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Dragon of Dragons: Game of the Year Edition by Silent Songbird

Naruto & High School DxD/ハイスクールD×D Xover Rated: M, English, Adventure & Drama, Naruto U., H. Issei, Words: 335k+, Favs: 3k+, Follows: 3k+, Published: Dec 31, 2015 Updated: Jul 8, 2017

2,648Chapter 2: Not Just A Game

A/N: So apparently people love the video game plot. Who knew? I actually gained more reviews for this story in one day than I did for my other two in almost one week. The love was motivating and as such I decided to upload a new chapter earlier than I intended. Just one thing though, DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY I CAN'T SEE MY REVIEWS? Honestly, it's like putting a steel wall between a starving man and a plate of gourmet food. I had to read all the reviews via my e-mail, but the site keeps telling me that I have no reviews even when there's clearly 18 reviews present. Well, if there's any site official reading this, which I highly doubt then please kindly help out, seeing as how sending a complaint to the site has had no effect so far.

Without further ado... I present a new chapter of...

Dragon of Dragons - Game of the Year Edition

Chapter 1

Not Just A Game


Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Issei blinked as he sat down in his seat after being scolded by the teacher for being late. He'd been paying attention to the Mathematics lesson and all of a sudden he'd gained an increase in his intelligence stat. An actual increase for once and not just a status or perk, and all he'd done was listen.


Academic Performance Rating!

In the Game of the Year Edition, a new feature has been added called the Academic Performance Rating! This is the sum total of all your grades and accomplishments in the classes you attend during the period of your stay in Kuoh Academy! As common sense would dictate, doing your assignments and projects and handing them in on time will increase the ratings, while skipping classes and failing tests will do the opposite. A high enough rating will grant unique new bonuses, quests, items and status, as well as giving you the satisfaction of being ranked the number one best student in the entire school!

Current C.G.P.A -3.99

Current APR – 104

Issei blinked as he examined the window and closed it with a silent thought. He was currently ranked as the 104th best student in the entire school. While it might not have been very impressive to some, it was downright amazing to Issei who had no idea that he was ranked that high. There were over 300+ students in the school, so being ranked 104th wasn't too shabby at all.

Issei glanced at the time, zoning out the teacher as he wondered when the agonizing torture of the boring class would end. His mind had never focused on academic activity to begin with, and now, with his life as a game, he wanted to fully explore the abilities granted to him.

He glanced at his table and spotted a book in place. Absentmindedly, he picked it up and scrolled through the contents.

Item – Mathematics Book

Level: Intermediate

A book which contains the intermediate level mathematics for students of Kuoh academy, whether or not the knowledge can be applied to something practical remains to be seen.

Issei grinned at the description. Truly though, he wondered if the knowledge could be applied to something else. He scrolled through the text book a bit more, only for a surprising effect to occur.

Through the action of actually reading of a book for once, your Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Through the action of understanding the intricate formulas and techniques used in the addition, division and subtraction of numbers, a new skill has been unlocked! Mathematical Knowledge [Passive] Lv.1

This skill gives you an instant boost to the success of all mathematical problems, at higher levels, it'll unlock new bonuses as well as abilities.

'Wait… I gained intelligence from reading books, and I can also learn skills from books?' Issei had his gears turning in his mind.

"Awesome!" he grinned as an idea came to his mind.

"Quiet Hyoudou!" the teacher barked at him "Or perhaps, you'd like to come up here and teach the class how to answer the question?" On the board was a mathematics problem Issei had no idea as to where to begin.


New Side Quest!

Issei swore silently to himself as time slowed down and a timer appeared in his point of view.

Choose Chaotic Response

Choose Neutral Response

Choose Poetic Response

Choose Emo Response

Choose Perverted Response

He noted immediately that the perverted response was grayed out, leaving only four others he could select. A huge part of him was tempted to simply try out the neutral response, as he wouldn't think about ever using the poetic or emo options. But neutrality was sometimes a dangerous thing, so that meant that the outcome could be unexpected.

Chaotic response however had worked out pretty well the last time… If it could get him the Student Council President as an ally, was it really chaotic? Well…

'I suppose it's better to choose the devil you know…' he reluctantly hit the Chaotic Response button once more just as the timer went out.

Chaotic Response Selected

Issei blinked as he found himself standing up from his seat calmly, the entire class gazing at him with a mix of surprise and disgust, he slowly began walking up to the teacher, stopped in front of the man and grinned as he swiped a piece of chalk from the teacher's hands.

"Why didn't you say so! If it'll save us all some time!" Issei glanced at the board and realized it was a twisted combination of Algebra and Pythagorean problematic equation.

Intelligence Check Required!

Required Intelligence Multiplier - 15

Total Intelligence Multiplier – 18.5

Check Passed! EXP Gained!

"Now you see, the problem here isn't the problem, the problem is the problem of the problem." Issei started, while all the while he began writing on the board.

"Tell me, did these old philosophers have so much free time that the only thing they could do was create problems for people to solve?" he asked, while simultaneously answering the question as his hands moved in a manner that was almost practiced, as though he wasn't cracking a complicated mathematical problem with ease.

"Now students have all have the problem of a problem, created by men with no problems in order to solve the problem of their absence of a problem, not even considering the problems caused by their problem of no problem. Can you see the problem with that?" 'What the hell am I saying?'

"So now our dearest sensei has asked me to solve the problem meant for the class, in order to avoid the problem that he's a forty year old man teaching uptight brats and earning minimum wage while he could be out there accomplishing his dreams in life."

Issei turned and stared at the teacher as he slowly placed the chalk back in his hands. "So the problem with you sensei, is that you dedicated your entire life to solving the problems created by old men." Issei found himself enjoying the slackjawed expression on the man's face as he did confirm that Issei had answered the question correctly. "Just as how the only benefit of getting a Degree in Philosophy is to help one think deeply about being unemployed, you should have realized that a degree in mathematics is while correct and noble as it is, ultimately, like the problems in the subject itself, it is useless and impractical for someone who dreamt of becoming a rich successful entrepreneur."

With those words, Issei turned around and returned to his seat calmly, stretching backwards as he crossed his legs on his table and placed his hands behind his head as he wore a wolfish smirk. There was something strangely fascinating about watching the entire glass gape at him like a fish out of water while the teacher stared at the piece of chalk in his hand like it had killed his puppy.

"Class Dismissed…" the teacher spoke quietly as he walked out with a raincloud over his head.


Side Quest Completed! Taught the Teacher!

Gained 150 EXP!

Chaotic Response! Anarchy's Incarnate! Gained 100 EXP!

Mathematician's Answer! Gained 50 EXP! Gained increased levels in Mathematical Knowledge!

Problematic Genius! Gained 50 EXP! Gained increased Reputation Gains with Kuoh Academy! Gained increased Reputation Gains with Occult Research Club! Gained increased Reputation Gains with the ? Faction!

Charisma has gone up by 1!

APR Increased! Current Rating 101!


Through the act of manipulating words and performing actions which will cause your enemies to question your mental state and leave them in awe of your foolishness, a new skill has been unlocked! Mystify [Active] Lv.1 Costs 0.75MP, Has a 20% chance to stun your enemies for 15 seconds! Chance depends on level of enemy and increases when stacked with Bluff and Poker Face.

'Okay… as fun as that was… I might need to tone down the chaos a bit.' He thought silently to himself as he heard the bell ring.


Anarchy's Incarnate! Chaotic Karma!

Due to repetitive selection of Chaos as your choice of response as well as continuous performance of chaotic actions and deeds, Anarchy's Incarnate will receive double the bonus and you gain x4 EXP from all Chaotic actions! In exchange however, you are now set in 'Chaos Mode' and cannot select any other type of response or activity for the next four hours. Applies Once Per day. Does not stack.

Issei could have sworn the blood drained from his face as he read that particular notification. The potential EXP benefits were staggering, but the costs could also be great. For the next four hours, he'd be the walking personification of chaos. That was most definitely never a good thing.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he was assaulted by his peeking buddies, Matsuda and Motohama.

"That was amazing!" Matsuda yelled, only saying what was on everyone's minds.

"It was genius, pure and utter genius. Issei! You must teach me how to do that!"

Issei sweatdropped slightly as he suddenly felt the urge to push them away. That, and he didn't have an actual way to explain his abilities. But he sure as hell wasn't going to tell anyone that his life was now a video game. A quick use of Poker Face and Bluff provided him with the diversion he needed.

"Look! It's Rias Gremory in a bikini!"


"Show me the sexy form of that red-haired goddess!"

Issei swiftly dodged and dashed out of the class room before the duo could realize he was gone. A liberal use of Sprint later gave him the speed he needed to get away from the classroom as quickly as possible.

"Phew… alright from now on I need to be more careful with chaotic actions, it truly is chaos." He muttered to himself as he stopped running when he realized that he needed to check up his time table to find out what he had next. He walked towards his locker, which now had Storage written on it for some weird reason, and then opened it up to grab his bag. He did however widen his eyes when he found his entire backpack empty.

'What the hell? Where did all my stuff go?'



Your Inventory is your personal space in which you can keep all the items you have gained and gathered in the world of DxD. There are many ways to access your inventory, such as your personal backpack which automatically sends anything you put inside it to your inventory, your closet, wardrobe or certain personal artifacts. Or of course you could just open it by saying Inventory, but who wants to be that lazy?

"And so the mockery continues." Issei grumbled to himself as he muttered the words "Inventory." He almost jumped back as a larger than normal window appeared in front of his vision, on it were several tiny icons which probably represented items, and a silhouette of a human spread out and wearing the Kuoh Academy Uniform.


Used: 6/1000


Kuoh Academy Books x 4

A Nice Meal x 1

Badly Burnt Meal x 63

Pencil x 2

Pen x 2

Time Table x 1


Body - Classic Kuoh Academy Uniform x 1 [Equipped]

Feet - Average School Shoes x 1 [Equipped]

Accessory 1 - Normal Wristwatch x 1 [Equipped]

Accessory 2 – None

Accessory 3 – None

Head – None

Quick Slots Available: 9

Quick Slots Used: None.

"So that's where those burnt meals I made went to. Hmm… let's see Observe."

Badly Burnt Meal

A disaster of food made by an equally destructive chef, and even if it wasn't burnt; it'd still be every food connoisseur's greatest nightmare. It is so terrible that even wild animals would rather starve than eat this mayhem. Extremely High Chance to inflict status effect, Poisoned, Stunned. -10 HP, -10 MP, disables HP and MP regeneration for 5 minutes.

"I know I was intentionally screwing up the meal but that's just insulting." Issei grumbled slightly to himself before glancing at the remaining items.

'What are quick slots anyway? Are they places I can keep items for instant use?' he thought as he cast an eye on them, and then scrolled back to his uniform.


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform

Defense + 10

State – Good [9/10]

This is the standard male uniform of the Kuoh Academy, while the female version is more pleasing to the eyes, and doubly so when there's a strong gust of wind, the male version is ordinary and plain, just like the wearers. No attachments exist on this item, no modifications have been done on this item.

'Modifications? Attachments? This just keeps getting weirder and weirder... and why does it feel like this game is set out to mock me at every turn?'

Issei closed the notification before he selected the time table item in his inventory, watching as it appeared in his hand out of thin air. He was glad that he had been facing his locker, otherwise someone would have questioned as to how in the world he had summoned an object from out of nowhere.

"Okay… next class Chemistry… after that I've got Gym class – ah, my personal favorite – and then there's Lunch."

Issei folded up the paper and put it back into his inventory, before closing it as he prepared himself for the remaining activities of the day.

~~~~ DxD – GOTY ~~~~

Through the act of mixing, blending and combining your knowledge of ingredients, a new skill has been unlocked! Crafting [Passive] Lv. 1

You can now craft items! A new world of opportunity awaits as you discover more and more recipes and disciplines in which you can craft!

Through the knowledge of chemical compounds and their effects when mixed together, a new skill has been unlocked! Chemical Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 1!

You are a mad genius in your own right as you can now create intriguing new items from your knowledge of chemistry! Recipes required.

Gained Recipe! Tear Gas!

Gained Recipe! Stink Bomb!

Gained Recipe! Stink Gas!

Gained item Stink Gas Bomb x 1!

Gained item Chloroform x 2!

Gained item Hydrogen Peroxide x 2!

"OUT! OUT! ALL OF YOU OUT!" Issei winced as the Chemistry teacher yelled and chased out the entire class.

'Note to self… Chaos and Chemistry don't mix.' He thought as he realized that in hindsight, experimentally creating a stink bomb with crude chemicals on his first try was not going to be successful. Well, not exactly, as he'd ended up creating a gas that permeated with the smell of onions that watered the eyes and caused people to want to cry while at the same time had the odor of rotten eggs and two year old, moldy, stinky cheese. The game system had accurately dubbed it, Stink Gas.

"Hyoudou! This is the second class you've caused to end early today! Do you have some kind of vendetta against the teachers or something?" Issei blinked as he glanced around and spotted the person that had spoken.

Murayama Lv. 4

Captain of the Kendo Club

Issei was somewhat peeved that this girl was at a higher level than himself but said nothing as he raised an eyebrow. Chaos Mode was still activated, so sadly his mind couldn't register anything perverted for the meanwhile.

"More like who doesn't have a vendetta against the teachers? They make us sit down all day long with boring classes, give us easy examples but downright demonic tests and exams. It's poetic justice if you ask me."

"You're just lazy aren't you?"

Issei turned and glanced at Murayama's longtime friend, and the girl who was the co-captain or vice-captain.

Katasu Lv. 3

Assistant Captain of the Kendo Club

"It's not laziness, it's selective participation." He countered smoothly "Why are you complaining? If anything, I've given you freedom to go practice swinging around your bamboo swords or something."

"Hey! I won't let anyone make light of Kendo!" Murayama stepped in with barely restrained anger as she snarled at the gamer.

"Please, as though swinging around a bamboo sword has any real use." 'This is seriously not going to end well for me.'

"Of course only you'd be stupid enough to think that!"

"If you have a sword and you're fighting someone with a gun today, you'd be dead before you could blink. Anyone can swing around a wooden stick."

"Oh really? Care to put your money where your mouth is Hyoudou?" Murayama was almost growling at him by this time.

"What's your wager?"

"30,000 Yen and the loser has to do anything the winner says for a week!"

"Just mention the time and place!" 'Gah! I don't have up to that!'

"Lunch Break, Kendo Club, be there or else."

"Deal!" 'I'm dead.'


Challenge Accepted!

Duels and Challenges!

At certain points, you will be challenged to spars, duels or challenges by other people. These are miniature forms of quests and activities that grant EXP depending on the difficulty of the challenge as well as hidden bonuses and rewards! Beware though; the consequences of failing a Challenge are sometimes quite dire, and often irrevocable.

You have been challenged to a Duel by the Captain of the Kendo club!

Main Objective: Show Murayama that Kendo is nothing special by beating her at her own game!

Bonus Objectives:






Rewards: 250 EXP! Increased Reputation with Kendo Club, Increased Reputation with Kuoh Academy, ?, ?, ?

Bonus Rewards: 50EXP per Objective, ?, ?, ?

Failure: Decreased Reputation with all Factions and Clubs, Permanent status gained, Bark With No Bite [-2 to all stats], Possible Death.

Issei gulped within himself as he was starting to realize that chaos also had its ups and downs.

"I hope you've written down your will Hyoudou." Murayama grinned as she walked away from him, already certain of her victory.

Issei said nothing as he walked away, his only saving grace being that he'd still be on Chaos Mode during their fight. Whether or not that would help him was yet to be seen, but he truly hoped it did.

"Wait a minute… if I can learn skills from books, then is it possible that…?" the gears turned in his head as he shot down the corridor, ignoring someone's shout of 'No running in the hallways' as he dashed through the school and eventually stopped in front of the large doors of the one place he never thought he'd visit.


Location Discovered! Kuoh Academy Grand Library! Gained 25 EXP!

"Alright! It's all or nothing here! Let's get this on!"

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Intelligence has gone up by 1!

Skill Unlocked!

Skill Unlocked!

Skill Unlocked!

Congratulations you have leveled up!

Hyoudou Issei would not remain the same.

~~~~~ DxD – Game of the Year Edition ~~~~~


Issei grinned as he calmly swaggered down the hall towards the Kendo Club. Apparently, quite a few people had arrived to watch the duel, mostly girls due to the fact that all of them wanted to see the legendary pervert being beaten up legitimately. Issei almost felt annoyed when he spotted even a few boys in toll and he could swear that even Shitouri Souna was there. He shook his head as he decided that for now, he'd prove himself and back up his own chaotic words. No matter the cost.

Sadly though, apparently even the library had a max cap for him to be able to gain intelligence from, and the more intelligence he gained, the harder it became for him to gain it. He now had to read through at least five books from different genres entirely just to gain one point in intelligence. It annoyed him to an extent as he realized that even though the game system wanted him to get stronger, it didn't want him to mindlessly get there by grinding. The only benefit he had luckily gained was when he found two new skill books, and the fact that reading a particular subject granted him a passive knowledge skill in that area. For all his intelligence points, he was still not certain as to what practical uses most of them had. What was he going to use Mathematical Knowledge for outside of class?

"Maybe I need more wisdom to be able to figure it out." He mumbled to himself before he swiftly took a brief look at his current stats. "Stats."


Name: Hyoudou Issei

Level: 4 [14.51%]

Current Title: The Gamer

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 150/150

MP: 75/75

Strength: 9

Vitality: 9

Dexterity: 11

Intelligence: 22(+3)(+2)

Wisdom: 11 (-1)(+1)(+1)

Luck: 8 (+1)(+3)

Charisma: 1 (-10)(-1)(+1)(+1.2)

Statuses: Gamer's Mind [Immunity from all psychological effects] Gamer's Body [Gives the ability to live life like a game]. Famous Pervert [-10 Char, -1 Wis]. On the Fence [+1 Wis, Bonus EXP to all neutral actions] Anarchy's Incarnate [+1 Luck, Bonus EXP to all Chaotic actions, randomizes the level and type of one enemy per encounter] True Loner [+3 Int, -1 Char]. Confused Emo [+1Wis +1Char] Dark Poet [10% of total Luck to Char] Gambit King [+2 Int, +3 Luck, 25% Chance to guarantee success of any social interaction]

Points Available: 10

Money: 10000 Yen

Perks: None


Gamer's Mind [Passive] Lv. Max

Gamer's Body [Passive] Lv. Max

Cooking [Passive] Lv. 15 [46.93%]

Observe [Active] Lv. 7 [22.38%]

Sprint [Active] Lv. 1 [25.89%]

Poker Face [Active] Lv. 10 [21.67%]

Bluff [Active] Lv. 7 [45.34%]

Blackmail [Active] Lv. 2 [3.14%]

Mystify [Active] Lv. 1 [2.91%]

Mathematical Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 5 [58.09%]

Chemical Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 3 [13.91%]

Physics Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 2 [67.43%]

Biological Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 1 [29.49%]

Crafting [Passive] Lv. 1 [24.89%]

Beginner Level Kenjutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [39.71%]

Beginner Level Taijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [1.62%]

Parry [Active] Lv. 1 [0.41%]

Dodge [Active] Lv. 1 [4.18%]


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform [+10 Defense]


Kuoh Academy: [55/1000] Hated

Hyoudou Residence: [355/1000] Liked

Kendo Club: [200/1000] Hated

Student Council: [150/1000] Neutral

Occult Research Club: [222/1000] Liked

? : [777/1000] Neutral

? : [400/1000] Neutral

? : [300/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Issei is a poor, sad boy who dreams of having his own Harem and becoming the Harem King. While he isn't having delusions of grandeur, he causes chaos in his wake in his usual attempts to catch a glimpse of the naked forms of the girls at his school, thus gaining their ire and the ire of all those around him. Recently, he uncovered his ability as the Gamer, but is this all there is about this less than worthwhile teen, or perhaps, does a greater destiny await?

'That's right! I finally leveled up! Let's see… I have ten points available to assign. Alright let's do this… I'm going to be using a bamboo sword, so my focus for now should be on my strength and dexterity… but I also need to boost my luck and charisma.' After a few seconds of consideration, Issei dumped four points into his strength, three points into dexterity, two points into charisma and one into luck.

He closed the menu slowly and slowly felt energy pouring into his system. 'After school, I'm so going to hit the gym to boost my strength. I feel like I can lift a car!'

Issei slowly walked into the Kendo Club room, Poker Face activated as he spotted a large number of girls and different people all waiting in the background, hell it was as though almost every girl in the school was present, all of them giving him the stink-eye as they couldn't wait to watch him get pounded to a pulp.

'The only way this many people would show is if she'd been telling everyone about the duel.' He deduced instantly. 'Wow. Who knew that being smart is cool?'

"Place your bets here! All bets are here! Make your bets for the fight of the day! We all know who's gonna lose, so why not make it interesting by betting how long it'll take!" Issei growled as he spotted Matsuda and Motohama running a betting pool at the corner, and to his surprise, there was tons of money in their hands as people where actually betting in favor of him losing.

"Oi! What the hell do you two think you're doing?" Issei groused.

"We're using your oncoming humiliation and defeat to turn a profit." Matsuda stated bluntly.

"Come on Issei, when else would people actually be willing to pay to watch you get beat up?" Motohama responded equally.

"Not to mention, from here we can spy on girls panties while looking legitimately serious!" Matsuda added as he and Motohama giggled perversely to themselves.

Issei blinked as an idea sprung up to his head. "Is there anyone betting on me winning?"

Matsuda and Motohama both glanced at him as though he was stupid. "Well, I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to make that bet."

Issei's eyes twitched as he reached into his wallet and slammed 10,000 yen down into their hands. "Do it! When I win, I collect all the winnings of those who bet against me!"

The duo just glanced at him awkwardly but nonetheless took the money "You know, you're already going to lose your reputation after this, are you sure you want to lose your money too?" Matsuda questioned him as he added a separate betting pool for Issei.

"Don't worry about me, let's just say… I have an ace up in my sleeve." Issei smirked as he turned around and walked towards the sparring mat, already spotting Murayama waiting for him in her traditional Kendo outfit.

"Are you ready to suffer defeat?" she asked with a cocky smirk planted on her lips.

"Did we come here to discuss the impossible or to fight?" Issei countered smoothly.

"Fine then." She tossed him a bamboo sword and helmet which Issei caught easily in one hand each. There was a gathering tension in the atmosphere which the gamer teen could feel slowly rising by the second as the betting pool took it's final bets.

"Wait… you're fully garbed in traditional kendo armor, while all I have is my school uniform and a helmet?"

"It shouldn't be any trouble to you now should it Mr. Anyone-can-swing-a-bamboo-sword?"

'Well I'm screwed… and I guess this many people wouldn't have showed up to watch me get beat up if I was going to be fully protected in armor.' Issei sighed to himself.

'Alright… we're both at level four, and she might possess a higher dexterity and an increased defense score than me, but our strength scores should be equal, that and I have the benefit of higher intelligence, which should also contribute to by advantage. With a bit of luck… I may not have to use my ace after all.' Issei thought silently to himself as he put on the helmet, and felt his Beginner Level Kenjutsu skill slowly activate itself in the background. He was a total novice, and had only managed to find that skill book in the library through sheer and utter luck. Normally, he would not believe in luck, but when your life was a video game and luck was actually a stat, it definitely made one believe in it. He did wonder how he would train his luck stat though…? Perhaps gambling? It'd be something he'd focus on after he left school today.

Issei got into the traditional Kendo stance, and even he could feel the surprise that went all around the room.

"That pervert knows Kendo?"

"How is it possible? I thought he sucked at everything!"

Issei's eyes twitched behind his helmet as he couldn't believe how low his reputation was in the school.

"So you do know Kendo?" Murayama questioned, but for some reason her tone wasn't as malicious or as certain as before.

"I dabble." He stated, not giving her any information about himself whatsoever.

After a few seconds of waiting in silence, he felt a very odd vibe coming from the girl, just as it was time for the match to begin.





'NOW what?'

Through the repetitive process of staying in the presence of a potentially dangerous person and detecting their malice, a new skill has been unlocked! Sense Danger [Passive] Lv. 1!

This is a natural instinct, it allows the user to sense when something bad is about to happen, the higher the level, the higher the range of sensing, the earlier the user can sense the danger.

Through the wielding of a blunt object with the purpose of dealing damage, a new skill has been unlocked! Blunt Weapon Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1! Grants a 10% increase in attack damage and a 5% increase in attack speed with all blunt weapons! Percentage increases with level up.

"Well that's useful."

The duel is about to begin! Your opponent is ready! There is no set time limit, victory is gained when either one is unable to continue or your opponent is disarmed. WARNING! DO NOT KILL YOUR OPPONENT! Enemies are killed when their HP reaches Zero. Killing your opponent will lead to an automatic loss, as well as life imprisonment.

'What? So I have to hold back?' he thought quickly as he began making counter strategies.

Anarchy's Incarnate activated! Randomizing level and type of enemy!

'Shit! I forgot all about that part of the ability!' Issei thought frantically as figures and names started spinning rapidly over Murayama's head.

Type of Enemy Decided! – Human Swordswoman!

Level of Enemy Decided – Level 9!

Duel Start!

Issei swore to himself as Murayama launched at him at speeds that he knew she did not previously possess, her bamboo sword coming down in an overhead strike which he quickly blocked with his. The resounding crack was the least of Issei's problems as he could feel his hands sting painfully from blocking that attack.


'Hold back my ass!' Issei swore as he continued to block strike after strike, the resounding echoes of the attack being the only sound in the entire room, as he quickly realized that if he didn't do something quickly he'd lose.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! She's more than twice my level right now! Screw you chaos! Screw you! You just had to throw a wrench in all my plans didn't you!'

Issei quickly used Dodge as he realized that blocking was slowly chipping away his HP bit by bit. He avoided an overhead strike, spun his body as he dodged two horizontal stabs to his midsection, and just barely managed to avoid a strike that would have hit his neck as he hit the floor and rolled to his knees coming back up in a semi-crouched position as he positioned his bamboo sword up in a defensive position.

'Damn it, I'm completely on the defensive! What do I do… what do I do!' Issei grit his teeth as a sense of frustration entered his mind only for it to vanish almost instantly as Gamer's Mind removed it from his thoughts.

'Never thought I'd be grateful to that ability… alright let's see, first of all I need to know her current stats. Observe!'

Murayama Lv. 9

Race: Human

Type: Swordswoman

HP: 300/300

MP: 25/25

Current Status Effects: Focused

Despite the situation, Issei grinned, glad that he had leveled up his Observe ability to be able to display more information than just name and level. He took a look at her HP and instantly realized that the only way he was probably going to win was not by defeating her, but by disarming her. She had twice his HP, so unless he had some really damaging attacks that could actually hurt her through that armor and also bridge the gap in levels, he was toast.

'Shit… even the current boosts I gained from Blunt Weapon Mastery seems useless right now. So… how in the world am I supposed to disarm her when she's both faster and stronger than me?' Issei thought quickly as he used a wordless Parry to deflect an incoming attack, leaving the two competitors ended up with their blades locked firmly against the each other, none willing to give in and fall back in the test of strength. Though, Issei found himself slowly being pushed backwards.

"You know, you're not half-bad Hyoudou." Murayama commented as the two wooded swords pushed against each other.

'Now she decides to talk?' "You're not too shabby yourself."

"I should hope so. I've won the Kuoh Kendo Championships three years in a row, I came second in the Tokyo Championship and Fifth in the Japan Nationals. I've been practicing Kendo since I was nine, so of course I really hope you don't find me shabby." Issei could have sworn that the sarcastic comment had chipped away a bit of his HP.

"I am surprised that you've managed to last this long, even though I'm not going all out, you're a bit rough around the edges, but you're actually a decent swordsman".

Issei felt a spark of horror run through his mind as he realized she wasn't going all out. She was holding back.

"I find it hard to believe that you're not going all out. Isn't this the perfect chance to vent out all your sweet revenge on the guy that peeks at you in the changing rooms?" Issei questioned as he felt himself slowly losing ground in the struggle.

"Well sure, but I came here determined to make an idiot who didn't know how to hold a sword correctly eat his own words. I didn't know you could actually fight, otherwise I'd have had you dressed up in armor. I hate you, but that doesn't mean I'll be able to forgive myself if I end up seriously hurting you."

This time Issei couldn't help the surprise that came up to his face "That's… surprising. Why would you hate yourself for hurting me?"

She scoffed slightly as she pushed forward "You're a perverted idiot who peeps on defenseless girls, you're scum, but there's probably worse out there."

"Worse?" 'Keep talking… buy yourself enough time to think of a plan.'

"Well so far, you haven't been caught sexually harassing anyone, and though your peeping is wrong, you don't actually try to force yourself on any girl showing your respect for women in your own, sick twisted way." She answered briefly.

"Not to mention that you're apparently quite athletic as well gives you some benefit of doubt. Hell the way you schooled sensei in Maths class today and the fact that you're ranked just below the one hundred best students in the entire school makes me think how smart you'd actually be if you weren't such a pervert." She remarked offhandedly, and in the silence of the room, her voice had echoed as though she'd yelled it on the microphone.

The entire female and male population of students in the room did start thinking over what she'd said and actually found most of it to be true. Honestly, if Issei wasn't a pervert and wasn't so crude he'd be as revered as the "Prince" of the academy Yuuto Kiba. The thought was both unsettling and simultaneously amazing.

"…I think you're overestimating me." Issei stated quietly as he jumped away from Murayama, disengaging their standoff.

The girl in turn simply shrugged. "Who knows. All I do know about you Hyoudou is that there's certainly more to you than meets the eye. You're easy on the eyes and you're actually a pretty decent guy. All I'm saying is that you'd be a better person if you weren't a pervert."

"…Are you hitting on me?"

Issei could have sworn that even the echo of a pin drop could have been heard by everyone in the room at that exact moment.

"LIKE HELL! You pervert!" she charged at him and landed a swift strike to the teen's stomach, his eyes widened to unbelievable amounts as he was sent tumbling over the ground, rolling as he skidded to a stop on the mat.

Critical Hit! -75HP

HP: 70/150

'Shit! One hit took out half of my total HP! If I get hit like that again, I'll be done for… but at least I got what I needed!'

Issei stood to his feet as he felt the pain from the hit vanish as though it never occurred in the first place, knowing fully well that if not for his Gamer's Body ability he would have been coughing out blood at this point. Swiftly, he used a silent Observe on the girl.

Murayama Lv. 9

Race: Human

Type: Swordswoman

HP: 300/300

MP: 25/25

Current Status Effects: Flustered, Embarrassed, Distracted

'Just as I planned. Now to hit the nail on the head! Bluff!'"There's nothing to be so embarrassed about. I also think you're cute."

"Shut up! As if I'd ever hit on someone like you!"

"Then why so embarrassed? Come on, after this dance, let's have a real date?"

"OVER. MY. DEAD. BODY!" she roared with a red face as she charged him with an overhead slash threatening to crack open his skull.

Issei grinned as he prepared himself for the incoming attack. His intelligence score was working on overdrive as he gripped his kendo stick in anticipation.


Through your greater-than-average intelligence and understanding of Physics and Mathematics, you have finally found a practical use for those subjects and gained an insight to the workings of the force of the world!

Observe has been upgraded! Now activates faster and can be used continuously! Costs 0.50 MP per minute! Observe has gained three levels! Observe can now calculate the trajectory, velocity, distance, size, time, energy and temperature of all items and objects!

'Thank you formal education! Observe!' Issei's eyes cleared as he suddenly felt that he had been viewing the world in poor quality all his life and was now seeing it in High Definition. Numbers appeared within his vision as he could actually calculate the speed and force as to which Murayama was attacking him. The angle of depression of her strike would inch her closer to the left, and upon meeting no resistance, she'd stumble slightly, those few seconds would be critical if he wanted to take advantage of the situation.

'3, 2, 1…! Now!' Issei ducked and rolled, Murayama descending on the spot which he'd been earlier with slight surprise as she'd met no opposition and stumbled with her footing.

Issei wasted no second as he activated Sprint for a burst in speed as he reached her in seconds, his bamboo sword stretched backwards just as his Observe dictated in order to generate the maximum amount of force needed. His aim was her hand, as soon as he struck her hand, the force would disarm her and declare him the winner of the duel.


'What the hell?'

Chaos Mode! Chaotic Response automated!

"Terms Accepted." Issei's eyes widened as soon as he uttered those words, terms accepted? What terms? What had she said last…

Horror flashed in his eyes.

In every calculation of probability and in every problem ever solved by application of physics and mathematics, it was done on the assumption that there was no other external force changing the rules, and the objects were static. If calculating the distance of a car going at 200 miles per hour, you'd obviously assume that the car was going at that pace constantly. However, in the real world, the calculation would not be exact because the car would have to slow down at sharp turns and stop at traffic lights.

In this particular scenario however, Issei forgot that he was being dominated by the impulse to perform chaotic actions which he could not control, just as he forgot that Murayama was also capable of performing actions that would completely screw up the calculation. By the time he realized these facts, the girl had adjusted from her unbalanced position and turned her face towards him.

And he'd never forget the look of total shock that flashed into her eyes.


Issei's eyes widened as his strike had missed his intended target of her arm completely and struck her across the face like a giant bitch slap. The way he'd struck was similar to how a baseball player or golf player would hit their respective balls, his waist had been twisted to maximize the impact, as he'd been fully certain that the strike would be felt through her thick gloves and armor and completely disarm her. Unfortunately, due to the unexpected occurrence of chaos, he'd struck her head, struck her head like a baseball player would do a ball. Even with the helmet, he knew that she'd felt it. Hell, even if his Observe skill wasn't still activated, he knew from how her head had snapped to the side that he'd seriously hurt her.

Chaotic Bonus! CRITICAL HIT!

There was a moment of stunned silence as Murayama stayed on her knees for a few seconds before she collapsed to the ground, bamboo sword falling out of her hands.

Murayama Lv. 9

Race: Human

Type: Swordswoman

HP: 2/300

MP: 25/25

Current Status Effects: Stunned, Shocked, Critically Wounded

"Murayama! MURAYAMA!" Katase yelled as she ran onto the mat, removing her friend's helmet in desperation. Murayama's eyes were pale and looking empty as she coughed up some blood, still trying to put up a smile.

"Hehe… crafty bastard got me good." She put up a strained grin as she stared into space.

"Murayama! Speak to me! Are you okay?" Katase cried out as several other Kendo club girls got over their shock as they surrounded her.

"I guess… he won." Murayama spoke weakly as she coughed out some more blood and passed out on the floor.

"MURAYAMA!" Katase yelled out in frustration as the girls were confused from the shock of seeing their captain lose.

Issei stood in silence as he stared at the kendo stick in his hand, unable to believe he'd done that much damage from a single strike and had nearly killed someone. Yet… yet, his Gamer's Mind made him feel completely calm about it, as though it didn't matter as to how he'd nearly killed a fellow human being, a cute girl no less.

He was turning into a monster.

He wanted to rush in and help her, but with his Chaos Mode still on, he wasn't sure as to whether or not he'd only make things worse.

It was only until Yuuto Kiba himself came in to save the day, carrying Murayama into his arms and rushing off to the nurses office did everyone else snap out of their stunned states.

"Are you happy now?" Katase spat out bitterly "You won. You've proved that kendo is nothing to the almighty Hyoudou. I hope you're a happy 'winner.'"

She tossed the prize money over to him and stormed out of the dojo/club, most likely heading towards the nurse's office.

As Issei held the prize money in his hands and gazed at the blotch of blood visible on the mat, he couldn't help but think.

He felt like the loser.

Challenge Completed!

You have been defeated the Captain of the Kendo club!

Main Objective: Show Murayama that Kendo is nothing special by beating her at her own game! Completed! Gained 300 EXP!

Bonus Objectives:

The Battosai! Defeat Murayama in one hit! Completed! Gained 50 EXP!

Fast Fingers! Disarm Murayama to win the Duel! Failed.

Serpentine! Do not receive damage during the spar! Failed.

The Underdog! Defeat Murayama when she's on a higher level! Gained 500 EXP!

Master of the Blade! Complete all Objectives for a huge EXP Boost! Failed.

Rewards: Gained Increased Reputation with Kendo Club, Gained Increased Reputation with Kuoh Academy, Gained Increased Reputation with the ? Faction, Gained Increased Reputation with Occult Research Club, Gained Increased Reputation with the Student Council! Gained 30,000 Yen!

Bonus Rewards: Status unlocked! Famous Pervert is now Infamous! [+2 Wis, +2 Char] A new skill has been unlocked, Beginner Level Iaijutsu [Passive] Lv.1, A new skill has been unlocked, Critical Strike [Active] Lv. 1, Costs 25 MP per use, a technique that always guarantees a critical hit with any blunt object, hands and fists apply.

Issei closed the notifications silently, not even the new abilities interested him whatsoever as he slowly walked up to Matsuda and Motohama, swiftly collecting all his winnings, apparently being the only one to have actually bet on himself winning.

Gained 64,819 Yen!

"Look at him! So stone cold! He doesn't even care that he almost killed her!"

"But, wasn't she the one who challenged him in the first place?"

"That doesn't give him the right to hurt her like that!"

"Did you hear what he said then? He said 'Terms Accepted' after she swore that she'd only go out with him over her dead body!"

"What? That's really creepy… that guy's dangerous!"

"Shhh! He just beat the best Kendo master and one of the best athletes in the entire school! In one hit no less! What'll he do to you if he hears you?"

Issei ignored the biting words and scathing remarks of gossip that circulated around him, some good, some bad, and some hung around the middle, but the fact remained that he was the topic of discussion on the lips of every student.

He didn't care about it all, he simply walked out the door without a care in the world and decided to find a place in which no one would find him.

He needed some time to think.

It seemed that despite the appearances of the things around him, one fact was definitely certain.

It was no longer a game.

~~~~~~ DxD – Game of the Year Edition ~~~~~~~~

Issei's Current Stats:


Name: Hyoudou Issei

Level: 4 [34.32%]

Current Title: The Gamer

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 150/150

MP: 75/75

Strength: 13

Vitality: 9

Dexterity: 14

Intelligence: 22(+3)(+2)

Wisdom: 11 (+1)(+1)(+2)

Luck: 9 (+1)(+3)

Charisma: 3 (-1)(+1)(+1.3)(+2)

Statuses: Gamer's Mind [Immunity from all psychological effects] Gamer's Body [Gives the ability to live life like a game]. Infamous [+2 Wis, + 2 Char]. On the Fence [+1 Wis, Bonus EXP to all neutral actions] Anarchy's Incarnate [+1 Luck, Bonus EXP to all Chaotic actions, randomizes the level and type of one enemy per encounter] True Loner [+3 Int, -1 Char]. Confused Emo [+1 Wis +1 Char] Dark Poet [10% of total Luck to Char] Gambit King [+2 Int, +3 Luck, 25% Chance to guarantee success of any social interaction]

Points Available: 0

Money: 94,819 Yen

Perks: None


Gamer's Mind [Passive] Lv. Max

Gamer's Body [Passive] Lv. Max

Cooking [Passive] Lv. 15 [46.93%]

Observe [Active] Lv. 10 [45.31%]

Sprint [Active] Lv. 1 [25.90%]

Poker Face [Active] Lv. 10 [21.67%]

Bluff [Active] Lv. 7 [45.90%]

Blackmail [Active] Lv. 2 [3.14%]

Mystify [Active] Lv. 1 [2.91%]

Mathematical Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 5 [58.09%]

Chemical Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 3 [13.91%]

Physics Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 2 [67.43%]

Biological Knowledge [Passive] Lv. 1 [29.49%]

Crafting [Passive] Lv. 1 [24.89%]

Beginner Level Kenjutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [49.71%]

Beginner Level Taijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [1.62%]

Parry [Active] Lv. 1 [0.41%]

Dodge [Active] Lv. 1 [4.18%]

Blunt Weapon Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [14.01%]

Beginner Level Iaijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [2.14%]

Critical Strike [Active] Lv. 1 [1.23%]


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform [+10 Defense]


Kuoh Academy: [355/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Residence: [355/1000] Liked

Kendo Club: [455/1000] Disliked

Student Council: [333/1000] Neutral

Occult Research Club: [555/1000] Liked

? : [888/1000] Neutral

? : [400/1000] Neutral

? : [300/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Issei is a poor, sad boy who dreams of having his own Harem and becoming the Harem King. While he isn't having delusions of grandeur, he causes chaos in his wake in his usual attempts to catch a glimpse of the naked forms of the girls at his school, thus gaining their ire and the ire of all those around him. Recently, he uncovered his ability as the Gamer, but is this all there is about this less than worthwhile teen, or perhaps, does a greater destiny await?

A/N: Well then, this was a tad darker and longer chapter. Mostly because most Video Game style fics don't focus on the story at all or the psychological effects becoming a gamer possesses. My goal is originality and uniqueness, so I hope this goes on well. Anyway, this story is Rated M and is a DxD Xover fic, so there will be lemons and lime, I will not put any warnings, and this is the final warning. Also, next chapter will have some ecchi scenes to add a bit light-hearted humor as well as rather... perverted moments into the fic.

In other words, don't read it in a public place. Trust me, it was embarrassing to read one of EvilFuzzy's fics in a public bus and i jumped into a lemon scene that made me wait several minutes before i could safely walk out.

Tell me your complaints, admiration, or whatever you feel like saying. Just as long as you drop a review... which I'll have to read via my e-mail. Damn site error.

Happy New Year Folks! R&R!

next chapter
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