E_A34Reaves - Profile



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2020-12-17 Se unió Global

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Moments 185


The ending was really clever.

ch 0 1 Chapter 9 : copy of treatise on Sith Alchemy



Movies · Darkest_Sage


The planet mandalore no longer has forests because of the bombings the republic caused


They wouldnt say bby cause the battle of yavin hasnt happened yet and its the present clone wars not the rebel period

"Because they are a newly discovered planet found in the year 24BBY and most of the history about them is still a mystery to this day." He says in thought.



War · Ve_speaker



It was then that I felt a steer behind me as the flames that burned Ember finally disappeared leaving his burnt figure standing there with difficulty. 'Heh, guess even fire dragons can get burnt,'

Reborn as a DRAGON

Reborn as a DRAGON

Fantasy · Immortal_Simo


Hes assuming the yamaka wont side with danzo. maybe not the whole clan but it just takes one ambitious yamaka to lie and screw his plan over

Bullcrap, of course he knew, which immediately crosses Hiruzen out as a possible ally, he's more likely to be on Danzo's side than anything unless I give him irrefutable evidence and even then I don't think he has enough guts to kill his friend. The only way to get rid of the threat of Danzo is killing him, meaning I need a large amount of evidence that I need to prove my case, the only evidence I can use against danzo is when he attacks us for our eyes, meaning we will capture his root members and make them talk. Meaning I need to befriend someone with a large amount of skill in fuinjutsu to break their seals. Another opportunity would be when he is spreading rumours about the nine tails incident and capturing the instigators and giving them to the Yamanaka.

An Uchiha's Rise

An Uchiha's Rise

Anime & Comics · Riklent


He makes a valid point

[These Castle Lords cheering in the Dark Forest are killing me with laughter. Didn't Mike's Dragon Castle already got destroyed? Why are all of you still so timid? Why cheer while being anonymous!]

Era of Castles: Starting with 99 Dragon Eggs

Era of Castles: Starting with 99 Dragon Eggs

Fantasy · Golden Disc


March on

So after multiple weeks of delay I will finally be releasing Earth's Army In Another World (please someone give me a better name).

Earth's Armies in another world

Earth's Armies in another world

War · WriterOfVeralis


They assume that they follow the rule of 2 way to much

*Sigh* Finally Yoda let out a breath of air as he called the meeting to an end. "Meditate on this we must. Found the Master and Apprentice we have, advantage we now hold." Everyone slowly rose from their seats as they gave polite bows to each other.

Star Wars: Wrath of The Force

Star Wars: Wrath of The Force

Video Games · Zevren



The next evolution of the liquid shadow split the creature up into two paths, the Gooey Shadow and the Liquid Umbra. The first of the two evolved into the direction of slimes after living at the bottom of the area tunnel, with the thickest and heaviest shadows. The main thing differentiating it from its sibling, the Liquid umbra, a darker and larger form of the Tier 5 progenitor, was its consistency. While the Liquid- Shadow or Umbra was more like really light water flowing around the tunnels, the gooey Shadow was like a large droplet of gelatinous water.

The First Dungeon Core

The First Dungeon Core

Fantasy · Yotro


Smart but jedi are known to not be above killing thr parents to get thr kids

But even if she didn't care, there was one person that would care and she could use that to her advantage. A small plan started to form in Ayillh's mind as they walked up to their arriving group. Ayillh's eyes shifted to Shmi for a second before they started to get ready.

Star Wars: Wrath of The Force

Star Wars: Wrath of The Force

Video Games · Zevren


They have guns

After the two dragon-blood soldiers presented the food, they respectfully held their guns and stood on Mike's side.

Era of Castles: Starting with 99 Dragon Eggs

Era of Castles: Starting with 99 Dragon Eggs

Fantasy · Golden Disc



"You are all testing my patience, you have been given instruction before Right! Or is this a class of deviants. 8 F makes you all the lowest of the low. if there is one more outburst you will all know me, mark my words."

Kingdom Wars: Goblin Uprising

Kingdom Wars: Goblin Uprising

Fantasy · Sgt_Caeser


Yeah defense of griffin

Pierce walked up to Vivier and held her hand as he pulled her out of the city gate.

Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!

Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!

Fantasy · Alexender



However, under the powerful pressure of Vivier and the griffin, they all fled with their tails between their legs.

Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!

Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!

Fantasy · Alexender

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