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5.26% Earth's Armies in another world / Chapter 1: Chapter 1:Sergeant, we're going on an adventure!
Earth's Armies in another world Earth's Armies in another world original

Earth's Armies in another world

Autor: WriterOfVeralis

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1:Sergeant, we're going on an adventure!

So after multiple weeks of delay I will finally be releasing Earth's Army In Another World (please someone give me a better name).

Unknown P.O.V

Snowflakes slowly descended from the sky as they attempted to flutter to the ground but melting from the ashes and smoke rising up from the ground.

Piles of bodies lay in a scorched open field, stab wounds and missing body parts littering the area.

Katanas and Wakizashis were spread about in the snow, their owners had been forgotten. The one's in full scale armor had burn marks scorching through the metal, heating it partially red.

It didn't fully penetrate but it had burned the wearer from the inside, cooking them alive and killing them.

And yet, even with these injuries, many of them had died standing.

The final survivors had backed up towards the side of the rocky mountains. The area that they had scouted to fight in was ultimately their downfall.

A heavily armored individual in black scale armor stood in the middle of the group, Katana held up and still at the advancing enemies, even with their odds.

The ones who controlled the flames with their decorated wooden sticks, the ones who waved the midnight black shields and swords, the ones who had slaughtered the 200,000 strong group of warriors with just a measly 50,000 with nearly no casualties.

The ones in the red robes.

The champions of the god of the underworld.

One of the common soldiers looked back at the man in black armor, his formerly intimidating presence wavering against these odds.

"Ishikara-Sama, please leave now. We are doomed to fail, you have to survive for us."

The soldiers had fought, they had fought even with hordes of their comrades dying right next to them.

Their arrows burned the moment they came near the enemies, their swords broken by the enemies powerful strikes.

Ishikara turned towards the soldier, he exhaled and could see his breath under the cold weather. They could only see his eyes and mouth as his entire face was otherwise covered with a mask.

"I have my duty as a leader, I will not retreat even with death staring me in the face. I'm just glad that I rejected the marriage offer before coming here. The world won't have an extra widow."

Moments after those words were spoken, the night sky lit up with fireballs shot from the enemies.

Apologies Megami-Sama, we have failed you


A blonde haired woman in a white chiton stared blankly at the slaughter as all of the followers she spent her godly powers on were wiped out within a month.

"H-How, how could this be. They were supposed to be the strongest from that world…"

Those people who had died were indeed samurais, but they were from a different world than what you would think.

The goddess of Justice and prosperity, Eirene, was left watching the sun setting for the final time upon her blessed troops.

They were considered strong, and against the regular knights that weren't blessed by a god they would have been able to stand their ground.

And yet, they had lost one sidedly to the forces of the god of hell.

The goddess was panicking. With no one to enforce the justice and prosperity of this world, wars would rage and endless conflict would arise.

Tarren was the name of the world, and to all the gods this was known as the gods' battlefield. The world where they draw their power from, Tarren will continuously supply them with power as long as their domains are enforced and expanded.

But once your domain weakens and perishes.

You fade.

The only way to prevent that is by having another god/goddess share their power with you, but that is basically giving away their lifeforce so they require immense sacrifice and tribute.

In the end only Belthord had offered his help, although he was the one who caused these deaths in the first place as well as his allies destroying the stability of the world. And he wanted her hand-in-marriage.

She wasn't going to get married to a guy who tortures damned souls for fun.

What am I going to do! I'm actually going to fade unless I take that god's hand in marriage. I only have 30% of my power left, and I need 10% to live. I can't even summon a tenth of the number of people over.

The power that is used is to summon living beings over. And this goddess had realised too late that numbers don't mean much when your enemy can hit you from 30 meters away before you even get near them.

I need more soldiers that will actually save this world before it turns on itself. But every world that is recognised as a strong one is already hosted by a god or goddess. The only one I can use is… Earth

Earth was known as a heretic planet, with a majority not worshipping a god or goddess none of the others knew what happened there, but now that was the goddess's only chance.

The unknown planet... I think it's my only shot. The other goddess had let me use some troops from her planet and they had all died, no one is going to help me now unless I actually stand my ground.

And so the goddess had selected earth as a desperate final action.

Looking towards her helper and minor goddess Eris, she questioned her decision

"...Eris, can we summon soldiers from Earth?"

Eris looked at her, eyes widening slightly

"The unknown planet? It should be possible but we cannot choose the militaries that they are from. Based on what we know, that planet has hundreds of different countries and weapons that are unknown. We can summon them from the strongest 3"

Eirene grumbled in frustration

" I don't care at this point. We just need a fighting force to help the normal godless kingdoms as well as put down the evil armies. How many soldiers can we bring over?"

"Well...around 20,000 at most. And I doubt they will all be fighting units as the strategists are also necessary"

"What! Only 20,000? You can't be serious! I don't want to marry that guy, he already has 5 wives!"

Eris sighed and tapped her foot impatiently. Even though it did amuse her to see the major goddess angered, she genuinely didn't want to lose her.

"They most likely have ships and flying transports. From what we have observed some of them had left the earth so we know they at least have that technology. Many other worlds had their own methods to do that as well but at least we know they aren't weak. Their armies are massive but we don't have the power to summon them all. The same goes for their weapons, though we can transport a much larger quantity"

Eirene had blanked out after Eris started talking, seeing her impending doom soon coming

"Whatever, I don't care anymore! Please earthlings, just save me here!"

New Years Eve - Winter - 23:30 - Mike's Pub - Fayetteville

Sergeant Richard (Rick) Maxim

The flurry of snow in Fayetteville didn't bother the soldiers when they all rushed into Mike's pub for the warmth and booze that it provided, a soldier's best friend.

Loud noises rang around the pub, with men and women alike shuffling around the crammed pub which was definitely past it's full capacity.

Foaming beer glasses were passed around with great cheer as the music was turned up, the clinking of glasses could be heard as well as the laughter from the many people in the pub.

"Sergeant Maxim! Give us a speech will ya?!"

"Yeah sarge! The privates actually want to feel inspired for a change!"

Many of the Corporals and Specialists were calling out to Sergeant Maxim, who was one of the sergeants of the 82nd airborne division.

Being one of the most well-liked and respected sergeants in one of the most well known divisions but still managing to keep his soldiers in check, he was both favoured by the ones under him and his superiors as well.

This was one of the reasons that he was allowed to drink with them on this day, even though it was generally forbidden for superiors to do so with their subordinates, everybody respected him the same.

I guess it's time to show them a thing or two

"Alright you lot! A new year is coming, and we're all stuck here whether we like it or not and commands given us a day off tomorrow! So get drunk then hate yourself tomorrow!"

At this, a private first class laughed out loud

"Sergeant I'm pretty sure you're supposed to encourage us to STAY in the army"

The man was then jokingly shoved by another man who slammed his glass on the bar table, seemingly already a bit drunk and didn't catch onto the man's sarcasm.

"Jackson, caaan't you reaad the mood? We're all here to fuckin DRINK!!"

The sergeant chuckled, the rowdy atmosphere definitely couldn't handle any more waiting, especially not from him.

"Well, I'll leave you all to it. We got all night long!"

In an instance the movement in the bar had increased tenfold. The already full bar was subject to more destruction as the bar full of soldiers scurried with foaming mugs of beer and shots of spirit.

In the bar, ranks don't matter too much. It's just a place for soldiers to be themselves and chill after training. And the one thing soldiers are known the best for besides fighting is drinking.

Sergeant Maxim smiled slightly at the sight of the privates and corporals, some of whom had seen action on the battlefield. They had come back despite the risks and were now just as home as they were when they left.

He took a large gulp out of his foamy glass and felt the bitterness come in, something that all of the soldiers had learned to enjoy.

He glanced at the owner of the bar, who was chatting with the soldiers after finally getting all the orders out. Maxim waved his hand, which prompted the owner to come over.

"Hey Eddie!"

The owner walked over and chuckled at the men who had started to drunkenly sing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer horribly, you wouldn't be able to describe the pain normal patrons would have been in if they were allowed in on this day.

Eddie was a retired Veteran at age 45 and had decided to start this bar as a space for soldiers to temporarily forget about the harshness of the military and let them be brother-in-arms just watching television and drinking.

Maxim put his glass down on the table

"I hope we're not causing too much trouble for you, these guys get kind of rowdy"

Eddie laughed, while smacking Maxim on the back lightly

"You youngsters don't need to worry this much, this sack of bones may not be good enough for the army anymore but I can still deal with you guys. Anyways, how's Mary? I heard you guys got in an argument the other day"

Rick sighed, rubbing his temples

"Maxim. Promise me that we'll be together no matter what happens, I can't imagine my life without you. Don't do anything stupid, I really want to live our lives in peace"

"Of course darling. It's not like I'm going to do something stupid like joining the army"

"We got into an argument because I wasn't keeping our promise. We promised back in highschool to not leave each other's side but look at me now! I'm out here with the boys being a sergeant."

Eddie scratched his head

"Well, I can't really help you out besides getting you drunk. But! I just got a few bottles of that strong Chinese liquor that one of my friends got me from his trip to China, people either hate it or love it but they'll definitely get drunk either way"

It was well known that Maxim could hold his drink quite well, so Eddie went to the back and set a shot glass on the table and put a bottle of the spirit on the table.

The red words diagonally down the center were in Chinese, but on the bottom right hand-side of the bottle the words MOUTAI were stamped on.

Maxim looked at it for a second before pouring himself a glass and downing it, instantly regretting it as it was stronger than anything he had tried before

Holy shit I feel like my throat was on fire!

"Jesus christ you weren't kidding this feels like I just drank bleach without dying! Fucking put it on my tab I'm downing this thing today"

He got very


VERY fucked up.

So much so that the other soldiers had to carry him out with him hollering and laughing out, the corporals couldn't help but laugh too as they made their way back to Fort Bragg.

The men were caked with snow by the time they shouldered their way through the barrack doors, the booze in their system slowly dying down a bit.

"Jesus Christ man! How much did the sergeant drink this time!?"

The soldier on the left was attempting to haul him but that proved to be quite difficult with Maxim's large stature.

Maxim was a man that stood at 1.85 M (6.06 feet) with a short trim on his brown hair and a decently handsome face; he often turned the heads of female soldiers when he passed, although that could be because of the minimum "hot guys" interactions they get there.

The soldier on his right sighed

"Man this isn't fair! He gets all the attention while he's married, meanwhile my ass is here missing out on all the action. Why is this world so cruel!"

The soldiers were talking drunkenly to each other whilst throwing the sergeant on his bead before going to their own, yawning.

One of them wiped their eyes and collapsed onto his bunk.

"I wonder what the new year will bring us?"








"Wake my soldiers, heed my call!"

"What the fuck!"

Maxim felt his feet hit a hard surface as he stood straight up and looked around but saw nothing besides a blonde woman with a short stature standing in the middle of what seemed to be an unfurnished room.

Immediately, Maxim attempted to draw his sidearm assuming he had been abducted but remembered that he was supposed to be in Fort Bragg, the largest and most secure military base out there. Also they weren't allowed to carry weapons when not training anyways.

Maxim instead held his fists up, very much convinced that he was drugged and abducted

"Oh my! Another one that can actually react to me, this is quite rare."

"Who the fuck are you!? Did you drug me or something? I'm telling you I got a wife-to-be at home, and I ain't cheating!"

"Relax, I wouldn't want to mate with a mortal anyways. Although you would be better than Belthord, but we'll put that aside. I assume you are of decent rank?"

And now Maxim felt that he was definitely trapped, maybe with guys outside with ak's that were gonna blast him out of existence if he made a move.

So he resorted to the basics

"Rick Maxim, Sergeant"

"Okay then Rick, you're going to want to tell your men that I transported you guys to a different world for you to fight for me. I stopped all higher ups from coming through with a single exception of a slightly higher rank like you. The last ones I summoned over were nice enough to me, but their higher ups kept on wanting to invade and expand a-"

"Okay, wait a minute, back the fuck up what did you just say?"

This was sounding less like a hostage situation and more like he was in a madhouse, which makes the white background make more sense.

"Well, the other two also had the same reaction. Also, who keeps a knife under their pillow in their sleep! One of them actually tried to stab me, can you believe it!"

"Yes, I very much believe it. I would have tried to do it before as well if I had a weapon."

"You earthlings are so violent. I would tell you to grovel and pray since I am a divine goddess, but the other two had some anger issues so I'll just assume you're the same."'

"The fuck!? Was it because I drank too much yesterday? What the hell is-"

"Remember, the only way go back is to save the stability of this war. Fortunately, the immortal system let's me teleport a larger amount of people that are considered non-combatants as well as buildings so I managed to up the number to 25,000 people instead, anyways you guys have fun!"

"Wait, hold on! What kind of joke is this!"

"No time, you're waking up now. We can talk next time"




"Sarge! Sergeant you've gotta wake up we're in some deep shit!"

The light pouring in from the windows of their barracks made him squint as he was adjusting to the light.

"Private, I just had a weird ass dream and we've got a day off. Get your ass out of the barracks or back to bed"

The private looked at him nervously as he was about to turn over

"I usually would sleep in longer than you would, Sarge, should probably just take a look outside."

Maxim threw his pillow on the ground in frustration as he got up and stretched

"Alright private, but unless this is some secret inspection from command you'll be running laps on your off day"

He rubbed his eyes once again, before peering outside of the barracks.

"You've gotta be kidding me"

The other barracks that were supposed to be in front of them were gone, replaced with the wall that was supposed to be at the far end of Fort Bragg. This made it exponentially easier to see the view outside of the Fort. And the previous bars and restaurants that had occupied the place had been replaced with vast green planes and lush forests. A large stream with flowing crystal clear water had occupied what used to be the main road down the middle.

Maxim was still for a moment

"Well son, I think we're gonna need our gear. This is going to be a long day"

WriterOfVeralis WriterOfVeralis

So what do you guys think? Good or bad first chapter? If there are enough complaints then I will go back and rewrite it but I think, at least to me, it looks fine but you guys matter the most.

I hope this is a bit different to previous stories of similar backgrounds. I’m actually trying to build up these peoples characters and individuality. The Russian and Chinese main characters will also have their perspectives shown later down the road.

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