ChepeNolon - Profile



male LV 4
2021-09-23 Se unió Norway

Insignias 2

Moments 19


Bruh. You are the dark side of humanity

[In the past six months since the start of the zombie virus, you and Lynn have encountered the dark side of humanity. But the two of you didn't care much since you have each other's company and the two of you were too focused on becoming stronger.]

World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

World Travel Simulator System In Modern Society

Fantasy · ShadowKatake

Replied to AngeliNee17

Norway be not like

In the skies, grandpa Sun had exhaustingly climbed up while continuously dispersing its light and heat selflessly. Actually, under such a warm weather, everyone earnestly hoped that it could go on a strike for a day or two.

Cultivation Chat Group

Cultivation Chat Group

Urban · Legend of the Paladin

Replied to MightBeGay

Didn't notice it, seems like I have to take back my like hahah

He unhurriedly took out a spare key from his pocket, and opened the large lock; the dorm’s administrative teacher had Song Shuhang’s roommate Tubo buy the large lock at the start of school. Based on Tubo’s personality, was there a reason not to make spare keys while he was at it? Each roommate had a spare key.

Cultivation Chat Group

Cultivation Chat Group

Urban · Legend of the Paladin


For those of you who seem to not get it, Proxima probably didn't see Corvus lose his spear, and therefore thought he was the one who stabbed her, aka betrayed her.

The spear, propelled by Peter's telekinetic pull, found its mark, impaling her from behind. "Aaarggh!?" The force of the impact drove the breath from her lungs, a look of shock and betrayal etching her features as she stumbled forward, her eyes wide with the realization of her impending death.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to Rigchel

Yeah but that are his physical advantages, experience is more of the mind.

However despite all these positives I still lost against Logan. Yeah, he had a better healing factor and had stronger bones but that's where his advantages ended at least physically.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


I mean, they’re also used to the environment so win-win.

Now I just need to figure out every step in mining and refining copper ore and get the right people to come and work in an extreme environment in a dangerous industry. Now who can I put to work doing that? Oh yeah. All the thralls I've been capturing.

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear

Book&Literature · JManM

Replied to KyoTsurugi

I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean that Xing is a coward, but the scars are made of people stabbing him in the back, etc. and that they were the cowards and weak men.

The captains and lieutenants had protested to no avail, but Koshi should've tried to stop them, like Ren did. He'd been already demoted, he had far less to lose than Ren. It was only Colonel Dao's intervention that Xing still had some skin left on his shredded back.

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Focused Fire (ATLA)

Anime & Comics · arg3nt


Literally reading this on my phone, on a train going to school.

This was going to be a long journey and he was not used to not doing anything, he always had books to read on his phone in his previous life. He got his 'A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot' out and sat against the window reading.

Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

Book&Literature · DreamyApe


What the f is this sentence?

Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Spider-Man 0X

Spider-Man 0X

Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc

Replied to asdasdssf

The screen notification came up when they just started going at it.

Damian can decide if his seed could impregnate a woman or not every time he had sex. Or he could decide the gender of the child being born by his seed, which was a very simple spell, that he has already performed while doing sex with Leona.

Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Game of Thrones: Lord of the Seven Seas

Book&Literature · Axel_wheel

Replied to OmniSage


<You will see, both of you will need to come with the Tipani's and Omatikaya's tsakarem.>, Liam said confidently, the smile not disappearing, it didn't help either of the two understand other than it will be important.

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Avatar: A lost survivor on Pandora

Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003


Wait, so she told Ned she would go and apologise, is this a mistake, isn't this just a copy paste of her last line? This and the next line.

"Watch where you are walking bastard the fact they even let you into the hall to begin with is a wonder, why don't you just go outside and hit a dummy with a sword like you usually do and spare us your brooding presence" she says with venom in her voice.

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Book&Literature · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Tardo_The_AssMonke

Of course, everyone knows chocolate heals the soul.

"To all students, the Dementors have been pushed back. We will resume our journey momentarily. All prefects are to check in on every student. If anyone was attacked by one of the Dementors they need to be given some chocolate immediately and taken to Madam Pomfrey at our arrival. We shall receive an explanation for this outrageous situation at the castle I am sure, so for now at least try to stay calm. Help those affected. And prepare for our arrival at Hogwarts." I ordered authoritatively.

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Harry Potter and the Rise of the Protector

Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey

Replied to TOG9

I mean dumbells are kinda the same size as thors hammer, they were probably a blur for her, and they sounded like thunder.

However, when she thought of the man standing opposite the door who could wield Thor's Hammer, her desire to talk rose to an unprecedented level.

I Stack Attributes in the Apocalypse

I Stack Attributes in the Apocalypse

Sci-fi · Cig, Coffee, And Tea

Replied to Phoenix_Paradise


Cross gave them a deep look filled with wisdom as he said "I told her; I don't hate arrogant people, I just hate people who are more arrogant than me!" That was it. Ron smashed his head into the table at an attempt to take his own life.

The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Movies · Monkey_Godking

Replied to ArcaneDaoist

Could just be a mistake, but could also mean he refers to him as a bear.

"He most certainly can, have you heard how tall it is? He would demolish me," I chuckled, knowing that this would fire him up.

Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.

Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.


Replied to Moltenblackbird

Yeah but in this case she didn't abandon him, she died.

His mind and soul may only be half Tom Riddle, but she is still his mother. They may not have ever met and Tom won't be resurrecting her, but every orphaned child wants to meet their parents if they could.

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

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