Take her home?
Chapter 86: What Should I Do If a Young Demon Lolita (Great Demon) Proposes to Me?
Anime & Comics · ANelite
He jinxed himself didn't he?
Ash was so surprised by Heiter's implication that he almost laughed aloud. Giving a clear answer without hesitation, he said, "Who do you think I am? How could I ever think of a child I've raised that way? If it came down to it, I'd sooner consider a demon, an angel, or an ancient elf before even thinking about Fern in such a way."
Anime & Comics · ANelite
I simply just craving more.
Steve Roger is a must with Bicky since they know Ricky but have not seen him in years.
Which Character do you just deserves more time within the spolight?
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
Your doing great don't give up!
Chores would be interesting along with maybe a new summon.
Which Character do you just deserves more time within the spolight?
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
Least favorite but he has not been introduced officially, Hitler for very obvious reasons.
Who is your least favorite?
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
Favorite male would be, Alexander. Favorite female would be, Raven AKA Mystiue.
Who is your favorite?
Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend
Yes I do. Your Fairy Tail's exclusive stripper.
"Huh? You know me?"
Anime & Comics · Bleam
A Darth Jar Jar then?
But as Peter studied Jar Jar now, something felt… off. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, Peter felt a strange sense of unease. It was as if Jar Jar wasn't quite the fool he pretended to be. But then Jar Jar gave one of his trademark dumb grins, his eyes wide and vacant.
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
Movies · AlienWarlord