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73.33% Eternal Hazbin / Chapter 22: Fresh Meat

Capítulo 22: Fresh Meat

"...Ahem...." Leroy and Stef say awkwardly across from each other as they were being transported in the back of a large truck. They were stripped of all weapons, meaning they have lost their spear and bow, and their wrists are tied by plastic bands.

"We have to get out" Leroy told her, "No fucking shit, but do you have a plan?!" Stef asked. "...Where's that darn radio demon when you need him?!" Leroy grumbled, he looked around finding several hooks hanging over them, "...What are those for? Why are they...bloody?" Leroy questioned. "This truck reeks of rotten meat...I would know, I used to hunt and skin lambs and feral hell-hounds with my papa" Stef mentioned, "You had a pops?" Leroy asked, "Of course...everyone's got a 'pops', and I had a damn good one, better than any other fucker in this mother was a sinner and my father was an Imp, I mostly took after him" Stef explained.

Suddenly, the truck stopped, and the back doors opened up. Leroy and Stef were blinded by a bright light, and they were dragged out with a bag placed over their head. Before the bag fully concealed her vision, Stef saw a sign that said 'Lamb to the Slaughterhouse'

"Ratskin!! We've got the livestock, have fun" a voice said, before Leroy and Stef were pushed to the ground. Soon, the sacks were taken off their head to reveal a chubby sinner with a fleshy rat's head, almost resembling a goblin. "Lil sheep" Ratskin cackled, spitting and coughing onto the ground beside them. "Who should I cut open first?" Ratskin licked his lips, "...Oooh, Hey scarfa-" Stef immediately kicked him right in the face and tried to wiggle away, but Ratskin immediately grabbed her by the foot and grabbed some more plastic binds, cuffing her ankles.

"You've got spirit...perfect for my dish" Ratskin giggled, dragging Stef by the feet. "FUCK!!! Leroy!!" Stef screamed. "Ah crap!!" Leroy tried to get up, but was unable to. He used the wall as support as he slowly tried to slide himself up, but Ratskin simply stomped over and kicked him back down. "If I find you going anywhere, then I'll do something more humiliating than gut you" Ratskin growled, tying together Leroy's feet.

"Toodles!! I'll be back for you later" Ratskin licked his lips, his ratty nose twitching as he approached Stef on the ground. "Now keep still...I gotta punish you real quick for that nasty kick you gave me" Ratskin stated, dragging her away. "FUCK!! Let go of me!!!" Stef yelled as she was taken away.

"...Damn it!!!" Leroy hit his head against the wall, feeling the back of his head crack open as blood began spilling out. "...Fuck, that hurt" Leroy groaned, looking back to find the wall shattered, pieces of the wall fell off. "...Damn it" Leroy sighed, looking down at the small and sharp pieces of the tiled walls. "...Huh..." Leroy reached for one of the pieces of ceramic and used it to begin poking through and cutting the binds on his wrist. He eventually got the binds off and cut off the rope around his feet.

Leroy kept the sharp ceramic in his hand as he entered the room where Ratface had taken Stef, he could see his shadow on the wall, his creepy giggles echoing throughout the building. Leroy walked along a cold corridor, glancing at several pictures on the wall that were disturbing to say the least, photos of his previous victims, some dead and some still alive. "Oh god" Leroy shuddered, his eyes filled with horror. He could see bloody drag marks across the ground, and some splotch marks on the wall.

Leroy entered through two large doors and nearly gagged when he found dozens of frozen bodies hanging upside down from meat hooks, most of the bodies were Imps or cold sinners, but a couple of them were recognizable. "...What the fuck..." his eyes were glued to a goetic prince who had been nailed to the wall, "...Comet..." Leroy gasped, his eyes were glued to the body of the goetic prince, the prince that HE was responsible for killing. Leroy suddenly stopped right in front of another body, this one hanging from a meat hook, he could recognize that faceless man anywhere. "Oh-" Leroy belched and threw up all over the ground, The Mistress will be enraged if she saw the way they treated the Groundskeeper.

Leroy stopped outside the next set of doors, hearing Ratskin laughing maniacally, "Hold still now!!" Ratskin giggled, the sound of a picture snapping could be heard.

Leroy slowly entered through the doors, seeing Ratskin's shadow illuminated on the wall, Leroy hid behind a wall and peeked out to find Stef on the floor while Ratskin took pictures of her. Stef was strangely quiet, and she appeared to be unconscious.

Leroy went out of cover and charged at Ratskin, who quickly detected him and moved out of the way. Leroy missed Ratskin and was instead grabbed from behind, being thrown to the floor by the rat-faced butcher. "Ohhh I told you what would happen if you try and escape" Ratskin said, picking up a kitchen knife, "But first...I'm gonna cut your tongue out, so that each time you scream, you'll feel a terrible pain!!" Ratskin yelled, raising the knife over his head and being ready to strike down.

Suddenly, a bunch of black tentacles bursted through the door and grabbed hold of Ratskin, "What the-" Ratskin was pulled to the ground, and despite desperately trying to crawl away, the tentacles managed to drag him through the doors. "WAIT!! NO!! NO-" Ratskin's horrific screams filled the room, and soon there was only silence...

Leroy crawled towards Stef and checked on her, she was facing the wall. "...Stef?" He asked, realizing that she was awake the entire time. Leroy immediately cut the rope and bind, releasing her. "Stef? What's wrong?" He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. Stef's hoodie seemed to have been torn off, and her shirt underneath seemed to have been pulled and yanked.

Leroy lightly pulled her by the shoulder so that she was now laying flat on her back, facing the ceiling. "Oh no!! Stef, what happened?!" Leroy asked, seeing tears filled her eyes, he had never seen her shown vulnerability before, let alone CRY.

Leroy pulled her up so that she was sitting, "Stef, it's okay now, he's gone" Leroy informed her, he picked up her hoodie and placed it over her back. Stef remained silent, and then out of nowhere, she lunges forward and wrapped her arms around Leroy, hugging him tightly as she cried in his shoulder.

Leroy didn't know much about Stef and her personal life, but he had a pretty good idea about what happened, and it was sickening.

Leroy glanced over to find the silhouette of a large monstrosity with bright red eyes, a skinny body and tall antlers. The creature seemed to be feasting on Ratskin before slowly morphing back into a humanoid form.

Alastor stepped out of the shadows, his mouth covered in blood. "Oh dear, that man had zero class" Alastor said, licking some blood off his finger, "And he tasted rather ghastly...not at all like my mother's jambalaya" Alastor stated.

"Why'd you help us?" Leroy asked, still holding Stef. "...We had a deal, remember?" Alastor asked, "...And I never back out of a deal..."

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