sylvia us that you
Turning to the class, Flitwick addressed the room. "Today, we'll be learning one of the most basic and essential charms—the Lighting Charm. The incantation is Lumos. Everyone, pay close attention…"
Book&Literature · BlurryDream
can anybody remember her, I seem to forgot?
Xu Qiumei's face looked very grim at the moment.
Eastern · Offering flowers before the Buddha
I cannot understand this, so I will pretend that I can.
But Harry didn't look anything like Severus Snape. He looked like a male version of Lily Evans, through and through, so if anything the rapist would have to match her visuals to at least a certain extent. His heart was beating and an old rage started simmering again, clouding his mind. He should put more resources into finding out the truth, finding the ones responsible and-.
Book&Literature · Bor902
"It's Harry!" Ron whispered urgently. "He's still in the first-floor restroom! We've got to warn him—he's in danger!"
Book&Literature · windkaze
"If the battery is less than 5% , there is a possibility that the phone will shut down at any time."
Eastern · Offering flowers before the Buddha
he threw dud bomb at him
Renar, Viper, and especially Belar had terrible memories of the potion bombs. Belar had lost his limbs because of the potion bomb thrown at him by that vile creature. They understood the reason behind the product's popularity but they just couldn't find it in themselves to purchase something that was the indirect cause behind their downfall.
Fantasy · Grayback
at 175 cm 180 pounds (which is less than 90 kgs )is perfectly healthy
"What now? This body is too fat, with a height of 175, weighing a full 185 pounds, the body fat percentage must be around 30%. To achieve a perfect physique, I need to slim down to 135 pounds, meaning I have to lose 50 pounds. If I want to lose it in the shortest time without harming my body, it will take at least 120 days, which means I have to..."
Sci-fi · False Court
"It's a trap!"
Fantasy · Grayback
45. It's a trap
Anime & Comics · iamxeno
"Nothing this disgraceful has ever occurred at Hogwarts before," Professor McGonagall declared, her tone icy.
Hogwarts: I'm Truly a Model Wizard
Book&Literature · BlurryDream