [Passive] Lv. Max

Cooking [Passive] Lv. 15 [46.93%]

Observe [Active] Lv. 3 [13.38%]

Sprint [Active] Lv. 1 [25.89%]

Poker Face [Active] Lv. 8 [41.67%]

Bluff [Active] Lv. 5 [19.54%]

Blackmail [Active] Lv. 2 [3.14%]


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform [+10 Defense]


Kuoh Academy: [450/1000] Hated

Hyoudou Residence: [355/1000] Liked

Kendo Club: [200/1000] Hated

Student Council: [150/1000] Neutral

Occult Research Club: [999/1000] Neutral

? : [696/1000] Neutral

? : [400/1000] Neutral

? : [300/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Issei is a poor, sad boy who dreams of having his own Harem and becoming the Harem King. While he isn't having delusions of grandeur, he causes chaos in his wake in his usual attempts to catch a glimpse of the naked forms of the girls at his school, thus gaining their ire and the ire of all those around him. Recently, he uncovered his ability as the Gamer, but is this all there is about this less than worthwhile teen, or perhaps, does a greater destiny await?

Issei blinked as he realized that the buffs he gained from the soul food and the temporary Killer of Meals status had both vanished. He quickly remembered that both of those two things were supposed to last for two hours.

"Shit! I'm late for class!"

With that single thought, Hyoudou Issei grinned like a manic as he rushed to class, realizing that with his newfound ability, Kuoh Academy would never remain the same.

Now if only the game could get him laid…

next chapter
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