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1.36% Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic / Chapter 1: Strangers in a Strangeland
Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic original

Lost in Sothoryos | A Game of Thrones fanfic

Autor: TheManUnderTheBed

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Strangers in a Strangeland

(Location: Unknown)

(Time: High noon, 295 AC)

On a beach in a place that stretched on as far as the eye can see the sun was just reaching its apex. At the end of the beach was a tree line giving way to the deep jungle that was so thick it seemed as if it repelled the light, or maybe if swallowed the light whole for it to never escape.

However on this beautiful beach there was a blemish, an oddity which seemed out of place on this natural wonder. A boy no older than 1 and 3 name days old was currently passed out on a broken piece of ship.

(I Jon POV)

I gasped as my body twitched and I woke up from the darkness I felt myself enveloped in. My eyes felt blurry as I tried to lift myself up with my arms only to immediately fall back down "Seven hells" I groaned as I flipped myself onto my back.

Looking up at the sky I could only think about how beautiful it was, 'I don't think I've ever seen a day like this in the north' I thought to myself.

I managed to push myself into a sitting position and was looking around 'Okay I'm on an empty beach in a place I do not recognise where the heat is very nearly unbearable' realisation was now starting to kick in.

"Oh Fuuuuuu.."

(1 Minor breakdown later)

"Okay, father always said to remain calm in the face of adversity" I quote to myself while slapping my cheeks.

"Though I think he meant that in regards to my sword fighting and not being stranded in an unknown land" I sigh while thinking about how I even got here in the first place.

(Two Weeks Ago)

The Stark family was Currently on their way to White Harbour as they were invited to Wylla Manderlys Name day and as such it was a big event where Lords would feast and reveal in stories. However most lords brought their unwedded and unbetrothed family members as places like these were perfect to negotiate and create new alliances.

Such was the thinking behind Wyman Manderly cunning old schemer that he was, he wanted a betrothal with one of the Stark family. White Harbour was the richest City in the north and by linking their families together the Manderlys could only become greater.

Though that's not saying that Wyman wasn't loyal to the current warden of the north. Like a majority of the northern houses they were incredibly loyal to the Starks, though that doesn't mean they can't hope to raise their own family a little bit.

(Wyman Manderly POV)

"Come on come on they will be approaching very soon and it all needs to be perfect "I exclaimed loudly as I walked as fast as someone of my size walk through the castle kitchens.

I nearly collided with a servant as he came running into the kitchens from the corridor "Milord I'm afraid we only have a few bottles left of the arbour gold in the castle cellars" A servant said while gasping for air.

"Well run to the the docks and buy some more!" I shouted with spittle coming out of my mouth and landing on the poor tired lad.

"Everything must be perfect, all the lords of the north will be here including the Starks. We don't want them thinking we are a bunch of copper counters do we" I say loudly to everyone in the room.

"You, lad" I say pointing to the out of breath boy that just came running into the kitchens.

"You will run down and buy 20, no 50! Bottles of arbour gold and any other exotic wine they may have" I say while tossing a coin purse to him.

"But milord I was actually just about to sit down for a minute and have my lunch that my mother made for me" the servant says with tear filled eyes as he shows me a small knapsack filled with a homemade meal.

I look at the servant who seems to be standing on his last legs "If you can talk you can run now get going" I say to him as I turn around and start to leave.

Then I remember what he said and quickly turn back around only to see him running into the corridor "Wait my boy, please wait" I plead as I chase him down the corridor at a snails pace.

The servant turns around and looks at me with confusion on his face "Milord?" He says as he stops running and turns around.

I catch up with the boy and put my hand on the wall the catch my breath, after regaining my composure I stand up to my full height looking every bit the regal lord that I am "Give me the knapsack." I say in an authoritative tone.

"B-b-ut milord its..." he says before I interrupt him.

"Your lord is commanding you to provide me your knapsack" I boom while making myself look even bigger.

"Yes milord" the servant says sadly as he gives up his lunch.

"Go on now boy run along" I say while searching the contents of the bag.

'Not bad at all' I think as I take a seat back into the kitchen while eating the servant boys lunch.

(Jon POV)

'It's cold and wet and my arse feels like I've just been passed around a Lysene pleasure house' I thought while adjusting myself trying to get comfortable on this gods forsaken horse.

'I thought bastards weren't supposed to be brought to events such as these, gods know it's the one good thing about being one'. As I was thinking my half brother Robb galloped up to me on his horse a smile on his face.

"Finally this hellish pilgrimage is over my good brother, White Harbour is just over that hill across the clearing" he says with a large amount of enthusiasm

"Truly I say? Thank the gods i was starting to think fathers plan to sacrifice our rear ends to the old gods" I say jokingly while rubbing my backside.

Robb snorts "Yes well I wouldn't relax just yet, I hear one of Wymans family has particular tastes in the bedroom and well you are the prettiest one here, just look at those gorgeous curls" he says with humour in his eyes.

"Seven hells Robb those girls are a few years younger than us, there's no way they're into such perverse things" i say with a disgusted expression on my face.

"Who was talking about the girls" Robb said with a straight face before ridding off to the front to join his father

I suddenly got a chill through my spine 'maybe I should get a haircut' I wonder before galloping along to follow him.

(A couple hours later)

As we approached the gate at white harbour I started to feel excitement in my chest 'this is the furthest I've ever been from home' as a 13 year old son of a high lord I can't really say I'm well traveled unless you count all the books Maester Lewis made us read.

The horn was sounded as we rode up to the gate and the massive doors were pulled open by the Manderly men at arms. Though not as impressive as Winterfell there was definitely as certain charm about me the port town as well as excitement as so many new and exotic people could show up at the harbour.

As I was riding past the witches carriage (or so it was called by myself) when I heard a shriek from one of the windows of the carriage that made me flinch "What do you think you're doing bastard!"Lady stark said in a louder than necessary voice, she stared at me with her cold blue eyes, it made me feel like I was less than the dirt road that her carriage was rolling over.

"I was just riding ahead to catch up with Fa-Lord Stark and Robb before we got inside"I stated in a neutral tone  while keeping my eyes keenly on the floor.'Don't antagonise her just keep calm, you haven't done anything wrong you're fine' I repeat to myself in my head.

"Ahead of the column? You presume to place yourself ahead of myself and my Lord husbands true born children"  Lady Stark states with barely concealed malice.

"No I just thought I could" before I could finish Lady Stark shouts at me.

"Do not interrupt me bastard! Is that clear!" I nod my head stiffly trembling in anger at the injustice of this whole situation.

"You belong at the back of the column with the servants and guards, you are an embarrassment to House Stark and you assume to think you deserve to ride with the family, how laughable" Lady Stark states with pure venom in her voice.

"I do not even know why you were allowed a horse the rest of the servants are walking I don't see why you should be any different" Lady Stark states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, she then signals a guard with her hand and said guard comes running as if his life depends on it.

"Take this bastards horse and put it with the rest of the unridden horses he will not need it where he's going" Lady Stark states with a smirk while looking directly at Jon. "Bastard get off the horse and go inspect the back of the line I'm sure there is something for you to do there rather than pollute our family with your presence" she says with finality in her voice and then makes a dismissive gesture with her hand as if I'm supposed to of vanished from existence.

I get off my horse giving it to the guard who I can see has a sad smile on his face, usually all the servants do as a lot of them follow the old golds and don't really believe that bastards are born evil and covert what others have. With a sigh I start heading off to the back of the lines, maybe someone will have some ale they can share or someone might be up for a spar. As I'm walking I see a small blur bound into me and nearly knock me over into the mud, I managed to steady myself and look down at the perpetrator of my ambush and discover Grey eyes similar to my own looking back at me.

"What in seven hells are you doing Arya" I say with a small smile on my face as I set her down straight "You know your mother would kill me if she saw us together right now" I say with a little humour but also mild concern "She'd say I was being a 'Bad influence' on you and preventing you from being the lovely southern lady you're obviously meant to be" I say

Arya snorts in an unladylike manner and then starts laughing "Mother would blame you if the day was too windy and blew hers and Sansas perfect hair out of place. Arya says while giggling

I suddenly start laughing as well "Ah yes the covetous bastard who could never have the gorgeous locks of a true born so I must harness the wind in order to ruin that which I can't have" I say in an exaggerated tone while throwing my arms to the side.

"Well you're no Daemon Blackfyre, mayhaps you could be Jon Blackhair the man responsible for the Blackhair rebellion" Arya says with a grin while touching my hair. "Though with how soft your hair has been getting lately perhaps Mother and Sansa are right to place the blame on you" Arya says while we walk side by side.

"Very funny Arya, now tell what you're doing this far away from the carriage you know you're not supposed to leave your mothers side" I say with a serious expression

Arya just pouts at me though I did see a slight eye roll "it's so boring in the carriage all Sansa talks about is all the knights in white harbour and how gallant they must be and all the pretty dresses, blah blah blah blah" she says while making a mouth with her hands "And you know how mother is she just keeps encouraging it all, I thought I'd lose my mind in there so while Sansa was showing mother a dress she's sewed for Wylla's birthday I snuck out, she probably would've noticed if she hadn't stopped and shouted at you" she says while walking backwards and talking to Jon.

"Fine I won't send you back to your mother but make sure to stick next to me, especially when we get into the city" I say in a serious tone.

"Yes! Thank you Jon, I don't know how much longer I could handle dealing with Sansa today" Arya says excitedly as she grabs Jon while jumping up and down.

(An Hour later)

(Eddard POV)

Walking through the streets of White Harbour I'm reminded of the stark difference (no pun intended) between this city and those of the north. Many people from all across the seven realms and even those in essos can be seen walking the streets of the market place all the way up to the harbour.

I sniff and get a whiff of the fresh sea air 'I haven't smelled the sea air in years though at least now it's a lot more peaceful' I think to myself as I ride with my first born son Robb "Robb where is Jon we are approaching New Castle, he should be with us when we greet the Manderley's" I say in my usual stern expression while looking back at Robb.

"I'm not sure father the last I saw of him was just before we approached the gate to white harbour, he can't be that far behind us" Robb says while rubbing his chin that had started growing remnants of stubble though not a lot of it "Would you like to go back and grab him father" Robb says to me while trotting up right next to me.

"No I'll go I best check on your mother and sisters as well, make sure they are ready to greet everyone" I say waving him off while turning around my horse and galloping back down the street

It was quite busy today Lord Manderly must've timed his granddaughters nameday to coincide with an influx of traders from essos 'crafty man that Wyman is, the amount of stags that'll be brought into this city will truly be immense' I think while shaking my head. He's always been a good friend though especially during the early days of my lordship.

I was never supposed to be Lord of Winterfell nor did I want it, me and Robert were going to travel together after we warded with Jon Aryn 'Funny how things work out, he was going to leave the Stormlands to Stannis so he could travel around Essos with me and Lyanna and now he's King of the seven kingdoms. Though it's clear Robert was always the better warrior than he was a king, leading men in battle is quite different than leading them in peacetimes.

Though there was another choice, someone who could make the kingdoms better... 'No I can't do it' I think to myself as I ride down the street towards my Lady Wife's carriage.

'I'm sorry Arthur, I know I promised but seven realms can't handle another war like the last one' I think sadly as I grip the reins of my horse tightly while lightly shaking 'They may not be happy under Robert but at least they're alive' I think trying to justify myself.

As I approach the carriage that contains my wife and daughters I notice that Jon isn't close by. I gallop next to window evading passer-by's as they shout trying to sell whatever wares they have and knock on the window.

As it opens I'm greeted with the visage of my wife and she truly is a beauty. Though we didn't marry out of love I've come to love her as she had born five children for me.

"Ned!" Cat says with some

urgency in her voice "Arya has snuck out again, that's the eighth time this trip she's done this no matter how I punish her" Cat says with some annoyance in her voice "she's probably hanging around with your bastard wherever he skulks around" she says with a bit of heat in her voice as she sticks her head out of the window looking up and down the street.

"Speaking of, where is Jon he was supposed to follow Robb and join me at the front, he should be there when we greet the Manderlys" I say with a bit of confusion in my voice while looking down at my wife in the window.

Cat sneers and huffs "I sent him to the back of the column, I decided that it would be inappropriate for him to be with the family when we greet the Manderlys" Cat says like it was the smartest thing she ever said slightly puffing her chest out.

"And what made you think this was a wise decision without consulting your Lord Husband" I say in a neutral tone while giving her a steely glare.

"We may still be in the north Ned but the faith of the seven is practiced a lot more in White harbour, we wouldn't want to offend our hosts now should we" She says with a certain amount of snark in her voice

I sigh while looking away from my wife 'I can't argue with her too much especially out in the open like this, I don't need any attention being brought on Jon.' I think sadly to myself 'I'm sorry Lyanna I wish I could do more but at least he's safe and when he joins the nights watch he'll be beyond Robert and will at least live to his adult years' I say while reminiscing about my younger sister and the promise I made to her.

I gallop back to the front of the column with a heavier heart than when I first left it.

(Later that evening)

(Sansa POV)

This is my first big trip I've had in my life and it's amazing, seeing all the pretty silks and jewellery it really can't compare to wintertown 'I wonder if Highgarden or Kings Landing are anything like this' I wonder while sitting at the high table in the feasting hall in New Castle ' Though I suppose Kings Landing would be like 100x more beautiful and have loads more knights and fair maidens' I grin while thinking of all the wonderful tales mother and the septa told me.

I take a forkful of the lemon cake that had been placed in front of me and enjoy the sweet treat 'I wish Jeyne was here she would've loved all the stalls at the harbour' I sigh while thinking. It's all that bastards fault h for kissing Jeyne by the kennels otherwise she would of been able to come with me and this trip wouldn't of been half so boring.

As I take my leave to visit the privy I walk into the corridor and bump into my bastard half brother. The annoyance I've felt this whole night just comes bubbling up and I begin speaking without thinking "watch where you are walking bastard the fact they even let you into the hall to begin with is a wonder, why don't you just go outside and hit a dummy with a sword like you usually do and spare us your brooding presence" I say with venom in my voice however as soon as I see Jon's face I feel a jolt of guilt into my stomach as i see how upset he looks.

However I refuse to apologise he truly should've just watched where he was going and if he's going to sulk he really should just sit outside the hall "if you think you're upset how do you think I feel not having my best friend here because of you, mother says bastards are born of lust and I can see that she was right" I see while crossing my arms and turning my face away as I can no longer bare to look at it.

"I apologise my lady" Jon simply says in a neutral tone and then steps passed me and walks away not giving me a second glance.

As I turn to stare at his back going through the long corridor I jolt in surprise as someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I turn my head and look at the person responsible "Father you scared me" I say with relief on my face, though he does not share my relief and has a frown on his face.

"I heard what you said Sansa and am quite disappointed with you" He stated while looking down at me "He may only be your half brother but he is still your brother and one day you may find yourself out in the wild alone and have no one else to turn to, what do Starks do in situations like those?" He asks me without pause

"The lone wolf dies but the pack survives" I quote as I had heard it from him many times "I will go and apologise father" I say to him while lifting my dress and moving at a brisk pace after him.

(Just before Jon met Sansa)

(Jon POV)

Walking around White Harbour with Arya was a lot of fun today at least I got to avoid all the lordly traditions by dumping Arya on her mother right at as the family made it to New castle, though I'm definitely going to have to get her a present to make up for that fact.

As I was hanging around the back of the hall with an ale in my hand watching the hall full of people laugh and tell stories I was joined by a girl I'd never seen before.

I turn my head to her and find that she was already looking at me "Can I help you my lady" I say in a pleasant voice as I don't want to seem rude.

"No thank you my lord I just thought I'd stay at the back of the hall tonight as it is my sisters name day, wouldn't want to take away all the attention" she says with a small wink and a smile

"Wynafryd Manderly" she says while holding out her hand to me. As tradition would dictate I take her hand and kiss it

"Well met my lady" I say in a respectful tone while letting go of her hand and looking down at her, she was a little bit shorter than I was.

"So the infamous bastard of Winterfell, I was not expecting you to be so pretty" she says with a giggle "Mayhaps you'd like to join me in private, these events are so dreadfully boring" she says with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"I'll have to decline my lady but I'm honoured for the offer" I say with a polite smile while bowing a little bit.

"And why is that Jon Snow "she says a bit more testily as she emphasises my last name as if to remind me of my status.

'Shit what do I say' I quickly think in a panic "Well you see my lady for my one and fourth name day I shall be forsaking women and swearing my vows to the honourable brotherhood of the knights watch, so I believe it would be best to not indulge in such vices as I wouldn't want a reason to doubt swearing them" I say quite pleased with my quick thinking.

Wynafryd looks at me for a few seconds and then laughs at me almost falling over if she had not had her hand on the wall "What amuses you my lady" I say with a frown on my face taking a sip of my ale in order to hide it.

"I'm sorry" she says in between laughs "It's just you said the nights watch was an honourable brotherhood, the nights watch is full of thieves, murderers and rapists anyone sent there are meant to be forgotten by the world" she says with a huge smile on her face.

"My father told me serving in the watch was an honour and I should be proud" I say through gritted teeth while trembling a little bit.

"You're a stain on your fathers name, the one mistake Lord Stark ever made if I was Lord Stark id probably ship you off to the nights watch as well" she says not knowing how hurtful her words are "Now forget them and come have some fun with me" she says while pushing herself up to my side.

I start to feel sick 'I need to get out of here' I think slowly starting to breath heavier and heavier while shaking a bit "Excuse me my lady I believe I need to step out for a bit" I say quickly as I remove myself from her grip and walk out into the corridor.

I come upon a large window overlooking the harbour and I lean my head out and throw up. I'm shaking and my eyes have tears in them 'does father truly wish to send me away because I'm such a stain on his honour" I think sadly to myself while looking out into the night sky.

'Maybe I should just go to my room and pray tomorrow will be better' I think before getting up and walking back down the corridor. I then suddenly bump into my sister Sansa.

"Watch where you are walking bastard the fact they even let you into the hall to begin with is a wonder, why don't you just go outside and hit a dummy with a sword like you usually do and spare us your brooding presence" she says with venom in her voice.

Feeling defeated I decide to say nothing as she continues to berate me for being born "if you think you're upset how do you think I feel not having my best friend here because of you, mother says bastards are born of lust and I can see that she was right" she continues.

Having had enough I simply say "I apologise my lady" and step passed her heading for the castle exit

'Perhaps it would be better if I just left, at least this way I get to choose my exile' I say while steeling myself and clenching my fist

(One walk to the Harbour later)

As I walk through the Harbour I start looking for any ships that look exotic or maybe could look like they're heading for Essos

'My first ever crime I'm committing and if it doesn't go well I might just get thrown overboard' I think to myself in a self deprecating manner while chuckling a bit.

I finally find a large ship with a flag i don't recognise a field with a caste gate and wall on it (Qarth I think?) do I decide to pick this one as it's very big and I should be able to get lost within the crew at least until we make port.

Luckily everyone seems to be either asleep or in one of the taverns at port as the ship is manned by a skeleton crew so it was quite easy to sneak on board and go below deck.

As a find a relatively empty space full of boxes which I assume is the cargo hold I remember I didn't have any food or water 'Maybe I can sneak into the kitchens and grab a bunch, maybe a bucket too' I think while leaving but before I could leave someone runs into me 'second time today' I absently think as we tumble back into the room in a sort of mad dance and all I remember before hitting my head was thinking 'SANSA!!!'

(Back to present)

'Now I remember' I think to myself with the sun beating down on my head 'we must've set off as soon as I got knocked out and got caught in a storm' I think while tapping my chin

I absently look around and a dozen feet away from me I see a head of red hair on a plank of wood just a bit further down the beach from me

'And Sansa is here with me, Sansa, Fathers favourite princess the mini Lady Stark and now she's here with me in a place I don't know.

"Oh fuck me"

(AN: alright that's the first chapter done sorry it drags on for a bit but I was trying to set the stage for their arrival in sothoroyos. Some characters may seems a bit OOC I'm just trying to age them down a bit I know In the books they are quite young but to give myself a bit of extra time I just decided to use the TV show ages as there is about 3 years till shit pops off. Anyway this is my first fanfic and I'm pretty horrible at writing so most of what I'm trying to do is make it understandable and then try get better at crafting a scene better, next chapters will hopefully be a bit shorter unless you guys are into longer chapters if anyone reads this at all)


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