Webnovel Author: TheGorillaMonkey - Fanfic Collection



LV 2
2020-12-16 Se unió United States

Insignias 3

Moments 17

Replied to Dao_of_Observation

They can’t, Theyre still bad people though, even if procreating isnt possible,It wont stop them from doing these things

"We have to get out" Leroy told her, "No fucking shit, but do you have a plan?!" Stef asked. "...Where's that darn radio demon when you need him?!" Leroy grumbled, he looked around finding several hooks hanging over them, "...What are those for? Why are they...bloody?" Leroy questioned. "This truck reeks of rotten meat...I would know, I used to hunt and skin lambs and feral hell-hounds with my papa" Stef mentioned, "You had a pops?" Leroy asked, "Of course...everyone's got a 'pops', and I had a damn good one, better than any other fucker in this shithole...my mother was a sinner and my father was an Imp, I mostly took after him" Stef explained.

Eternal Hazbin

Eternal Hazbin

Others · TheGorillaMonkey

Replied to Pill_God

Yup!! Most of the characters are originally made

The Techno-Spider, otherwise known as Sydney Parker, a resident of Earth-980, her own universe. She had recently discovered the existence of The Multiverse after a rather peculiar event. The Avengers of her universe were murdered, and her investigation led her to a sorcerer by the name of Strange, who informed her that the culprit was not of her world.

Spider-verse: Avenged

Spider-verse: Avenged

Anime & Comics · TheGorillaMonkey

Replied to Oribon

I originally wanted his appearance to be left up to the reader’s imagination In my mind though, I see him with pale white skin and a duck-tail haircut, with a bright red mark near the right side of his head which represents where he was hit before he died.

"Holy Shit" Damon woke up, rubbing his head. Leroy looked down at him with a confused expression, "...Bro...your eyes-" Leroy was interrupted by Damon, who immediately shot up and looked in the reflection of a nearby car window, "What the fuck did he do?!" Damon screamed. His pupils now resembled a neverending spiral, "I-We-YOU!!! YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXPLANATION!!!" Damon yelled, stomping towards Nifty.

Eternal Hazbin

Eternal Hazbin

Others · TheGorillaMonkey

Replied to David_Larrow

That quote makes a lot of sense, strangely enough

"Muggles believe they are so much more evolved than before...more civilized...but when you turn on the news, what do you see? You find people climbing walls, people throwing flames in the streets, officers pointing guns at those who they're meant to protect!! The Muggle World is not evolved!! They're no better than their ancestors...they scream, yell, and destroy when things don't go exactly how they planned...soon, they will turn to us...they will see the Wizarding World as their enemies and they will hunt us down...when that happens, we will be ready...Join Us!!!"

Wizarding World: Bloodline

Wizarding World: Bloodline

Book&Literature · TheGorillaMonkey

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